MTL - The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe-Chapter 547 broker

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Two days later.


The jump engine started, and the Marvel jumped out from the fixed jump point. In front, the Xandar star was in sight.

From a distance, Xandar is like the Earth, it is also a blue and green round planet. After all, most of the intelligent creatures in the Marvel Universe are carbon-based life, and they cannot live without water.

The spacecraft continued to approach Xandar, and then began to receive an authentication communication request from Xandar.

Xandar is a lawful faction in the universe, under the jurisdiction of the Nova Corps, willing to accept all the commanding races of the lawful neutral or lawful good side in the entire universe.

But Xandar is not completely neutral. It has a deadly feud with the Kree Empire, so the necessary defensive measures are still indispensable.

If an unnamed spaceship approaches without authorization, but fails to give a reasonable authentication signal, it will be warned, expelled or even attacked by the Nova Corps.

The identities of the Marvel ship and the people accompanying Leo have long been established. The Marvel ship has the license of the Nine Realms of the Divine Realm. Leo and other personnel claimed that they were visitors from Midgard who belonged to Asgard.

Odin is still very famous in the universe, and his reputation is also very good.

The staff on duty in the control room of Xandar Xingkong Harbor originally felt nervous when they saw such a huge warship, but when they found out that it was a spaceship under Asgard, they immediately felt relieved and released it decisively.

This is Asgard's place in the universe.

The Marvel spacecraft entered the airport and occupied a VIP port.

Of course, the berthing fee is quite expensive, but Leo has asked for a lot of universal currency from the Kree Empire as compensation, so he can naturally afford it.

After a few people got off the Marvel ship, passed through the airport, and simply verified their identities, they obtained permission to stay on Xandar Star for up to a month.




Tony took a few deep breaths, looked at the aliens who came and went, different appearances, and shouted excitedly, causing passersby to look sideways, looking like a country bumpkin.

But Tony didn't care, he just had to be happy.

Steve, Bucky and the others also looked excited, looking left and right.

Although they had all met the Kree, Skrulls and Asgardians, it was the first time they had come to a hybrid planet with such a flourishing civilization.

People of all ethnic groups walk on the same street, some with a lizard head and some with an unknown meat tail. The visual impact is different, and the atmosphere is naturally different, which can arouse a sense of novelty.

Of course, this is also related to the relatively high oxygen content on the Xandar star, which can cause the excitement of several Earthlings on a physiological level.

However, several of them are people who have seen the world, and their body's ability to adapt is also good. Just venting will ease their excitement.

Tony turned to look at Leo: "Captain, what are we going to do next?"

"Find a place to live first, then go out for a walk and get acquainted with the customs and architectural landmarks of this planet," Leo made arrangements, "Finally, just as I said two days ago, go to inquire about the news and find The whereabouts of Morag."

The other eight immediately nodded and agreed.

Although Leo didn't go into detail about what he was doing in Morag, they had been with Leo for so long, and they understood that Leo was really sincere for the good of the earth and the Marvel Legion. Naturally, it was impossible to harm them, so they were all willing to Listen to Leo.

As for what to do with Morag, I believe Leo will tell them in the end.

The more money you have in your hand, the more confident you are in your heart.

Leo connected to the Internet of Xandar Star, and through the Internet platform with excellent reputation, he found a high-end hotel in the most prosperous area of ​​Xandar Star, opened enough suites, and several people rushed over by transportation to check in.

After selecting a restaurant with a good reputation on the online platform, after tasting a table of delicious local Shandar food, a few people started to set out, familiarize themselves with the environment, and inquire about news.

Leo was not in a hurry to urge the members to work actively. He was half-tourism and half-inquiring about news, and several of them were active here for seven days in a row.

At lunchtime.

"Captain, I still haven't inquired about Morag, nor have I asked anything about Ruinstar." Tony spread his hands.

"I've been on the forums for a few days, and I haven't found any clues on the Xandar star's interstellar network." Natasha said helplessly.

Leo looked at the others, and everyone immediately shook their heads.

For seven days, nothing was gained.

Leo took a bite of the vegetable and chewed it in his mouth, while secretly thinking, "It's a little troublesome!"

Originally, Leo thought that Morag was a very famous place. After all, according to the plot, there lived a race with a very advanced civilization.

In the end, that race was wiped out because of its rash research on the Time Stone, which caused the planet to become a ruin.

It stands to reason that other high-end civilizations will at least pay attention to such a big thing, and related discussions should also be left on the Internet.

But the truth is, none of these things.

In fact, it is also a matter of changing the angle.

If it is known to the whole universe that Star Morag's research on power gems has led to the genocide of the family, then the power gems cannot be safely stored on Morag Ruin Star until 2014, waiting for Star Lord to pick it up.

It should have been discovered long ago.

At this time, it seems that Leo wants to spend a few days to easily obtain the coordinates of the Morag star, and then obtain the power gem, which is a bit too taken for granted.

However, Leo has another plan. According to the plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy", there is a broker on Xandar. It was the broker who gave the news to Star Lord Peter Quill, and then Star Lord knew that there was very valuable on Morag. cosmic sphere.

Leo wanted to come, if he went to ask the broker at this time, he should have unexpected results.

After thinking about it, I did it. After a few people had lunch, Leo led the team and headed for the broker's shop.

During these seven days, although Leo didn't get any news from Planet Morag, he still gained something in other aspects.

For example, Leo and others found out the location of the broker's shop early.

The location of the broker's shop is quite far from the residence of Leo and others. After all, Xandar is a planet, not a small city.

Leo randomly chose a port to land at the beginning, and it was not so coincidental that he just happened to live in front of the broker's house.

On Xandar, Leo didn't want to be too shocking, so he didn't use the convenient portal spell. The nine people found a rental car company and packed a small low-altitude spaceship. After flying for an hour, they came to the broker's shop. nearby.

It was the morning on the broker's side at this time, and his shop door was naturally wide open to welcome customers.

Leo and the others all walked in.

The broker's shop is not big, and Leo and the others are all standing inside, which looks a bit crowded, and there is not even a place to sit.

This broker is a down-to-earth Xandar star. He has opened a shop here for more than 20 years. The shop is handed down from his grandfather's generation. It can be said to be a century-old shop with a long network of contacts. Reputation is also good.

Many wandering scavengers in the universe, or predators like Star-Lord, would do business with him.

The broker's appearance is also very distinctive. His hair is the same as Bump Man, with three bumps.

The eyebrows are more The same as the drawing.

The broker rarely encounters such a large group of people flocking into his shop at the same time. Usually, he receives a team of one to two people. At this time, seeing Leo's nine people are all dignified and handsome, he immediately realized There is big business coming.

He hurriedly walked out from behind the counter and greeted enthusiastically, "A few of you are here, are you buying news or selling news?"

Buying news means paying money to a broker to collect items, knowledge or technology; selling news means taking orders from brokers, or doing some **** or instant message buying and selling.

This is all the jargon of the broker, and anyone who is familiar with it will understand what he means. This is also his first simple test.

The news about this broker was collected intentionally by Leo, so Leo was prepared for a similar conversation, and replied politely: "Instant buying and selling news, money is not a problem."

The broker's eyebrows twitched immediately. He likes this kind of quick-talking and bulging guests the most:

"I am a century-old shop here. It operates with integrity and has a good reputation in the whole universe. If you have any needs, you can't."

Leo also knew the rules of this type of broker shop, and besides, he had never had any business dealings with the broker before, and it was impossible for him to gain any favors, so he got straight to the point:

"I'm looking for news about Morag Planet, which was originally a prosperous planet, but later turned into ruins for unknown reasons."

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