MTL - The Spirit of God Million Domain-Chapter 16 Lingbao Pavilion

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Just because everyone thinks that Xu Feng is going to suffer, this punch is down, even if it is not dead, it will be seriously injured.


The change suddenly rises, Xu Feng raises his arm, and the light above the palm of his hand rushes up, sticking out a finger, like a point of water on Luoding's fist.

Luo Ding didn't think that Xu Feng was so dead. He dared to use his fingers to touch his fist. It was tantamount to hitting the stone with an egg. He ridiculed: "A fist will kill you... Ah..."

But his words have not been finished yet, and a scream broke out from his throat.

"The refining star refers to the first type, which means if it is a star."

Xu Feng just showed this trick. He ingeniously grasped the flaws of Luo Ding. The moment he pointed out, it was Luo Ding’s fist, the weakest place.


The people around me looked at this scene and were dumbfounded.

Just now Xu Feng’s Dao Mang not only pierced Luo Ding’s fist, but also broke through Luo Ding’s chest and pierced the heart, causing Luo Ding to fall to the ground and the breath was cut off.

One hit kill!

Many people can't help but look at Xu Feng again. It seems that they are not the same as rumors. This is waste. If this is all waste, it is estimated that Tianchi City can't find a few normal ones.

"Ah... cousin..."

Luo Mao did not expect Xu Feng to be so strong, even a finger to death Luoding. To know that Luo Ding is in Luo, the strength is not the strongest, but it is not the worst, in the middle.

"There are few peaks... I know it is wrong, don't kill me..." Luo Mao was cold sweat, for fear of Xu Feng coming to him.

I know that Xu Feng has already taken Yinger’s hand and walked toward the Lingbao Pavilion in the distance. He did not look at him from beginning to end.

"Wait, I must kill you without a place to die."

Luo Mao’s eyes were filled with grievances, and he had received such humiliation. Nowadays, the whole body is broken, and I am afraid that this life is just a waste.


Lingbao Pavilion.

One of the top three chambers of commerce in the southern continent has a branch in every city in the southern continent, which is huge in scale.

As long as you can afford the price, basically everything you want can be bought at Lingbaoge. Even if you want to buy a city, Lingbaoge can also get it down, provided that you have the ability to hold the city.

Lingbao Pavilion has a large area in Tianchi City, and the three-storey building stands tall. There are thousands of squares in the square.


Xu Feng and Ying Er just came to the door of Lingbao Pavilion. Two beautiful women standing by the door greeted Xu Feng and Ying Er.

"This young master, don't know what you want to buy? We Lingbao Pavilion, there are medicinal herbs, weapons, materials, all kinds, guaranteed to be complete."

A buddy greeted Xu Feng, and looked at Xu Feng a little, and there was no trace of disdain.

Xu Feng is still wearing a coarse linen.

The warriors who came to the Lingbao Pavilion were basically dressed in Chinese clothes. If it weren’t for the rules of Lingbao Pavilion, it would be impossible to refuse the guest.

Xu Feng took all of this into his eyes. With his previous experience, he didn’t know what the store guy was thinking, but he was too lazy to care.

"I need to buy a batch of elixir, all on this piece of paper. You will collect it for me. I will come to me later." Xu Feng took out the prescription that had already been prepared from his heart.

The above is the medicinal material that opens the spirit of the heavenly remnant. The main purpose of his coming to the Lingbao Pavilion is to temporarily open the remnant of Xu Guang.

The shop buddy was somewhat impatient and took the prescription from Xu Feng’s hand. He saw the dense medicine on the top, and there were more than 30 kinds. And the value of some herbs is on the white gold coins.

His face changed slightly and he was angry.

He thinks that Xu Feng is teasing him, a small seven-pronged person, what is the acquisition of so many medicines? The most important thing is how a warrior wearing a rug can afford nearly a thousand gold coins.

"Oh, I don't know how high the earth is, I dare to come to Lingbaoge to tease people. If you can't afford the gold coins, I will interrupt your hands and throw them out."

The shopkeeper glanced at Xu Feng with indignation and walked toward the surrounding shelves to start collecting the herbs that Xu Feng needed.

Xu Feng looked at the back of the store man and couldn't help but shake his head.

Before that, he did not say nearly a thousand gold coins, a gold coin is difficult.

Xu Dong knows that Xu Feng needs to buy medicines, help Xu Guang to treat the body, and give all the family, more than 5,000 gold coins to Xu Feng.

"Go, let's go to the second floor."

The prescriptions Xu Feng just gave to the shop guys are some of the most basic medicines. What really matters is that there are two kinds of medicines. He doesn't know if he can find them. After all, Lingbao Pavilion in Tianchi City is still too low-level.

"This young master, don't know what you want to buy, can I do it for you?" The second floor of the Lingbao Pavilion is obviously much more stable than the first floor.

The repair has actually reached the peak of a product, the Lingbao Pavilion really deserved the name, a product of the spiritual peak is used as a buddy.

"I need Tian Xinlan? Do you know if there is?" Xu Feng directly pointed at the buddy.

