MTL - The Phoenix Arises-Chapter 462 Assassination, life and death

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Yan Qingxuan helped Jun Qing to change her clothes, and looked at her with sorrow. The eyes were full of complexities that he did not understand.

Raise your hand and gently touch the small face that was scratched. Sigh a sigh, turn and take a bottle of ointment, and carefully and carefully apply the medicine on those wounds.

A slight tingling sensation, let Junqing squint gently frown, open his eyes in confusion, against the scorpion of a pair of concerns.

The heart suddenly became sour, and one rushed to the heart.

"Qing Xuan..."

Jun Qingxuan suddenly plunged into the arms of Yan Qingxuan, holding him tightly, and the tears in his eyes slipped.

Even if she had just beaten her in the autumn, she didn't want to cry, but when she saw him, she could no longer restrain her grievances.

The tears of the rolling soup burned his heart, and Yan Qingxuan pulled the thin and wrapped her in her arms.

"Be careful with the cold."

The gentle voice hit her heart again, and Junqing raised her tears. "Why don't you ask what happened?"

Yan Qingxuan raised her hand and gently wiped the tears in her eyes.

"I believe you."

A few words lightly, but the heart of Junqing’s heart slammed.

Looking at the handsome and innocent man in front of me, my heart is a little bit indulgent. He always has such ability. It seems that since she met him, she was surrounded by his weaving net. Her people, her heart I can't go out anymore.

Stretched his hand around his neck, kissed his thin lips, hooked his lip line a little, with endless temptation.

Yu Qingxuan’s breathing suddenly increased, slamming the messy tongue, and attacking the city.

Kiss, the more intense, like a fire on the grassland, only a moment is a sea of ​​fire.

Yan Qingxuan pressed Junqing to his body and his hands kept moving upside down.

Jun Qing’s brain was in chaos, and a heart leaped wildly, shaking his hands to solve the cloak of Qing Xuan.

The cool feeling of the chest makes Yu Qingxuan instantly return to the gods, reaching out to grab the little hand of Junqing, and flashing a touch of annoyance.

"Sorry, you... you have to rest early."

Yan Qingxuan said, climbed from Jun Qing, and turned to get out of bed.

"Don't you go well?" I don't know where the courage came, Jun Qingyi hugged Yu Qingxuan, with a hint of praying in the low voice.

The softness behind him made him suffer an electric shock. A heat wave rushed to the lower abdomen. Yan Qingxuan stiffened and took down his small hand at the waist.

"Get some rest early." Yan Qingxuan said, sitting in a wheelchair and out of the room.

Jun Qing looked at the back of Yu Qingxuan, grievously holding his knees and shrinking into a ball.


Why is he not willing to touch her, he obviously has a feeling, isn't it?

He didn't want to raise it at all, nor did he not love her, but why didn't he want to touch her?

Sitting in the cold cold water, Yan Qingxuan's brain circling constantly under the enchanting figure.

With his head in his head, Yan Qingxuan clenched his hands into fists.

He can't, he can't harm her...

On the carriage, the squatting squatting in the arms.


阎 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃

Cool in his arms, motionless.

"Let her go..."

When I thought of the cinnabar on the arm of Jun Qing, I couldn’t help but frown.

阎 殃眸 殃眸 轻 light flash, the cool hair of the hair to the back of the ear.

"Before Daxie was the fiancee's fiancee. Before they became married, her father's surname Wang Junxi died in the battlefield. Then the family was destroyed. Daxie was rescued by his eldest brother. It didn't take long for Lu Yuan to remarriage. The father had never agreed. However, I didn’t know how to agree later. After the remarriage of Sui Yuan, I married Jiu Qiuqi, and Daxie also married the eldest brother."

Liang Yan gently frowned, the original Da Yu actually experienced so many things.

The most hateful thing is the sigh of sorrow. When I quit the most painful time, I am still entangled in her.

"Big brother, is it a big love?" Cool and embarrassed, looking forward and looking forward to groaning.

Looking at the serious face of the cold, I suddenly smiled.

"I don't know if Dad loves not to love Big Brother, but I know that Big Brother must be a big love."

No one knows better than him, what the big brother paid for the big brother.

Cool nodded.

If you have a big brother, you will be happy.

Suddenly, a few sighs came from all directions towards the carriage.

A glimpse of the light, immediately squatting, flying from the roof.


The two just left the carriage and the carriage was crushed.

Looking at the black-handed killer in front of him, he would summon the soul sword, but he was stopped by the cold.

"I am coming." His current physical condition is not suitable for using Xuanqi.

Liang Yan said, not waiting for a strange reaction, it directly called out the purple sword to rush out.

The cultivation of chills is not low, and it is easy to deal with those black killers.

Slowly, the heart of the groaning is put down.

Looking at the front like a purple butterfly flying in the black clothes to kill the hands of the cool, smashing the light flashing.

