MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 030, you are with You, I am with you.

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Yao Shangfeng’s emotions suddenly became excited. “Who is the murderer? Since you already know who the murderer is, why don’t you hurry to catch him! Didn’t he come back today? You hurry to catch him, what are you doing here? !"

"We already have a colleague to go to the suspect's home, but he is probably not there. If not, the most likely thing is to come to you, so we need your cooperation. [Millet novels update fast, website pages are refreshing, advertising is small, No pop-up window, most like this kind of website, must be praised]" Jiang Yuecheng said.

"So what happened in the end, you better tell us." Zhao Yiyang said.

Yao Shangfeng struggled for a long time before he said: "Since you investigated the trip to Medog, you also know that we were five people at the time, but there was a girl, Gong Yanfei, who did not come back after an accident."

"According to your return from the beginning, she died of a bridge collapse accident." Wei Muran said with a slap in the face.

"You must have guessed it, it is not." Yao Shangfeng said, "How much do you know about Wei Guangzheng?"

Zhao Yiyang immediately replied: "We asked you, not you asked us. No matter how much we know, you only tell what you know, so many questions!"

Yao Shangfeng grinned and whispered: "I don't want to save something?"

"I really want to save things, don't worry so much, and quickly make things clear." Jiang Yuecheng said, "The suspect can stare at you."

Yao Shangfeng was a spirit, and he was honest. He said it in 1510.

"I have a good relationship with Weiguang. We are classmates. He has money at home. I am not afraid of your jokes. My family is in general. I want to get benefits from making friends. I really have a lot of benefits, so I listened to him very much. Guangzheng is also very satisfied. There is something to love calling me, just like the trip to Medog."

"Weiguang is just right. Color, and it is irresponsible. There is no good bottom line. The woman who suffers in his hands is really countless. And he is very smart. He is looking for someone who has no background. The handle threatens them, but they can't find someone to help, they can only be controlled by Wei Guangzheng."

"In that ride, in addition to Gong Yanfei, there is also a woman named Zheng Huaiqi. She looks ordinary. Wei Guang just looked at Gong Yanfei at a glance, but did not look at Zheng Huaiqi. But Zheng Huaiqi is very active, because Wei Guangzheng’s identity is against Zheng Huaiqi. In fact, it is still very attractive. Before Gong Yanfei didn't get it, Wei Guang was taking Zheng Huaiqi. It was very **** the road, and there was a little pastime in the evening. When it was delivered to the door, Weiguang would not want it. According to his words. Say, it’s the same as taking off your clothes and not looking at your face.”

Wei Muran twisted his eyebrows, what did they take women?

But because she was working on the case, she did not say anything.

"Gong Yanfei actually pays a lot of money, but because he doesn't look at the looks of Wei Guangzheng, he is there to put it high. In fact, Weiguang is really not very good, but he is fine, what does Gong Yanfei mean, he knows. So at the beginning When I took Gong Yanfei for a while, I didn't have any patience. I didn't look at Gong Yanfei. One night we camped in the wild, and Weiguang directly broke into Gong Yanfei's tent. As a result, he could hold Gong Yanfei. ”

"Your tents are all put together," Wei said.

Yao Shangfeng nodded. "What happened?"

Wei Muran sneered. "You are still very embarrassed to ask what's wrong? Since you are right next to it, when Weiguang is doing it, why don't you stop it, just look at it? Do you still have a little conscience?"

Yao Shangfeng sneered, "What can we do? Compared with Weiguang, we are the rising people. I also hope that Weiguang is investing in me. Feng Hao, a student, wants to help, but I stopped it. At that time. Wei Guangzheng has already succeeded, and he is useless even if he enters. The result is the same when he enters late or not. Anyway, Gong Yanfei has already been taken by Wei Guang."

"And Feng Hao Li is not so determined. He has been hesitant. We all listened to Wei Guangzheng all the way, so at that time Feng Haoli actually did not dare to go in, but he did not think What is the point of statement, the conscience can not go to hungry. So I was persuaded to persuade."