The shop buddy frowned slightly, Tianxinlan price is not cheap, the most important thing is that the number is very small, it seems that there is only one Lingbao Pavilion.

"There is nothing, but the price is somewhat... expensive..." The shop buddy is not looking down on Xu Feng. If anyone asks, he will explain it, and it is estimated that he will not live a day.

"How many gold coins?"

"One thousand eight hundred gold coins, this is the lowest price, and there is only one Lingbao Pavilion for the time being." The shopkeeper straightforwardly confronted Xu Fengdao.

"Well. Under normal circumstances, the price of a Tianxinlan is around 1,500 gold coins. It is indeed a bit expensive. But it is still affordable. I bought it."

Xu Feng is very clear that hundreds of gold coins are nothing.

In the event that someone was first promoted and robbed Tianxinlan, he did not know when to buy, but instead delayed the treatment of Xu Guangtian's remnant.

"Young master, I am sorry, trouble you to pay a deposit of one hundred gold coins." This is the rule of the second floor of Lingbaoge.

Any material that can be placed on the second floor, medicinal herbs, treasures, are not ordinary goods. It is impossible for everyone to touch it, and it is estimated that it will be damaged if it has not been sold.


Throw out a hundred gold coins from your arms and hand them to the man.

"The young master can look at the second floor, there is no other thing to buy, I will help you to take Tianxinlan." The shop buddy greeted Xu Feng, and walked toward the elixir room.

"Hua Ge, look at who is there?" Not far away, a young man with a cold smile, looking at where Xu Feng is.

The young man in the Chinese costume, when he saw Xu Feng, his face showed a mocking smile.

"Isn't this the waste of the Xu family? What did he buy on the second floor? What did he buy?" Luo Hua and Xu Feng can be described as deep hatred.

Luo Hua held his fist in his death and looked closely. His right hand thumb did not.

At the age of eight, Luo Hua bullied Xu Feng, but Xu Feng broke a finger. For so many years, this has been his inner pain.

"Hua Ge, I will humiliate him when I will, beat him up and vent his anger to Hua Ge." Luo Xun whispered in Luo Hua's ear.

"I have to go out in person."

Luo Huaying stared at Xu Feng, he must climb Xu Feng back today.

Not long after, the shopkeeper took Tianxinlan and came to Xu Feng.

"This is Tian Xinlan, please ask the young master to check. If there is no mistake, just go to the counter with me to pay the bill."

Xu Feng looked at Tian Xinlan, nine thick leaves, exuding the luster of green oil, the year should be around twelve years, no wonder the price is higher.

"No need to check, I will pay with you." Xu Feng just followed the store to take a few steps, and found that two figures blocked the way, staring at himself with a bad face.

Xu Feng looked at the young Chinese costumes in front of him, and there was news about the other side in his mind.

"Haha... Isn't this the waste of the Xu family? You don't even have the gold coins to eat, and there is money to buy the elixir?" Luo Hua haha ​​smiled.

The sound spread, and suddenly attracted a lot of attention around.

Even the shop guy, holding Tian Xinlan, looked at Xu Feng with some strange colors.

"I don't have money to explain to you?" Xu Feng was a little angry. The Luojia people are really sinister, how are they everywhere. "Go away, otherwise I will scrap even the remaining nine fingers."

"Do you really think that you are still the genius boy before the age of ten?" Luo Hua's cheeks have become embarrassed, to know that the pain of broken fingers is his humiliation, can not be said by Xu Feng so wide public.

"You are just a waste of Xu family. I heard that your position of the young master is to be taken. Do you dare to come out and sway in Tianchi City?"

"I hope that there are any contradictions between the two, you can go to Lingbao Pavilion to solve, do not destroy the rules of Lingbao Pavilion." The shop guys voice cold road.

"This Xiongtai rest assured, I am a frequent visitor to Lingbaoge. How can I not know the rules of Lingbaoge?" Luo Hua’s eyes immediately looked at Tianxinlan in the store’s calculator, and smiled: “This Tianxinlan I have two thousand gold coins. The one with the highest price is, does this Tian Xinlan belong to me now?"

Since the second floor of Lingbao Pavilion has a large number of treasures, it will set the rules for those who are higher. This is also the glorious place of Lingbao Pavilion. No one can sin and make money in it, just like a small auction.

Luo Hua looked at Xu Feng with sarcasm. "If you don't have money, you don't want to visit the second floor of Lingbao Pavilion. It's really shameful."

The shop buddy looked at Xu Feng with some sympathy. He also heard about the Xu family. He knew that the other party could not have many gold coins. How could he bid for Luohua?

"This young master, do you want to increase the price? If you do not increase the price, Tian Xinlan belongs to him, I will refund your one hundred gold coin deposit?"

Xu Feng frowned, and he now has five thousand gold coins. The more than 30 kinds of medicines downstairs will cost about 1,500 gold coins, leaving gold coins.

He also wants to buy two refining body creams and ten refining body fluids. If you increase the price, I am afraid that the refining body cream and the refining body fluid cannot be purchased.