MTL - The Spirit of God Million Domain-Chapter 19 Give me a little farther

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Chapter 19 gives me a long way to go

Seeing that Xu family was guilty, Luo Hao was happy and stood there quietly.

"You don't want to find your own way, you want to hit the stone with an egg." Xu Fucang's old face with a charming smile, looking at Luo Hao, said: "Roman is now growing in strength, has become the first family of Tianchi City, you for a Waste will make us Xu’s home."

Many of Xu’s deacons also fell silent at this time. Everyone knows that Xu Fu is telling the truth.

If it weren’t for Xu’s ancestor Xu Wanshan, I’m afraid Luo’s family would have destroyed Xu’s family.

"I propose to surrender Xu Feng and apologize to Luo. I believe that the Luo family is a magnanimous person and will not care about our Xu family."

Xu Fu’s face is not shameful, and he does not feel that Barthol’s family is a shame. Instead, he smiled and said: "Luo Jiazhu, I only hope that after you punish the obstacle, don't pursue my Xu family's responsibility?"

"It seems that on the face of the elders, I naturally will not be difficult to Xu family. But Xu family needs to give me Luojia compensation, 100,000 gold coins."

Luo Hao’s voice just finished.

Xu Renxue angered Xu Fu and said: "100,000 gold coins, all of my Xu family's assets now, afraid to become a Luo family? What is the difference between death and death?"

"Today, Xu Renxue prefers to stand dead, and will not live and live." Xu Renxue's hot spirits rolled up, like a fireball.

"Looking for death, I can pinch you with one hand." Luo Hao's momentum of the spirit king broke out, his eyes shining.

Xu Fu secretly hid, as long as Luo Hao killed Xu Renxue and killed Xu Feng, the owner of Xu family was his Xu Fu.

"Even if you die, it is better than making dogs for others."

Xu Renxue took a shot out of Luo Hao's palm, and his hands burned like a flame, and the momentum was extraordinary.

"Xuan-class's best spiritual skill flames, I can't think of this Xu Renxue actually cultivated into this realm." Luo family was staring at Xu Renxue, but also a little awe.


I know that Luo Hao stepped out step by step, and his body was like the sea. An understatement of a punch hit the flames, I saw Xu Renxue the whole person flew out, heavy squatting on the ground, a stream of blood spouted out.

"Two elders?"

Xu Gu quickly ran to Xu Renxue and raised Xu Renxue, who was pale.

"Haha... Luo Jiaxuan can't open it for a long time, as long as the owner returns from the ancient comet, it is the time when the Luo family is destroyed." Xu Renxue was laughing with a smile on his face.


Luo Hao’s face suddenly became gloomy, and most of the older warriors in Luo’s family were silent at the same time.

To know that Xu Pang was in the Tianchi Empire, it was a ray of light.

In particular, he stepped into the Jiu Pinling Wang Yifeng. If it wasn't for Xu Pang's self-seeking dead road, he would go to the ancient stars to sway. I am afraid that the Tianchi Empire has long been a Xu family.

"You don't want to be scared by him. The ancient star is the three fierce land of the Tianchi Empire. No one has ever lived out of it. In the past 16 years, Xu Pang has died before he can die." Xu Fu looked at Luo Hao and others. Hesitating, how can you miss such a good opportunity.

"Yes, Xu Pang died early."

Luo Yong’s old face showed a sigh of relief. “Xu Fu, you are not going to grab Xu Feng’s waste. Is it because you want to watch Xu’s destruction?”

"You can rest assured that I have already sent people to catch the obstacles. I am afraid I have already succeeded." Xu Fu laughed and looked at Xu Renxue's eyes with mercy.

Xu Ren learned that he still doesn't understand where he is now. I am afraid that Luo Mi, who he sent to ask for help, is afraid that he is also the poisoned hand of Xu Fu, and his blood is stirring, and a blood is sprayed out.

"Xu Fu, you can't die... you become a Xu family..."

"In this case, we will wait. After half an hour, if the kid is not yet available, I will announce the **** Xu family?" Luo Hao has made up his mind, must erase the Xu family as soon as possible.

As long as the Luo family unified the Tianchi Empire, it would be able to obtain the support of Qi Xuanmen. At that time, even if Xu Peng returned from the ancient comet, Luo Jia would not be afraid.


"Young master, big things are not good..."

Xu Feng is practicing the "selling star", and Ying, who is going to take the ingredients outside the yard, ran back, pale, and worried.

"Yinger? What happened?" Xu Feng put away his palm.

"Young master, Luo Hao's family Luo Hao took Luo Jia's strong and strong, said that you killed the Luo family, abolished Luo Mao, and also severely injured the two elders. Xu Fu's elders said that you should hand over and calm down the Luo family. The anger, you run." Yinger almost cried out, and he was very guilty.

I thought that if I didn’t buy the beads myself, I wouldn’t hit Luo Mao. There will be no contradiction, and the young master will not kill the Luo family.

"Xu Fu's old waste, it seems that I still don't want to stop." Xu Feng brows his face, and his face shows a suffocating suffocation. The cold road: "Since this old waste is looking for a dead end, then I will ignore the so-called family affair. It is."

"Hey? Do you dare to kill the Luo family, do you still want to escape?" Outside the broken yard, two figures appeared.

