MTL - The Spirit of God Million Domain-Chapter 17 Shu Runxue’s meeting

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Chapter 17 Shu Runxue's Meeting Ceremony

"Poor ghost, is Tian Xinlan what you bought?" Luo Hua's face was arrogant, his eyes staring at Xu Feng with sarcasm. "Oh... I almost forgot to remind you... Lingbao Pavilion is the top force. If you dare to bid for the gold coins, the end will be very miserable!"

The shop buddy didn't want to mix the battle between Xu Feng and Luo Hua. But I also know that Xu Feng is not Luo Hua. He kindly persuaded: "Xu Shaozhu, Tian Xinlan is precious, but it is not difficult to find. Next time you come to me. I will definitely keep it for you."

"Two thousand five hundred gold coins."

Xu Feng did not pay attention to the persuasion of the shop buddy, and his face showed a cold killing.

The imperial master of the tyrants, the past life only needs him a word, not to mention thousands of gold coins, even if it is hundreds of millions of gold coins, it can be instantly obtained.

Yinger stood next to her, and she often went to Lingbaoge to do odd jobs. It is very clear that the price is in the Lingbao Pavilion. If the final end is not dead, it will be interrupted. At the moment, the small hand is pressed and the face is white.

Yinger did not know that Xu Feng received five thousand gold coins from Xu Dong, and he was extremely worried.

"Haha... Xu Feng, you are looking for a dead end... I will see how you can get 2,500 gold coins in the future." Luo Hua was a glimpse, then laughed.

He no longer raises the price, he is afraid that if he raises the price, Xu Feng really does not buy Tian Xinlan. Doesn't it mean that he wants to be a big man? Rao is his identity. Two thousand five hundred gold coins are also two months of spending, not a small amount.

"The young man over there is estimated that he does not know the rules of Lingbaoge. If he can't get 2,500 gold coins, he must be interrupted at least with his legs."

Many people looked around and looked at Xu Feng with mercy.

"Go, check out."

Xu Feng is faint to the store.

The shop guy looked at Xu Feng with a strange look. He was a bit strange. It’s hard to be a rumor about the Xu family. It’s all fake.

"Xu Shaozhu, please here."

The shop buddy took Xu Feng toward the counter.

Luo Xun looked at Xu Feng's calm look, and whispered: "Hua Ge, is it that the waste really has 2,500 gold coins? Isn't that a small amount?"

Luo Hua’s face was gloomy and his mouth was slightly shaking. “He’s just pretending to be calm, and he will know that he will die very badly.”

Luo Hua also couldn't get 2,500 gold coins at all. He didn't believe Xu Feng could come up with 2,500 gold coins.

"Liu elder, Tian Xinlan, 2,500 gold coins, just received a deposit of one hundred gold coins, a total of 2,400 gold coins." The shopkeeper took Xu Feng to the counter, respectfully watching sitting on the counter Old man.

Originally, many people thought that Xu Feng would be taught by Liu Tian. He knew that Liu Tian was looking at Xu Feng with a smile.

"It turned out to be Xu Shaozhu."

The last time Xu Feng and Xu Chong’s battle, he met Liu Tian and knew that the other was the elder of Lingbao Pavilion, and he still owed Liu Tian a life-saving grace.

"What happened? How could Xu Feng know Liu Tian? And the relationship between the two seems to be good?" Luo Xun widened his eyes and couldn't help but exclaim.

Luo Huaying’s stunned him, so yelling, for fear that others would not know Xu Feng knowing Liu Tian?

"Liu elder, I have limited gold coins now. I don't know if I can owe a thousand gold coins. I will pay back next time." Xu Feng has 5,000 gold coins.

If you buy Tian Xinlan, it costs 2,500 gold coins. More than 30 kinds of medicines on the first floor require about two thousand gold coins, leaving only a few hundred gold coins.

It is not enough to buy body fluids and body creams, let alone he seems to buy some other materials, and improve his own cultivation.

Hearing the words of Xu Feng, the shop buddies standing next to him all played a chill, and the rules of Lingbaoge could not be owed.

"Seeing no, I said that this guy is a poor ghost, looking for a dead end." Luo Hua taunted at Xu Feng, his face full of pity.

He often came to the Lingbao Pavilion and knew that the people who dared to scatter in the Lingbao Pavilion would be very miserable. He had already foreseen that Xu Feng would become a disabled person.

"Haha... Xu Shaozhu is not polite. This day Xinlan sells you at the original price of 1,500 gold coins." Liu Tian’s words came out, and the people around him were all in vain.

The shopman’s face suddenly changed, and his heart was secretly relieved. Fortunately, he did not humiliate Xu Feng just now, otherwise he would not really think about the consequences.

Immediately, he looked at Xu Feng with some surprises. He didn't know how Liu Tian and Xu Feng knew each other.

"This... what happened?"

Luo Hua thinks this is too unreal. It must be known that Xu Feng has been famous in Tianchi City for six years. Who knows that he is a waste, how can he know Liu Tian?

"That would be a thank you to Mr. Liu."

Xu Feng smiled on his face, and he really lacks gold coins now. I secretly remembered Liu Tian’s human feelings and will pay back in the future.

"This is one thousand five hundred gold coins..."