"It is Zheng Huaiqi who is not convinced. She has already been a girlfriend by Weiguang. She suddenly saw the scene at night and was a little crazy. She broke into the tent directly, and Gong Yanfei is a fox. But I don’t know how Weiguang is persuading. I even agreed to wait for Gong Guangzheng with Gong Yanfei. Wei Guang is unable to change the old problem. He took it with his mobile phone. Later, Wei Guang was looking for Gong Yanfei every night, and every night he could hear Gong Yanfei’s crying, and he asked for it. After a few times she seemed to be numb, and no more heard."

"Until one day we rode to the collapsed bridge, at the moment of the accident, Gong Yanfei rushed over on the bicycle. So he followed the chaotic people and the car and fell down. Say she is It’s true that the accident was lost. Anyway, it’s really not our hands.”

"But Weiguang is also knowing what Gong Yanfei is so crazy about. I am afraid that when we come back, we will give us a sum of money. <> The latest chapter read the whole story. Actually, it happened. I am very reluctant to face Wei Guangzheng’s familiar people. That incident has indeed become my nightmare. I will never forget it in the city of B. So I don’t want to stay in the b city, I will hold it. The money that Weiguang is giving has gone to Lijiang, a small bar, and a small inn, but there are still a lot left."


A loud slap, no one thought, Wei Muran will suddenly rise up and Yao Shangfeng slaps.

Yao Shangfeng was beaten, and his face was stunned for a long time.

When he reacted and felt the burning pain on his face, he suddenly burst into the air and rushed over to Wei Muran.

Qi Youxuan reacted extremely quickly and quickly stopped in front of Wei Muran and protected her.

Jiang Yuecheng took Yao Shangfeng up and turned his arm behind him, and then pressed him back on the coffee table, while his cheeks pressed against the coffee table.

"To be honest, I still want to do it?" Jiang Yuecheng used a force to twist Yao Shangfeng's arm more painfully.

"It is her first hand! For whatever reason, hit me, why can your policeman hit someone?" Yao Shangfeng struggled and twisted.

Zhao Yiyang heard it and gave him a foot. "You still have a good time to say? What do you think of human life? A girl has been so insulted, you can not see it for a little money. Is it a good nightmare?" You are so indifferent, I really can't see where you feel regret. You can also run Lijiang to get rich, and ask why you hit you? She is still playing light! The accomplice of the death Gong Yanfei!"

Zhao Yiyang said everything she wanted to say, and Wei Fanran had nothing to say.

"Okay." Jiang Yuecheng let Zhao Yiyang stop, and coldly said to Yao Shangfeng: "You are honest."

Yao Shangfeng is reluctant, but he is also honest.

"What are you going to do next?" Yao Shangfeng looked at "I am the victim, my biggest" expression, and Zhao Yiyang, who is angry, can't wait to give him another foot.

"If we don't have a stunned snake, then Li Niancheng will come to you soon, we will stay nearby." Jiang Yuecheng said.

"You can't just stay at my house?" Yao Shangfeng said, "You shouldn't be personally protecting me? It's all done on TV."

"On TV, we also play the evil spirits, punish evil, honesty and justice, why don't you do it?" Wei Muran sarcastically.

Yao Shangfeng was stunned.

"We still need to deploy, and you are so big here. Where do you hide us? We must also have evidence to arrest people. We still need to grasp the current situation." Jiang Yuecheng said.

Yao Shangfeng was really ironic, how can the police now carry the run-off?

He had never had any money before, but he was also a second-generation split. The original house was replaced with two sets, and the parents gave him a set. After reading the house, I really can't hide.

"We are monitoring nearby, don't worry, you should be careful." Jiang Yuecheng said.

"You don't have to run away, we can watch it. If you run, it will hinder us from handling the case. Plus what happened a year ago, I hope that you are not informed, and that you are helping crime." Zhao Yiyang said coldly.

