MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 002 Sister, you are all right, it is a bit silly!

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"I think I may be really born this time..." said Dan Dannain, "How can this kid pick this time!"

Qi Chengzhi immediately went out and called the three people who were playing outside, and Cheng Dongge also took the car key. "I drive, you are behind her. [See the latest chapter of the book, please go to the Marshmallow novel network]"

Qi Chenglin is the first time to accompany the mother. This is the same as Song Yu’s child in the operating room. He feels different when he is outside.

Not my own wife, there is really no such tension.

Fortunately, it was the New Year's Eve, and everyone was there. Qi Chenglin was a little bit stunned at this moment. When he heard Cheng Dongge, he nodded again and again.

He immediately hugged Mudan morning and went out with Cheng Dongge.

Others also quickly wore clothes to keep up. In the New Year's Eve, the old house was empty, and all went to the hospital.

On the way, Qi Chenglin called Chu Zhaoyang and let Chutian Hospital be ready.

When Director Li received the notice from Chu Zhaoyang, he was particularly pleased that he would not have to be on duty tomorrow. If he had good luck and was born smoothly, he could go back to dinner for dinner tonight.


Yu Dan morning was almost open to the palace mouth and was pushed into the operating room.

Qi Youxuan began to circle on the corridor with small short legs. Seeing Qi Chenglin also sullen, his face is scary, he did not dare to bother.

"You Xuan, don't turn, Grandma looks at your eyes and spends it." Guan Liya pulled Qi Youxuan over, and when she saw her grandson raise her head to the eyes of Ying Ying, she was worried about Dan Dan.

"Grandma, how should my sister come out of my mother's stomach, should I cut my mother's belly?" Qi Youxuan thought of the **** picture, tears came out, clutching Guan Liya's clothes, "I... Am I coming out like this?"

"No, no." Guan Liya was still anxious about the situation in the operating room. While she was yelling at how to explain to her grandson, look at Qi Chenglin, this son has never seen this side, a pair of eyes. Just hooked and stuck on the operating room door.

"Do not worry, it will not be able to cut the stomach, it is not particularly big, is -" Guan Liya, but I don't want to lie to him because of my grandson.

And the grandson is not small now. In the first grade of elementary school, there is still one semester. If this is the usual chat with people, telling the family to fool him, what about other children’s jokes?

They are always taking care of Qi Youxuan’s self-respect.

"You Xuan ah." Song Yu saw Guan Liya embarrassed, then pulled Qi Youxuan over.

Qi Chengzhi sat next to him, holding Xiaoyou Jin in his arms. Xiaoyou wanted to go to the ground with a hard time. I don’t know how the adults suddenly came here.

"It’s very painful to have a baby. The aunt is a child, I miss you. Mom is also going to give birth." Song Yu said softly, "The birth is to give birth to children from here."

Song Yuxu pointed out the following, "It is born from here, although the child is small, but if you want to come out from it, you still have to suffer a lot of pain. If there is no way, the stomach will be cut open. Just like a knife. If you want to be more specific, you can only wait for you to grow up. You only need to know that it is really painful for mothers to have children."

When Qi Youxuan listened to it, he couldn’t sit still and walked up and down in the corridor.

Xiaoyou Jin finally seems to know that he is nervous, and he is close to Qi Chengzhi. He still does not forget to extend his small hand to Qi Youxuan to comfort his brother.

In fact, this time, Dan Danchen was really very successful. He only went into the operating room for more than an hour, and the child was born. It was much better than the first time when he was born.

In more than four months, they came to the hospital for examination, a girl.

What is born now is really a little girl, although it is not unexpected, it still makes the family happy.

Both the family and Chang Zhiyuan have arrived. On the head, there are old ladies and old ladies and grandfathers sitting in the town, wanting to hold a new hot granddaughter, but for a while, I can’t do it. I have to let the four old men meet first.

Even so, the old man and the old man are also very arguing, and whoever holds the small powder dumplings will not give each other.

In the end, the old lady and the old lady sent the two of them directly to the corner, and there was no need to fight. No one could hold it. <>Read the full text of the latest chapter

After such a circle, I returned to Qi Chenglin, the serious father.