She is really good, so good that he feels unreal, so good that he feels afraid and afraid of losing.

Suddenly, a sharp sword stabbed in the back of the smashing, and was very surprised.

"Be careful……"

The black-handed killer in front of his foot opened, and he snorted and flew to the front of the squat, blocking the sword.

Soon, the chills and the black masked man hit.

Just a few tricks, Liang Yan raised his brow.

The black masked man's repair is very high, much higher than the previous killer's repair.

Cool and squatting, on the previous pair of familiar black scorpion, the heart suddenly jumped a beat.

At this moment, Liang Hao forgot that he was fighting, and in his heart, all the blacks with gratitude and despair.

"Hey..." The sword is wearing a heart.

"Little four children..."

The whispering heart stopped and jumped, and caught the falling chill before flying.

Liang Yan looked sadly at the black masked man, his eyes full of grievances and sorrows.

The black-faced masked man did not expect that the cold will suddenly stop, but did not expect that he would see the sad purple eyes, will be heartbroken, will blame.

Looking at the coldness of the blood, I couldn't breathe because of my heart.

He raised his hand and squatted into the black masked man, but he was held tightly by his arms.

"Don't hurt him..."

In a word, the anger of the anger is becoming more crazy.

The black masked man is also frowning, looking at the coolness strangely.

Why does she want to defend him? Why did she give him a familiar feeling? Who is she?

Feeling the chilly smell is getting weaker and weaker, and the squatting no longer stays, immediately picking her up to the ghost king's house.

"Boss, still chasing?" The remaining black killers, climbed up from the ground and looked at the black masked man.

The black masked man looked at the back of the two people and disappeared into the dark curtain. For a long time, he said, "You will not be able to chase these two people in the future."

"But..." The black killer frowned and looked puzzled.

The black masked man raised his hand. "I will explain it to the employer."

"Little four children, you endure a forbearance, and soon went to the ghost palace." 阎 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 笙 笙 笙 笙 笙 笙 笙 笙

"Oh..." The cold squirted a spurt of blood.

Looking at the dark blood, I was shocked. "You are poisoned."

Immediately, the light slammed into the cool heart, but found that there was no black on the edge of the wound, and soon thought of something, the brow frowned. "That tea is poisonous."

"Why do you know that the tea is poisonous, but also to drink?"

Cool and reluctantly held the corner of the mouth, "because I can't match the antidote."

"So you will try your poison!"

At this moment, not only the voice is shaking, but the heart is also shaking.

Feeling awkward anger, the cold light flashed. "I won't have anything. Have you forgotten that I am a physician?"

Hurry to fly into the ghost king's house, and squatting into the Nanyuan directly with the cold.

"Jiang Yi!"

Hearing the call, Jiang Yi rushed.

Seeing that it was full of blood, Jiang Yi was shocked. "Wang... Wang Hao, what happened to this?"

Perilla and white pelicans were also shocked by this situation.

"Quickly pass the doctor." 阎 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃

"Yes, yes, the old slave will go."

Jiang Yi returned to God and immediately ran out.

Looking at the chill in a coma, a heart is like sinking into the abyss.

The royal doctor soon arrived, and after the end of the cold, the face became pale.

"how about it?"

Looking at the imperfect doctor, I feel a heart and sink.

When I heard the question, the medical doctor shook a bit and immediately squatted.

"Please ask the six kings to mourn, Wang Hao has been unable to return to heaven."

This ghost king is really a wife, originally thought that this Miss Shui Mi was lucky, but did not want this to happen in a month.

"Fart fart." 阎 殃 殃 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The royal doctor was stunned by the four feet, but did not dare to have any complaints, and immediately ran out.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he raised his hand and stroked the pale face.

Don't have something, can't have something, beg you...

"Wang Ye, do you still have to find a royal doctor?" Looking at the unconscious chill, Jiang Yi is also uncomfortable.

Wang Hao is very nice, kind, intelligent, especially good for the prince, I hope she is fine.

"Go to Jane to find Jian Yu."

When I think of Jane Jade, I hope to rekindle hope.


Referring to the spiritual moon **** doctor Jian Yu, Jiang Yi is also a hope.

The chilly feeling at the moment feels like being caught in a huge black whirlpool, no matter how hard she tries, she can't get out of it, only to sink in with the black vortex.


Unconsciously whispered into the ears, his heart pounded.

"I'm here."

He took a cold hand and found her palms hot.

Suddenly, I raised my hand and put on her forehead.

The hot heat of the hot, frowning, smashed the eyebrows.


The basil was immediately placed, and soon a pot of warm water came in.

"Go out all."

The perilla and the white pheasant heard the order and immediately retired.

Unscrew the cold clothes, carefully wipe the wound for her, then apply the medicine and dress the wound.

Just when the smugglers changed clothes, a silver flash flashed, and a silver meatball suddenly appeared in front of the smashing.