MTL - The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe-Chapter 548 Meet Peter Quill

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Seeing that Leo directly stated that he wanted to buy the news about the location of the planet Morag, the broker's eyes narrowed.

In the past week, Leo and others have secretly inquired about the news about Morag Star through various channels. As a top figure in the industry, it is impossible for the broker to not receive relevant news.

When he saw Leo and the others at this time, he instantly matched the number and realized something.

Leo's mind was also very sharp. He saw that the broker's face was wrong, and he immediately asked: "Do you know anything about Morag?"

The broker realized that he was showing off his face, and in order to avoid misunderstanding, he told the truth: "In the last week, did a few of you inquire about the ruined planet called Morag through various channels on Xandar?"

Leo immediately understood the meaning of the broker's words. It must be that his actions on Xandar Star were too concentrated in the past few days, which attracted the attention of interested people.

Xandar Star is not the Earth or Io Star. It is a mixed bag of fish and dragons. Coupled with advanced technology, some gossip spreads among insiders faster than expected.

But Leo didn't have a good idea. For the power gem, Morag would find him no matter what.

The universe is so big that if he is alone, if he is unlucky, he will not be able to find that planet, so he must inquire about the news.

As long as he inquires about news, he will always be targeted, which is unavoidable.

So Leo nodded and resolutely admitted: "It's really us who inquired about the news, so let's talk, do you know anything about Planet Morag?"

"I don't know for the time being," the broker shook his head, "but I can ask you, and within ten days, I can give you a positive answer, but you need to pay a part of the money as a channel fee."

After speaking, the broker made a rather sincere offer.

Leo stared at the broker for a few seconds, and found that he did not look fake, and nodded: "Seven days! After seven days, I will come to the accurate news, and I am willing to increase the price by 30% on the original basis."

For Leo, money is not important, what he needs is time.

If he can get the power gem for one more day, he will pay several times, dozens of times of money, and he is willing.

"Deal!" But the broker cared about money, so he shook hands with Leo and reached an agreement.

Seeing this, Leo left his contact information and name and was ready to leave.

But the broker who was quite good at doing business stopped and stopped Leo: "Mr. Erwin, don't rush, I have all kinds of interesting products here, I don't know if you are interested, I can give you an introduction."

It is rare to see an honored guest who spends money so readily, and the broker naturally wants to maximize his own interests.

But Leo waved his hand: "After seven days, you have good news, but it's not too late to talk about other business."

After speaking, Leo led his bodyguards and prepared to turn away.

But at this moment, a very young voice suddenly sounded from behind Leo and the others: "Broker, you are so lively here today!"

The broker immediately looked back and said in surprise, "Mr. Yondu, Mr. Quill, have you completed the task to deliver the goods?"

"Yes, or will I come to chat with you? Will you give me money to chat with you?" a rough voice shouted carelessly.

The broker was not annoyed at all, and said with a smile: "It's your efficiency that is too high, it really amazes me!"

The young voice sounded again: "Broker, on the way we found a planet that looks like it's all ruins, but it actually doesn't look simple. Maybe let's talk, you really want to pay us..."


But before he could finish speaking, he was stopped by a rough cough.

Leo also turned his head at this time, and saw the appearance of the two people who came.

In fact, the brokers have already called out their identities.

The one on the left, with a fair appearance, is named Peter Quill, now 19 years old, a handsome young man.

The one standing on the right has blue skin and yellow teeth. His name is Yondu. He has a remodeled metal fin on his head and looks fierce. He is in charge of a raider squad and sits in the business of mercenaries.

Leo saw these two people and recalled the news about Ruin Star that Peter Quill accidentally shouted out just now.

He looked sideways like a broker: "It's settled like this, we'll come back in seven days."

The broker nodded with a smile, and politely sent Leo and the others to the door.

Before leaving, Tony kept staring at Peter Quill curiously because Peter Quill looked too similar to the Earthlings.

This led to Yongdu, who was protecting the calf, and grinned at Tony: "What are you looking at? It's delicious to see your pure and white appearance, and then I'll eat you!"

These rough words made Peter Quill, who was standing beside him, roll his eyes.

Growing up, he had heard too many threats like Yondu, and at this moment it sounded a little nauseating.

In addition, there are several big beauties in this room. Quill, who is famous for his stallion in the interstellar space, naturally pays more attention to his image. He wishes to be ten meters away from Yondu, lest Yondu lower his power!

Tony was yelled at by Yongdu, turned his head and glanced at Leo.

It was found that Leo didn't say that although Tony was upset, he didn't want to make extra troubles. After smiling apologetically to Peter Quill, he followed Leo away.

In the broker's small shop, Yondu and Quill had a warm talk about business with the broker.

On the side of the street at the corner outside the small shop, Leo led a few members to a stop.

Steve asked: "Captain, the young man just mentioned a Ruin Star, will it have something to do with the Morag we're looking for?"

Leo smiled meaningfully: "It's hard to tell right now, but at least it's useful news that you can't let go of."

Although he said so, Leo actually felt that he had stabilized.

There are There is Yongdu, and there is also Peter Quill. At this time, a ruin star appeared. If it wasn't Morag, who stored the power gem, what else could it be? !

Although the timeline seems to have advanced by more than ten years, Leo is no longer a little butterfly. He has changed too much history without knowing it.

Therefore, at this time, Peter Quill found the Morag star, it is entirely possible.

Of course, it is not completely certain, so Leo needs to verify.

"Captain, what are you going to do?" Tony asked, "I just stared at the young boy for so long, how did I find that his features are very similar to those of the Earth?!"

"The universe is very big, and the appearance of Asgardians is the same as that of people on Earth. I can't guarantee that the characteristics of people on a certain planet are very similar to people on Earth. Don't guess."

Bucky's prestige as an uncle came up, perhaps because of his apology for killing the Howards with his own hands.

"Also, how old are you this year? At 27 years old, don't call someone a young boy!"

Tony spread his hands, but he didn't say a word.

Leo already had a plan in mind, he looked at Carroll: "I'll give you a task, you go and lead that young man named Peter Quill out alone.

He is indeed a man from Earth. He lives on Earth in Missouri, the United States of America. He was taken away from Earth by Yongdu 10 years ago.

And, it seems we need him at this time. "