It was Xu Mao and Xu Sheng who went to intercept Xu Mi. Both of them looked at Xu Feng with sarcasm on their faces. In their view, Xu Feng died.

"Who said that I want to escape?" Xu Feng glanced at Xu Mao and Xu Sheng, saying: "You two will follow Xu Fu's self-destruction, you will regret it."

"Repent?" Xu Mao heard Xu Feng's words, haha ​​smiled and said: "You will become a dead person, even if you return to the genius of the past, it will die very badly."

"Where is he doing so much nonsense? I really think that if you have the talent, you can go wild, and you will not be able to provoke people. It is not the same." Xu Sheng is impatient.

"Do you want to go with us, or do we want to do it?"

Xu Feng’s look has never changed from beginning to end. He knows that he will not die today.

His gaze glanced at the Xu family backyard, and immediately looked at the direction of the Lingbao Pavilion. He said: "I hope not to let me down?"

"Let's go, I want to be a Xu family for a while." Xu Feng calmly said to Xu Mao and Xu Sheng.

The two don't know that Xu Feng is going to die, why is it so calm?

"Young Master, you can't go with them, they will kill you."

Yinger took Xu Feng’s clothes and looked pale and cried: “I went with them because I was the young master who killed the Luo family. I went to give them a sin...”

"Stupid girl? Rest assured, your young master does not want to die, no one can kill me." Xu Feng heart warmth inside, reaching out and pinching Yinger's cheek.

"Hey, I am cooking at home, waiting for me, will the young master still have to come back to eat?" Xu Feng took a step and walked outside Xujiafu.

Xu Mao shook his head and really didn't know where Xu Feng came from, and wanted to come back to eat.

"I still want to come back to eat, you can not die, it will become a complete waste."

Xu Feng’s face was a smile, saying: “I dare to make a bet with you. Today, I will not die, but I will live very well.”

"Hey, do you expect the ancestors to protect you? Tell you the truth, Xu Renxue, who thinks he is very smart, sends someone to inform his ancestors that he and I have been intercepted halfway by Xu and I have been half-dead." Xu Maoyue Seeing that Xu Feng is calm and self-sufficient, the more unhappy he is, he wants Xu Feng to despair.

Sure enough, Xu Feng heard Xu Mao’s words, and the eyes revealed the cold killing.

"Xu Feng is here!"

The three people walked in the house of Xu's house. Many people looked at Xu Feng's eyes with sympathy.

A few days ago, I was still mad, defeating Xu Chong, and now the retribution came.

Xu Fu stood at the mansion, and saw Xu Feng calmly coming, his eyes emitting a wise light, and his heart was stunned: "Kid, I don't know how you die, I will see, how do you Calm?"

"Less Lord, why are you so stupid? Why don't you run away?" Lin Kai and several others looked at Xu Feng's arrival, all of which were full of regret and pain.

The Luo family came to the forefront, and now the person who informed the ancestors was intercepted by Xu Fu. Today, Xu Jiawei, Xu Feng appears to be tantamount to self-investment.

"Escape? In my Xu Feng's dictionary, I have not escaped two words." Xu Feng step by step toward the Xujiafu Gate.

Luo Hao stared at Xu Feng's figure, his face changed slightly. He seemed to see Xu Peng's figure from Xu Feng's body. The more so, the stronger the desire to kill Xu Feng.

He couldn't look at Xu's family and Xu Peng, this son will die.

"Xu Feng, you don't hurry down, you have to repair yourself, and you have to abandon your hands and feet, and you have to pay for the crime." You know that you are almost ruined by Xu Jiawan." Xu Fu screamed at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s eyes were cold and he looked at Xu Fu’s eyes like a sword.


Xu Feng only felt that he seemed to fall into the ice cave. His six-character spirits were repaired by Xu Feng, and he was scared by Xu Feng's eyes. Even he himself had some accidents.

Xu Feng's strength is not strong, but he is very clear. After his rebirth, although his soul power has been greatly weakened, his ability to fight for a war is still there.

"What do you think, I dare to let me kneel down." Xu Feng's voice screamed, making many young people in Xu family feel excited.

Luo family has been oppressing Xu family for many years. Some Xu family youths looked at the overbearing Xu Feng, and they could not help but show their admiration.

"A good boy, a little means? But in the face of absolute strength, today I have to see how you are arrogant?" Luo Hao is magnificent, and the sound is stirring.

Luo Yong’s smile, said: “Why do the family owner take the shot and let the old man go to kneel down and break his hands and see if he is still so hard?”

Xu Gu, Lin Kai, and Xu Dong rushed to Xu Feng at the same time and said: "Less master, you run fast, we stop them."

"With your three wastes, you want to stop me?"

On Luo Yong's body, Jiu Pinfeng's spirits broke out, and the moment of the impact, the turbulence of the waves, and the speed, made Lin Kai and others face a big change.

Many Xu family members sighed and knew that Xu Gu and other three people were not the opponents of Luo Yong. After all, the gap between the two sides was too great.

"Give me a little farther."

I know that in the moment when many people think that Xu Feng will die, Xu Jiafu’s inside, a violent drink bursts out, and the momentum is mighty.

Many people in Xu’s family were shocked and excited inside their eyes.

(End of this chapter)