MTL - Tales of Herding Gods-Chapter 1728 Shang Jun kills the song

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When the drums sounded, the spiritual aura between the heavens and the earth suddenly moved, and the drums were simple, only the purest snoring, but as if each hit was knocked on the soul, knocking on the blood, let the blood boil Let the mind be full of murderous!

Heavy drums, like supreme power, boundless power, knocked down, as if a mountain, pressed against people's hearts, so that people can not breathe.

The sound of Yuetian Zun was not affected by the drums. On the contrary, the sound of the piano was very low, and it was very peaceful. However, the sound of the piano penetrated the drums, and it was as clear as the flowing water, flowing into everyone's heart.

In the ruined Tianting camp, there were only the disabled soldiers and the Yankang pharmacists who were busy to go. The officers listened to the drums and the sounds of the drums, and gradually lost the embarrassment caused by the pain.

The battlefield in the night, as well as the war has not been extinguished, the distant light of the Da Luotian from time to time erupted from time to time, making this night particularly charming.

The sound of the drums is getting thicker and thicker. It seems that the sound of the drums should be completely suppressed. The murderousness and pressure in the monotonous drums are like boiling seas. It is like a battlefield. It is like a battlefield. It is generally sinister. It is everywhere, it is flying everywhere. Swords and scorpions, four flying limbs, rolling heads, all beings struggle under the iron hooves, crying, mourning!

The butcher's drums are really strong!

He alone, two hammers, a hundred drums, and a bare-boned drum, the authority and strength of the high-ranking powers, all poured into the drums, making the drums more and more murderous, venting power Worship and desire, use this power unscrupulously, trample on everything!

Trample the power of survival, trample on arrogant life, manipulate war, and manipulate killing!

The drums are full of ambitions to satisfy the desire for power, giving people the feeling that when the ten days are in power, the oppression of all beings in the heavens and the earth!

The sound of Yuetian Zun is still unmoved, or like a spring breeze, like a small river, like the moonlight in the night is generally warm.

Her melody did not smash the arrogance of the drums, like the long vitality of all beings, was destroyed in the drums, was harvested, but barely grew out and thrived.

The suffering of all beings is like condensing in her melody, bearing all the ravages and pains, life and death, but a tough life, silently endure.

The butcher's drums are flying, as he is personally full of domineering sweeping the world, to increase the murderousness of the world to the limit!

Suddenly, his body was shocked, urging the creation of Xuan Gong, flying with an arm, almost crazy drums, drums to the limit!

The murderousness becomes awkward, distorted, and violent in the drums, like a distorted heart, a demons being released, as if the dreams come to reality!

Power, turn your hand into the cloud, cover your hands with the rain, control the world and control the world!

Ten days of respect and change, the revolution, one after another, reform, reform, the expectations of all beings, expectation, all become a dream bubble in the turbulent time!

A ten-day lord fell, and there is a new ten-day esteem, as if the warrior grew out of the dragon's minions, still occupying a high position, still unscrupulously venting power, suppressing everything!

The drums are so **** that the eyes of all the hearers have emerged in the shadows of the heavens and the world. The ten days of the world’s control of the world’s mercy, but they control the disputes and turmoil of the entire universe, and countless disasters, only for their own survival. Only to satisfy their own desires.

The sound of the piano was pushed to the extreme at this moment, and it was suppressed to be inaudible. It seems that the life of all beings will end at this time, and it will be completely crushed by the catastrophe.

At this time, the sound of the piano suddenly changed, hey, killing!

At that moment, the sound of the scalp and numbness of the scalp seems to have come alive, making people cry, giving people a feeling of returning to history, experiencing history and crossing history.

That feeling made the fighting spirits released at this moment, so strong, so fierce and fierce, like the tides over the mountains, covering the earth, like giants disturbing the stars, pulling the river!

This is earth-shaking, unyielding fighters!

The sound of the piano kills and competes with the drums. The two kinds of murderous entanglements and collisions will bring the murderousness between heaven and earth to the extreme.

The butcher became more and more crazy, flying with his arms, slamming the drums, doing everything he could to suppress the sound of the piano, suppressing the resistance of all beings, but the murderousness in the sound of the piano was always constant, but after being crushed, it violently rebounded, and more and more sorghum, more and more More powerful!

Suddenly, the moon and the sky are long and flying, the ten fingers are plucked, and the fifty-stringed melody is gathered together at this moment, turning into a murderous shock!

The sound of the piano is extremely sharp, and the penetration is extremely high, which makes people boil!

Shangjun kills the Tao, the first night of the moon!

At the same time, after the moon and the sky, there is a heavy sky. It is a heaven of the heavens. In the middle of the heavens, there is a figure of the moon and the piano. The sound of the piano is so fast that people can't breathe. Suddenly, the sound will fill. The murderousness of the heavens and the earth has once again pushed up a step!

Moonlight second kill!

