MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 031 Xiang Hao Rui and Xiao Yiqing

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From the year the sister met Wen, his sister gradually drifted away from him. <>Marshmallow novel network

Qi Youxuan silently pointed out a qq expression in the heart.

Wen Wei was very satisfied. He was directly on the corner of his mouth that was not so obvious. He found that Qi You Ning had already come out with Wei Muran, and he sorted out the clothes, and looked like a tall man. come.

Qi You Ning and Wei Muran still don't know the idea of ​​these two men, and they are very happy to discuss the two people living in a room at night.

When Qi Younong went to a big class, he talked about it with Cheng Xi Orange. He asked her to go with Wei Mu Che, and Cheng Xi Orange immediately made a decision. "Go!"

"Two oranges, you are such a little angel!" Qi You, said, hugged him up.

In the past, Cheng Xi Orange was very small and very naive. I don’t know that the name of the second orange is full of maliciousness of my brothers. I also think that the second orange is a nickname. Later I understood it, but it was hard to get used to it. I didn’t have any rejection of them, but it was only called by my family. I absolutely would not allow outsiders to call it.

"Playing Kai." Cheng Xi Orange pulled Qi You Ning's face to the side.


Until the day of September 30, Wei Muran got off work, and Qi Youxuan was waiting for her at the door of the police station.

There are still two people's luggage in the trunk, and her luggage is still helping to sneak out, otherwise it will not be released if it is known by Wei Zi.

The people stayed at the airport and only found a restaurant at the airport for dinner. Nine of them are not arrogant people. They have to have a particularly high demand for meals. If the restaurant at the airport is not high, it will not be eaten.

They ran to a fast food restaurant and asked for four bowls of ramen.

Their flight took off at 8 o'clock and arrived at t-city around 9:30.

When the six people took the luggage out, they saw a pair of men and women waiting for them.

The man was tall and straight, wearing a khaki windbreaker, his hands in the pocket of the windbreaker, the station was light and casual, but the back was straight and seemed to be practiced.

The woman looks a little petite next to him. It is obvious that the man belongs to the type of thin and long, but still the woman's slender and soft, small and petite, long like a doll, beautiful and a bit out of sight.

If you don't know her, it is easy to become a female enemy. At first glance, it is not too homosexual since childhood. This appearance is too easy to be rejected by female compatriots.

Some women are beautiful but very female, and there are many female friends. They will not have hostility towards her, but they will want to be close to her. Some women are beautiful, but they feel that the same **** is full of threats, and that the kind of beauty is very contrived, very loaded, just to hook the man. If you say nothing, you can let the female compatriots reject her.

Apparently the girl who is waving to them is the latter.

However, Qi You Ning and Wei Muran did not hate her. The girl waved and excitedly shouted: "Mu Ran, You Ning, Xi Orange!"

This behavior is not inconsistent with her looks.

"Yi Qing!" Wei Muran was also happy to run with Qi You Ning and Cheng Xi Orange, leaving three big men pushing their luggage behind.

The person who came here was Xiao Yiqing. When she was pregnant, she was saved by Wei Ziyu. She has been living in the city of B. Until Xiaoyue Qing was three years old, Ning Yu took her back to the city and returned to Xiao Yunqing. By the side.

In the previous three years, Ning Yu and Wei Ran became friends. Xiao Yiqing and Wei Muran naturally became good partners. Even after going back and forth to the city, because Xiao Yiqing had to be a parent of his parents, he often followed his parents to the city to gather with his family. Therefore, the feelings of Wei Moran have not been unfamiliar, and they have always been very good.

This time I know that they are going to come to the city for a holiday. Xiao Yiqing said that they should also be with them, and they also brought Xiang Haorui.

Seeing Qi Youxuan's three men, Xiang Haorui nodded to them. He said that he was familiar with Wen, but because he smelled the temper, they were not very enthusiastic.

Dropping the men’s own words, Wei Muran took hold of Xiao Yiqing’s arm. “How do you see that you are still like that?”

"Don't say it." Xiao Yiqing wrinkled his nose. "He hasn't expressed his attitude yet. He is mad at me. He is still good to me. He has followed me and has not seen anything close to other women." The outside world thought that we were married, and he didn’t say anything. But even if there is such a statement, there are some women who are active. He doesn’t say good face, and they are poisonous to their mouths. It is.

