MTL - The Sage Who Transcended Samsara-v9 Chapter 160 Close the past

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Under the cover of Tai Shang Wou-yuan Yuan Shiqing, Meng Qi's eyes were completely dark and he had no sense of the outside world. His ears had to sound like a beat of heartbeat, as if it were far and near. The initial feeling was his own. This belongs to another being, and it's in yourself!


This Ming Wu just emerged. He suddenly felt that the power of tyrannical monsters suddenly expanded, shattered the prototype of the multiverse in his body, and dyed the whole body's flesh with other wills. In a short time, all the defenses were all tyrannical. After being broken, the consciousness can no longer detect the existence of the body, and the sea of ​​hearts with a little bit of golden scale memory fragments has no wind and waves, surging and surging, a figure of a black robe and a crown appears one after another. Become a dark red chaos, and make this heaven and earth your own.

Meng Qi's consciousness gradually blurred, and in the only remaining sight, the quiet sea of ​​the mind quickly turned dark red from all around to the center, all the memory fragments receded one after another, and finally was squeezed into a ball of golden **** that looked like glass.

The gods consciously exhibited magical powers such as the Promise of Seal, Opening the Seal of Heaven, Tao Huanyu, and the only self-respect, but all were like thin paper. They fell apart under the horror bedroom of the Eastern Emperor's flesh and blood, which was difficult to protect. The group of golden **** soon also Dark red, confusion and crazy mutation.


A scream erupted, and Tai Qing Wuji Yuan Shiqing Yun, which enveloped Meng Qi, was perforated by deep crimson and black blood vessels, turning into a cloud of smoke, revealing his current image: all blood vessels on the surface of the skin were raised, and extended from time to time. Retraction, as if there is a life of his own, each face highlights a face, which is the corresponding image of his and my mark. At this moment, "they" are stunned and crazy. Let Meng Qi gather like countless ghastly corpses, and the eyes that are full of decisiveness are already dark red, covered with a vortex of chaos, and have lost all reason and all wisdom.

In order to stop the Xushan Mountains from sending ancestors, She Qin, to a successful state, under the condition that Lingbao Tianzun cut off most of the Emperor's flesh, he still turned into a monster. Can only be sober from time to time, not to mention Meng Qi?

At this time, a little of his natural aura turned into an unsatisfactory bright moon, hanging in the mud pill palace, seemingly living at an infinite height, and the dark red tide water below continued to skyrocket. To completely submerge his last point, suddenly, the bright moon A ghost appeared in Qinghui. "Jade dish" covered by Qinghui!

It is the harvest of the relics of the Heavenly Emperor of the Meng Qi Refining and Refining the corresponding jade dish. The residual spiritual control can only control the flesh and blood!

The "forged jade dish" phantom slowly turned and sprinkled a few awns, and the dark red tide was stagnant. It seemed to be affected, and there was fierce competition inside.

However, just moments later, it continued to rise. Slower than before, but equally determined.

Just then. Next to the virtual shadow of the "forged jade dish" is a clear, vibrant, and vibrant tree, which is divided into nine branches and nine leaves, and the sound of a pleasant avenue in the shaking comes out, guarding the photo behind Doi glazed lamps that shine in black and white.

Tree of the Avenue!

All three work together to create a layer of brilliance in the natural light of an imperfect moon. Let the dark red tide water madness dissipate a lot, the tide flows, the erosion is continuous, but it is always almost the same, unable to invade.

In the real world. The crown of Meng Qi's head was gray and smoke extinguished, and a black hair rose, turning into a snake, squirming wildly, spreading into the void, seemingly endless.

Deep in the Daxue Mountain, Wang Siyuan felt instinctively and sighed suddenly:

"So it is ..."

"Unfortunately, don't wait for me. For a few years, I may not be able to help him ..."

In the boundless pure land, twenty-four rounds of Buddha light cascaded behind the ancient Buddha's head, surrounded by the ancient glazed beacon, watching the situation of the Kunlun Mountain Jade Xu Palace, waiting for opportunities.

When seeing Meng Qi sucking the Emperor's flesh into his body desperately, he was slightly moved, then calmed down, not frightened, angered or displeased. Whether it was Su Meng or the remnant spirituality of the Emperor who lost his house, as long as he was wiped out by his mother, Can re-condense "Tao Yi Yin".

While the thoughts were turning, He An suddenly heard the voice of Ananda:

"Be careful."

