MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 16

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"You said, since Mr. Zhang knows this tomb and the monster inside, does he also know the solution to this monster?"

"I think the protagonist in Mr. Zhang's book left the tomb smoothly."

As soon as the man's voice fell, someone immediately retorted: "That's a smooth departure? If you don't bring out any treasures, then it's not a smooth ride!"

As Zhang Chen told the story, the story sounded more and more real.

The history of the government and the opposition, plus historical books, are looking at the group of seven who fought each other.

The following audience, more and more believe the authenticity of the book content!

"I originally thought that Mr. Zhang created the stolen pen, so he knew so much about the ancient tombs in the book. Now it seems that Mr. Zhang has probably stolen this fight before!"

"But why haven't I heard of it before..."

The tomb is extremely dangerous, and now there are fewer and fewer people fighting single-handedly.

Therefore, in order to form a scale, many people will choose to spread their deeds of the upside down, so as to attract the top downsiders to join.

If Zhang Chen really fell a fight before, and he still fell such a big fight, how could there be no wind outside?

Even if they were fighting in Shacheng, they wouldn't be able to hear the wind here.

On the top floor of the Crescent Hotel, Boss Yin looked at the situation below with a solemn expression.

"The tomb he said really exists?" Boss Yin looked at the people around him.

The man nodded: "I have already found someone to confirm the injury and entry certificate of those people. They have indeed been to the vicinity of Shacheng, and that place should really exist."

Boss Yin's eyes sank, and he couldn't help but want to control Zhang Chen.

Although they run a restaurant.

But the benefits a tomb can bring is beyond imagination.

With such a big benefit in front of him, he couldn't help but be moved.

However, before he opened his mouth, he suddenly remembered a certain monster that killed Peng Sanbian.

Thinking of this, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Almost, almost got himself into big trouble.

"Forget it, go and tell the lady, I agreed to what she said."

"As long as she can persuade Zhang Chen to marry her, I will let her go."

Boss Yin lowered his head and thought to himself.

If Zhang Chen becomes the uncle of the New Moon Hotel, then things will be easier to handle.

ps: Ask for flowers! Ask for a review ticket! Flowers break a thousand plus one chapter, evaluation tickets break a hundred plus one chapter, reward a thousand plus one chapter, and any monthly pass plus one chapter! ! .

Chapter 24 Send someone to find the blood corpse tomb! (Ask for flowers!)

Shacheng, Zhang House.

Lord Zhang Dafa leaned on the sofa and was fascinated by the news in his hand.

There isn't much on the message, but it's enough to surprise people.

"There is actually a blood corpse tomb around the sand city?"

"Mr. Zhang is really likely to be a member of the Zhang family?"

"The content of the book he said is actually true? How is this possible!"

Eighth Ye also read the news, his eyes were full of shock and puzzlement.

Not to mention how likely it is that Zhang Chen is from the Zhang family in the northeast.

Just to say that all the nine gates were born in a fight, and the base camp of the nine gates is in Shacheng.

They knew exactly how many tombs there were around.

Moreover, they have already explored the ancient tombs around Shacheng, and they have never found any **** tombs.

"Father, I always feel that something is wrong with this." Eighth Master frowned and looked at the information in his hand.

"Whether it's true, we'll have to send someone to see it."

Lord Buddha burned the intelligence group into a ball, and then sent someone to invite the fifth master of the dog.

Seeing this, Ba Ye slapped his thigh and laughed.

"Yes, Shacheng is our territory, and we can tell if it's true or not."

"With the old dogs of Wu, if there is really a blood corpse tomb, we can definitely find it, and then we will know if it is true or false."

Thousands of miles away, Changsheng Mountain.

"Keep your head up, our brothers are ready, when will we set off?" Hua Maguai looked at all the brothers on the school ground below in high spirits, and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart.

There are many treasures in Pingshan, and the old boss didn't let them go before, saying it was too dangerous.

Now I always prepare to take them in for treasure hunting, and I get excited just thinking about it.

Chen Yulou pushed the round-lens glasses on the bridge of his nose with a fan.

"Open up!"

However, as soon as his voice fell, someone quietly walked to his side and whispered.

"Keep your head up, there is news from the capital, the storyteller you are staring at is really unusual."

"The stories in his book are all true, and someone has found the tomb in his book."


Chen Yulou's eyes lit up.

"Does the Seven Star Lu Palace really exist?"

He has been chasing after stealing the pen.

The content of the book has long been fascinated by him. If the Lu Palace really exists, it is a wealth of Splashing Heaven.

