MTL - The Sage Who Transcended Samsara-v9 Chapter 161 Crazy "world"

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While talking, the ape held the knife, the golden hoop turned into a thin needle, and flew into his ears.


Unreasonable Meng Qi senses this change, and instinctively pops up a secretive blood vessel entangled with the other side, but Gu Xiaosang grabbed him in time and agreed with the knife.

Meng Qi froze, his eyes flashed red, his madness was more vigorous, but he calmed down after all.

The golden chain armor was stained with the dark tyrannosaurus holding the knife, raised his head, a pair of unyielding eyes looked up at the sky, looked at the finger that devoured everything, and the thoughts in his heart were flowing, as if returning In that year, he broke the sky and arrogantly.

He laughed abruptly, and the round of the sword's fingers hanging out of Jiuyou's flawless treasure light burst out loud:

"You're not as good as the old Emperor of Heaven!"

"Eat grandma!"

The sword light expands, showing the thunder of the heavens, cardinal yin and yang, the magic of life and death, and then shrinking violently, all the colors of all the lines are condensed into a violent horror and gorgeous to the extreme. The holy body greeted the white finger like a worldly thing in a mighty manner.

At the feet of the tyrannosaurus, the dark mountain peaks collapsed immediately, and the twisted rivers disappeared like bubbles, one by one, the demons and gods exploded, and everything was disintegrating, and the top of his head was dark, like the deepest and deepest. despair.

At this time, the white finger suddenly stood by another four, holding a plain cloud banner!

When the flag is displayed, the fragrant tumbling rolls over and over, the violent ape and Zixia cut into it like a stone sinking into the sea, and can only make a few ripples, and the more forward, the more sticky. As if stuck in a swamp, he paused for a while, and then saw the palm of Xiu Xiu's beautiful hand flipped, the plain cloud flag disappeared, and Shi Shiran pressed down like Wuzhishan.

Not only that. When Sun Wukong tried to avoid, his heart moved suddenly, and he felt a great danger. It seemed that no matter how to dodge, he couldn't escape the end of his head in the palm of his hand.

All kinds of future have been possessed, destined to fate, after all!

"Without enlightenment, you are still dissatisfied with all the future!" With the current state of the pseudo-another, you can peep at countless future developments. Although it is not a real big man and cannot be possessed, you can always find a vitality. More importantly, as an elite soldier on the other bank, you can do it!

"found it!"

Between the flashes of light, He gave up hiding. Before returning to the sword, return all things to the imagination to gather all the powers and supernatural powers in one place. Break the surface with dots.

The long knife faded away from the purple electricity and the surrounding golden flames, revealing the heavy and transparent body, and split it on the seemingly beautiful and terrifying palm, attacking and attacking!


A thunderbolt blew on a sunny day, blowing off this layer of black mist and magic that has been shrouded for tens of thousands of years, and a blossoming white lotus fell with a purple flame. Thunders of various colors seem to be broken arrows, such as rain falling, flowers blooming, and between the bright and the dark, there are all parties born and destroyed. All the bright galaxies emerged and died.

The beautiful white palm was pressed against the back of the knife, and the huge ape that supported this layer of Jiuyou was photographed on the ground.


The horrible apes landed on their feet, and the smoke soared, permeating the world beyond hundreds of millions of miles, and cracks spread quickly in a shocking manner, and collapsed instantly.


The darkened demonic soil was broken open one by one, and the magma intertwined with green and crimson rushed out. When the mist of time and space appeared faintly at the feet of the ape, he could barely stand on the heel when the next layer of nine was seen. one strike.

The two of them almost broke through this world, bringing a scene of destruction that could not be seen on the edge. If Meng Qi, who was not a crazy monster, had the blessing of Jiuyou and the protection of the past and the future from the knife, he and Gu Xiao Mulberry has turned into ashes.

Difficult to block this palm, Sun Wukong did not feel angry and rejoicing, but also drunk:

"Come again!"

Despite the downside, after all, the front side blocked the blow from the big man on the other side!

At this moment, the asura ancestors of the other layers of Jiuyou flickered, as if they saw the combination of the demon and the claw of the demon before the enlightenment.

But before Qi Tian Dasheng waved his sword to cut the "sky", inside the city of Yin Cao Di, Zhen Yuanzi, who was sitting on the cardinal of the town, suddenly sighed, appeared in the realm of Jiu You Luo, and appeared in those billions of years. The accumulated shady soil, with his sleeves open, must penetrate through layers of layers, confuse the heavens, recreate the universe, and include Meng Qi and Gu Xiaosang in it.

Luo Jiao Yu Jiuyou still has such a pseudo-other bank!

This place is not a paradise!

At this moment, the eyes of the mysterious ghost emperor in Luojing Mountain flashed, and the figure suddenly appeared over the town Yuanzi, turning into a behemoth covered with layers of sorrow and death, blocking the sleeves.

