MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 003 Xiaoyou Ning feels that he is being flown. Hey!

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It is a pity that this grandson of Qi family will not paint the paint in the future!

In the end, Guan Liya lost the money of Zhao’s cleaning the window. After all, it was something that her grandson had caused. [Marshmallow novel network update fast, website page is refreshing, advertising is small, no pop-up window, most like this website, must be praised]

Zhao’s father resigned a few times. “We are not here to pay compensation.”

"You take it, you are welcome, this is what our children are doing wrong," Guan Liya said.

Zhao Fu was said to be a little blushing. At the beginning, Zhao Chengwei first looked for something.

After a few words of resignation, Zhao’s father could only take the money and take the child away.


Xiaoyou Ning, because of Qi Youxuan’s brother, has been able to eat all kinds of delicious food since he was able to eat ordinary food. In addition, there is also a 阮 Zeer and Chang Jing 琬 also cheering on the side, helping the abuse.

The three-year-old Xiaoyou Ning was fed a fat caddy.

Originally, there was such a good foundation for Qi Danchen and Qi Chenglin. Xiaoyou Ning grew up from a young age and was carved with jade.

After becoming a fat caddy, I can still see that her facial features are exquisite, but it can't be called Xiaoyu people. At most, it is a blessing doll. According to the old man, it is more than Qi Youxuan. It’s like a window sticker for the New Year.

Because I usually stay with my parents, there is no Qiyou Xuan's anti-drug. Xiao Xi Orange is very normal, a little bit of baby fat, but it is normal for children. The white skin, the cheeks and the dimples that are inherited from Qi Chengyue, are especially sweet.

Xiaoxi Orange and Xiaoyou Ning are a class in kindergarten, playing together all day long.

This day, outdoor activities, the two are playing, Zhao Wei and her few small partners just passed, see Xiaoyou lemon on the ground, far from a ball like a ball.

Zhao Wei immediately snorted. "Qi You Ning, you will be so fat again, you will have to go away later."

Xiaoyou Ning hates people who say that she is fat. She just likes to eat delicious food. Her brother often said that there are delicious people who don’t care for their health and eat quickly. When they are old, they have a disease and they don’t want to eat. People must be blessed, and they will cherish when they can eat.

Therefore, Xiaoyou Ning never wastes food. If you have good food, you must eat and eat. As a result, your father is raised like this.

But the grandfather said, the little girl is so cute, so grandfather said that she is the best looking, too thin children look no nutrition, not cute.

Xiao You Ning thinks that Zhao Wei is the kind of unsophisticated child who is too thin.

So Xiaoyou Ning snorted, "I am not fat, I am cute!"

"There are only long ugly people who don't know what to praise and say she is cute." Zhao said sarcastically.

"Not that!" Xiaoyou Ning stood up and said with enthusiasm.

"Yes, is anyone boasting that you are beautiful? No! It is because of ugliness!" Zhao said proudly.

"Zhao Wei, what do you say!" Xiaoxi Orange came to the front of Xiaoyou Ning and protected her. "My sister's best looks! You are, you like my two brothers, My second brother hates you."

"It's not, what are you talking about, you--" Zhao Yan blushes, he is going to go forward, but he doesn't know what to expect.

It can be like that, but it seems to want to play Xiaoxi Orange.

Also in the outdoor activities, Xiao Mu Che, who is two years older than Xiao Xi Orange, discovered the quarrel here and immediately rushed over.

"Orange orange, did she bully you? I will help you fight her!" Xiao Mu Che will be on the sleeves.

There is Wei Zi, such an idea is different from ordinary people, Xiao Mu Che did not know how to pity the jade.

In the eyes of Weizi, except for his wife and daughter, other women are not women, and they are still playing like no one.

So in the eyes of Xiao Muche, in addition to the mother and sister, there is another little orange is a woman, there is no difference between other men and women.

Seeing Wei Mu Che is not like a joke, as long as Cheng Xi Orange said, he really wants to play his own look, Zhao stunned, suddenly "wow" crying out, "Wei Mu Che he bullied people! ”

Xiaoyou Ning has long been eccentric.

Once she had seen her sister only said that she wanted to hit someone, and Wei Muche picked up a brick from the side. [The book of cotton candy novels wants to see almost all of them. It is much more stable than the general novel website. There is no advertisement for the whole text. ]

When I saw it for the first time, Xiaoyou Ning was really shocked, but after seeing more, I got used to it.