When Xiaoyou was born, Qi Chenglin also embraced and felt particularly ugly. Crumpled, the skin is also waxy yellow, not a bit fresh.

But now it is her turn to be a prostitute, although it is not much better, but Qi Chenglin still feels that her prostitute is better.

So I honestly said, "It’s much better than I’d like it."

"Yeah!" Xiaoyou was in the stroller, and he was particularly dissatisfied with the wave of protests.

Xiao Dan Chen smiled at Mi Mi's daughter, and the trimmed clean fingertips gently licked the delicate face of the small group. It felt particularly fragile and a puncture was broken.

"We gave her the name of You Ning, Qi You Ning." Qi Chenglin said to the elders.

"Well, the name of You Ning is good." Mrs. Qi smiled and opened her nod.

This year, the family has been very different. The reunion dinner was sent to the hospital by Liu Wei, and the old age was also kept in the hospital.

After everyone finished eating dumplings and left, Qi Chenglin stayed with him to accompany Dan Chen.


When the birth of Qi Youxuan, the month is the care of the moon.

This time, Guan Liya also invited the New Moon, but there was Qi Chenglin in the evening. During the day, Liya and Chen Minxia took turns to look after them. I didn’t know how much happiness I had last time.

The little guy is taking a winter vacation, so she is coming to see her every day.

Waiting for Dan Chen to leave the center of the month, Qi Youxuan also has to start school.

I used to go back to school every day to watch cartoons, and then I had to stare at him to finish my homework.

Going back now is to find my sister first.

"Lemon lemon! Lime lemon! My brother is back!" Qi You ran straight to Xiaoyou Ning's baby*, watching the small group open the big eyes, and immediately smiled at him.

Xiaoyouxuan’s heart was changed. Seeing that his sister had reached out to himself, he quickly picked up his sister.

"Sister and sister, wait for you to eat delicious, my brother will give you a lot of delicious food. You and I will secretly give us delicious food." Qi Youxuan simply climbed *, and put his sister on his lap.

Xiaoyou Ning only knows smirking.

"Oh, my sister, you are all right, it’s a bit silly!"


So Xiaoyou Ning has been so stupid for one year and one month, Xiaoyou is also two years and three months, and Xiaoxi Orange is one year and seven months.

Xiaoyou, who is more than two years old, is crazy outside, and Qi Youxuan, who is eight years old, has to go to school every day. When he is resting, he has to go to various classes. Now he is envious of the three small squads headed by Xiaoyou. hate.

On this day, Qi Youxuan finished the piano class outside, and Xiao Yang took it back to the old house. As a result, he met Xiaoyou in the door of the old house and ran back.

When I saw my eldest brother, it was like seeing the heart of the heart. The "wow" sound plunged into the arms of Qi Youxuan, a nose and a tear.

"Big brother! Someone bullied the younger brother!" Xiaoyou's little fat hand licked his brother's clothes, and smacked his nose and tears on Qi Youxuan's clothes. He was also very happy, clearly distinct.

Xiaoyou would have put his face clean and looked at the dark piece of Qi Youxuan’s clothes. He felt that it was not good enough. Then he looked up at the crying face and looked up and cut it for two years. I will become a brother of Yushu Linfeng.

"..." Qi Youxuan blackened his face and looked down at the dark, wet piece on his body and shook. "When I go back to change clothes, you tell me what is going on."

Xiaoyou Jin is like a small tail, two small fat hands licking his brother's clothes and following the door.

As soon as I entered the room, I looked at Xiao Youjin, but I was shocked by my family.

"Hey, what's wrong with this?" Guan Liya asked.

However, no one in the family felt that Qi Youxuan had bullied him. The brothers and sisters of Qi Youxuan’s family were very unlucky. When did the younger brothers and sisters get bullied?

Xiaoyoug grinned and felt that he still didn't say well to the adults. He just shook his head, but his eyes were full of water, but he licked his mouth. The clever appearance looked like a little girl.

Xia Wenna suddenly felt a little embarrassed, how can her grandson be so delicate.