"Stop and stop!" Qi You Ning reached out and stopped. "Hold and stop. Are you complaining about it or boasting about it, and show it in disguise."

"What?" Xiao Yiqing whispered, but it seems a bit guilty. "Who told him not to tell me clearly."

"Men have less roots, they won't think so carefully." Wei Muran said with his own body. "If you like it, you will ask. Just... even Qi Youxuan has always thought that he is doing very well. I know for sure, but I don't know that my heart is also uncertain."

Wei Muran mentioned Qi Youxuan, but he couldn't help but look back, but did not expect Qi Youxuan to have been watching her. Seeing her turning back to peek at herself, she immediately grinned at her.

Wei Muran’s face was red, and he did not dare to look at him again. He took back his eyes and whispered to Xiao Yiqing: “Their ideas are different from those of us.”

Xiao Yiqing resisted and did not look back to see Hao Haorui.

Everyone drove to the resort. The resort was the father of Xiang Haorui. Now the resort is also managed by Xiang Hao Rui. It is convenient for them to come here for a holiday. [Super good looking novel]

Because the two pairs have changed from the original two pairs, and there is still a pair of Xiao Yiqing and Xiang Haorui are not completely sure, although in Qi Youxuan and Wen Yan, isn't that all together?

At least, Hao Haorui thinks so.

However, Qi Youxuan and Wen Yu’s wish to share their room with their girlfriends was completely lost. To this end, the two even strongly demanded a room for each person.

But the girls wanted to stay together, especially looking forward to the pajama party, so Xiang Haorui simply called and vacated the villa's largest villa, a total of six bedrooms, just to let them one person.

For Qi Youxuan, what they have chosen, Xiang Haorui is very clear, and is very willing to make a convenient, so that on their own emotional path, they can also get their derogatory help.

Each villa in the resort is equipped with a butler. The butler is systematically trained and subject to assessment. With a certificate, the resort will hire a professional mystery shopper to come to the resort to hide the true identity. The butler's service and professional evaluation, according to the results to judge the butler is reward, continue to stay, re-learn, or dismissal.

Tonight, the villa butler who stayed at the house, An Feiru, was waiting at the door. She was looking at a 27- and 8-year-old woman wearing a butler’s uniform and a professional look.

The waiter at the door opened the door for them, and saw Xiang Haorui get off the bus first. An Fei greeted him with a smile that was more intimate than the professional. "The total, the inside has been packed, welcome. Everyone stays."

After that, An Feiru’s gaze was glued to Xiang Haorui’s body. He came together with Xiang Haorui in the front and slowly approached the distance with Xiang Haorui with a professional attitude.

Xiao Yiqing wrinkled his nose, and whispered to Wei Muran, they said, "I have seen it? It is impossible to prevent it!"

When she said this, Xiang Haorui suddenly stopped and turned back. Xiao Yiqing raised his heart with guilty conscience. Is it so clever that he just turned around and said that he could hear it?

She calculated the distance between the next two people, and even if Hao Haorui was training with the Lushan compound from a young age, the hearing would not be so good!

However, seeing Hao Haorui waved at her, "What are you going to do so slowly? These are the landlords today, come over."

Xiao Yiqing did not move yet, and was directly pushed by Wei Muran and Qi You Ning. He was pushed forward a few steps to the side of Xiang Haorui.

Xiang Haorui’s mouth was hooked, and he directly grasped Xiao Yiqing’s hand. He saw that An Fei’s smile was stiff and very satisfying.

After seeing each bedroom with six people, An Fei said: "If you have any questions, you can always find me."

Then I left.

The six people seem to be living together in one home, and the girls are particularly excited.

Together with Cheng Xi Orange, Qi You Ning jumped up and down in a three-storey villa and visited all the rooms several times.

"Oh, what are we going to do next? Go to the hot springs?" Qi Youxi said excitedly.

Cheng Xi Orange is soft and lazy on the sofa. "Come on tonight, it is too tired now, I have to go to bed early, and I will raise my spirits and start to soak tomorrow."