Xiao You Ning is especially envious, Xiao Xi Orange has a Wei Mu Che, such a good hitter, it is simply orange, the Wei Mu Che will not hit the West, Xi Orange will use the stick to knock, Wei Mu Che is absolutely Do not forget that she handed the bricks in her hand.

Xi Orange wants to go to the house, Wei Mu Che has already helped her uncover the tile. Xi Orange loves to play the small coffee show, Wei Mu Che is holding a white cloth in the back to give the orange as the background.

On this day, Wei Zikai, Yanbei City and others came to Qiheng's home to play with the door. There were no ways for the Yanbei City to be a bachelor. Weizi was where to take his wife and children.

The adults chat in the living room, and a few children go to Xiaoyou's bedroom to play.

It’s just Xiaoyou’s robots for the boys, the little girls are not interested. Xiaoyou would like to play with Qi Youxuan. Xiao Xi Orange pointed to Xiao Youjin’s *single and curtains. "Mu Ching brother, I will get it down."

So Xiao Mu Che sneaked off the * single and the curtains, the posture is like the house to be demolished, see Xiaoyou is particularly stressed.

The little orange that grew up gradually became more and more bully with the increase of age. Then there was a little Muche who followed the saddle horse and helped him to abuse. Xiaoyou thought that the days were too much to pass.

They have to tear down the bedroom. As a brother who hurts her sister, Qi Youxuan has no opinion at all. As a victim, Xiao Youjin had a bit of opinion, but he was blinded by his brother and had no opinion.

Even Baba said: "Is this enough? Not enough to remove my mom and dad's bedroom."

Fortunately, Xiao Xi Orange thinks enough. She recently watched a tvb costume drama, Gongdou, the specific content seems to understand, but I feel that the nephew inside is wearing a long skirt, the arm is covered with thin yarn, the clothes are fluttering special Pretty.

So Xiao Xi Orange wrapped all the curtains on his body, and looked at the curtains like a skirt with satisfaction, and the back was dragging the floor!

I also used Xiao Youjin's * as a cloak, and placed it in two arms and arms, looking in the mirror, especially proud.

In the big winter, as a local tyrant, there is no such thing as a fan at home. Xiao Mu Che does not know where to find a fan, squatting at the foot of Xi Orange, screaming at her and making curtains. The skirt floated back and floated.

Xiao Xi Orange feels very special and very satisfied.


Yang Lan made a good lunch, and the guardian went to the bedroom on the second floor of Xiaoyou Jin to ask the small group to come down to eat.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw that my son’s dog’s legs were at the foot of Xiao Xi’s orange, and she was fanned. The picture was too stupid to look straight.

Xiaoyou Ning also took a mobile phone and took a video. Looking carefully, it was Qi Youxuan’s. It was a birthday present given to Qi Youxuan by the old man, and the previous one of the Totoro children’s mobile phones was eliminated.

"Mu Ching brother, then use a little more force, let the skirt fly!" said Xiao You Ning.

So Xiao Mu Che held the fan fan with both hands.

It’s one thing to look at other people’s children’s stupidity. Seeing that their son is selling stupid, Wei Zi’s said that he wants to swear.

"Don't play, go eat."

When the words came out, the little guys put down the toys in their hands, but it was very obedient.

It’s just that Xiaoxi Orange is looking up and holding his throat, and the tone is turning around and saying: “Xiaoweizi, swinging.”

Wei Ziwei: "..."

Unexpectedly, I heard that my son got up very simply, bowed his small body and held the hand of Xiao Xi Orange in one hand. "Hey!"


Wei Zizhen seems to hear the sound of a broken heart in his heart. If he decides to go back, he will win him and he will never call "喳" again!

Xiao You Ning did not know how Xiao Mu Che went back and smashed a big fat meal. Anyway, the next day went to the kindergarten. Xiao Mu Che still took Xiao Xi Orange as the head of the horse, and it was intensified and inseparable.

Xiaoyou Ning is very envious, and when can I have such a good class!

I want her to be so cute and beautiful, how can I have no admirers!

Xiao Mu Che just doesn't know Xiao You Ning's thoughts. If you know that Xiao You Ning said that he is a small child of Xiao Xi Orange, he must be particularly resentful!