Xiaoyou Jin followed Qi You to return to the room, Qi Youxuan changed the t-shirt, Xiaoyou said: "Brother, it is Zhao Wei, she always wanders around me, I don't like her, today she is coming around me, I don't to her, she cried and ran home, who knows no more than a moment she came up with his brother, his brother beat me, saying that if I do not play with Zhao slowly, he beat me! Hey, his brother is six years old, and he is still bullying me!"

When Qi Youxuan heard it, he frowned. "Hey, who doesn't have a brother! Go, my brother takes you to take revenge!"

Xiao Youg immediately twisted his fart. The stock, the upside down of the child followed Qi Youxuan.

Is Zhao Wei’s brother not six years old?

His brother is 8 years old, hehe!

As a result, I saw two small groups of Xiaoyou Ning and Xiaoxi Orange at the door. Xiaoxi Orange is now standing safely. Xiaoyou Ning is not so much strength. After standing for a while, he sits. At the door, holding strong, looking up at two brothers.

Just listening to the second brother's words, Xiao You Ning and Xiao Xi Orange said that they are very angry, who the girl is so shameless, wrapped around the second brother can not find a brother at home to run to threaten.

Two small trots wielded small fists, Yiyi.

Xiao You Ning is still not talking now, it will be called father and mother, and Xiao Xi Orange’s mouth is already very good. Occasionally, adults still don’t understand what she is saying, but most of the time they can express their meaning. clearly.

Especially when the two small corpses are together, they are dependent on each other. No one can understand what they said. However, the two small squads say that they are particularly energetic, like a chat.

At this moment, Xiao Xi Orange waved a small fist especially indignantly and said to her two brothers: "Zhao Wei, bad! Brother, help... help my brother!"

"Sister knows that I am distressed by my brother!" Xiaoyou was so moved. When he went up, he gave Xiaoxi Orange a bear hug.

"I... I... hug!" Xiaoyou Ning can be anxious, she just won't say so much, or she will know her brother, she is distressed by her brother!

"Well, lemon and lemon are also distressed by my brother." Xiaoyou was moved, and immediately hugged Xiaoyou Ning.

Hey, my two sisters, more intimate, know more about hurting people, like Zhao Wei.

"Brother, the second orange is also going." Xiaoxi orange twisted and twisted and hugged Qi Youxuan's legs.

Since Qi Youxuan gave her a small name called Er Orange, I don’t know how many Xiao Xi oranges have this name. I especially think that this is the nickname that my brother gave to me. I don’t feel bad at all.

"No, you two are too slow, it is inconvenient to bring you." Qi Youxuan objected.

"To bring!" Xiao Xi Orange insisted on holding Qi Youxuan's legs tightly.

"Yes! Want!" Xiaoyou Ning held tightly with Xiaoyou, and he used his hands and feet to climb on him.

"Do you want to avenge your brother?" Qi Youxuan tried to make a small face.

Since the success of weight loss, Qi Youxuan, who is now more handsome and beautiful, has already had some clues about Qi Chenglin’s face. When the face is down to be serious, it is quite a bit imposing.

"Think!" Xiao Xi Orange said loudly.

Xiao You Ning also nodded hard to express his urgent feelings.

"Then wait for my brothers to come back at home, or if Zhao Wei brings more people and bully you, what if we can't protect you? Only two of us can avenge "Qi Youxuan said.

Xiao Xi Orange just released Qi Youxuan, "Brother, come on!"

Xiaoyou Ning also climbed down from Xiaoyoujin's body. Qi Youxuan took Xiaoyou to go forward, and the two small slings followed and swayed behind.

At the time of the stairway, Xiao Xi Orange was planning to go down carefully, while Xiao You Ning turned around, his buttocks facing outwards, and the limbs were going to climb down.

Qi Youxuan: "..."

I dare to feel like my sister just climbed up.

He hugged Xiaoyou Li, and the four children went downstairs together. The two small dumplings sent the brothers to the door. They didn't know where to touch the handcuffs. They even had one hand and waved at the two.

Xiao Xi Orange: "Brother, come on!"

Xiaoyou Ning: "Oil! Oil!"

The adults in the room looked at the two small corpses at the door, and the heart was pumping straight.


Qi Youxuan took Xiaoyou to come out and went to a nearby large supermarket. From the old house to here, the walk was a quarter of an hour. Xiaoyou was very strange. He said that he had come here to avenge him.

