MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 54 It's okay to be beaten

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After An Ruoshui was silent for a long time, the director on the side said, "Maybe it's time to stop this play."

The three people present were all surprised, Li Tian stared at the director, and asked hesitantly: "No, no more shooting?"

"No, I just want to wait. Our current script is not perfect, and if we shoot it in time, it will not achieve the effect we want. No matter what, we can't destroy the Xuanyang Empress image." The firmness in the director's tone made Luo Xuange unable to help but cast admiring glances.

The director found a place to sit next to them, and said in a rather regretful tone: "Regarding the martial arts arena, there are very few records in the official history, and even fewer records in the history books of the Ming Dynasty. Not much. But I heard from my ancestors word of mouth, in fact, the Ming Dynasty 800 years ago was the heyday of the rivers and lakes. It is a pity that during the reign of Emperor Mingxuan, no historians were allowed to record the rivers and lakes, and the unofficial history did not tolerate the slightest pen and ink. Describe the vicissitudes of the rivers and lakes at that time.

Have you seen the piano in Xiao Luo's competition? I heard that it was the magic piano on the rivers and lakes at that time, the magic piano that killed people. "

When the director mentioned the guqin, An Ruoshui's eyes changed a little when he looked at Luo Xuange. At this time, Li Tian asked Luo Xuange carelessly.

"Yes, Xiao Luo, why did you play the piano?" Li Tian asked suspiciously.

Luo Xuange opened her mouth, there were some things she couldn't say, but being asked so bluntly, what excuse should she find to confuse the topic?

Luo Xuange didn't think of what to say, An Ruoshui suddenly coughed: "Cough, water...cough, don't put it so spicy in the future, I can't eat it."

Li Tian hurriedly poured a glass of water for An Ruoshui, and helped An Ruoshui make some light dishes, and then blamed herself: "I know you can't eat spicy food, so I only put a little bit in it. Thinking of it is still hot for you."

"Cough, ... it's okay." An Ruoshui took two sips of water, wiped the hot tears from the corners of his eyes, and then asked the director as if he had remembered something, "That's right. , I remember that the official history records that Princess Xuanyang also doesn't like spicy food."

The matter of Xuanyang was mentioned, and the director stopped thinking about Luo Xuange playing the guqin for a moment.

The director absolutely loves Xuan Yang. He is so familiar with the content of the history books that he can memorize it word by word.

The director told some rare stories, Li Tian was very interested, so she didn't remember to think about Luo Xuange playing the guqin.

Luo Xuange saw that everyone's attention was distracted, she looked at An Ruoshui with a slight change in her eyes, did An Ruoshui deliberately split the topic or help her once? If An Ruoshui already had guesses about her, should she find a chance to tell the truth to An Ruoshui? But if An Ruoshui didn't have those conjectures about her, would she be considered a neuropathy if she said it directly?

Luo Xuange thought of An Ruoshui's tears just now, and guessed that An Ruoshui should just help her by mistake.

The sweet time with his wife always passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, before the director's story was finished, Luo Xuange was about to return to his own crew to prepare for the filming.

"I'm leaving." Luo Xuange got up and said to An Ruoshui.

An Ruoshui smiled: "Well, concentrate on filming."

"I'm really gone." Master Luo said verbally, not moving at all.

"Okay!" Master Luo smiled contentedly like a child who got candy.

Li Tian next to them glanced at the two of them and always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't figure it out even if she wanted to break her head, so she simply went to help An Ruoshui pack up.

Arriving at the door, Luo Xuange was immediately stopped by the bodyguard at the door, requiring Luo Xuange to take out his documents and register them in detail.

"Please show your ID."

Luo Xuange touched his pocket, found the document he planned to throw away, and handed it to the bodyguard.

However, when the bodyguard was registering, they found that Luo Xuange had not been registered with the crew. After the two exchanged glances, they looked at Luo Xuange with vigilance.

Luo Xuange stood beside An Ruoshui and saw the two bodyguards staring at her fiercely, her fists clenched tightly, but after thinking about it, she loosened her fists and pulled An Ruoshui 's sleeves: "They glared at me."

The aggrieved little pitiful coquettish look made the two bodyguards stunned.

"Okay, I brought her in. Please register first. Even if something goes wrong, I will make it clear to my brother." with two bodyguards.

By the time the check is over, five minutes have passed.

Master Luo looked at the certificate in his hand and really wanted to throw it away, but then looked at An Ruoshui next to him, if he threw the certificate, An Ruoshui would be angry.

Alas, he sighed silently, and put away the very precious documents: "Okay, you can go back."

"I buy my own washboard!"

Before An Ruoshui finished speaking, Master Luo had already answered.

An Ruoshui was stunned for a while, and finally she couldn't help laughing out loud, who said she wanted to buy a washboard, but after thinking about it, it would be a good choice for this guy to kneel on the washboard and reflect on it.

