MTL - The Phoenix Arises-Chapter 463 Because I love you

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I looked at the silver meat ball in front of me.

This little thing, he had seen before, is the one who saved the white cat.

Suddenly, there was a glimmer of hope in the bottom of my heart.

Looking at the pale, cold face, Xiaoqiyi was distressed, and looked back at it.

It is that he has suffered such a heavy injury to his master. I really don't know what the man is doing. The owner is desperate for him.

It seems to understand the eyes of Xiaoqi, and there is some guilty condolence.

Feeling that the coldness is getting worse and worse, Xiaoqi no longer cares about the grotesque, and he is familiar with the way to pull out a medicine bottle from the cold clothes, stuff it into the arms of the cockroach, and then point to the cold. Awkward wounds.

Look at the medicine bottle, look at the wound that has just been wrapped, and choose not to hesitate to believe in Xiaoqi.

Undo the tape and re-apply the medicine.

The white powder was sprinkled on the wound, and the wound began to recover miraculously.

The red blood stains disappeared a little bit, and the original wounds in the skin were actually between the rest and recovered.

Looking at the white skin like jade, I couldn't help but reach out and touch it.

The feeling of delicate and soft, like a cream, makes you feel guilty.

It’s completely good, this medicine is amazing...

"Smelly male silver, look at what, not fast medicine."

Seeing 阎 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃

Hearing the sound of Xiao Qi’s “吱吱”, he finally returned to God, and his face was slightly red and picked up, and carefully sprayed the powder on the wound on her back.

When the wounds are all restored, they will help the chillers to get dressed again.

Xiaoqi looked at the pale, chilly face, biting his teeth, scratching his claws and sending it to her lips.

With a fragrant blood flow into the mouth, into the internal organs, the cold and pale face instantly has a blood color.

Looking at the changes in the chills, I was so happy that the joy of recovery was filled with his heart.

Seeing the chills out of danger, Xiaoqiyi looked at his claws with a painful look, and then his body flashed and disappeared in front of him.

"Wang Ye, Jane God has arrived." The sound of Jiang Yi sounded outside the door.

"Come in."

I covered the thin quilt for the chilly cockroach and turned around.

Jiang Yi pushed the door and took Jane Jade into the room.

Jian Yuxi saw that he was not ruthless. He walked to the bed and saw the cold eyes with his eyes closed. His eyes were amazed.

Immediately return to God, and carefully take the pulse for the cold.

After a while, Jane Jade was embarrassed and looked unhappy. "Is this what you said is dying?"

Looking at the ruddy cool face of the bed, Jiang Yi is also confused.

Wang Hao is so okay so soon? It was not like this when he left.

"I'm fine, isn't it?" He looked forward and looked at Jane Jade.

Jian Yuzhen raised her eyebrows. "In addition to poisoning, I can't see that she has other problems."

"Her poison?"

Speaking of poison, he frowned and groaned.

"The poison in her is the same as yours, I can't solve it."

After Jane Yuxi finished speaking, he picked up the medicine box and left.

Jiang Yi immediately followed Jane Jade.

He walked over to the bed and raised his hand to caress her little face.

This fool, even for his own body to test the poison, does she not know how dangerous this is? If you can't solve it...

As long as she thinks that she will be the same as her mother in the future, he will even breathe.

No, he will never let her be the second mother. If she can't solve it, then he will not have children for a lifetime.

On the early morning of the next day, Liang Yan slowly opened her eyes. She didn't know how long she had slept, but she felt that she had no strength.

"I finally woke up."

There was a hoarse surprise in the ear, and then fell into a warm embrace.

Cool and squatting, looking at the face of the scum, the eyes flashed distressed.


Suddenly thought of something, sneaked away and immediately released the cold, nervously looking up and down her.

“Is there any uncomfortable?”

Looking at the nervous face, the cool squat gently shook his head and threw himself into his arms again.

"I'm fine, nothing at all."

He is holding a cold squat, as if to melt her into his life.

"Nothing can be done any more in the future." The voice with the command was full of fear.

"it is good."

Cool lips, gently nod, very obedient.

"Auntie, I know the formula of the mother-in-law." Suddenly, the cool scorpion lifted up, and the treasure looked like a sneak peek.

Frowning slyly, "I knew you used this way, I wouldn't detoxify if I die."

Cool and frowning, reaching out to hook the sly neck, looking serious, "You can't die, I will never let you have something."

"Why is it so good to me?" Looking at the serious face of Liang Yan, the light flashed.

Cool lips, "Because I love you."

A gentle sentence, but heavily lingering on the ambiguous heart.

She loved him for a long, long time, and it seems like she has been for centuries. She doesn't want to wait any longer, and she doesn't want to miss it.

The chills slid down his neck, kissed his thin lips, and wrapped his long tongue green, as if to tell him in another way how much she loved him.

Breathing became more and more urgent, and I was finally taken over by the cold.

A hot kiss, overbearing and wild, as if to melt her whole.