The sound of the piano is not over, and there is a heavy sky behind her. The shadow of the moon is standing in the heavens, the long sleeves are flying, the fingers are flying, the guqin is rotating around her body, and the various melody hybrids are wrong. Suddenly Moon Tianzun buckled the big piano and made a heavy call!

The third night of the moon night!

It is also a heavy road to the sky, the moonlight respects the virtual shadow of the piano, suddenly stood on the side of the Guqin side, hands clasped!

The fourth kill!

Then there is the fifth kill, the sixth kill, the seventh kill, the eighth kill!


After the moon is respected, one heavy and one heavy road emerges, and the unyielding will of all beings will be guarded by the aspirants, and the murderousness between heaven and earth will be pushed to the extreme!

The butcher's drums have been washed away, and they have been rushed to death. However, they have been forced to slap the drums and fight against the sound of the piano. They are trying to oppress the sound of the piano, which will make the deeper and more unyielding and murderous!


His body flesh has exploded, and he is still crazy and arrogant. On the cultivation of the road, the butcher is never more than the moon, but if you want to inspire the ultimate murder of the Shangjun, you need to Bigger and stronger oppression, to stimulate the murderous in the sound of Moon Tianzun!

In the shock of the sound of the piano, the murderous gas almost blasted his whole body, so that the blood on his body was like a morning glow, but it still kept on the drum.

The days of the moon, the heavens, soon came to the thirty-third heaven, and the Shangjun killing song was also promoted to the extent of the 34th kill!

The thirty-fourth kill, Tianfa murder, moving stars easy to stay!

At this step, the murderous atmosphere is so strong that it creates an abnormal phenomenon, and the space is distorted. In the sky, there is a scorpio tornado, which forms a scorpio sword. In addition to the scorpio, there is bloody, roaring, and numerous bodies in the **** sea. The ups and downs, the body struggled, and mourned.

Suddenly, a mouthful of drums exploded, and the butchers and the drums of up to a hundred feet were smashed and smashed!

The butcher hurried forward and covered the last big drum with his wide back. He raised his arms and slammed into the last battle drum!


The drums rang and the drums blew open. The butcher was covered in blood. He fell to the ground and smiled at the corner of his mouth. "I can only do this step. Later, I will see you in the moon..."


The piano sounds on a new step, the Shangjun kills the song thirty-fifth to kill!

Ground killing machine, dragon snake landing!

The earth smashed open, and the murderous gas from the bottom of the earth seemed to swim like a dragon snake!

The moon is full of mouth and blood, urging thirty-six kills!

People kill the machine, the world is overturned!

The phantom of the thirty-sixth emptiness behind her emerged, erratic and difficult to shape. The thirty-seventh murder of the Shangjun murderer, she did not have enough power and foundation to display it.

The thirty-seventh kill is the ultimate ultimate killing. However, Yuetian Zun still lacks some heat, and the last kill can never be set aside.

At this time, a heavy dream spread out and surrounded her. In the dream, Yuetianzun became a Shangjun, and he experienced the life of Shangjun, full of tragedy.

The dream seems to be long, but in a short time.

In a short moment, Yuetian Zun experienced the distorted world at the end of the 16th century, the persistence of Shangjun, the dream of Shangjun, his expectations, his despair, and all in the form of Shangjun.

Only when you are there, can you understand the suffering of the tragedy of Shangjun, and understand why his knife will be cut off by Qin Mu, why his heart will collapse, why can he not become the tenth as before? The six-year-old murderous murderous murderer!

In the thirty-sixth road of Yuetianzun, her illusion emerged and the strings were plucked.

Shangjun kills the song thirty-seventh kill!

Heaven and man are combined, Wanhua will be fixed!

The piano sounded, the murder was boiling, the road was green, the moon spurred the blood, the guqin exploded, and she fell on her back, but she smiled, and her emptiness was enlightened at this moment.

"I am probably the one that can play the four sons of the Miluo Palace."

She lay on her back on the ground and looked at the turbulent murderous air. She silently said: "Mu Tianzun, fight with the four sons, I can help you..."

Qin Mu converges on the dreamland, calms down and looks out at the night sky outside through the window.

In the night sky, a sigh of great horror, the ultimate killing of a horrible horror, the knife light lit up there, and cut a congenital glimpse.

Outside the house, the butcher lay on the ground, and looked at the knife light, and could not help but smile.

This knife, in the eyes of his great master of the knife, is that there are too few knives in the knife, but the way of killing the road and the knife is intertwined, so that he has a feeling of re-enlightening and touching.

The knife is so beautiful, it is so charming.

The knife light became a **** light, and it was dyed red.

Killing the road, killing is the Heaven and Earth Avenue. At this moment, the Shangjun’s heart is full, and his way is enough to kill the innate avenue!

In the middle of a big Luotian, the road tree splits, the road flower breaks down, and Da Luotian falls.

Qin Mu closed his eyes and didn't go to the last scene. He whispered: "Second brother, please forgive the younger brother for being inconvenient and can't send it."

I thought about it, I don’t know what to say, or send it to my second brother.