Yao Shangfeng really wanted to run, and he also took a break.

When they left Yao Shangfeng’s home, when they went downstairs, Wei Muran said, “I’m sorry, I just made an impulse.”

"It is understood that is what I have wanted to hit him." Zhao Yiyang said, "is not something too."

"But I still have to endure it next time. It is easy to leave a handle. If he runs to complain about you, you will also have trouble." Jiang Yuecheng said.

Wei Muran nodded, and he was very correct in his attitude. "I know."

They came out of the unit door, Jiang Yuecheng received a call from Zhang Ming, and Zhang Ming said on the phone: "The Jiang team, Li Niancheng sold the house last year, because he has been living in the dormitory of the school, there is no re-rent House. After he left school that day, he found a cheap hotel, a kind of small iron shelf* in a small room in the suburbs. But before he went to Lijiang, he had already retired the room. We went to him. The small room in the dormitory found photos and information of Feng Hao Li and Wei Guangzheng."

"You let Jiadong be there, you go to Zheng Huaiqi, do not rule out the possibility of Li Niancheng going to Zheng Huaiqi." Jiang Yuecheng said.

The remaining few people observed the surrounding environment, two people, each hiding in the dead corner. By 6 pm, Yang Shaozhan came over and gave them dinner, because Li Niancheng had not seen Yang Shaozhan, so if it is here I was not afraid of hitting Li Niancheng.

After Yang Shaozhan finished the meal, he returned to the roadside car and stood by.

Until 12:30 in the middle of the night, the four people were cold enough, and finally Yang Shaozhan’s voice came from the headphones. “Attention, the target appears, the target appears! Going in the direction of the Chiang team.”

It didn't take long before I heard Jiang Yuecheng's voice ringing in the headphones. "I have seen the target person."

Wei Muran and Qi Youxuan were in the opposite position of Yao Shangfeng’s home, and saw a black shadow entering the unit door of Yao Shangfeng’s home.

After more than a minute, I saw the floor where Yao Shangfeng’s home was located. From the window of the aisle, the lights in the corridor lit up.

"The goal has arrived." Wei Moran said, and then dive out.

Qi Youxuan quickly followed, and the four people arrived at the door of the unit. There was no pause. There was a tacit agreement between the two groups. Wei Muran and Qi You Xuan entered the elevator. Jiang Yuecheng and Zhao Yiyang went up from the stairwell. Fortunately, Yao Shangfeng did not live high. On the sixth floor.

Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran arrived first, and heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. Qi Youxuan lifted his foot and slammed the door.

Fortunately, Yao Shangfeng already had psychological preparations, so he left his mind and the security door was not closed. Even the door inside was just hidden.

The two rushed in and saw Li Niancheng holding a hemp rope around Yao Shangfeng's neck. Yao Shangfeng was obviously unconscious, and he had no consciousness at all.

This time they took Li Niancheng into a current situation, and Wei Muran rushed up.

Li Niancheng saw that they suddenly rushed in, but also stunned. I didn't expect the police to come. He felt that the police could not find his connection with this matter, and he was so bold and bold.

As long as he kills this one today, he can retire, and almost it is only a little worse.

Wei Muran came up and knocked Li Niancheng down. "Don't move!"

Perhaps because of revenge, Li Niancheng just squatted for a little while. After Wei Mian’s collapse, he was awake and immediately climbed up, as if he had already killed his eyes, and he did not care about Wei Mu. And Qi Youxuan, only pulled a spring knife from the waist, popped the blade, and then went to Yao Shangfeng's body.

Wei Muran reacted very quickly. He lifted his leg and kicked his wrist hard. Li Niancheng’s wrist was a hemp, and immediately he couldn’t hold the knife. Wei Muran took the knife and took it.

Li Niancheng did not give up, and when he flew over, he would grab the knife in his hand.

