MTL - The Spirit of God Million Domain-Chapter 18 Luojia provocation

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Chapter 18: Provocation

Three days passed.

Xu Feng purchased a body cream and ten refining body fluids from Lingbao Pavilion, all of which were absorbed by him.

He can now explode a thousand strengths by his body alone, that is, the power of the ten elephants, and it is possible to defeat the seven spirits with one punch.

The morning sun rises, his spirit rises steadily, and it is a little bit farther away from the peak of a spiritual body.

The quality of the refined body fluid purchased from Lingbaoge is too bad. If he personally configures the body fluid, it is estimated that he has already entered the peak of a spiritual body.

But the gold coins on his body can't support him to buy medicines.

"It seems that I still have to find a way to get some gold coins."

Practice is a bottomless pit, and spending gold coins is like running water. This is also why Xu Dong, as the five elders of the Xu family, is only the same as the five thousand gold coins.

"There is still a little distance from the eight spirits. In the realm of my previous life, it is not difficult to step into the spiritual world." Xu Feng during these three days is either practicing "the **** of the gods" or training. Chaos is infinite."

At the same time, he cultivated the human spirit of the best of the world, "the refining star refers to", he believes that now he even faces the nine spirits, but also has the ability to kill.

He wants to cultivate the "selling star" into the realm. Spiritual cultivation is divided into five grades, Xiaocheng, Dacheng, and gradually enters into a good environment.

Even if he has the experience of past life, it takes a certain amount of time to cultivate a spiritual skill into the environment.

Xu Feng, as always, cultivated the "smelting star" in the yard, referring to the glare of the awning, and the spread of the spirit of the road.


In the early morning, at the gate of Xu's house, a group of people came to the forefront and their faces were very bad.

This group of people is the Luo family.

Three days before Xu Feng, in Tianchi City, he killed two servants of Luo’s family, killed Luo Ding, and also turned Luo Mao into a waste person. The meridians broke through, and Luo Jiahe had suffered such a big loss.

"Hey, Xu Feng, today I want to see how you are arrogant, you will die?" Inside the crowd, Luo Hua has resentment in his eyes.

The more he wants to feel angry, the more Xu Fengming is a waste, how can he get the hospitality of Lingbaoge.

"It's not good. The Luo family's people are killing the **** and are provoke outside the door."

"How can our Xu family be offended by Luo, and the power of Luojia is getting stronger and stronger."

"It is said that three days ago, Luo Mao was seriously injured by Xu Feng, and the meridians were broken. Luo Hao's owner Luo Hao was personally dispatched."

"Xu Feng this waste, he really thought that he defeated Xu Chong, can he be rampant? Xu family now provokes Luo family, is it not self-destruction?"

"Yes! Luo's constant provocation in these years, I can't find an excuse to find trouble with our Xu family. This time I am afraid that Luo will not give up."

The Luo family provoked outside the house of Xu's house, making many of the young warriors of Xu family, and even some deacons, full of anger and fear.

"It's **** damn. Luo Mao's three brothers, I heard that all are seven Xuanmen disciples, how can our Xu family be able to get rid of?" Xu Jiayou, the young brother who mentioned Luo Mao, are somewhat afraid.

To know that Luo Hao's three sons are called Luojia Sanjie in Tianchi City.

"I would like to see how he stopped, Luo Hao this time, it is estimated that this kid is dead, the elders have long wanted to kill him." Someone with a smile on his face.

As long as Xu Feng was killed by Luo, Xu family became the world of Xu Fu, and those who followed Xu Fu would also rise.

Luo Jia **** provocation, Lin Kai as the four elders of the Luo family, naturally received the news, the first time rushed to the front of the Luojiafu Tuen Mun, the look of concern between the look.

In particular, he saw that, beside Luo Hao, a young man was pale and smashed through the veins. His eyes were all sinful, and it was Luo Mao who was beaten by Xu Feng.

"Lin Kai, surrender Xu Feng, otherwise I am afraid I will wipe the Xu family today." Luo Hao stood there, his face angered.

Since Luo Hao stepped into a product king, he became the strongest player in Tianchi City except for a few old guys. But some people dare to beat his son into a waste, how can he not be angry?

"Homeowners, in my opinion, do not need to talk nonsense with them, directly rushed in to get the stinky boy out, and sneak in. The old man would like to see who would dare to provoke me to Luojia."

Standing next to Luo Hao, an old man in a white robe. The body is very rich, and he has stepped into the ranks of Jiu Ling Ling. He is the great elder of Luo Jia, Luo Yong.

"You are not too deceived. If you dare to rush into my Xu family, it means that the two are not dead." Lin Kai stared grimly at Luo Yong.

He is delaying the time, and he hopes that the ancestors who have retired from cultivation will receive news and quickly go out.

"Oh, it’s a big deal."

Xu Renxue just got the medicinal materials that Xu Feng needed to heal his wounds. He is going to look for Xu Feng today. If he knows that he just got up, he will hear someone report it. Luo Jia is provocative outside the house.

"Only the people of Luojia are allowed to take a shot at our Xu family and not let me shoot at home. What is the reason?" Xu Gu appeared outside the mansion.

At the moment he appeared, Lin Kai and Xu Renxue couldn’t help but look at Xu Gu’s eyes. Xu Gu seems to have changed personally, and the whole person is full of radiance, and his body is filled with a deep momentum.

