MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 711 The Fall of the Legend

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   Chapter 711 The Fall of the Legend

   Food safety is more important than Mount Tai!

   Bright red characters are posted behind the press conference podium, declaring the importance of food inspection to everyone!

  It is said that the people take food as their heaven, and food takes safety as their priority.

   But in recent years, food safety problems have emerged one after another, such as waste oil, which has become a problem for the whole society.

   Therefore, when there was a report in the newspapers that Lu's Catering and Sudan Hong were related, this special sampling inspection routine briefing in Quannan immediately attracted a large number of media reporters.

   There were more than 20 media reporters who applied to attend, and the supervisory unit simply held the briefing in the grand ballroom of a hotel.

   The specifications are raised first.

   It's more of a press conference than a briefing.

   There were fifty or sixty people at the scene, most of them were media reporters from Taidong, south of Quanquan, and there were many people who knew each other, so it was inevitable that they would get together and whisper.

   "This time, Lu's Catering is going to have bad luck!"

Some reporters from the Metropolis Daily may think that the news currently reported is the news that the food supervision department has leaked in advance. When chatting with a few familiar people in a low voice, it is inevitable to gloat over the misfortune: "Zhou Yun, the news is your "Taidong Weekly" I disclosed it first, and I also found a supplier named Su from Lu's Catering to do an exclusive interview, is the wind from above about to change?"

   Zhou Yun didn't know the source of the news, but the task assigned by the leader was not bad after thinking about it, and he immediately said: "The next time for Lu's Catering is not good! Look at this briefing, 99% of the time, the Burger King will be targeted!"

The reporter from the Commercial Daily said: "Lu's Catering is also a legend in our Quannan, that Lv Dong started out as a street vendor, and in just four or five years, he has developed such a large company, and is called a hero of the moment! "

   These words were raised first and then suppressed: "Hey, what a pity! Legends rise faster and fall faster! We are also lucky to be able to witness the fall of a legend with our own eyes."

   The voices of a few people weren't too loud, so they couldn't help but laugh.

After Zhou Yun laughed, he was saddened: "Tell me, these domestic companies can't learn as much as other big foreign companies? Learn from others how to operate, learn from others, the chain catering companies in the United States are How did you provoke social responsibility! KFC and McDonald's are both benchmarks in the industry, and the Burger King of Lu's Catering has been ignorant of the fur.

   "Yes! Yes!" The media industry has always been prone to public knowledge, and some people immediately echoed: "Big foreign companies are responsible, have a sense of mission, and have originality. Our domestic enterprises are not mentioned."

   Zhou Yun added: "This time, there is a comparison between KFC and McDonald's, and foreign media may report that Lu's Catering is throwing the face of our Chinese people to the world!"

  The first person to speak said at this time: "If you really want the international media to report, you have to be embarrassed and thrown abroad, and you have to ask that Qingzhao Lu Kuisheng to bow and apologize to the world!"

   Zhou Yun chuckled: "Maybe people will go in after today, and there will be no chance to apologize."

   Another person reminded: "Look! Look! A set of people is here! I wipe, this is going to be a big deal! Even a set of reporters are alarmed!"

   These people all looked at the entrance, and saw a receptionist welcoming a reporter and a photographer enthusiastically, and arranged to sit in the front row.

   Then, reporters from Taidong Evening News, Quannan TV, and Taidong TV also came.

   Zhou Yun muttered: "This is going to make a big scene, I'm not going to give Lu's Catering a chance to turn over..."

The person with a well-known tone said: "I just told you, which of these entrepreneurs in China has a clean hand? All these people should go in! To say, the entrepreneurs in the United States are still very good, and the social environment is also good. , the law is still sound..."

  On the second floor of the banquet hall, there are some arranged lounges, and Lu Dong was sitting in one of them at this time, looking out through the window.

   Xu Qin was on the side: "The work has been done in place, and there will be no accidents."

   She said: "After today's press conference, they will make unannounced visits in a large area in Quannan, Linzi and Pingcheng to collect first-hand video materials."

   Lu Dong thought about it and said, "Let them also visit our Burger King store unannounced."

  Xu Qin had thought of this for a long time, and said with a smile, "It has been finalized."

   Lu Dong nodded: "Is there a high chance of you appearing in "Focus Interview"?"

"Focus interviews shoot a lot of material every year, and some of them may not appear on the show after a month or two." Xu Qin simply said to Lv Dong: "But the hot events are different. If you want to appear on the show as soon as possible, just watch Taidong. The public opinion here is over, once Taidong's side starts to gain momentum, it is estimated that one set will follow."

  Lu Dong didn't speak anymore, but looked down, waiting for the briefing to start.

   After seven or eight minutes, the briefing officially started.

   For this briefing, the competent department came prepared, not only prepared a slide projector, but also sent a copy of the materials to the media reporters.

   When the officials presiding over the meeting officially reported the situation, most of the media reporters were quite surprised.

   Therefore, this special spot check on Western-style fast food chains has indeed detected extremely serious problems. Among the many fried chicken burgers sampled, Sudan Red was detected!