"You are so physically weak, it is really useless!" Qi You Ning pointed at her and said, turning his head and looking at Wei Mu Che, "You make Mu Che difficult to do, although Mu Che does not look very strong. Look like."

Wei Mu Che listened, squinted his sleeves and showed up the muscles on his arm. "Have you made a mistake, I am wearing a thin dress, **** and fleshing, it is the best figure! I That day, the slabs of bricks were not white!"

Wei Muran: "..."

Thinking of the former defender Mu Che who committed those two in school, Wei Muran did not want to recognize him.

Fortunately, Wei Zi did not know, otherwise Wei Ziyi did not want to recognize him.

Cheng Xi orange lazily put his hands on him. "It’s time to test your physical strength. I don't want to start."

It means to let Wei Mu Che hold up Miss Cheng.

Wei Mu Che did not say anything, directly hugged her and hugged her back to the bedroom.

In addition to Xiao Yiqing's lack of travel and tiredness, Wei Muran and Qi You Ning are also very tired, they have all returned to the room.

The rooms of Qi You Ning and Wen Yu were facing each other. Wen Wei followed Qi You Ning. After Qi You Ning returned to the room, he found a head and squinted and said good night to Wen Yan.

Wen Yan stood at the door and didn't mean to go back to the house. At this time, his eyes softened, and the big step came over. The long leg took a step and came to Qi You Ning. Nothing was said in her. Kissed on the lips, "Good night."

Qi You Ning blushes, "You... you sleep well!"

Then, a little bit of awkwardly shut the door, so I kept the smell out.

Her face was still hot, her legs were soft and fell on *.

In fact, Wen Yan has never officially confessed to her or what she did, that is, she saw her from the first time when she was a child, so she has been with her, never left, of course, the short-term come back to live in the city for two days. Not counting.

Even if he came back to the city for a short time without her, she would call her and video with her. There weren't many words. Most of them said that no matter what she said, he was attached.

Because the two of them had kissed each other since childhood, there was no male or female suspicion in Qi You’s heart, just like a dear mother and mother, like a brother, if you have nothing to do, you will see a slobber and express yourself with him. Closeness and like.

Because every time I do this, my parents and my brother are very happy, so she feels that she should be very happy.

Every time she kissed her, she heard the eyes of Mi Mi's pro, so Qi You Ning felt that he was really happy.

However, before she was 18 years old, the two had always been only face-to-face. Qi You Ning would often eat tofu in his arms and squat on his chest.

Until her 18th birthday, they gave her a warm and lively birthday, and did not invite too many people, that is, to celebrate her adulthood.

She still remembers very clearly that at 11:30 that night, it was only half an hour, and her birthday was over.

In the evening, Qi You Ning always felt that his birthday was missing something, not complete enough.

Later, she thought about it and realized that it was not the same day that she was always around her. On her 18th birthday, she was always lacking.

Qi You-Ning was sitting cross-legged on the *. At the time, staring at the mobile phone, her heart was a little resentful. Her birthday had to pass, and she had never seen a phone call, even a text message wishing her a happy birthday.

The 18th birthday is obviously a very important day.

He was in the past birthday, but he was not at the most important time.

I am wondering if I want to call Wen to make a phone call and criticize him as a hard-core fan of the class and her, but even a birthday wish has not given her such incompetent behavior, Qi You Ning’s cell phone will ring. It is.

It seems that electricity, written the words "Auntie", inexplicable, Qi You Ning actually became nervous.

She picked up the phone and was nervous and stuttered. "Ah, aunt!"

Just finished, Qi You Ning secretly stunned himself, too disappointing.

"Come out." There was no ups and downs in the voice of the mobile phone. It was heard in the ears of Qi You Ning, and it felt very warm.

Qi You Ning once again screamed at himself, he let you go out and go out, while he sneaked up and put on a coat, took the phone and the key and went out.

At this time, parents are loving in the bedroom and can't catch her.

Who knows that just out of the bedroom, but hit Qi Youxuan.

"Where are you going so late?" Qi Youxuan looked up and down at her.

"What are you doing so late?" Qi You Ning squinted and asked.

"Is this not to protect my sister?" Qi Youxuan screamed, "Where is it outside?"