Cool and weakly lying under the hustle and bustle, let the big hands move upside her.

A stream of heat, straight into the lower abdomen, the pain there, let him put a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

"May I?"

The sinister black sorrow, lovingly looking at the woman under her body, the voice is low and hoarse.

Cool and pretty face red, but it is a firm nod.

The dawn once again became secluded, and her first kiss on her delicate red lips was not like the previous hegemony, but the ultimate gentleness.

"Wang Ye, Yu Wang and Yu Wang asked for see."

Just as the two of them got better, the door knocking of Jiang Yi sounded outside the door.

The sly body is a stiff, sullen black scorpion full of anger.

At this moment, it’s really a murderous heart.


The angry roaring sound made Jiang Yi startled, and there was a cold sweat in the back.

Wang Ye will not be...

Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Yi's old face is reddish.

Wang Hao is a serious illness, Wang Ye is too anxious.

Both Yan Qingxuan and Jun Qingying are also red-faced, and it seems that they are not really coming.

Jiang Yi turned around, and some of them looked at Yi Qingxuan and Jun Qing.

Yan Qingxuan slammed a light cough, "Cough... we will come again the next day."

The voice of Yan Qingxuan just fell, and the door "Oh," was opened.

He sneaked into the eyes of Jiang Yi. "The next time, you can roll."

"Yes." Jiang Yi has a low eyebrow and does not dare to have any dissatisfaction.

Yan Qingxuan looked at the unsatisfied smug, and some of his guilty eyes lowered his eyes.

"Cough... I heard that the six younger brothers were assassinated. I am going to see you with you."

He was stunned and black-faced, carrying a squatting squat in the wheelchair. "Big brother is awkward." Just as the atmosphere was weird, the chills came out of the room.

Seeing the chills, there was a slight surprise in the 阎 眸 眸 , , , , , , , , , , 六 六 六 六 六 六 六

When Ruan Xuan Xuan just finished, she regretted it. She must have been okay for a long time. If she was seriously injured, how could the kid be able to go?

Cool and pretty face is red, "I am fine, thank you big brother for your concern."

After a few words of chilling, Yu Qingxuan sneaked into the study with a black face.

"What happened last night?"

"Someone is stabbing in the middle of the road, the little four children help me block a sword, life hanging a line." 阎 殃 殃 殃 殃 殃 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。.

In the 阎 眸 眸 眸 闪 闪 闪 闪 闪 闪 闪 闪 闪 闪 闪 闪 闪 闪 闪

"What about her?" Seeing her just like it, it doesn't look like something.

"The fat mouse that saved the white cat saved her." Knowing the doubts of Yu Qingxuan, he simply explained it.

Fat mouse...

If Xiaoqi is there, he will be mad at it.

Yan Qingxuan nodded. "Do you know who it is?"

"It’s not the person who runs the cloud. It should be Shen Qing’s person."

Thinking of the person who stabbed the cold, the eyes were cold.

"It’s the woman again." Yan Qingxuan frowned and rubbed his hands on the back of his chair. "This time I didn't succeed, she will definitely find a chance. You and the six younger brothers must be careful."

I don’t want to give her a second chance to hurt the little four. In the hall, you have to be careful, she should be waiting.

Yan Qingxuan sneered, "I won't let them succeed."

Originally he did not want to fight for the seat, but they forced him to fight.

They want, then he will not let it.


Jun Qinglan took a cool look and saw that she was really okay, and the heart that was carried was put down.

"It's okay, we were shocked when we heard the news, but fortunately you are fine."

Cool lips and lips, "Is it forgotten that I am a doctor? How can it happen?"

Jun Qingying also chuckled and said, "Do you not say that the doctor does not take care of himself?"

The cool light flashes lightly and slams into the arm of Jun Qing.

"Da, you and your brother..."

Jun Qing’s body was stiff, and he grasped his clothes tightly with both hands. After a long silence, he opened his mouth. “He, I don’t want to touch me.”

Thinking of the situation last night, Jun Qing’s heart was aching.

How many times, he has never been willing to cross the last line of defense.

She doesn't understand, I really don't understand...

"You really don't know."

Liang Yan sighed and looked at Jun Qingyu with pity.

"What?" Jun Qing squatted and looked confused.

"In fact, you have been sterilized."

Liang Yan didn't want to tell her, but she didn't want her to think about it.

"Secrificial scatter..." Jun Qingyu was shocked.

Who is so cruel, want to be like this to her?

Looking at the pale face of the Qing dynasty, I can’t bear it.

"Fortunately, you are the virgin. If you really have a big brother and you have a room, then you will never be a mother again."

Jun Qing slammed, "You, you mean he always knows."

Is it because of this that he has been reluctant to touch her?

Cool nodded, "Big brother should know, maybe someone deliberately told him."

If he doesn't know, how can he not touch her for three years?

The tears blurred the eyes, and the heart of Junqing was as dull and painful as a knife.

What did he do for her? How much did she pay for her, why didn't she tell her?