MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 712 Outrageous (seeking a monthly pass)

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   Chapter 712 Outrageous (seeking a monthly ticket)

   Magic Capital, Yum China Headquarters.

  In the spacious conference room, an important meeting is going on.

   An executive of Yum! stood at the head of the conference table and emphasized the focus of the next stage of work to the general managers of each region.

   "Some time ago, I asked many employees of the company, who is our KFC's main competitor?" The executive glanced at the audience and said, "I almost heard the same answer - McDonald's!"

He glanced at the conference room: "McDonald's must have KFC, which has become a common sense of urban consumers in China, but this perception is changing, especially in the most economically developed North and East China, it is gradually becoming a hamburger. The emperor must have KFC!"

   The regional general managers present here are not surprised by this. Today, nearly 1,000 Burger King stores are blooming all over China. Its scale and turnover have surpassed McDonald's and become the second largest Western-style fast food chain brand in the Chinese market.

   The executive added: "Especially in several northern coastal provinces, there must be Burger King next to KFC. Burger King even has a wider coverage than KFC, and has penetrated into the county-level market!"

"Everyone, while our eyes are still on McDonald's, Burger King has risen and is becoming KFC's biggest competitor in the Chinese market. We must pay attention to Burger King! The focus of today's meeting is how to suppress the development of Burger King. , maintain and further expand KFC's market share..."

   The door of the conference room was suddenly knocked on from the outside, the executive's speech was interrupted, and he looked over there unhappily.


  The door opened from the outside, and someone walked quickly to the executive and said a few words in a low voice. The executive's displeasure disappeared instantly, replaced by surprise.

   As if something unexpected and uncontrollable happened.

The    executive only considered for a few seconds, and then said to the man: "Connect the video and the network, and play it on the projection screen."

   This person immediately went to deal with the related work.

   The executive suddenly looked at Geng Hongju. Geng Hongju was inexplicably flustered. Could something have happened to him?

   "You ask someone to book a flight back to Quannan." The executive said to Geng Hongju: "Return to Quannan immediately after the meeting."

  The access work is completed at this time, and the news video is cast on the white curtain of the conference room.

   The executive said: "The topic of our meeting is going to change. KFC is facing the biggest PR crisis since entering the Chinese market!"

  The news video was broadcast, and the general managers of KFC's various regions were suddenly in an uproar, they were not prepared for this!

  Sudan Red, a high carcinogen, was on the punctual news of the provincial and municipal TV stations in Taidong, and there were countless media follow-ups later, and the matter was big.

   Covering is impossible.

   On the contrary, the Burger King, which KFC was just about to put on the roster of major competitors, was not only safe in the test, but its data was far better than the national standard.

   After discussing for a while, the executive said: "In your area, those familiar with food supervision should contact the PR immediately and ask them to conduct a random inspection of the local Burger King. Quannan is the base of Burger King, they may have done something!"

   Both KFC and McDonald's have problems. How can Burger King stay out of the way?

   Could the production and quality standards of domestic companies be comparable to those of multinational companies?

But the bad news came one after another. As soon as the news from Taidong Province was exposed, several provinces immediately conducted special sampling tests for the Western-style fast food industry. Among the published test results, many foods from KFC and McDonald's became Sudanese Reds. hardest hit area.

  KFC and McDonald's caught fire all over the place for a while.

   Similarly, in all sampling tests, Burger King, which always adheres to strict internal testing, has gradually established a good reputation that food safety responsibility is more important than Taishan.


  Quannan, Gasgoo Logistics Park.

   A half-old Volkswagen car came out of the front door and stopped on the side of the road.

  The rear door opened, Ge Shiying got out of the car, stood on the sidewalk, and looked at the gate. The arrogance on the big face of the national character was no longer there, and the slightly messy hair showed a sense of decadence.

   Looking at the logistics park founded by one hand, the foundation that has been laid down by racking his brains, and the leading logistics company in Taidong, Ge Shiying can't give up for a while and doesn't want to leave.

  Because of this departure, Gasgoo Logistics will be entrusted and will inevitably change hands.

  This time, I am afraid I will never come back.

   can be dragged on to this day, mainly because He Yi asked him to deal with the change of equity. Ge Shiying bought back the shares held by Liu Yun.

   Liu Yun and the person behind her have nothing to do with Gasgoo since then.

  The driver came over at this time and said, "Boss, why don't you..."

  Gai Shiying shook his head: "Needless to say, I can't delay this time. I have to go. I will take the initiative to go, and I may come out in a few years. If I am passive, I may be inside for the rest of my life."

No one knows better than himself what he has done before: "You... wait until you come back, drive the car, find a stable job, stop doing illegal things, and you will have to pay for illegal things. The price may be fine at the time, but after all, it cannot be avoided."

   "Boss..." The driver was somewhat moved.

  Anything else, Ge Shiying treats him pretty well.

   In this area, many people know Ge Shiying. Seeing him standing at the gate of the logistics park, it is inevitable to look around curiously.

  The driver stood by and felt that the boss was very pitiful. After making such a big business, just because he made some small mistakes, he had to surrender himself to prison.