Wei Muran quickly took the blade back, and Qi Youxuan came across the middle of Li Niancheng and Wei Muran, blocking Li Niancheng’s attack.

Li Niancheng was anxious, and the strength that was born in despair was surprisingly large, but after all, he did not practice it. There was no rule, and he was blocked by Qi Youxuan. Wei Muran also shot and kicked him quickly. The knee socket.

Li Niancheng's knees were soft, and he squatted. Qi Youxuan twisted his wrist and sent it to his back. Wei Muran succinctly handcuffed his hand, and Li Niancheng was stunned with smooth and smooth movements.

Jiang Yuecheng and Zhao Yiyang also rushed in. Seeing that it has been solved, it is quite embarrassing.

Zhao Yiyang called 120 and accompanied Yao Shangfeng to the hospital. Wei Fanran took Li Niancheng back to the police station.

On the way, Zhao Yiyang called and said that Yao Shangfeng only inhaled the Mongolian medicine, and he will wake up later.

Li Niancheng was taken to the interrogation room with handcuffs and red eyes.

Li Niancheng confessed to his crimes.

"They are damn! Weiguang is doing things. Animals are not as good as they are, but those who stand by and watch the damn, they killed Feifei! Feifei called me the night before, and I cried, I asked her. Why, she refused to tell the truth, only said that she was homesick. I also said that when she came back, she would cook her favorite yam ribs to eat. How can she think that she died the next day. I was very convinced to call me the day before! After a few days, I received a letter from her, one day before her death, telling me the truth of the matter, she said she was Without the torture of that way, she knew that even if she came back, it would not be possible to bring Weiguang to justice. She didn't want to live. Do you know what it feels like to receive this letter?"

"I didn't want these people to die at the time! They killed my daughter! So I spent a year deploying them, I found out their identity, and made some plans, at least before you find out, put them all. Killed. Just a little bit, just a little bit! Why, why are you blocking me!” Li Niancheng’s handscuffed hands screamed at the table with excitement. “Only a little bit, I can kill him. When you catch me, let me pay for it, how can I do it! Yao Shangfeng, he is watching next but not blocking Wei Guangzheng, he is an accomplice! If he can stop, Feifei will not die so bad!"

"I just let them get the retribution they deserve! Why do they do the bad things but live well? One continues to enjoy the life of his rich second generation, one uses my daughter's death but has made a fortune, and ran to Lijiang to be happy. One can still enjoy college life. And my daughter, who has not had time to go to college, is dead! She is only 18 years old! That group of animals. Born! She should have enjoyed university life happily, and after graduation, for her own ideals. And struggle, but all gone, just at her age of 18, life came to an abrupt end. And the death is still so terrible!"

"Since you can't preside over justice and take revenge for my daughter, then I only have to do it myself! The flat-headed people like me are fighting against those rich people. I don't care how much I pay, I have to avenge my daughter! They have a lingering death. Sin deserves it!"

Li Niancheng confessed to the crimes he committed, and never felt wrong, and did not feel regret.

According to Li Niancheng's confession, everyone knows that after Gong Yanfei's death, Li Niancheng suffered a huge blow, and some of them could not bear it. They could not get out of the pain.

At the suggestion of a friend, he went to see the psychiatrist, but not long after, he learned the true cause of death of Gong Yanfei, and he was out of control. Even if he was not used by a psychiatrist, he only thought about revenge. , revenge, revenge.


Because everyone was guarding at Yao Shangfeng's house, they waited until midnight to catch Li Niancheng, and there were many finishing touches. They had been busy until the morning.

Zhao Yiyang from the hospital also came to the news, Yao Shangfeng has woke up, and made a good record.

Although Yao Shangfeng knew that Li Niancheng would come to him, he was also psychologically prepared. He was afraid of it, but he was also alert, but he still couldn't prevent it.

