MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 55 Behind the scenes

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Xu Ru didn't play in the morning, so she rushed over to shoot the last scene in the afternoon, but just after entering the crew, she saw Luo Xuange and An Ruoshui embracing and crying.

From Xu Ru's point of view, the two were indeed hugging and crying.


Not to mention the background behind An Ruoshui, just her own coffee position, it is hard to believe that someone will make her cry in the crew.

Xu Ru walked up to the director and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Xu Ru waved her hands again and again: "It's alright, it's not too late."

Although Xu Ru is not as good as An Ruoshui, but she is not small in the industry, at least Han Yu does not dare to be presumptuous when he sees her, and the director also has some insight, she The attitude towards Xu Ru is also considered to be the best.

At this moment, the director cried when he saw An Ruoshui, and Luo Xuange was beaten so badly just now that he did not dare to continue filming.

An Ruoshui was still a little choked on the way, Luo Xuange was anxious in her heart, she couldn't coax well, and she didn't dare to yell at her to tell her not to cry. In a hurry, Cult Master Luo almost turned around.

"Don't cry, okay, I really don't feel any pain at all. If you don't believe me, you punch me twice." Master Luo grabbed An Ruoshui's wrist, and just finished speaking, he slammed An Ruoshui's hand Close to his chest: "It's really nothing."

It hurts to watch it.

However, seeing Luo Xuange alive and kicking now, An Ruoshui was indeed relieved, but the faint fear and worry still lingered in his mind, he took Luo Xuange's hand and went with him Fingers intertwined.

The two walked side by side on the road, An Ruoshui was always thinking about other things, so she seemed to be depressed.

Luo Xuange didn't know what was wrong with her, so she didn't dare to ask more questions, but she cautiously tried two sentences: "Why are you free to come here today and not study Xuanyang's deeds? ?"

"Luo Xuange."


An Ruoshui called her suddenly, and Luo Xuange responded with a conditioned reflex. After she responded, Luo Xuange looked at An Ruoshui curiously: "What's wrong?"

"Go back to the hotel." An Ruoshui held Luo Xuange's hand tightly, warmer than before, but it made her heart feel uneasy.

She suddenly called Luo Xuange's name just now, but Luo Xuange's reaction was very natural and quick, it can be seen that either Luo Xuange really got used to the name, or she was really just Luo Xuange Just Xuange.

Turn her head to look at Luo Xuange's profile, as always with a shallow smile, as if she was in a marshmallow, every breath was sweet.

An Ruoshui leaned her head on Luo Xuange's shoulder, next to her tightly, and let Luo Xuange take her away.

Luo Xuange, Luo Xuange, who are you? In future generations, no one would dare to call Princess Xuanyang's name directly in public, and most of them would bring the empress or princess to show their respect. Only you have repeatedly shown disrespect to the empress in public, not only that, but you have also called the princess by her name every time, with no respect at all. Are you still you? Is that the little actor I know?

"It's here." Luo Xuange stood at the door of An Ruoshui's room. Seeing that An Ruoshui was still in a trance, she reminded her aloud.

An Ruoshui took out the room card and opened the door, Luo Xuange was about to leave, An Ruosu stopped her and said, "Come in."

"Huh?" Luo Jiaozhu Le was surprised for a moment, and then went in happily.

"Take off your clothes."

"Ah?!" Sect Master Luo, who was sitting on the bed with two long legs swaying, stared at An Ruoshui with a dazed expression, only to hear her muttering in a low voice: "During the day... That's not good."

"What did you say?" An Ruoshui almost laughed angrily, this guy probably wanted to say 'prostitution in the daytime', but she still glared at Luo Xuange with a cold face: "Quick Take off your clothes and I'll see if you're hurt."

"...Ah! Alright!" The leader Luo started to stand up in disappointment and undressed the broadband.

Because I was very disappointed, the action of unbuttoning the clothes seemed extremely slow. The delicate collarbone slowly appeared in An Ruoshui's sight, but the guy suddenly pulled his clothes again and pointed to his trousers: "Do you want to take it off too? Do you want to take it all off?"


An Ruoshui is getting more and more afraid to guess that Luo Xuange is a transmigrator, there is no such 'faceless' ancient person in memory! What about the ancients being reserved and conservative? This guy is definitely a native of modern Luo Xuange, there is no possibility of transmigration.

An Ruoshui hadn't answered yet, Master Luo hummed a little song and continued to undress, and when he took off his coat, he couldn't help but say: "I'm in good shape, you have to touch it. ?"