On this day, Xiaoyou Ning came out of the kindergarten and saw that Mom and Dad were waiting together at the entrance of the kindergarten.

Xiaoyou Li was really amazed, and he rushed over. Qi Chenglin couldn’t bear to see it far away. His niece is now like a ball. He ran from a distance and looked like a colored ball. Rolling. It took so much effort to just let the eldest son lose weight successfully, and now he has to work hard for his daughter's weight loss. It is not the same as raising a daughter to raise a son. For a prostitute, he can't hold on to that heart, just like urging his son to lose weight.

Qi Youxuan is useless to him, but it is the turn of Xiao You Ning, do not have to say anything, as long as she looks at her small face like a powder, softly called him a father, he promised everything.

To say that her daughter is now in this body, part of it is secretly fed by Qi Youxuan, mainly because he is indulgent. If it is not acquiescence, then the kid has a chance to feed his sister. At the beginning, Qi Youxuan lost weight, and the snacks hidden in the horns had not escaped his eyes.

Just looking at her daughter's watery eyes, she couldn't bear to let her eat less. Looking at her daughter now, Qi Chenglin suddenly has a kind of black eyes, the feeling of the road ahead, especially the heart.

"Dad, mother, how come you come together?" Xiaoyou Ning carrying a small bag, did not stand in front of their eyes, directly rushed over.

Qi Danchen is really unable to hold her now, and now the task of holding her at home is all on Qi Chenglin.

Qi Chenglin tacitly extended his arms to catch the prostitute, so that the arms were sinking down, and a little cushioning, she took her up and hugged her in her arms.

Qi Chenglin quietly took a moment to sneak a bit, and his heart was silent, it is indeed the weight loss.

On the side of Xiao Dan, he first answered the question of Xiao You Ning. "Today, there are guests who have gone to your uncle's house and told the monks to go together."


For the guests in the Dabo family, Xiao You Ning did not put it in his heart, and it did not matter to her little child anyway.

When I arrived at the Garden, I heard a particularly arrogant voice as soon as I entered the door, and my father’s expression was wonderful.

"My father is not easy to come, you want to send me to the dynasty to eat? I have eaten less of the dynasty's meal? I want to eat a home cooking today!" Wen people sitting on the sofa, like in their own home The same freedom.

Sitting next to a petite beauty, a pair of big eyes are particularly clean and beautiful, a little bit of impurities are not contaminated, cheeks with a natural blush, sitting next to a little boy who is almost as big as Xiaoyou, looks very lively It is very active, but it is well-educated.

Although some can't sit still, they still endure it. It's just a pair of big-eyed look around, especially curious.

See Xiaoyou Ning, they came, and Qi Chengzhi will introduce it. Fang Jiaran and Wen people have worked hard for so many years, but they have worked hard to get two sons.

After the birth of his eldest son, Fang Jiaran dreamed of having a niece. She looked at Ning's daughter so beautifully and beautifully, like a doll, she was envious of her death.

Who knows that the second child is still a son, and the son is still young, so he is not in a hurry to have a third child. Now he is afraid that the third child will still be a child. What can I do?

Now looking at Xiaoyou Ning, like a small dumpling, Fang Jiaran is very rare, and quickly called Xiaoyou Ning.

Just want to hug her, with both hands, actually did not move.

"..." Fang Jiaran laughed twice, then did not try again, take a small box directly from the bag, open to see, inside is an emerald leaf, the old pit glass, there is a silver dollar size. The leaves of Beatrice seem to be filled with water, and they are particularly moist and bright and translucent.

When Fang Jiaran took out the jade leaves, he could directly see the slender fingers holding the leaves at the bottom.

The leaves lingered on a chain of white gold, Fang Jiaran smiled and put on Xiaoyou Ning, watching the leaves of Bicui on the soft skin of Xiaoyou Ning, which was especially beautiful.

Xiaoyou Ning sweetly thanked him, and he was happy with Fang Jiaran. Xiaoyou also came back from class in the martial arts class. He greeted Wen and Fang Jiaran and went back to the room to change clothes.

When I came out again, Wen Ming, who was sitting next to Fang Jiaran, immediately looked excitedly, staring at a pair of big eyes, and obviously wanted to find Xiaoyou to play in the past, and it was a bit shy.