When he opened the door and saw Li Niancheng, he subconsciously closed the door, but Li Niancheng was more prepared than him. He rushed in and stepped in with his hand in his hand. Yao Shangfeng only smelled it. A sour pungent taste.

The consciousness has not completely disappeared, but the body's limbs have been soft and unintentional, and can only be dragged into the living room by Li Niancheng.

Li Niancheng saw him squinting, and he would faintly look at his hair and slam his back to the floor until he was stunned.

Up to now, Yao Shangfeng has a big bag in his back and it hurts.

Jiang Yuecheng asked them to go home to rest first, come back tomorrow, write the follow-up reports and hand them over.

After the case, the criminal investigation team had a lot of time in the real life, and even able to go to work on time every day.

In this blink of an eye, it is almost the first seven days of National Day on October 1.

The criminal investigation team arranged the duty, Wei Muran was arranged on the 5th and 6th duty, just four days before, you can also take a vacation.

Just a week before the holiday, Qi You Ning took Wen to come to them and went to the city to play when they were on a long vacation.

In fact, the main reason is because of the long vacation, the smell of people can not go back to the city of B can not say, but he wants to go back to the city, Qi You Ning is very reluctant, of course, she will not admit it.

If she had been in the past, Qi Chenglin would definitely not agree, so she took Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran to go together.

“The hot springs of the resort in T city are very good. They are natural minerals. They are not the hot springs that are sulphurized in China. It is especially good for women, and it is good for beauty and beauty, and it is good for treating low back pain and rheumatism.” Qi You Ning pulled Wei Weiran and said.

If you want to convince Qi Youxuan, you have to start from Wei Muran.

Wei Muran: "..."

She always thinks that the advertising words of Qi You-Ning are similar to those of a TV factory.

Wei Muran turned his head and looked at Qi Youxuan. He did not agree to anything. She subconsciously gave it to Qi Youxuan’s decision.

Qi Youxuan squinted and did not know what to calculate. After a while, the Qi You Ning hooked the hook.

Qi You Ning is just like a child, only subconsciously, the fart and the fart of the child followed Qi Youxuan and ran not far.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Qi You Ning asked innocently.

Qi Youxuan "hehe" has two sounds, "it is not impossible to go."

He has already calculated it. Anyway, the National Day holiday is idle, and everyone is unified, and even Wei Zi is no exception.

As long as Wei Zi is at home, he will definitely find a way to stop Wei Muran from coming out to date him.

Qi Youxuan is boring, and I have never seen such a father who does not want her daughter to marry!

Obviously, Qi Youxuan automatically ignored his father.

So if you have the opportunity to go out on holiday with Wei Guang, you will solve this problem.

If he took the initiative to talk with Wei, he would definitely doubt his intentions, and he might not dare to go out with him alone. It is too convenient to have Qi Youlian put it up now.

Hearing Qi Youxuan did not object, Qi You Ning's entire face was bright, Qi Youxuan smiled slightly, "Dad I will solve it, so my father-in-law will solve it by you, and help each other."

"No problem!" Qi You Ning promised quickly.

When the two returned, they changed into a special expression, and Qi Youxuan asked Wei Muran: "Do you want to go?"

"There is nothing to do anyway, it is good to go to play." Wei Mu nodded, because Qi You Ning proposed, so she really did not think much.

Qi Youxuan’s smile is particularly harmless. “Go there.”

The four people met for dinner at this time. After dinner, Qi Youxuan went to checkout. Wen Wei’s special tacit understanding followed, and Qi You Ning pulled Wei Muran to the bathroom.

"Room allocation." Wen Yan walked to Qi Youxuan, only faintly said four words.

Qi Youxuan actually understood the second, and took back the card that the waiter handed over. He turned and said, "You are with You, I am with you."

There is absolutely no need to protect the sister's consciousness. Qi Youxuan believes in principle that his sister has grown up and that his brother should learn to let go. My sister was no longer a child who was snotty, with a small scorpion, and a chubby girl with a small fat hand on his back.

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