"..." An Ruoshui pulled out a small smile, her red ears betrayed her inner restlessness.

"Hey, you seem to have seen my body last time. Do you remember the time you asked me to rip off the bathrobe?"

How can An Ruoshui not remember what happened last time, I lost sleep for several nights after leaving that day.

At this moment, Luo Xuange's hand was slowly placed on the underwear, An Ruoshui suddenly bent down and picked up all the clothes on the ground, stuffed it into Luo Xuange's arms, and then pointed to Bathroom: "Go to the bathroom by yourself and check it out in the mirror!"

"???" Master Luo was bewildered and confused with his clothes on his face, didn't he just say that you would check it for me? Why did I suddenly become myself looking in the mirror?

Master Luo nodded regretfully: "Understood, I'll go right away."


When Luo Xuange came out, An Ruoshui had memorized the advertising lines.


She originally planned to use her internal force to transmit sound into her ears, but she was afraid of hurting An Ruoshui's ears, so now her voice is almost hoarse.

"Are there any injuries?" An Ruoshui turned off the TV and asked Luo Xuange.

Master Luo pouted, her little heart was hurt!

An Ruoshui just ignored her.

An Ruoshui was not in the mood to pay attention to Luo Xuange's ever-changing thoughts at the moment. Seeing Luo Xuange shaking her head, she took the script and said to Luo Xuange, "Tell me about it. Tell me about Princess Xuanyang."

"Why do you want to tell that girl again." Master Luo was very unhappy at the moment, and was waiting for An Ruoshui to comfort her, but An Ruoshui wanted to listen to other people's stories.

An Ruoshui's eyes changed slightly: "Have you been to the third grade of elementary school?"

"Huh?" Luo Xuange kept searching for the relevant memory in the original body's memory, and finally found the original body's reading time, she nodded not very clearly: "I have read it. "

"Then your teacher didn't tell you, but when you call Princess Xuanyang, you can't call her by her first name?" An Ruoshui looked at Luo Xuange quietly, and then saw Luo Xuange frowning and thinking deeply , she continued: "Not only that, but there is also a clear indication in the history book that it is not taboo to call Princess Xuanyang by her name. Maybe some people will be disrespectful in private, but you are the first and only one among all the people I know, in front of everyone. A person who directly calls the Empress by her name."

Luo Xuange felt a little grievanced, she brought up that girl in Xuanyang, taught her martial arts and taught her to read and write, if her mother and father were brothers and sisters, Xuanyang shouted It's not too much for her to be a master, but now she wants to call the girl a respectful title, and it's a little difficult for the sect master to accept it for a while.

However, the next second…

"Xiao Luo, don't call the Empress by her name again, okay?"

"Okay!" Master Luo readily agreed.

After Luo Xuange agreed, he took the script from An Ruosail: "Let's talk about the deeds of the Empress."

An Ruoshui is not in a hurry to listen to this, because the director has decided to slow down the speed, and she also asked her eldest brother to find some experts in China to complete the play together.

An Ruoshui turned on the TV and adjusted a few channels. One of the channels happened to be broadcasting social news, and An Ruoshui watched intently.

The program just mentioned that the people who passed away from Dayuan passed away a few years ago and decrypted. In fact, there is no definite answer to these things, because the real scientific research content will not be known by the public anyway. known.

But An Ruoshui pretended to inadvertently mentioned: "Xiao Luo, do you think there are other transmigrators in this world?"

"Ah?" Luo Xuange shook her: "I don't know, but there are two, there should be."

Luo Xuange's answer was deliberately vague, but An Ruoshui continued to ask tentatively: "Xiao Luo, why do you think those people crossed?"

"Huh? I read the novel that says that you will cross if you have a car accident. You can also cross if you fall off a cliff and get poisoned by water." Luo Xuange casually answered An while reading the script. If water.

An Ruoshui smiled and shook his head: "Those are all imagined by everyone, but a few years ago, there really was an ancient person who came across from Dayuan. But unfortunately, he was taken to study He died of various causes shortly after."

"Oh, the ancients are quite pitiful." Master Luo said sympathetically.

An Ruoshui couldn't test the truth of Luo Xuange.

Actually, for An Ruoshui, what she likes is the person who is by her side now, but she still worries about where the real Luo Xuange will go if this person is a transmigrator, She was also very worried about what would happen if Luo Xuange's transmigration identity was discovered by those scientific research lunatics? !

However, if Luo Xuange is just Luo Xuange, that would be really good.

The author has something to say: Master Luo: This seat is really in good shape, are you sure not to touch it?

An Ruoshui:…