MTL - The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe-Chapter 17 amazing genius

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The next day, in Leo's laboratory.

Leo woke up in a daze from the experimental bench. After wiping the liquid from the corner of his mouth, he stretched and rubbed his face.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a little sore in his right arm and a little pain in his neck!

After briefly rubbing his arms and neck, he glanced at the mechanical watch on his wrist and found that the time had just arrived at 6 o'clock in the morning.

Boston in December, at this time, the sky is probably just getting bright. However, Leo stayed on the second basement floor, and it had little to do with him when it was dawn.

Last night, when Leo was designing a new light-armed power arm blueprint, he kept activating the [Ingenuity] skill.

Maybe it was the time, the right place, and the people. His inspirations erupted one after another, and the result was out of control, and he couldn't stop. He kept revising the drawings in his hand until late.

In the end, his spirit and Mechanical Force were drained, and he couldn't hold it any longer. He was about to lie down on the experimental bench for a while, but he slept until now.

Thanks to Leo's physical fitness is now relatively strong, otherwise he must catch a cold.

Thinking of this, Leo smiled and shook his head. After the secret passage, I still have to lie back in bed to sleep. The luxury suite is so comfortable, there is no need to live with it.

However, Leo felt that the small price of staying up late, arm soreness, and neck pain was all worth it. Because, last night, he had N times of ingenuity, and in the middle of the night, he designed two amazing things.

The new light-loaded power arm not only has a great improvement in performance compared to the original version, but also Leo has added two particularly interesting designs.

Thinking of this, Leo wanted to take a closer look at the two drawings he designed overnight last night. He remembered that before going to bed last night, he put the drawings on the laboratory table.

"Hey, where are my drawings?!"

Leo searched the messy table several times, but found nothing; then he looked at the chairs, under the table, and found nothing.

Damn it, the blueprints he worked so hard to draw in the middle of the night disappeared!

The entire second basement floor has been set up with access control, and only Leo is the only living person, plus Dr. Zola, who has no body temperature, can enter and leave!

Could it be that Dr. Zola woke up early?

Just thinking of this, the door of Leo's laboratory was suddenly pushed open, and then Dr. Zola's shouting voice came in:


Genius idea, genius design!

Leo, did you design these two drawings? "

Dr. Zola waved at Leo with two blueprints in his hand, looking excited.

"That's right, teacher, that's exactly what I designed. I got inspiration from the Winter Soldier's robotic arm."

Seeing that Dr. Zola had discovered his secret, Leo bravely admitted it. In order to divert Dr. Zola's attention, Leo quickly continued,

"Teacher, why did you wake up so early? Is the sleeping device still comfortable to use?"

"Very comfortable, the improvement suggestions you provided are very effective. The current hibernation device not only charges me quickly, but also speeds up the processing of the complicated data flow generated in my body.

Now I only need to sleep for 7 hours and I can fully recover. After a while, we've got the equipment perfected, and I think I only need to sleep for four or five hours a day.

Leo, I really did not see you wrong, you are truly a genius! "

Dr. Zola expressed a strong affirmation of Leo's contribution, and then began to admire Leo's designed robotic arm.

"The design ideas of these two robotic arms are really ingenious! Although I understand it, I don't think it's a big deal, but your innovative ideas and courage to try are exactly what I lost.

Since Dr. Erskine invented the super serum, the scientific community has been thinking about how to restore his formula, hoping to create more super soldiers.

However, your mechanical arms are quite different. The power of external mechanical armor can also give ordinary people the power that is not inferior to super soldiers.

In this way, it is the older generation of us who have fallen into a dead end! There are various ways to achieve the goal, and sometimes you just need to change your thinking to break the game! "

"Thank you for your compliment, the teacher taught me well. I can make this kind of design, and you have a lot to do with it, teacher."

Leo smiled modestly, a little guilty. This idea is completely plagiarized by him... No! It's just a reference to the future Iron Man.

Dr. Zola smiled with relief, the more he looked at Leo, the more pleasing to the eye.

With amazing results, not complacent, but respecting teachers, there are not many such students now!

"Leo, I understand most of this drawing, but there's one more thing I'm more confused about."

The old man on Dr. Zola's chest supported his eyes and continued,

"You drew a snowflake on the jet pipe of the robotic arm. What is it for? Also, why is the robotic arm in the left hand called 'Frost Decay'? What's the point of this name?"

"Oh, teacher, it's like this! Snowflakes mean freezing. I'm going to let the jet tube emit low-temperature gas or rays, so that the enemy will be frostbitten and look very weak. That's why it's called 'Frost Damage'!"

"Well, is that so?! What about the right hand? Is it the same design? But why is it called 'Happiness of Fire'?"

Leo held back his laughter and explained to Dr. Zola solemnly:

"The design is not the same, you see, there is a flame drawn on the right-hand jet tube, and I'm going to let the right hand fire high-temperature flames or rays, so that the enemy will be burned. UU reading People who are burned are usually alive and kicking, He looked very happy."

"Well, in this way, everything is reasonable!"

Dr. Zola said with a serious look on his face, and then continued:

"However, your design has a fatal flaw! Such a powerful energy source cannot be installed on a small robotic arm, and it cannot support your so-called two rays. Moreover, you have found a material that can emit low-temperature or high-temperature rays. ?"

Dr. Zola suddenly became academic, and Leo became serious involuntarily:

"Teacher, the two questions you raised are the biggest bottlenecks I'm encountering right now. At present, I haven't thought of a perfect solution, I just have an idea.

Prepare everything and talk about it later! "

"Decades ago, when the Cosmic Cube was still under the control of John, I was the chief scientist of the team. At that time, with the help of the Cosmic Cube, I developed two kinds of spar, which can release extreme cold and extreme heat. two rays.

However, without the aid of the Universe Rubik's Cube, the spar synthesized with the existing conditions can only be slightly cold and slightly hot, and it does not have much lethality! "

Leo was surprised when he heard this. Dr. Zola is indeed a person who has been in contact with the universe Rubik's Cube, and there are quite a lot of private goods hidden. He hurriedly asked:

"How cold is cold? How hot is hot?"

"Under the urging of high-voltage electric energy, the cold is minus 30 degrees, and the hot is almost 80 degrees. And the distance is more than three meters, the effect drops sharply, and it has no military value."

"This temperature is enough!"

"What is enough?"

"It's cold enough to get hurt, and it's hot enough to burn! Teacher, please give me the two spar synthesis methods!"

Read The Duke's Passion