In the end, Fang Jiaran did not know what was said in his ear. Xiaowen’s eyes lit up and immediately climbed down the sofa to find Xiaoyou.

"Go, I will take you to play." Xiaoyou would have sent Xiaowen Ming away.

Xiaoyou Ning himself was not interested in this place, so he and his parents agreed to go to the children's paradise in the yard.

Xiaoyou Ning likes the children's paradise in the courtyard of the Dabo family. There are tunnels and obstacles, and the slides that can be rotated, there are seesaws, and there are small cars with springs that can be high and low.

Because the children's paradise is not far downstairs, a few steps away from the unit door, usually Xiaoyou Ning often let Xiaoyou take her to play, so Qi Chenglin and Yan Danchen are not worried.

In addition, when I heard people come over this time, although I can't see it, there are hidden guards around me. I can't rest assured. There is a dark guard to look at, it is safer than any personal protection.

So Xiaoyou Ning ran to the children's paradise in the yard.

There are many children on the slides, and the children drive the cars they brought out from home, so she didn't go to the fun.

There was just a car with a spring that didn't have children to play, she wanted to sit in.

Unfortunately, it is a little short now, and the spring and the height of the car itself are as high as her.

Xiaoyou Ning's small face drum became a small bag. The fat little hand grabbed the edge of the car and pressed his whole body weight on the car. It really pressed the side of the car.

Xiaoyou Ning looked at it but was shocked.

She... she is very delicate! How can I crush the car?

Xiaoyou Ning quickly released his hand and saw the car bounced.

She pretended to be like this, she looked around, and no one noticed her, and she was relieved.

Whoever expected to look back, actually found a young boy standing on the steps, actually looking at her.

The young boy is very quiet. He can see that his face is a small person. The young boy looks very beautiful, his skin is white, his eyebrows are clear, and a pair of black and faint eyes are a little indifferent, writing alienation, and being close to the living.

Xiao You Ning, he looked even bigger than his eldest brother, 11 or 2 years old. At this time, I looked at myself with no expression, and I didn’t talk or leave, and the dark and cold eyes were straight.

Xiaoyou Ning is very entangled. I don’t know if he saw it. He’s crushed the car and it’s too shameful!

"You...what did you see?" Xiaoyou Ning walked over, stood under the steps and asked.

Wen Yan bowed his head and looked at him in front of him. He pointed at his little fat child and did not speak.

He saw it all the time, but he just said nothing. Mom said, can't make the little girl cry. I don't know why, he just thinks that if he tells the truth, this little girl will definitely cry for him.

Wen Wei silently looked at the still shaking car, then look at the little fat girl in front of him, silent. Can crush such a thick spring, the little girl really has a weight.

However, although the little fat girl is chubby, she looks very beautiful. Wen Yan’s cold eyebrows warmed up.

Seeing that he didn't talk, Xiaoyou was so angry that he was very weak and said: "The car, I... I can't go, you... hold me up."

Hey, break your waist!

Wen Yan flashed a smile in his eyes, jumped off the steps, and happily hugged her up, as if it was a little effortless.

Xiaoyou Ning “drinked” and opened his mouth and was shocked.

Mom... Mom can't hold her!

Wen Yan looked down at the stupid look of the little girl, the round face was white and tender, and also showed the smell of milk, it is really cute. It is like a crystal shrimp dumpling, like a glutinous rice dumpling.

Wen Yan swallowed his mouth and felt hungry. So he bowed his head -


I took a sip on Xiao Nian’s tender face.

"!!!" Xiaoyou Ning felt that he was being flown. Hey!

Look at that stream again. Hey, still looking cold, holding her head and holding her to the car, it is pretending that nothing has happened!

Xiaoyou Ning was put in the car, Xiaoyou Ning Xiaofei hand pointed at him. "How can you kiss me? Dad told me that you can't let the boy kiss me."

Wen Wei: "..."

Xiaoyou Ning waited for a long time, but he didn't see him answering. He didn't see him. The little mouth was unhappy and screamed, and he refused to admit defeat. He said, "That... you give me a car."

She seemed to hear Weng "hmm" and began to shake her car.

Xiaoyou’s eyeball turned and said: “I want to go to the slide, you... you take me up!”

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