However, out of his trust in his brother, Xiaoyou was still keeping up with it. As a result, he saw that Qi Youxuan bought a bucket of paint, or it was pure black and black lacquered. I bought a brush, a small folding ladder, and God was not particularly tall, and it was quite light.

After the two bears and children, they squatted on the ladder together. Qi Youxuan left his hand with a bucket of black paint and took Xiaoyou to walk out of the supermarket.

"Zhao Yu's family is near here, you are reminding me how to go." Qi Youxuan said.

So the two bear children quickly found the Zhao family.

This neighborhood is a quadrangle, but the scale is big and small.

The size of the old house is large, it is definitely a real mansion, the five-in-one big house, and the Zhao family's ancestral, not counting big, is a yard, three sides of the house.

When the two bear children entered the yard, Qi Youxuan put the paint to the side and set up the ladder. He said to Xiaoyou, "You go to the door and look at people."

Xiaoyou nodded and went out to guard.

Qi Youxuan opened the paint, rubbed it in one hand, carefully climbed the ladder, and began to wave the brush to blacken the windows of Zhao.

Brushing the window to the left side of the house has not been brushed, Qi Youxuan’s arm is a bit sour, and Xiaoyou just ran in. "Brother, they are back!"

Qi Youxuan said nothing, dropped the ladder and the paint, and ran away with Xiao Youjin’s hand.

At this time, the Zhao family and the couple just went to the supermarket to buy things back. They were walking around Dada, and they saw the back of the two bears running away from the distance.

Father Zhao: "The backs of the two children are quite familiar."

Zhao Mu: "I am also familiar with it, like a family."

Father Zhao: "What are they running? It’s like doing something wrong."

So I still don't know what the two bears and children have done to their family, and joined hands in the yard.

In the next second, I heard the angry voice of Zhao’s father in the yard: “Hey! Give me a nap!”

On the other side, Qi Youxuan had not had time to brush the black wall of the house wall. When Xiaoyou had come in to report, Qi Youxuan could only hurriedly wrote a sentence: "Let you bully my brother again!"

Later, when Zhao’s brother came home with Zhao Wei, he was beaten by Zhao’s father and then took him to the house.

When the old lady saw it, the Zhao family had been beaten. The two brothers were also embarrassed, and they could only play Qi Youxuan.

However, both the grandfather and the grandson were thunderous and heavy, and the old lady looked at the heavy hand, but fell to Qi Youxuan’s fart. The stock was light and fluttering.

Qi Youxuan is also very cooperative, and it is hard to squeeze out tears.

Next to Xiaoyou, I looked at it and looked at the old lady’s face as “fierce”. She also cried, and shouted: “Too grandma don’t hit my brother! Hey, grandma don’t hit my brother! Brother is To help me, hey!"

Xiaoyou said while crying, his brother is really too bad.

"Hey, grandma, my brother is innocent! Zhao Chengwei first hit me, Zhao Dad hit him, he is alive. But my brother did not hit him, my brother just blackened the window to retaliate, but did not let them home It hurts, you hurt your brother, hey! Unfair, this is not fair!"

Next to Xiaoxi Orange and Xiaoyou Ning, two small dumplings looked at it. "Wow" also cried, only to think that the culprit was the two adults who came.

They came over and forced the grandmother to fight her brother.

And they just heard them, just the second brother who was bullied by this little boy.

So the two small squads went straight to Zhao’s father, and all the four small fists greeted Zhao’s legs.

Although the two small squads have no strength, they don’t hurt, but they don’t look good.

Xia Wenna and Guan Liya hurriedly picked up the two men, and looked at Zhao’s father with apologetic apologies, making Zhao’s father want to say it was embarrassing.

The heart said that this old lady didn't have a heavy hand at first sight. It was completely thunder and rain, and your brother didn't hurt at all.

On the contrary, he played his own son but made great efforts.

Besides, the window is also very painful. Find someone to clean up and how much it costs!

I just went home and saw it. Oh, that window made Qi Youxuan give it a black lacquer. I didn’t pay attention to what brand of paint I bought. It’s so easy to use. The sun outside is not light enough, making the house dark. It’s like a big night.

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