MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 15

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When I first crossed into this world, I didn't know much about this world, nor was I familiar with it.

I only know that this is a world in the period of the Republic of China, where warlords ruled one side, and wars continued.

Who knows, this place turned out to be the world of the old nine gates in the book.

At that time, in order to earn a living, he was talking on the street to make money, but Yin Xinyue saw it and was pulled back to the Crescent Hotel.

It was not until then that he knew that this place was the world of Lao Jiumen, but it was too late.

He said that the reputation of the book has been spread, and the books of the blood corpse tomb and the palace of Lu have also spread.

Facing the scorching eyes of the audience, Zhang Chen's mouth twitched and nodded helplessly.

"The things in the stories described below are indeed real."

Immediately there was chaos below.

"Good guy! It turns out to be real!"

"Really fake! Blood corpse, blue-eyed fox, corpse king, sea monkey are all real? This is too fake!"

"If these things are real, then... Are those tombs real or fake? Do these tombs also exist?"

"They were injured so badly, and they said that Mr. Zhang said that the contents of the book were real. Could it be that they discovered the existence of the tomb in the book!"

"If so, has the tombstone moved?"

"Mr. Zhang was also Yuanliang who fought against each other before, and he became Mr. Storyteller later!"

Zhang Chen stood on the high platform and watched the audience below discussing each other with a confused expression.

The seven native masters looked at Zhang Chen with surprise.

"Mr. Zhang!" It was the eldest Tufuzi.

He suddenly took two steps forward and knelt in front of Zhang Chen.

He said very solemnly: "Mr. Zhang, we encountered the **** corpse mentioned in your book and were poisoned. I wonder if you might help us!"

Zhang Chen looked at him, frowning slightly, and after a while, Zhang Chen said.

"You guys reacted very quickly. You cut off most of the poisonous places. There is only some corpse poison in your body. It doesn't matter. Just go back and raise it."

The Tufuzi looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

More than 20 of them went to the tomb, and now only a few of them are left alive.

The tragic death of the brothers left an indelible shadow in their hearts.

Now Zhang Chen, the only one who knew about the blood corpse in the tomb, told them that they were all right, which really made them breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the seven native masters were obviously relaxed, and everyone who had been waiting for Zhang Chen to come forward to tell the story, immediately became interested.

"Mr. Zhang, come here, say Duan Shu is leaving!"

"Yes! Mr. Zhang, if you don't want to talk about books, it's fine to talk about the trouble they encountered!"

"Yes, yes! If you don't want to talk about this, let's talk about the gold list! You ranked the gold list last time. Today, why don't you talk about the skills of these people on the gold list, and give us a lot of insight!"

These listeners finally caught Zhang Chen, and naturally they didn't want him to leave like this.

Whether it's storytelling, talking about things in the tomb, or taking stock of the people on the gold list.

Always have to say something to let him go.

Seeing that these people were so excited, Zhang Chen didn't intend to pour cold water on them.

It also took advantage of the opportunity to sit on the high platform.

Seeing that he hadn't left, the audience below and the seven local masters were obviously overjoyed, and hurriedly sat down and waited for him to start telling stories.

As soon as Zhang Chen took his seat, the audience started talking.

I thought I would have to wait three full days, but I didn't expect that there would be a surprise today.

"Everyone is so supportive, let's talk about the origin of the blood corpse today."

Zhang Chen raised his hand slightly and pressed down with the folding fan in his hand, signaling everyone in the audience to keep quiet.

The people below immediately understood, and they all quieted down, listening to him quietly.

"It is said that in the past, King Mu of Zhou traveled westward, passing through Kunlun Mountains thousands of miles away, and met the Queen Mother of the West in Yaochi."

"And the two secretly fell in love, and the Queen Mother of the West was reluctant to let her beloved grow old and separated from her."

"Therefore, the Queen Mother of the West told King Mu of Zhou the law of longevity."

At this time, the location of the northeast corner of the lobby of the Crescent Hotel.

"Hmph, this is simply a big joke in the world. The Queen Mother of the West is a legendary figure."

"When did such a person really exist?"

"We still met in Kunlun Mountain, so is the Queen Mother of the West holding a peach conference?"

"Is there the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor! It's just nonsense!"

A young guest snorted coldly.

The person beside him grabbed him and motioned him to calm down.