   But it is completely different from what the media such as "Taidong Weekly" reported. The problem is KFC and McDonald's!

   "In this special inspection, we took a total of 37 samples from nine KFC stores and three McDonald's stores."

The sad-faced official announced the shocking test results: "Among them, 28 samples from all stores were found to contain the chemical naphthalene, also known as Su Danghong. It exceeds the national standard by more than ten times!"

   He paused for a while, and then said, "In addition, all the 45 samples from the 13 Burger King stores passed the test, and none of the tests were lower than the national safety standards!"

   Zhou Yun opened his mouth slightly, he couldn't believe such a result, but in the information he got, not only the detailed comparative data, but also the big red seals of the relevant departments of Quannan City and Taidong Province!

   This is a test report jointly issued by Quannan and Taidong provinces and cities!

   The reporter Gongzhi kept shaking his head: "Impossible! Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How can the standards of domestic companies be higher than those of big American companies? There must be an inside story here! It's too dark!"

   Zhou Yun doesn't quite believe it either. As far as the quality of these people in the country in running a company can be compared to the Americans?

   But looking at the information, he didn't say anything after all.

   It’s okay for Zhou Yun to speak sarcastically, and it doesn’t matter if he talks in private. Some aspects are also known to the public, but after all, he is knowledgeable.

  If the test result is true, I am afraid he will be in trouble. The weekly report on Lu's Catering and Sudan Red was concocted by him.

   Indeed, it was written according to the leader's intention, but if someone really wants to hold it accountable, can you expect the leader to take up this responsibility?

  If the test result is false, it will be even more terrifying. The relationship network of Lu's Catering is too strong.

  The well-known reporter was still babbling about impossible things, and the reporters around him had already closed their mouths.

   The problem was not Lu's Catering, but KFC and McDonald's, which suddenly broke their inherent cognition.

   In the past, didn’t they all say that KFC is the benchmark for food safety? Throw it away if it takes a long time to sell.

  What is the matter with this high carcinogen that exceeds the national standard by more than ten times?

  Can KFC and McDonald's still be eaten in the future?

   A few of the reporters who followed Zhou Yun and the public known to ridicule just now realized that the moon in foreign countries is not all round.

   Large foreign companies still have problems.

   On the second floor, seeing that there was no accident, Lu Dong said to Xu Qin, "Activate the media."

  Xu Qin nodded: "Everything is ready."

   There is no need for exaggerated lies, as long as factual reports are sufficient.

   Comrade Lu Dong and Du Xiaobing asked him to convene a conference call with the heads of various regions to prepare for sampling tests outside Taidong. Together with the trend of public opinion, he urged localities to conduct targeted sampling tests.

   At noon that day, related news was published on the afternoon news of Taidong Province, Quannan City and Qingzhao County, and some radio news also began to be broadcast.

The resources accumulated by    Lu's Catering, Wenxin Trading and Lujia Village were fully launched at this time, and the momentum was astonishing.

  The power of large companies is never only reflected in capital and revenue.

   Lu Dong has jumped up and down in recent years, and while the company is developing, he is also seeking social status for himself, and this is where his role comes into play.

   In addition to traditional media channels, Xu Qin also contacted three major portals under Lu Dong's reminder, and relevant news immediately appeared on the Internet.

   If you don't move, you will move like thunder.

  The news of KFC and McDonald's involving Sudan Red, a highly carcinogenic substance, rushed out of Quannan and Taidong at an alarming rate and spread rapidly across the country.

   In the editorial department of "Taidong Weekly", Zhou Yun came back from the briefing and was just about to write a press release. Someone came to inform him, and the leader asked him to go to the office.

   Knocked on the door and went in, and saw the leader's face tense and seemed quite angry, Zhou Yun quickly lowered his voice: "Editor-in-chief, are you looking for me?"

   The deputy editor pushed one thing to Zhou Yun's side: "Look at it."

   Zhou Yun took a step forward, picked it up and looked at it, it turned out to be a court summons! The object of prosecution is him personally!

   The deputy chief arranger tapped his finger on the table: "As I said, news reports must be cautious, responsible, and truthful! Never be irresponsible and ignore the facts!"

   Looking at the leader who assigned the task to his head, Zhou Yun was speechless for a while.

   This kind of thing is normal, how can a leader be responsible?

   It seems that the deputy editor-in-chief is not too much, and waved his hand: "You go on annual leave, and then you can go to work when the limelight is over."

   Zhou Yun said: "I obey the leadership arrangements."

When the subordinates left, the deputy editor picked up the phone, dialed a number, and said with a smile, "Lawyer Lu, when are you free, let's meet and talk? Oh, it's all a misunderstanding, it was an editor below who bought it. , don't worry, I've temporarily suspended his post, and I'll let him get out of the way when I find an opportunity later! The Weekly has always respected President Lu and Lu's Catering Company, and I'll arrange an additional issue now to report on this special sampling!"

   (end of this chapter)