"I will go out." Qi You Nian looked at Qi Youxuan and snorted twice. "You help me, I will help you too! Uncle Wei is looking at the tightness?"

Qi Youxuan squinted his eyes and whispered: "Only half an hour, you must come back before 12 o'clock!"

"Small voice, don't let your parents hear it!" Qi You Ning rushed out when he finished.

Qi Youxuan: "..."

Wen Yan directly parked the car downstairs in their home, although the security of the famous garden is very good, but it is still not so late to let her be alone.

When Qi You Ning came out, he saw Wen Yan standing in front of the car. It was still very cold now, and he wore a black long coat with a cold face that almost melted into the night.

When Qi You was down, it was quite happy. Wen Wei just saw her grinning. As a result, she suddenly stretched her face and stopped in front of herself in three or two steps. The little hand pointed at herself. How come now? Today is my most important day!"

Wen Yan did not speak, just turned around, the window of the driver's door behind him was open, his long arm reached in, and when he came out, there was a square flat box in his hand.

"Happy birthday." Wen Yan said.

If you are someone else, you must feel that he is very insincere in this tone, but Qi You Ning is able to pick up the box and open it. There is a necklace inside.

Necklaces and pendants are connected together, not how creative and chic, just a string of letters.

The lights in the courtyard are not bright, but they can also see the letters on the pendant. Yes, at first glance, it is like an English word.

But take a closer look, Qi You Ning will understand.

His surname is crowned in her name, and the more he reads, the more he feels jealous. Hey, as if he was so lightly fleeing her into his name.

Under the street lamp, Qi You Ning's blushing, plus the silvery moonlight, like adding soft light to her face, the radiance is bright.

He never said it exactly, You Ning, be my girlfriend.

But with this necklace, his mind is already obvious, but Qi You Ning looks up and teased at him.

Wen Wei only silently squeezed the necklace out of the box and put it on her.

Hands clasped her, hands around her behind, holding her in vain, Qi You Ning could not help but bowed his head, not too dare to look up at him.

Only when he was close, he smelled the familiar and smelling smell of his body, and his heartbeat was speeding up, completely overwhelmed.

I used to have a shower at home and I was going to sleep. Now I have a face and my hair is **** for comfort. This bow, the white skin on the back of the neck is exposed. When I heard that it was close, I could smell the scent of the shower gel on her body. It was a sweet taste.

The delicate and tender skin is like a white tofu, which makes his index finger move and can't stand it.

Still can't hold back, after giving her a necklace, her fingertips seem to be unintentional across her skin. Because she was close, she did not miss the small goose bumps on her back neck skin, and the tremor of that moment.

Weng's mouth can't help but hook, and he can't control it, causing facial muscles to be like cramps.

"Birthday gift?" Qi You Ning is nervous, then there is nothing to find, knowingly ask.

Wen Hao was very cooperative with the "hmm", the slender and good-looking fingers came under her collarbone, and the fingertips touched the string of letters, which inevitably touched her skin, and let Qiyou Li shake. A shake.

If I don't feel it, I flipped the letters over, as if I didn't realize that my fingers were sticking to her skin. With the movements on her hands, she was still rubbing on her skin.

"The gps of the Lushan compound have been added here. I am not afraid of 10,000. I am afraid that if I encounter any situation, I can find you right away. So this necklace, don't throw it." Wen Yanyin said calmly. .

"If you don't lose it, even if you don't have it, you send it, I wear it, and I don't lose it." Qi Youyan said quickly, it was a bit eager, and when he finished, he felt that he was too anxious, not enough, and immediately added "I, I am the one who especially cherishes my heart! You, you know it!"

"Well, I know." Wen Yan nodded from the good.

"Because the chips inside are made to order, they will not be mass-produced and so on. They are only used inside the Lushan compound. If you want, you need to apply in advance, match the fingerprint of the user, and then insert it into the pendant. You When you need to open it, just touch this pendant. So it took a lot of time, and it was finally done today. I am back to the city today, in order to catch this before your birthday. I am here to give you, so I didn’t catch up with your birthday.” Wen Yan said, the sound is flat, but it is very detailed to her.