  Gai Shiying stood and watched for a while, then said, "Let's go."

   Before leaving, he saw a vendor selling newspapers next to him, so he bought a copy of Taidong Evening News.

When    was paying, the old newsstand owner hurriedly declined: "Mr. Gai, you can take the newspaper, just take it."

   "As much as you want." Ge Shiying left a dollar and turned to get in the car.

   The black Volkswagen sedan started and drove towards the city.

  Gai Shiying opened the newspaper and saw the news on the front page of the newspaper.

   "KFC and McDonald's found carcinogen Sudan red, involving thousands of restaurants in 16 provinces!"

The huge headline    is shocking. While reporting the incident, it also focused on Sudan Red, a chemical raw material and its toxicity.

   In addition, in the slightly lower position of the front page, there is no report about the Burger King that was sampled at the same time, and none of them involved Sudan Red.

  Gai Shiying couldn't help shaking his head, Lu Dong and Lu's restaurant are simply perverted, how can they do this kind of business?

   Even now, Ge Shiying still thinks that Lu Dong's way of doing business is purely mental and abnormal!

   Passing by the North Park, I suddenly saw the Burger King and KFC stores next to them.

Ge Shiying couldn't help looking over there, his eyes passed through the transparent glass curtain wall, and he could clearly see that there were very few customers in KFC, and the Burger King next to him could not say that it was overcrowded, but he could see that there were quite a few customers in the store. many.

   Going further, you will encounter Burger King and KFC or McDonald's one after another.

  As the first initiator of this incident, Ge Shiying even specially asked the driver to park on the roadside near the store entrance and observed it for a while.

   Affected by the Sudanese Red Incident, KFC and McDonald's have been left alone, and Burger King's business is still booming.

  Why did it become like this? Even if Ge Shiying has been in business for many years, he still controls a leading enterprise in the province such as Ge Shi Logistics, and still can't understand.

   He clearly aimed at Lu's Catering, thinking that before being forced in, he would make some more trouble for Lu's Catering, and he would be able to breathe a little.

   But trouble arose, and the big ones were not over yet. The victims were not Lu's Restaurant, but their direct competitors KFC and McDonald's.

   These two foreign fast food restaurants suffered a big loss, but Burger King of Lu's Catering became the biggest beneficiary. Maybe the development momentum in the next few years will surpass those two.

  How can things be so outrageous?

   Makes trouble, turns into a super assist…

  Gai Shiying couldn't figure it out, so he just stopped thinking about it, let the driver drive the car, and rushed all the way to the Criminal Police Team of the City Bureau, explaining the purpose of his visit.

   Due to the above situation, the task force of the city bureau has not been established for the time being, but it will be established sooner or later. As a result, the task force has not yet been established, and the target Ge Shiying went to the criminal police team to surrender.

  The case involving Gao Yan, up to Ge Shiying, many people know that things are not so simple, but they will not dig deep.

  In this society, there are many things that make people have to make compromises. If they persist in some things, not only will they fail, but they will bring themselves in.

   There are smart people who want to check, and know that even if they check, now is not the best time.

   Many cases involving Ge Shiying are not complicated in terms of investigation. What is really complicated is how to push for investigation.

   With the arrest of Gaishiying, Gaishi Logistics has been temporarily entrusted because of the many problems involved, and will be dealt with when the case here is finalized.


   Island City, in a hut near the fishing port, Su Wei soaked a cup of instant noodles, sat on a stool and waited.

  It is not easy to live by the sea in winter, and there is no heating in the house, which is really difficult.

  Su Wei took out his mobile phone, dialed a phone number, and the prompt sounded—the call you dialed was temporarily unanswered!

   "Can you have some credibility!" Su Wei angrily wanted to drop his phone, raised his hand and stopped quickly. Without this phone, it would be a hassle to even communicate with the outside world.

  Su Wei grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around him to resist the cold. The musty smell on the blanket made him uncomfortable.

  Cold and hungry, Su Wei suddenly regretted it. It's just a good life, why bother with these bad things? The people who do it are not ghosts or ghosts.

   Before leaving Qingzhao, his friend gave him TOEFL to the people in Daocheng, saying that he would go to Korea from Daocheng first, and then go to the United States from Korea, so that he could join his wife and children.

  The friend said that he helped to change the money into US dollars and gave it to him before he got on the plane, but there was no news.

   The person from the island city entrusted him to arrange him here, let him wait in peace, and then lost contact.

  Su Wei waited for a while, opened the lid to eat instant noodles, and just picked up the fork, the door of the house was suddenly kicked open from the outside, and a man in a dark blue uniform rushed in and pressed him firmly to the ground.

   "Name! Say it, what's your name!" The person who asked the question was full of Qingzhao accent.

   "Su Wei! I'm Su Wei!"

   The identity of the person was verified and the arrest was correct. Qingzhao police thanked their colleagues in Daocheng. After completing the formalities, they escorted the captured Su Wei back to Qingzhao.

  Waiting for this one will be severely punished by the law.

   (end of this chapter)