Luo Jiao is so powerful. If this matter is succeeded by them, the mother will be cut off, and if Yin Cao Difu is linked to this world, will Luo Kuo have a place for him in the future?

He is a non-nine chaotic heavenly deity, a guy whose reason often can't hold back the magic, and can see the changes in the situation and make a choice that is beneficial to his own side!

The sleeve robe was opened, Qiankun re-established, and the Xuanming Ghost Emperor was huge, and he could also be income. He could not help shrinking, and he cast in.

The sleeve robes covering the heavens and the earth are returned to their original state. Zhen Yuanzi is about to perform another magical power. The ghost of the emperor Bai Qing suddenly shows a blackness. The hand of the sleeve robe containing the ghost emperor is stained with green and convex. Yellow turbid blisters emerged one after another, and did not break apart, pus water poured out and quickly rotted.

Such a scene of talents often appears in a ghost emperor, a pseudo other shore, really frightening inexplicable!

Xuanming Ghost Emperor is the first evil spirit in this era. After several previous battles, he naturally glimpsed the problem of Zhen Yuanzi's transformation into a ghost emperor. By virtue of reincarnation, he is already a ghost and can get Jiuyou. Blessings are comparable to their own, but all the magical powers originally cultivated belong to Xianjia, and then reincarnation, and the nature of this kind of exercises cannot be changed, and they are a bit out of step with Jiuyou. Therefore, his strongest magical power is his greatest Vulnerability, intentionally recruiting is to grasp this!

A layer of brown light rose, covering Zhen Yuanzi's whole body. He tried his best to suppress these changes, and it was difficult to be distracted for a moment.


That white and beautiful palm was covered again, and the dark storm ape was photographed with a knife on the ground, just like a small fly, which hit the ground full of cracks. It seemed to be divided into countless pieces, wandering on In the gloom, against the backdrop of purple electric lightning, white lotus and blue flames, it looked unusually dark.

On the other side, the red mountain range shook, and the vicissitudes of the black heaven emperor looked at Meng Qi, who was struggling to sustain the waves in the other shore, and the voice of withering Xiaosuo dropped:

"After all, you hit this seat!"

The vortex swirled in the high mist-wrapped high altitude, and a black palm that absorbed all the light was found out, and it was directly inserted into the long river of time flowing through Jiuyou.

But in front of his eyes, there was a six-fingered palm with strange patterns and deep magic.

Devil's Claw!

In the red mountains, Qi Zhengyan has always been expressionless. He looked at Meng Qi who turned into a monster, watched the blood vessels on his face bulge, his whole body turned into a face, and his dark hair turned into a snake. His eyes were deep and seemed to remember In the past, I remember the figure that always makes people hate itchy and not hate.

He suddenly sighed, as if he had been prepared, and before the Emperor Hei Tian reached out his palm, he threw out the claw of the demon emperor.

I wanted to use this as a bait when I was trying to prove the legend, so as to draw all the attention away, so as not to be robbed by people and blocked by people with bad intentions, but how can everything be satisfactory!

The Devil's Claw flew directly into the hands of the Black Emperor. He had a few potentials to cherish his arms. He tried to get rid of it and wanted to return to Qi Zhengyan, but was temporarily cut off by the other party's power of the Twelve Demon Saints and the free spirit.

In the eyes of Hei Tiandi, the demon emperor who had been stunned for a long time became more and more clear, and the angry Jiuran Tianzun and Jiuyou Blood Demon manifested themselves and came over.

When Qi Zhengyan thought that the black emperor was about to collect the devil's claw, and thus fell into the vortex of competing with the other two pseudo-banks, and could no longer make his way to deal with Meng Qi, he saw the black jewel-like palm suddenly bent his finger , Gently bounced on the devil's claw.


The Devil's Claw was bombarded in another direction, and Jiuran Tianzun immediately chased after him.

Hei Tiandi gave up this magic Tao treasure!

This is unimaginable!

His vision locked Meng Qi, and said lightly:

"You will move into Jiuyou in the past. When you are no longer weak, you will be killed like a chicken."

The gloomy palm runs up the illusive river, and presses towards Meng Qi, who was telling the legend.

Suddenly, the illusory time Changhe was stained with blood, and the red waves surged quickly, engulfing the palm of the black emperor.

Nine You Blood Devil even gave up the Demon Claw!

The ancestors of Asura were stunned, but what kind of world is it now?


The red waves galloped down the palm of the hand and rushed to the Emperor Hei Tian's dojo, transforming the magical high-altitude high-altitude into a sea of ​​blood, and there seemed to be a flash of fierceness inside, extremely terrifying.

Hei Tiandi's voice came out, slightly changed, and roared angrily:

"Yang Ye!" (To be continued.) 2k novel reading network