Sect Master Luo certainly did not know that the torture she would suffer in the future was brought up by her inadvertently!

An Ruoshui watched Luo Xuange leave, and when Luo Xuange arrived at her crew, she was quickly dragged away by the makeup artist.

Luo Xuange got the newly revised script in the dressing room, and 'Fengqing' made a scene at Biluo Villa, asking the old man for an explanation, but was poisoned and fled.

There were a lot of fighting scenes in the afternoon. To be more specific, there were actually more beaten scenes.

Luo Xuange turned over the script, the basic lines have not changed, she doesn't need to recite it, she just needs to memorize some details.

However, Luo Xuange looked very relaxed here, and Han Yu outside had a bitter face.

He was originally a little fresh meat with little traffic, and his lines were insufficient, and his acting skills were sometimes online and sometimes missing. Now He Xianyi frequently changes the script in order to rectify Luo Xuange, which greatly increases his workload. However, he was still suffering.

There will be a rivalry between him and Luo Xuange in the afternoon. The script says that the third prince is trying to save Fengqing, so he beat Fengqing in public and gave everyone in Biluo Villa a reply, and then Then secretly sent the medicine to send Feng Qing out.

Luo Xuange looked at Han Yu, she found an incomprehensible expression in Han Yu's eyes, Luo Xuange thought about it, Han Yu was probably thinking about a bad idea again.

With a sigh, Master Luo secretly used her internal strength to protect her body, and Han Yu would have a good fight later, but she didn't know if Han Yu's small body could withstand her internal strength backlash.

The filming of the scene was very good, the two actors performed well, and Han Yu did smash his fist on Luo Xuange's body, Luo Xuange frowned in pain and stubbornness Does not make any sound.

Han Yu was a little too emotional, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that he had put his acting skills aside, and focused on showing off his boxing skills. Everyone present, including He Xianyi, couldn't help frowning.

The director didn't know what to say about him, but he also looked down on this kind of person from the bottom of his heart, and shouted to continue shooting despite the anger in his heart.

Luo Xuange acted as if nothing happened, but there was still a faint sense of forbearance on his face, which made the rest of the crew feel distressed.

Luo Xuange's painful performance is of course shown by her acting skills. After the filming of this drama, Han Yu's bad reputation can spread to at least half of the circle.

Continue shooting, Han Yu showed no mercy this time, and even beat her harder than before, but Luo Xuange was happier in her heart, no matter how Han Yu beat her, those who were affected Internal force will affect Han Yu's internal organs.

Last time Han Yu fell off the Weiya, her hands and feet did not make Han Yu easy to hurt for a few days and it would be fine.

If you want to talk about insidiousness and viciousness, who can compare with the people in the demon sect, and as the leader of the demon sect, how can she be soft-hearted to the enemy, Han Yu doesn't come to provoke her, it's better, once he comes Don't leave without leaving Half-Life.

This scene was not finished all afternoon.

Luo Xuange didn't feel anything. To her, it was nothing more than being punched by a bear child a few times. It wouldn't hurt or hurt, but the bear child would suffer very much at night.

But time passed slowly, a figure appeared in the crew, Luo Xuange couldn't hold it anymore.

An Ruoshui wanted to come over after work, but she didn't expect to see Luo Xuange being beaten. She knew that these were all acting, and she also knew that when the director didn't call to stop , no one can interrupt the shooting.

Every time Han Yu hit Luo Xuange, An Ruoshui's heart twitched and hurt.

Luo Xuange was anxious, reached out and grabbed Han Yu's fist, and then pushed Han Yu aside.

Under everyone's astonished gaze, Luo Xuange shouted to the director, "Director, I'm not feeling well, I request to suspend the shooting."

"Ok, pause."

With the director's permission, Luo Xuange immediately ran to An Ruoshui, reaching out to wipe the tears on An Ruoshui's face.

"Don't cry." Luo Xuange comforted anxiously: "Don't cry."

"Does it hurt?" An Ruoshui asked in a trembling voice. She didn't believe that every movement of Han Yu just now was performed. If it was, then she could only say that Han Yu was better than her. The actress has more acting skills.

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all." Luo Xuange said hurriedly: "It really doesn't hurt at all."

How can An Ruoshui believe that Han Yu's every punch is so strong, unless this guy is hit hard, he can't feel the pain.

The entire crew was silent, everyone looked at An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange, blinked, then raised their hands and rubbed their eyes vigorously: You are wrong! It must be an illusion!

The author has something to say: Li Tian: It's obviously not spicy, why are you crying?

An Ruoshui: I'm a powerful actress, thank you!

Han Yu: Didn't you get beaten to death by me, why are you still alive?

Luo Xuange: My wife has taught me such things as acting, unlike your wife who has neither!

I feel like you are all looking forward to the leader's loss, in fact...I also look forward to 23333