Xu Feng just handed over 1,500 gold coins to the counter, but did not wait for Liu Tian to collect gold coins.

A crisp voice came from the third floor of Lingbao Pavilion, a woman of about thirty years old.

The woman wore a blue brocade dress with a bead flower on top of her head. The eyes were like clear water, and the skin was blown and broken. It was very beautiful!

"What a nice view?"

Many people can't help but feel their emotions, but they don't dare to look at women.

This woman is the owner of Lingbao Pavilion, Shu Runxue.

"Liu elder, this day, I am a gift to Xu Shaozhu."

The elegant voice sounded on the second floor of Lingbao Pavilion. Many people were stunned and glared at Xu Feng. I don’t know what Xu Feng’s dog is going to get, but I can get the favor of Lingbaoge.

Luo Hua stared at Xu Feng, with a crazy sly in his eyes. Although Shu Runxue is already in his thirties, he is definitely one of the best in Tianchi City. Why is his talent and strength stronger than Xu Feng, but he is not favored by the other side.


Liu Tian also knows that Shu Runxue is very optimistic about Xu Feng.

Then he smiled at Xu Feng: "Xu Shaozhu, this day Xinlan does not charge your gold coins."

Yinger feels that all this is so unreal, especially she knows that Shu Runxue is not only the Lingbaoge, but also a strong.

"Respect is not as good as life, then I will thank the owner of the gift." Xu Feng is certainly not welcome, especially he can feel it, Shu Runxue may have something to say to himself.

"Giggle... Xu Shaozhu does not have to be polite with me? If Xu Shaozhu does not disappoint, can you go upstairs with the slaves?" I have to say that Shu Runxue is really beautiful.

In particular, the charm contained in the maturity is not comparable to the average pure woman.


The scene was awkward, and they all looked at Xu Feng with envy.

Tianchi City does not know how many young talents, even the genius of Qixuanmen, come here, and wants to be alone with Shu Runxue. Today, Shu Runxue personally invited Xu Feng.

"The beauty invites, can't ask for it."

Xu Feng followed Shu Runxue and boarded the third floor of Lingbao Pavilion.

In the elegant room, there are some ancient wood furniture, which is extremely elegant. The room is full of rose scent, solitary man and woman, but Xu Feng is somewhat worried. If it is not his amazing strength, I am afraid that Shu Runxue will really take the soul away.

Shu Runxue is a little surprised to see Xu Feng's eyes, she is very clear. If you change to another man, I am afraid that it has already been thrown in desperately.

"The celebrity does not say whispering in front of him. Xu Shaozhu has been holding up his hair for six years. Presumably, the achievement of alchemy should not only raise Yuandan?" Shu Runxue took out the last time Xu Feng gave Shuya refining the nourishing Yuan Dan.

Yang Yuan Dan is only a subordinate medicinal herb, but he can refine the Yuan Yuan Dan to the ninety-nine alchemy divisions, even the president of the Tianchi City Refining Association can not do it.


Xu Feng was surprised. He seemed to know that Shu Runxue was doing what he was doing.

Lingbao Pavilion and Shunfeng Chamber of Commerce, Haifu Hall, as the three top chambers of the Southern Continent. Lingbao Pavilion has not been as good as the other two major chambers of commerce.

In Tianchi City, there is everything on the second floor of Lingbao Pavilion, but the medicinal herbs are pitiful, and even worse than some ordinary shops in Tianchi City.

"I hope that the medicinal herbs that Xu Shaozhu will refine afterwards will be handed over to Lingbao Pavilion for sale. The five-fifth division, the material we Lingbaoge out? How?"

Shurun ​​Xue’s mind often recalls Alchemy Street. Xu Feng refining the means of raising Yuan Dan, with her eyes, I am afraid that even the second-grade peak alchemy teacher can not do it, it is very likely that Xu Feng reaches the three-products division.

This is also the last time she asked Liu Tian to help Xu Feng. And the reason for giving Xu Feng Tian Xinlan today, she wants Xu Feng to owe her favor.

"Oh... I can’t think of the thoughtfulness of the owner. I owe you a big favor. It seems that I can’t promise it?” Xu Feng smiled.

He really does not like to owe someone else's feelings. Now, since he owes a human condition, he naturally has to pay it back. Moreover, he does need the support of Lingbaoge.

Shu Runxue heard Xu Feng’s words, and his face suddenly showed a enchanting smile. A pair of eyes flowed and stood up.

With a wine glass, walk towards Xu Feng!

"Giggle... Xu Shaozhu, I wish we have a happy cooperation... The slaves have been so many years, but single... maybe...hehe..."

Shu Runxue brought a glass of wine and came to Xu Feng!

Xu Feng's face changed slightly, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"The owner assured that after a month, I will personally come to Lingbaoge to discuss the specific details." Xu Feng stood up and hurriedly walked toward the second floor of Lingbao Pavilion.

"Haha... interesting..."

Shu Runxue looked at Xu Feng, who had escaped from the general, and his face showed a smile of the country!

This book has been signed, I hope everyone can support! Speaking of the update rules, the recommended ticket is increased by one thousand and one more. The increase or decrease of the collection is increased by one thousand, and one more person is rewarded! Usually protect the bottom two, add more from time to time!

(End of this chapter)