The voice didn't fall, and Ran Deng saw a black snake appearing in front of him. I didn't know what kind of induction he was following, but silently penetrated the layers and enchantments of the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom and "bite" to himself.

When the light of the Buddha flashed and the glazed lights turned, this weird black snake was broken into two pieces and landed on the edge of the merit pool, twisted slightly, and turned into black hairs.

"Instinctively wanted to swallow the cause and effect road that I produced ..." The burning lantern ancient Buddha's expression became more dignified.

This monster is really crazy, it is easy!

Meng Qi was filled with a violent and violent consciousness. Only the last subtle thought made him wantonly destroy everything around him. There seemed to be something important to guard. Instinctively, he sensed the danger and knew that there must be an enemy coming soon.

Black hair flew and blood vessels protruded. He reached out his right hand and held the knife.

"go to hell!"

He shouted frantically, and the dark red in his eyes grew more confused and confused.

Purple light skyrocketed, and the world changed into a sea of ​​thunder, silver, white, green, and gold, all in different colors, some of which collided with yin and yang, some were converted from life and death, and some were inspired by positive and evil.

These lightnings converged, condensing a number of road patterns, as if the tide, rushed to the sky, where the ordinary, suddenly, a round of flawless bright moon rose, Qinghui suppressed the thunder, a white and flawless finger Pointing out from the middle, the tip was dark, and time was lost to invisibleness.

Silently and silently, Lei Hai disintegrated and was swallowed by darkness. The sky full of electric light and many road patterns returned to a heavy purple long knife, in exchange for the short pause of that white sacred finger.

Meng Qi, who has become a monster, and the absolutely awakened knife, can only shake the dead mother a little, and she is in absolute disadvantage!

At this moment, Gu Xiaosang approached Meng Qi, without any fear of his brutality and fierceness, and spread his voice into the ear canal:

"Close up, go to Jiuyou!"

Go to Jiuyou! Meng Qi's eyes were dark and deep, and he had the urge to tear everything apart. However, after hearing this, he felt vaguely that he didn't want to hurt the other party and should act according to his words.


He drank again, and Daoguang was skyrocketing again. This time, instead of flooding the world, he penetrated time and space. He went up and down in the illusive Changhei and communicated with Meng Qi who devoured the flesh and blood of the Emperor. Meng Qi, who entered the uppermost layer of the fairyland, communicated with Meng Qi who was the only one who proved himself, with Meng Qi who cut off the next life, with Meng Qi who was struggling in the six lanes, with Meng Qi who had just entered Shaolin, and extended to Earth ... At the same time, Gu Xiaosang also communicated with all the moments.

At this time, the round of the sky hanging brightly pointed out once again, white as jade, slender and holy, so that all the darkness outside of Qinghui, nothing dark, seems to appear in the current and past at the same time.

Meng Qi, who had lost his intelligence, rushed out of Tai Shang Wou Yuan Shi Qingyun above his head again, deeper and more horrible than ever, as if it contained all the dangerous and mysterious chaos, and then flew into the knife.

Dao Guang hurriedly gathered, each past Meng Qi and Gu Xiaosang followed and cowered, not only dodging the golden emperor's finger, but also condensed into the current, turning into a dark ball full of floating figures, in history Only imprints are left.

The gloomy sphere is difficult to last, it will collapse when it sees it, and it will return to its original state. It will suddenly rise up, resisting another finger with no interval between the lifeless mother, and then pulling the monster Meng Qi and Gu Xiao with the defeat. Sang sinks into Jiuyou!

The black sky hung high, and the magical energy rolled around. Both appeared at the top of Jiuyou. The gloomy sphere could no longer be supported and silently disintegrated. A group of people “converged” into the time of Jiuyou. Partition, failed to return to the real world.

At high altitudes, time and space are separated, all barriers are broken down, and that white and flawless fingers come one after another, bringing the end of the day. At this moment, even without reason and the rest of the thinking, the monster Meng Qi feels empty all over his body. , Close to the force of release, but Jiuyou Demon gas continued to flow in, nourishing madly.

Jin Huang's attack was imminent, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, a dark stormy ape that supported the sky!

Monkey King Monkey King!

"Laojun asked Laosun grandson to wait here to borrow you a knife." The ape grinned. (To be continued.)

ps: I have something to go out in the afternoon, and that chapter in the evening in the early morning 2k novel reading network

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