MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 055 psychological suggestion

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Fan Yansong’s expression changed slightly, and even Yang Shaoqun and Zhang Shanfei saw it. He knew that Qi Youxuan was right. [The book of cotton candy novels wants to see almost all of them. It is much more stable than the general novel website. There is no advertisement for the whole text. ]

"You know that you are not right, so you immediately call the original psychiatrist and want to talk to him and listen to suggestions. You think that psychiatrist is very good, even if you can't go back to the city, give He called, he was willing to listen, and gave you advice. He even said that you have something to call him, so you are very grateful to him, often call him, and feel that he has heard his words. less."

Fan Yansong’s lips trembled and looked at Qi Youxuan with fear. It was like watching a monster. “ do you know!”

"But actually you are not good. If you are really good, how can you kill? How can you vent your pain by killing people? You are not good, but because of the conversation with him, let yourself become more and more Seriously." Qi Youxuan said calmly. "You used to be in the city of b. Although it is painful, it is just painful. You don't want to kill people, and you don't have the idea of ​​killing and hating. Killing people, in your opinion, is hard to think about." ”

Fan Yansong shook his lips and slowly nodded. "I... I don't know what happened... I just can't control it, I can't help it. I'm so painful, it's too uncomfortable, only after killing people." It will be so good, so I can’t control it, I...”

"In fact, you wouldn't have been so painful. If the psychiatrist is really doing your job and doing his duty, then your condition will be able to control and recover. You are so depressed, you found it early, it is not difficult. Rehabilitation. Proper guidance plus medication is no problem. But obviously, the psychiatrist you trust is not worthy of your trust. Instead of curing your mental illness, it will lead you to become more ill. And why do you feel that you are recovering? This is the reason."

"Impossible!" Fan Yansong shook his head. "Doctor Xu is a good person, he will not harm me! He has been helping me, it is good to me, I have never seen a doctor who is as responsible as he is. And at the beginning Before I came to the city, I really felt much better. It was only because I listened to Xiong Shishi’s things that it began to deteriorate again. [A lot of good-looking novels]

"Yes? If it is really much better, why don't you even face your friends and family?" Qi You looked straight into Fan Yansong. "He just makes you feel that you are much better, let you think You have hope for recovery. Let your condition worsen, a little interruption, guide you to develop in a good direction, let you have the illusion that you have recovered. t city is what he let you come, when you notice When you are not right, you contact him, he starts to control you by phone, gives you psychological hints, and guides you step by step to kill."

"No! Impossible! No! I didn't offend him. Why did he do this?" Fan Yansong still shook his head unbelief.

Where can he believe, his life was ruined by a psychiatrist who had never known before.

"And, when he talked to me, what he said was normal, and did not imply anything to me! Do you think that if you hint, I still can't hear it? I am so stupid, will I do what he said?" Fan Yansong With a hard face, "I can control others by saying a few words. Then he directly manipulates hackers to blacken other people's computers and mobile phones, and puts out bank information. Directly control others to rob banks, not afraid of being caught, money. Still fast."

Qi Youxuan chuckled. "You are very powerful. It’s all the time. There are still brain holes to get rid of the bank."

Fan Yansong was a little excited and couldn’t accept the fact that he was pitted.

"Then let's do a test and let you see the effect of psychological suggestion." Qi Youxuan said.

Fan Yansong did not believe it, "OK."

Qi Youxuan took out a handkerchief from his trouser pocket and handed it to Zhang Shanfei. "Trouble, go and cover his eyes."

Fan Yansong is very embarrassed. I don’t know if Qi Youxuan is really planning to experiment, or to be the nephew of experimenting, to do something for him.

However, his hands could not move, and there was no way to resist. He could only be blinded by Zhang Shanfei's handkerchief.

Zhang Shanfei tempted his reaction and determined that he really couldn't see it, and he returned to Qi Youxuan's side.

Fan Yansong was very nervous. Because he could not see and could not hear the sound, he said, "What about people? Still not starting?"

No one answered him, only the messy footsteps in the room, and then the sound of the door opening and closing.

