MTL - The Strongest Hokage-Chapter 18 Go back to school

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If the estimate is good, when the second door of the feather night is opened, the amount of the chakra should also step into the middle level with the opening of the second door. At that time, the development of the **** limit can be further developed. Power, and even can begin to practice spiral pills, and even develop the most suitable for his own ninja.

Clearly defined his own purpose, the next time Yubei was put into cultivation.

A dazzling moment is a few days passed.

The body of the feather night has not only fully adapted to the strength of the heart, but also the control of the power of the night has become even further.


After a punch smashed a large wooden pile, Yu night exhaled a breath, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and nodded with satisfaction.

The general endurance is definitely not his opponent.

Ending today's cultivation, Yu night and Matt Dyed say hello, then go home.

What Yu Yu night did not expect was that at home, he saw a figure that seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time.

That is the whirlpool.

Even if it is anger, I don’t want to worry about the night, but as time goes by, the worry in Xin Xinna’s heart is getting heavier and heavier. After hearing a message, I can’t help but come to Yubei.

Moreover, after discovering that the night was not at home, the worry in Xin Xinna’s heart was almost more and more intense, and even a bite, the hard-hearted wait for him at the door of Yu’s night was almost a day!

Finally, I saw the figure that came back from the night, and Xin Sinai’s worried and tight expression suddenly became loose.

At the same time, she did not hesitate to take advantage of the imposing night.

"Feather night... you must listen to me this time!"

Going to the side of Yu Xinnai, Yu night helplessly spread his hand and said: "What is it."

Yan Xinnai took a deep breath and said with a serious look: "Go to me to participate in the next ninja school's actual qualifying assessment!"

This sentence suddenly made Yu Yu a little surprised and confused.

Actual position assessment?

What it is.

Waiting for the feathers to think about it, Yan Xinnai directly grabbed the arm of the feather night and said: "I know that you are very strong, very proud, not willing to live with the power of others... but this time, you prove yourself. opportunity!"

"The actual ranking assessment is a full-scale actual assessment. It is not a simple one-on-one, but a round-trip matchup, and finally a complete ranking."

"This assessment, the three generations of Huo Ying adults will pay attention! As long as you perform well in the night, by the three generations of adults, the Uchiha family will never dare to treat you!"

Speaking of this, Yan Xinnai looked at the night, and wanted to use the forced tone to let the night go.

But I don't know why, looking at the expression like a feather night that doesn't care at all, she is inexplicably soft.

She is afraid that the night of the feathers will continue to go their own way.

Breathing is a bit confusing.

The firmness of her little face is gradually disappearing, replaced by embarrassment and uneasiness.

"Feather night... Listen to me. It's not good... You don't need to win the most talented wave of water and water, even if you only need to get the top three, you will definitely be concerned by Huo Ying adults..."

The tone of Xin Sinai, at this moment, actually brought a cry!

This made the feathers stunned.

Is this still her? That girl with a strong temper?

This is true, I don't want him to die, I don't want him to leave, I will show such a weak side.

Feathers were touched gently in the heart of the night.

He couldn't help but hug her around the ring and said, "I promise you."

玖辛奈 stayed for a while, then couldn’t help but turned and hugged the feather night, quite a bit like a weeping.

However, just after holding it, she immediately let go.

The cheeks were slightly reddish, and Xin Sinai showed an angry expression, clenching her small fist and slamming the chest of the night.

"You guy, really is not too worrying, kill you, kill you, kill you!"


Feather couldn't help but grab her two little hands.

When she was a little red, she had a red face and struggled. She did not break free, and she did not use any force.

Feather sticks out her fingers at night and scrapes her nose.

"Don't be angry, since I am participating, take a first look!"


玖辛奈 snorted and squinted.

She knows that Yuyue is deliberately saying that she is happy. Although she believes that Yuye works hard, she can get a good result, but she does not think that Yuye can get the first.

Because, before the first position, there is an insurmountable mountain.

Waves and water gates!

She knows that for a while before the wave of water, she once won a defeat in front!

If it is just that the Ninja School is the best, but the front is to win, it is already qualified to graduate in advance!

The strength of the Feng Shui Gate, and other students are simply not in a dimension.


the next day.

Because I agreed to 玖辛奈, and Yu night thought about it, if you participate in this actual ranking assessment can be concerned by the three generations of Naruto, it is indeed worth attending.

After all, he can't win the Uchiha cold, but he is dead, but even if he wins, this is equivalent to playing the face of Uchiha.

If you don't pull a strong backing, you will still be easily suffocated by the Uchiha family.

If the whole mountain of Muye is the biggest, there is no doubt that it is the three generations of the shadow of the sun!

Came to the Ninja School.

Today, the school has become extremely lively because there is no need for classes.

After defeating Yu Zhibo Quan in Yu Ye, no one in the school dared to easily provoke the night. Those contempt and disdainful eyes turned into admiration and awe.

But today, these eyes have changed a lot.

"Is it heard? He will fight with Yu Zhibo's life and death in the night." A student saw the night, suddenly changed his face, and whispered to the person next to him.

"Uchibo is cold, but it is tolerant! Is he crazy in the night?" The child next to him suddenly widened his eyes and had an incredible expression.

"Oh... don't say more, the duel is still early. The most important thing today is the actual qualifying assessment. Who do you think will win?"

"Of course it's a wave of water."

"Watergate is definitely the first."

Several young girls are showing a natural expression.

"In addition to the water gate, the day-to-day moments of the famous family are also very strong."

"Yeah, before he also won Uchiha Izumi, I don't know who is the moment and the night."

"It should be an instant, after all, the night of the night will only be a body skill, and the Japanese family is the nemesis of the body."

A group of people whispered.

This is the case throughout the Ninja School, where students gather together in piles.

When Yu Ye arrived, he also made his Zhong Ren teacher Kato wild somewhat surprised.

I did not expect that Yu Ye will come to participate in the actual qualifying assessment.

In his opinion, the last night of the life of the feather night is left, and it should be good to play.

Nothing to think about, Kato Ye will add the name of Feather Night.

Yubei did not receive any blockade, and completed the to the readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are available at mobile users please read.