"It seems that Xu Gu's great sadness has made great progress. I am afraid that it has reached the point where the fire is pure. Is it incredible?" Lin Kai is very clear that all this is the result of Xu Feng's guidance to Xu Gu.

Just outside the Xujiafu, the two sides are facing each other.

Before Xujiafu’s Houshan was out of the clean courtyard, the grass was overgrown, a middle-aged man, and his face rushed toward the courtyard.

He is Xu Minxue’s cronies, Xu Mi, who is also a deacon of Xu’s family. Just now, Xu Renxue already knew that things were urgent. I am afraid that Xu’s ancestor Xu Wanshan must come out to be able to live in Luojia.

Just arrange Xu Mi to hurry and ask Xu Wanshan to go out.

"Hey, isn't this Xu Mi? You are so anxious, is this going to do?" Just as Xu Mi was on the road, two figures appeared on both sides of the road.

It is Xu Mao and another middle-aged man, Xu Sheng, who can be said to be Xu Fu’s right arm in Xu’s family. They are all deacons of Xu’s family.

Xu Mi’s face changed slightly and said: “I am going to the back mountain to exercise. I don’t know what the two are going to do?”

When I heard Xu Mi say this, Xu Mao suddenly smiled and said: "I am afraid you are not going to exercise? Are you going to find the elders?"

"you guys?"

Xu Mi's face suddenly sinks, I can't think of Xu Fu's early preparations, and the heart is extremely worried. If Xu Fu and Luo Jia are united, Xu Feng is in danger today.


Xu Mi is nothing but the eight-pronged spirit of the peak, he can not be the opponent of Xu Mao and Xu Sheng.

At the moment, the spirits are surging, and they are desperate to flee.

However, since Xu Mao and Xu Sheng arrived, how could he succeed?

The two shot at the same time, just a moment, Xu Mi was knocked down to the ground, no effort to fight back.

"You two are not allowed to die. You dare to frame the Lord. In the future, the return of your homeowner from the ancient comet is your death."

Xu Mi couldn't help but scream and his eyes were red.

Xu Mao and Xu Sheng heard the words of the owner, and their eyes showed their fears involuntarily. Then Xu Mao smiled and walked to Xu Mi, his cheeks groaning.

"The wild species entered the wild star for 16 years and died long ago. You still threaten me with him." Xu Mao's ankle squatted on Xu Mi's head.

Xu Mi flew out directly, and slammed on the ground, suddenly fainted.


"Since you are not willing to hand over the waste of the Lord, today I am afraid that Luo Hao is going to wash the Xu family." Luo Hao face is extremely cold.

He did not expect Xu’s four elders to be so hard. He did not hear that Xu’s parents were almost ready to go out to Xu Feng’s position as a young master. How could he maintain a waste like this?

"Home, let me see, this Xu family is a waste, just take this opportunity to destroy the Xu family." Luo Hua took a step and sneaked.

"Focus my heart, the old ruin also feels that destroying Xu family is not bad." Luo Yong with a sly face.

Many Luojia warriors are also eager to try. As the strength of Luojia continues to grow stronger, many people have long wanted to annex Xu.

Luo Hao's face with deep thoughts, Xu family has indeed become weaker, but the hundred insects die without being stiff, there is an old guy behind Xu.

Xu Wanshan is the strongest of Sanpinling Wang Yufeng, although he has rarely appeared in these years. Can be the same as the three peaks of Wang Pinfeng, Xu Wanshan strength is much stronger than Luo Lin.

In particular, Xu Wanshan holds a level of spirit at the prefecture level, and Tiger Heyi Boxing is a powerful force.

"Hey, Luo Jiazhu and Luo Yong are coming to the door. Why don't you inform the younger brother in advance? It's really a bad reception." Just as Luo Hao thought about it, a voice came.

It is Xu Fu’s elder Xu Fu.

Hearing the words of Xu Fu, Luo Hao’s face suddenly became a joy, and he gave birth to a note in his heart.

"Elder Xu Da, your Xu family is arbitrarily killing my Luo family, and deceiving people too much. Today, I am afraid you have to give me a explanation, otherwise everyone is not good to talk?"

Luo Hao has always wanted to annex Xu family, and how can he not know that Xu’s elders and his heart are not in harmony.

Moreover, Xu Fu has been reluctant to be a big elder. Now Xu Renxue and several others have maintained Xu Feng, which can just intensify the contradiction between several people.

As long as Xu Jiazhong was upgraded, by that time, Xu’s family would not break. Even if Xu Wanshan is out, I am afraid it is also a muddy Xu family. What is the use?

Xu Fuyi listened and wanted to remove Xu Feng with the help of Luo’s hand.

"Oh, I really don't know about this. This obstacle is really daring and indiscriminate. I am deeply sorry for being an elder of Xu Jiada today."

After Xu Fu finished, a few people next to Xu Renxue were full of anger and disdain. Everyone can see that Xu Fu is in Bajie Luojia.

"Xu's face has been thrown away by you, no wonder the main reason is to avoid your elders position." Xu Gu stared at Xu Fu with awkward face.

Xu Renxue nodded and said: "You are no longer an elder of Xu Family. You are not qualified to speak here, let's go."

(End of this chapter)