MTL - The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe-Chapter 16 The plan against Howard Stark

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Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on her face, Sienna said slowly:

"Since we have no hope of making a super serum in a short time, why don't we capture the results of Howard Stark?

He successfully restored the formula of super serum, why didn't he make wedding dresses for us for nothing? What do you think of this idea? "

"This is a good idea, we can **** his formula and **** the serum he made!

In order to ensure that the mission will be successful, I propose to send the Winter Soldier to perform the mission. By the way, we can kill Stark and solve this great threat of Hydra.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has just destroyed an important base of ours, and we can turn around and kill one of the founders of their organization, and then we can let out this bad breath. "

After doing some calculations, Dr. Zola confirmed that the feasibility was extremely high, and nodded in agreement with Sienna's plan.

Sienna nodded and agreed with Dr. Zola's proposal:

"Okay, that's it! Ketal, this plan needs your cooperation.

You have to seize the time to contact the agents lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D., let them find a suitable time and place, and let us implement the plan.

Also, the plan must be kept secret, and the rumors must not be leaked. "

"Of course, I will definitely do it!"

After a few more discussions, the details were determined one by one. Leo also pretended to make plans next to him.

After a long time, everything was discussed, Sienna said:

"That's it for tonight's meeting. I wish our plan a smooth one. Long live the Hydra! Let's end the meeting!"

After speaking, Sienna stood up and walked out of the conference room.

Ketar respectfully watched Siena walk away, then turned around and said to Dr. Zola and Leo:

"Dr. Zola, Mr. Erwin, the materials and instruments you need are stacked in the warehouse on the second basement floor. I have renovated two large laboratories on the second basement floor. Please bring them to me, I Take you to see it."

So, a group of three took the special elevator and went directly to the second basement floor.

When he was in the warehouse, Leo saw the piles of materials and various instruments, and couldn't help but sigh again that the Hydra organization was rich and powerful.

Ketar took the two to the warehouse, chatted casually for a few words, and then left.

He has several jobs, and every day he is exhausted to become a dog. He can't wait to split the flower in half in a second, so he doesn't have much time to waste here.

After Ketal left, Dr. Zola took Leo to survey the size of the two vacated laboratories, and then made a preliminary plan for the layout of the laboratories.

Then, he and Leo, with the help of various instruments and machinery, started to work.

And Leo, in the process of work, from time to time running the [Mechanical Force Analysis-Inspiration] skill that he obtained not long ago, which provided Dr. Zola with a lot of new ideas.

In the following days, apart from eating and sleeping, Leo stayed in the laboratory on the second basement floor, producing various parts.

And Dr. Zola is even more ruthless! He didn't need to eat, so apart from the necessary 12 hours for hibernation, he didn't get a moment's rest.

Time flies so fast, half a month goes by in the blink of an eye!

At this time, the two laboratories have begun to take shape, and Dr. Zola's simple dormancy device has been built.

This day, at 8 p.m., in the underground laboratory.

Dr. Zola looked at the beautifully crafted sleeping device in front of him, the shape of which was similar to that of a bed, and nodded with satisfaction. Then he said:

"Leo, you've worked so hard these days! Thanks to all kinds of fantastic ideas you provided, we were able to build the simple sleep device so quickly. You don't have to worry about the next work."

It was Leo who suggested that Dr. Zola should design the new sleeping device to look like a bed, because he thought that Dr. Zola's previous lying position was ugly.

Moreover, every time Dr. Zola took out a design drawing of a part of the dormant device and introduced the basic function, Leo could use the [Mechanical Force Deduction - A Moment] skill to get a little inspiration, and then simplify the parts.

This greatly improves the work efficiency of the two.

The dormant equipment in the Kapok Pond Base was designed and produced by Dr. Zola decades ago. It has only been repaired a few times in the middle, and there has been no major replacement. Therefore, many design ideas are outdated.

Moreover, in the current Leo's view, many units have little effect and are simply cumbersome. These cumbersome units are the main reason for the frequent power outages at the Kapok Pond Base.

After Leo's improvements, the performance of the new hibernation device has been improved a lot.

"Teacher, this is what I should do. I can think of so many ideas because you usually teach well."

Leo was appropriately modest, then seized the time and continued,

"Teacher, why don't you just lie down and try the effect of the equipment! We will collect the equipment parameters in the morning, and then carry out subsequent debugging and improvement."

Dr. Zola smiled gratified, then followed Leo's suggestion and lay down on the dormant device.

Leo skillfully connected various sensors to Dr. Zola, then fixed Dr. Zola's robot body, and began to input instructions on the computer screen next to him.

After all the testing programs were debugged, Leo pulled down the handle and started the hibernation device.

When designing a new hibernation device, Leo strongly suggested keeping the handlebars, citing "intimacy"!

With the humming sound of the machine, the dormant device began to work, and Dr. Zola slowly fell asleep.

Leo was also working hard. After he checked the monitoring equipment, he couldn't wait to launch an attack on Dr. Zola's body.

As Leo began to concentrate and mobilize the Mechanical Force on his body, a system prompt appeared in front of his eyes.

[Discovered the analyzable target "autonomous-conscious multi-functional robot", and the current parsing completion rate is 70%. 】

From leaving the Kapok Base to the present, this is the first time that Leo has analyzed Dr. Zola's robot body again. UU Reading

"Mechanical Force Analysis!"

As soon as the analysis started, Leo felt different. This time, he felt that the speed of parsing was many times faster than before.

After a little thought, Leo found the reason. This change can only be caused by the [Advanced Mind Resistance] obtained from Natasha.

[Advanced Mind Resistance] greatly strengthened Leo's spirit, making the mechanical force in his body more active. Therefore, when performing mechanical force analysis, the analysis speed will naturally become faster.

This unexpected joy made Leo secretly excited. Before and after, he has spent more than half a year on Dr. Zola's robot body, but he has great expectations for this body!

As the mechanical force was exhausted, the mechanical completion rate jumped from 70% to 72%. This speed is dozens of times higher than before.

It seems that Leo is about to conquer Dr. Zola's body!

The acceleration of the analysis speed gave Leo infinite motivation. He got into another laboratory, found a hidden place, ran the mechanical force refining method, and began to slowly restore the mechanical force.

Sure enough, even the mechanical force's recovery speed has become much faster!

After ten minutes of refining, the mechanical force in Leo's body had been fully recovered. Originally, he had other things to do, but he couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, and ran back to the body of Dr. Zola with a mechanical force analysis.

Seeing that the progress has increased by another 2%, Leo's face blossomed with a smile.

Refilling the mechanical force again, Leo suppressed the excitement in his heart and began to re-improve and manufacture the light-loaded power arm in his own laboratory.

Last time, Leo gave Natasha a pair of light powered arms for free. This time, he decided to make a better pair.