"This is something Xian Gu arranged. If you mess up, don't pull me."

The young man gritted his teeth.

Xiangu Huo arranged for them to stare at this storyteller. If they screw up, the consequences will not be something they can afford.

PS: Ask for flowers for evaluation tickets! ! .

Chapter 23 Mr. Zhang has a fight? ! (Ask for an evaluation ticket)

After being stopped by his companions, the young man held back his dissatisfaction and listened to the story patiently.

After a while, the young man gradually became fascinated.

"If it's what he said, then this matter is really somewhat credible."

The young man touched his chin and thought, and after a while, he looked at his companion.

"Brother Lu, should we tell Xian Gu about this?"

Their nine gates started by fighting. Although they have transformed, it is better to keep such important information and resources in their own hands.

Brother Lu shook his head: "Wait, the situation is not clear now, wait until you can be sure that what Zhang Chen said really exists, and then report it."

Now it's just a few wandering skirmishers, and what they say is not credible.

Who knows, is this something that Zhang Chen did to increase his fame?

Southwest corner of Crescent Hotel.

A man wearing a gray scholar's robe covered most of his face with the brim of his hat.

But even if he is dressed like this, his waist is still straight, and it looks like he is a soldier.

The adjutant looked helplessly at the two people in the northeast corner.

It seems that the Huo family also received the news and knew that Mr. Zhang was not easy.

Then he looked at the high platform again.

Unexpectedly, what Zhang Chen said today was not about stealing the pen, but some rumors in the book.

But this matter, how come the more I hear it, the more familiar it is, as if I have heard it before.

Queen Mother of the West, King Mu of Zhou, immortality...

and many more!

Is this piece of dust really related to the family?

The adjutant suddenly widened his eyes, staring at Zhang Chen without blinking.

This matter must be told to the Buddha!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 3000 storytelling popularity points. 】

[The current popularity value can be drawn three times, please ask if there is a lottery! 】

Hearing the voice in his head, Zhang Chen couldn't help but light up.

I didn't expect that it's not a storyteller, just talking about some rumors can also get the storytelling popularity value!

This was a pleasant surprise.

Zhang Chen looked at the crowd in a good mood.

He took a sip of tea, unfolded his folding fan and continued to speak.

"Let's talk about the follow-up."

"King Mu of Zhou used the method of immortality given by the Queen Mother of the West. He wanted to find the Queen Mother of the West to continue his career after waking up, but unfortunately he ran into King Lu Shang."

"After years of planning and preparation, he became someone else's wedding dress, and he himself became a blood corpse."

Many people in the audience frowned.

What Zhang Chen said was really wonderful, but he always felt that it was a bit mythical.

The method of longevity, since ancient times, many people have been looking for the method of longevity, but they have never seen anyone who has found it.

There is also the **** corpse, the jade figurines and the corpse pill, if the time is short, the jade figurines will turn into **** corpses.

In this way, the blood corpse in the Seven Star Lu Palace has found a good candidate.

King Mu of Zhou!

What about this blood corpse tomb?

Who is the person in this blood corpse tomb? !

"Could it be that the blood corpse in this blood corpse tomb was also made by jade figurines?"

"Are these ancients all brain sick? Is this kind of longevity really longevity? No matter how you look at it, there is a problem!"

"Maybe, without King Lu Shang, King Mu of Zhou might have lived forever."

"However, how did Mr. Zhang know about these 'love and hatred'? This is too strong."

And the seven native masters stared at each other with wide eyes.

"My darling, this **** corpse actually came like this? Then what is the identity of this one we met? Could it be that Zhou Muwang?" One of the seven people couldn't help but asked in a low voice. .

"At first glance, you didn't listen to Mr. Zhang's story. The blood corpse tomb is so far away from the Lu Palace. How could the blood corpse in the blood corpse tomb be King Mu of Zhou?"

The person who was told pouted, and said with some dissatisfaction: "You are amazing, you listened carefully, and I never saw you solve that **** zongzi."

Several of them were eager to listen to the book and wanted to find a tomb to have fun.

Then the fourth child suggested that since they listened to the book and wanted to fight, they should try their luck at the place mentioned in the book.

Unexpectedly, they were really lucky and encountered the ancient tomb.

Fortunately, they found that the tomb they found was the tomb in the book that Zhang Chen said at the time!