MTL - The Growth of the Richest Man-Chapter 142 Strength pit mother

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For more than a month, Zhang Yong has been busy dealing with Mobike bicycles, and occasionally interspersed with chip research and development and lithography machine development, so that Zhang Yong has no spare time at all. By the end of March, Mobike has finally set foot on the right track. After that, with the further launch of vehicles, the shared bicycle service in the whole region and the whole city can be gradually opened, and then Mobike can be completely put on the fast lane. It has become another giant unicorn company under Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong has already made plans. In the next period of time, he will fully develop the production of shared bicycles and put in 50,000 new shared bicycles every week. He will strive for about 3 months, so that the shared bicycles will basically cover the Beijing market, and gradually expand to nearby places. other cities. Let the wind of shared travel be popular all over the country!

Because he was finally busy, Zhang Yong finally had time to go home, take a good rest, and get a good night's sleep.

"Brother Yong, have you seen the news? On New Year's Day, Nanning's Xiao Huang was admitted to the ICU due to a virus infection, and his mother, Ms. Deng, initiated crowdfunding in your Renren Funding, and donated with everyone's love. I ended up raising 250,000 yuan." When Du Xiaoyu came back, he saw Zhang Yong lying there, woke him up, chattering and gossiping at him.

Zhang Yong just fell asleep for a few minutes, but he was still confused, "Hey, I have heard a lot of similar news about the news you mentioned. There are many caring people, and everyone raises projects. There are dozens of similar ones every day. It's not surprising. I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep for a while." Then he turned his head and went to sleep.

"Don't sleep, something happened! I'm telling you this news, it's definitely not simply a donation news!" Du Xiaoyu pulled Zhang Yong up very hard, "My classmates read it on Renren's blog. When this news arrives, it will be sent to me exclusively in Renrentong!" Said, and handed over the mobile phone.

"Charity, we don't raise money for money, what can happen." Zhang Yong was very dissatisfied with being pulled up again, but he was already up anyway, so he also picked up Du Xiaoyu's mobile phone and took a good look at it. stand up.

"Dear caring people, on December 29, my daughter had a high fever for 5 days and was in a coma twice due to an acute viral infection. She was transferred to Nanfang Hospital for treatment on January 2. On the afternoon of the 4th, her heart stopped breathing. Rescue every hour and use a ventilator to assist ventilation to save life. The doctor suggested transferring to an ICU ward, and the cost is about 20,000 yuan per day. Our family can no longer afford the high medical expenses. In desperation, we had to raise funds through the Renren fundraising platform for emergency relief. I hope good-hearted people can help us and save our daughter's life. I wish good-hearted people a safe life."

Not surprisingly, it's a normal day for fundraising information. Zhang Yong has seen this kind of fundraising information on the platform many times, and he will give appropriate help to those who are in urgent need of money based on the verification of the information. This piece of fundraising information, the following various materials are detailed, and there are also supporting materials such as medical documents and invoices from major hospitals. It should not be fraudulent. These days, well-meaning people, after choosing too many love projects, will also compare before and after, exclude those donation information that may be fraudulent, and donate to the most detailed and reliable donation information. The donation information provided by Ms. Deng is flawless.

Donation for 5 days, the donation was suspended, and a total of 250,000 yuan in cash was raised. The reason for the suspension of fundraising is: "Today, the medical expenses are urgently paid in the ICU, and there is an extreme shortage of funds. We continue to submit the medical expenses in cash." And then progressed: "The cause has not been identified, the condition is critical, and he still needs to be hospitalized in the ICU ward for observation."

Looking at Zhang Yong, there is still nothing wrong with it! But the content of the next post Du Xiaoyu showed him made Zhang Yong a little angry:

"I am a member of the community of this Ms. Deng, and it is inconvenient to disclose the specific name. Seeing so many kind people donating money to her, I want to tell you a fact: this Ms. Deng has three sets of commercial housing in our community. , there are many Guilin rice noodle shops, and there is an Audi car under his name. Do you really think you should donate to her?"

Such a post may not arouse public anger. After all, this anonymous post is not necessarily true information, but what I didn’t expect is that the recipient Xiao Huang actually replied below this post:

"Look at the idiot who gave out the little secret: what are you talking about? Anonymous? Anonymous, what are you doing? I'm in good health now, you come to me, I can still accompany you. Anonymous It's boring, what kind of car does my family drive, what's your business? Are you jealous? Why did you spend 200,000 in hospital? You gave it? How much did you give me? Can I reimburse you? In the ICU 1 Sky 20,000, UU reading Do you and his wife also want to live there? My mother can earn money, what does it matter to you? The house where I live, even if it is several million, what does it matter to you? What kind of presence are you looking for with me? Dare to talk to me privately? I’m disgusting? If you send a little secret anonymously, you’re a bully? Silly money! Thank you for your cooperation! Everyone has everyone's circle of friends, just block yourself, I don't need an anonymous dog like you on my list!"

After reading the post of Xiao Huang, the recipient, Zhang Yong was really angry. The beneficiaries of caring donations still scold caring people so much that they do not allow caring people to have the right to supervise? The biggest caring person right now is the person who wears the hat of "the first charity in the country". In fact, on a crowdfunding platform like Renrenchou, there is a little bit of fraud information in it. No matter how carefully Penny scrutinizes, there will always be some people who are fishing in troubled waters who can pass the system.

But such people who openly shout are unheard of!

One of Xiao Huang's classmates replied angrily: "Alumni, I have heard of your name, but I don't know you. One day, when I saw the Renrenquan and Renrentong class groups, everyone was forwarding you. I clicked in and made a little money. It's not a lot, but I hope you can recover quickly. But I was shocked when I saw your post today! After all, you are not like this when you are begging for donations in Renrenchou. You said it! 'In order to pay for medical treatment, I have been in a hurry to lose sleep every night, and there is still nothing I can do, and the medical expenses are still unfunded.' This is the original words when you asked for help! Why is it better now? No shortage of money? Tell us not to be jealous of your family status!!! It’s not the money that hurts me, but the love that everyone wrongly paid to you!”