Then he heard Yang Shaoqun panic and said, "Mr. Qi, how are you? How do you suddenly cut your arm?"

"I'm fine." Qi Youxuan's weak voice sounded.

"How is it, everything is bleeding!" Zhang Shanfei said excitedly, "Blood!"

I don't know who aligned with what Xuan Xuan did, and Qi Youxuan suddenly screamed, "Why are you going to poke on my wound! I am hurting!"

"Sorry, I am in a hurry, I have no control." Fan Yansong heard the voice of Zhang Shanfei.

Then I heard Qi Youxuan constantly pumping his breath, it really hurts.

"Your face is pale, or go to the hospital to see it." Yang Shaoqun said.

Even if he couldn't see it, Fan Yansong felt that Qi Youxuan was shaking his head. "No, wait until you finish."

Then there is no sound. After a while, Fan Yansong heard the footsteps again, and he still walked toward himself.

"What are you doing!" Fan Yansong asked nervously, feeling that his sleeve was rolled up.

The other party did not answer him, was blindfolded, and could not see. I only felt that the left arm was cold, and the sleeves were all pulled up, as if the rubber band was tied to his upper arm.

The system is very tight, and the place where it is tied feels that it will be numb and cold after a while, and the blood is not smooth, and the fist is not tight.

Then, the arm did not know what was scratched. The thing was cold and cool like metal. Fan Yansong’s first reaction was the blade.

There was a sharp pain in his arm. Fan Yansong screamed and wanted to hold the wound. But the hands are still leaning against the back of the chair, and they can't move at all.

He felt that his left arm had been in a painful place, as if there was any warm liquid squatting down, his skin hurting at the same time, his skin was itchy, and he couldn’t tell.

Fan Yansong cried out in a panic. "Blood! Blood! I am bleeding! I am dying! Let me stop bleeding, fast! Kill me! Fast! I am going to die, you want to kill me! The police kill! ”

Fan Yansong shouted for a long time, and the handkerchief on his eyes was taken off. When Fan Yansong had not blinked, he still shouted. If he can, he even wants to roll on the ground.

"You open your eyes and look at it and see it again." A voice sounded.

Fan Yansong stunned, and the voice was Qi Youxuan. It was as calm and clear as before. It was not like listening to the pain.

Fan Yansong opened his eyes in a strange way. Seeing that Qi Youxuan was sitting at the opposite end, there was no injury on his arm, his face was very good, and he was dressed neatly.

"Look at your own arm." Qi Youxuan said calmly.

Fan Yansong bowed his doubts and found that his left arm was pulled up, but the place where he felt the pain just now had no wounds at all, even if it was a little bruise.

Fan Yansong couldn't believe it, staring at his left arm for a long time.

But what happened to the severe pain just now?

It feels so real.

He looked up at Qi Youxuan, his eyes full of doubts, Qi Youxuan smiled slightly. "This is psychological suggestion. You can't see it. Just listen to what we are saying. You hear my arm hurt and I feel my arm is scratched. I feel that I have been attacked like me. But actually just sorting out your things, just this."

Yang Shaoqun cooperated with Yang Yang’s notebook, which is his book to record Fan Yansong’s answer. “I just used a paper to gently stroke you.”

"You can't think of it, just because you get psychological hints, you can make the reaction that I want you to do. If I don't tell you, you may have been hurting to death." Qi Youxuan's straight body leaned forward slightly, "I Give you another example, a real case abroad."

"There is a prisoner of death. When he is **** and blindfolded, someone tells him next to him that the criminal law you are going to accept is ischemic death. Then use the leaves to gently stroke on his wrist." Qi Youxuan The index finger and the **** are together, and a virtual gesture on the wrist is a sliding gesture.

"Of course, this can't cause any wounds. And next to this prisoner, there is a container that slams down the water. One day later, the prisoner is dead. Dissecting his body is ischemic death, but the facts He didn't have blood. The reason is that after he hinted, he thought his arteries had been cut open, and the sound of water droplets was the sound of his blood. Under such self-sugges, he really died, and Showing symptoms of ischemia."

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