"No one has found the Lu Palace yet, but the blood corpse tomb in Darziling has already been discovered."

The man whispered: "And some people have already entered, but those people encountered blood zongzi, suffered heavy casualties, and returned in disappointment."

After hearing this, Chen Yulou lowered his eyes and pondered, the folding fan was beating constantly in his palm, and after a while, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the person who came to deliver the letter.

"Send someone to Shacheng to see if there are any Warring States Silk Books in the tomb."

He has analyzed the contents of the book in detail. If he wants to find the Lu Palace, the Warring States Silk Book is very important.

"But keep your head up, our brothers are all..." He pointed to the people on the school grounds below, and said hesitantly, "Our brothers are going to Pingshan this time, so I'm afraid that Shacheng is helpless."

"And according to Mr. Zhang's gold list, Master Zhang from Shacheng is not a good person."

"Golden List..."

Speaking of this golden list, Chen Yulou felt a little short of breath.

He was the leader of the dignified removal of the mountain, but he could only be ranked ninth!

Although he is already one of the top ten talents on the gold list, he is admired by many people.

But he was not convinced by the name of the ninth.

Also, this Buddha Zhang, his ranking is even higher than him.

"Go to Aunt Hong and ask her to take someone to Shacheng."

"I'd like to see how capable this grown up Buddha can be."

"This..." His men looked embarrassed.

They had already agreed with Luo Shuai before that they would gather all the strengths of the two sides to conquer Pingshan, but now they have to split half of their heads to find the blood corpse tomb!

Moreover, Shacheng is not their territory, and it is very likely that it will be against Zhang Dafo on the Golden List.

This is a bit unreliable anyway!

"Although Zhang Qishan has a lot of soldiers in his hands, it's not wartime. Those soldiers under his command can't act rashly, but we are different."

"Tell Aunt Hong, try your best to find the blood corpse tomb."

In Miao Village, Hua Ling released the carrier pigeon in his hand.

She looked at the letter in her hand in surprise.

"The book that Mr. Zhang Chen said actually came true?"

Originally, she thought that Mr. Zhang was not an ordinary person, but she really did not expect that the book he said was true.

But also, how could it be a fictional story that can tell the situation and danger in the tomb so vividly and real.

"Really or not, let me see!"

The old foreigner snatched the letter from Hua Ling's hand.

Looking at the content above, he couldn't help but be amazed.

"Senior brother, we should have asked Mr. Zhang before, he might know the whereabouts of Zhuo Chenzhu!"

The old foreigner said nonchalantly, "Hua Ling'er, even if we don't rely on Mr. Zhang, haven't we found the whereabouts of Zong Chenzhu?"

"But who knows if it's true or not."

The news they got was that the phoenix gallbladder was hidden in the Tongtian Great Buddhist Temple in Blackwater City, Xixia.

Later, a large army marched south to pacify the Dongyi rebellion.

Today, the historic site of Blackwater City has long been submerged by yellow sand.

The sand and grass are vast and unmarked, making it difficult to find traces of temples not far from the city.

Now they can only follow the clues to find the tomb of the Southern Army, the general.

I heard that he was buried near Pingshan Mountain in Xiangxi.

And recently, it is said that there is a corpse king born in Xiangxi.

It is said that this corpse king is the general of the Southern Expedition.

These news are all complicated and confusing, it is better to ask Mr. Zhang at that time, maybe there will be an accurate answer.

"Senior brother found out this news, why do you believe that Mr. Zhang doesn't believe brother?" The old foreigner approached Hua Ling and asked in a low voice.

"Get up!" Hua Linger pushed the old foreigner, and then said, "You are talking about nonsense, I naturally believe my brother."

"Senior brother still doesn't know that the tomb mentioned by Mr. Zhang is real. Tell him to go."

Watching Hua Ling run away, the old foreigner murmured in a low voice, "It's really true that the women's college didn't stay, obviously because Mr. Zhang is handsome."

"However, Zhang Chen is also a talented person, and he is definitely a master of fighting."

"I just don't know who is stronger than his senior brother."

ps: Ask for flowers! Ask for a review ticket! .

Chapter 25 What did the old man say? (Ask for flowers!)

In the Crescent Hotel, Yin Xinyue looked at the person in front of her in disbelief.

"You're saying it again, what did the old man say before?"

Yiyi said with a smile: "Miss, the boss said, if you really like Mr. Zhang, then it's up to you."

"Did he really say that?"