MTL - The Strongest Hokage-Chapter 19 winning

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The ninja school of this period is different from the original one.

The original book is divided into grades according to age.

But at this time, the system is still not perfect.

There is no grade in the Ninja School, so it will only appear that Kaki Kakashi graduated at the age of five, and at the age of six he became the kind of thing.

Like this kind of actual ranking assessment, as long as you get the top ranking, you can choose to apply for graduation in advance.

However, children who have just joined the Ninja School for less than a year have basically given up directly to participate in this actual ranking assessment.

After all, the genius of Kakashi Kakashi is a minority, and most people still have to study and practice for years.

Even so, the total number of participants in the actual ranking assessment is also very large.

In the fourth round of the end of the world, the total number of the combined army that participated in it was 80,000. If there are not enough students in the Ninja School, where is the huge amount?

Due to the large number of participants.

Therefore, the actual qualifying assessment uses five venues at the same time.

First draw all the students in a lottery, and then all the winners and losers after the match, followed by the winner against the winner and the loser against the loser.

This will continue to draw a lot of votes, and finally you can discharge a whole ranking.

At the beginning, four sub-sites will be used. After several cycles, the winners will be able to enter the fifth main venue for the following comparison.

In the main venue, the three generations of Huoying Feifei will even sit in person!

It can be seen that during this period, what is the emphasis on the cultivation of ninjas?

The opening ceremony of the actual qualifying assessment was naturally hosted and unveiled by Fei Fei.

Under the gaze of a group of ninjas, Fei Fei was wearing a fire and robes, and Shi Shiran went to the stage.

All the students cheered together at the moment when they saw the flight of the Japanese.

At one time, the atmosphere was extremely warm.

In Konoha, Naruto is undoubtedly the highest and most respected existence.

Although the number of people flying in the sun is not high, but none of all the eyes are contempt, almost all are respect!

Just because he is the third generation of Naruto, is the strongest ninja in the wood leaf now!

Looking at the children in the ninja school in front of them, those who admire the expression of awe and excitement, the face of the sun is also with a warm smile.

Waving a wave, the audience was silent.

"The inheritance of the wood leaves is the will of fire."

"The future of the village is in your hands!"

"The will of fire will be inherited by your new green leaves, so let's work hard for the children! For the prosperity of the village, for the inheritance of the will of fire!"

In a few simple words, the atmosphere of the audience was completely raised to a new climax.

Among the people in the crowd, including the Feng Shui Gate, almost all of them were driven by the blood.

Feather night also stood in the crowd, eyes sullenly looking at the generously worded Feifei.

Huo Ying!

The children of this world, including the feng shui gate, are all aimed at flying 斩 斩.

If Yu Ye is not a passer-by who is familiar with the plot, perhaps he will also be simple, driven by the words of the flying sun, with the goal of Huo Ying.

However, in the heart of Yu night, although the shadow of fire is far away, there is still a farther existence above.


Those are the deepest hidden targets in the night.

Of course, that is too far away.

Feather night clenched his fists, with a hint of firmness and resoluteness in his eyes.

Far away, harder, he will not give up.

And if you want to catch your dreams, you need to firmly grasp the present!


After the impassioned wording of the three generations of Huoying Feifei, the actual qualifying assessment began.

The students were taken to four separate venues.

And Fei Fei, who waited for the early morning, went to the home court and waited for the winners in the game.

The battle of the division is certainly not worthy of personal attention.

Only the winners who can reach the home court are the pillars of the new generation, the new generation of wood leaves.

Yu night was assigned to the third sub-site.

Yu Xinnai and Yu Ye are just in a venue, but she doesn't care about her assessment. She only cares about whether Yu Bei can get good grades.

Her heart is much more nervous than the night.

Silently watching the night, her heart is cheering for the night.

"Must be in the home court."


The third minute.

Said to be a split, in fact, is a relatively open playground, there are two examiners, four dark parts control the situation.

The opponent assigned to the first night of the night is a student in the same class.

The man saw the lottery drawn by the night of the night, and suddenly he was crying and sulking.

To say who is the most undesired opponent, there is no doubt that one is a wave of water and the other is a thousand cold.

The wave of water and water is completely ranked first and second time, making people desperate.

Yu Yu was in the battle with Uchiha Izumi, showing the strength of terror and letting countless students fear.

"I... I admit defeat!!"

The student who had been playing against the night of the night wanted to try it, but when he saw the feathers coming up, he held his fist and revealed a slightly dim but frightening white light. He shrank his neck and surrendered directly. .

I think that Uchiha Izumi was also shuddered by the scene of a broken bone in the night.

The examiner who was presiding was also slightly surprised, then shook his head helplessly and announced the first victory of Yuye.

Yu night did not expect that the opponent would not even dare to fight and directly surrender, but it is normal to think about it. After all, it is a ninja school. Here are some children.

Like him and the wave of Feng Shui, the mind is like a monk, but few are few.

In the first few battles, almost all of the opponents surrendered directly, or it was a night of the night to solve the battle.

There is no need to explode too much force at all, almost sweeping the general rolling.

This also caused a lot of surprise.

"It's too Yes, after awakening the blood limit, the strength of Yuye is completely reversed."

Many students who once looked down on the night of the night, all with envious expressions.

They also hope to awaken a blood limit and have the strength of a night.

But where is the blood limit, it is so easy to get.

They can only look at them with their eyes.

Even the examiner and several dark parts here have shown their strength to the feather show, and they have a slight compliment.

It’s so exciting and happy to watch this scene.

Either the opponent admits defeat, or spikes, and soon Feather Night ushered in the fourth game.

There are still no accidents.

Although the opponents in the fourth game are a little stronger, they are still less than the Uchiha Springs. They are not the enemy of the night.

After a while, the examiner passed the audience with a voice of praise.

"Feather night, the fourth game won!"

This sentence spreads the moment.

The audience was silent.

Then, throughout the third minute, a scream of earth-shattering broke out.


Yan Xinnai couldn’t help but jumped up and cheered, with joy on her face.

Because, the four-game winning streak is the winner!

Also obtained the qualification to enter the home!

Feather night is so easy to win.

All the children in the third stage, looking at the eyes of the night, almost all with a very envious expression ~ ~ welcome readers to read, the latest, fastest, most popular serial works At mobile users please read.