Qi You Ning grinned and smiled. "Look at your sincerity, I forgive you. Gift, I like it very much!"

Wen Yan pointed to the cheek and did not speak.

Qi You's face is red, she is not a little girl now, how can I kiss him casually?

Wen Yan but loosened the shirt collar inside, the clavicle quickly flashed in the cold wind, and hidden in the collar with his hand left.

Qi You's eyes were straight, and he only reached out to open his collar. He slammed his mouth and sucked it back. He pretended to be reserved: "Look at the gift you gave me so sincere." For me, I will kiss you."

Wen Yan secretly raised an eyebrow, did not say anything, only bowed his face to her.

Qi You’s heart is also very thinking, so the surface can’t be too restrained. When you pout your mouth, you will pick up your feet. When you kiss him on the cheek, Wen Yan suddenly turns his head and her lips are actually printed. On the lips of Weng.

Soft, very clear taste, as if with the wind and frost of the night.

Qi Youlian felt that the hot feeling from the lips was spreading everywhere. She hurried back, panicked and stunned her eyes, and her eyes were so wide that she couldn’t be surprised.

"You... how do you move?" Qi Youli complained.

Can hear the cockroaches even dare to show her a flawless and pitiful expression that is occupied by a big bargain.

There is no big change in the expression on his face, but the eyes can give her this feeling.

In the next second, Wen Yan took a step forward and took off her pouting hand. Under the stunned reaction of Qi You Ning, she bowed her lips.

Qi You Ning squinted his eyes and felt his slick squatting in the mouth of the entrance, full of his clear taste.

Wen Yan grabbed her hand and took it behind her, and finally fixed it on her lower back. She pressed her tightly into her arms and gave her a practical kiss.

For a long while, the lips loosened her, but her arms were still trapping her in her arms.

The fingertips gently pressed against her lips, the lips were too soft, and he was slightly depressed by his fingertips. The rest of the place was swollen by his kiss, and he became fuller.

"You have grown up, and I can finally do this." Weng’s voice was full of satisfaction, and people could not hear it.

"You, you, you, you, you, you..." Qi You, Li, couldn’t accept the reality, and the original workmanship, how to change the style of painting suddenly!

Wen Yan’s mouth finally slid out a more obvious arc. He quickly kissed her again and said softly: “Go back.”

Qi You Ning forgot how he got home at the beginning. Anyway, it was fortunate that Qi Youxuan did not wait for her there. Her brain was really unable to turn around and could not cope.

She didn't know how she was. *Asleep, anyway, after that time, she didn't doubt the sorrowful mind.

The two are so natural.

Qi You and the lemon 趴 in the villa villa bedroom *, think of the first kiss at that time, could not help but squint and roll.

It’s too shy to kiss so fierce at the first kiss!

The face was hot, and suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

Qi You Ning climbed down to the door and asked, "Who?"

"I." The sound of the sound that has remained the same for thousands of years.

"..." Hearing the sound of the sound, Qi You's ear was redder. When he opened the door, he saw him stand upright at the door.

"How is your ear so red?" Wen Yan said as he walked forward without any traces, and then unknowingly entered her room.

"Are you not sleeping? How come over again." Qi You Ning hasn't reacted yet, and he will go forward, so he just subconsciously moves backwards, and his actions are stupid.

"Let's be bored, come over and see, I'm afraid you can't sleep alone." Wen Wei calmly sat on the *.

"..." Qi Youlian said silently, "I can sleep very well alone. It has been like this for so many years, how can I not sleep."

"Isn't this a change of place?" Wen Yan looked at her. "You recognize *."

"How can I not know myself?" Qi You-Ning called, watching the sly sitting, "Yeah, you are not coming to play with me. Hey?"

Just after he finished, the man was smothered into his arms, and he was tightly held by him. He also listened to him with a serious statement: "In fact, I recognize *."

"Smell!" Qi Youning called.

Wen Yan raised his eyebrows, and Qi You’s words had not been said yet, and he was lying on the side of him.

"A... aunt!" Qi You Ning said nervously, "I am sleepy."

"Let's sleep," Wen said.

"Then go back to sleep!" Qi You Nian gently rubbed his leg.

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