MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 056 Mei Shiyu

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Seeing Fan Yansong’s stunned look, Qi Youxuan said: “Now you believe in the role of psychological cues. [Marshmallow Fiction Network]”

Fan Yansong did not speak, but the look of frightened expression has already explained everything.

Qi Youxuan was not in a hurry, saying in an unhurried voice: "Then tell me that from the beginning, the doctor Xu has said something to you."

Yang Shaoqun listened to Qi Youxuan’s voice and felt that something was wrong. It was like hypnosis. There was not a lot of ups and downs in the calm, just like the sound of a dream, ethereal.

Look at Fan Yansong, I don’t know when it’s time, the expression is calm, it can be said that it is a bit sluggish.

Fan Yansong started from the treatment in the city of B, and said that he came to the city after the t market. He remembered that it was not complete, and he could not repeat the same words. He could only express what he said at the time of Xu’s words, and that some words and sentences would change.

This made Qi Youxuan judge and took some effort. After all, what the psychiatrist sometimes said, especially like the doctor Xu, with the obvious purpose, is pre-examined, and each word order has its role.

"I realized that I might have relapsed, and it was more serious than before. I became very violent and wanted to vent violence. When I was with others, I was very painful. When I was alone, I was I can bear more pain. I don't know well, but in the city of t, I don't know where to find a reliable psychologist, nor can I ask other people. I am afraid that they feel that I have a problem with my mind and I feel that I am a different kind. I feel that I am mentally ill. So I thought of Dr. Xu, and I called him again."

"I said my emotional problems. He said that sometimes emotions can't be swayed, and you need to vent properly. It's good to vent them. For example, some kind of desire in my heart can be properly followed. He is a little bit every time. I told you that I found out that at first I was only a little violent, but not as serious as killing. He encouraged me to vent my emotions a little bit. Later, those who are slowly can't satisfy me. I really want to kill."

"When I finished Xiong Shishi, I felt happy, but at the same time I was a little scared. I was afraid that I would become a *. I told him, but I didn't dare to say that I killed. He was very gentle at that time, just with you. It’s the same now.” Fan Yansong saw Qi Youxuan’s eyes.

"He said, if I can find a way to relax, it's good, it will be a good way, I will stick to it, it will be better. And I really feel a lot easier, because of his words, I Putting down the psychological burden. He also said that I can think of some ways to relax myself, as long as it is effective." Fan Yansong’s expression suddenly became a little confused. "He also told me something, I can’t remember. I seemed to be at the time. Somewhat."

"When I talked to him several times, there was a period of time when my brain was blank, which made me very comfortable and relaxed. Although I didn't remember anything, I really liked that feeling." But now, Fan Yansong is afraid of it. appearance.

"You give us the contact information of the psychiatrist." Yang Shaoqun immediately said.

"His mobile number is on my mobile phone, and the address of the clinic is in the memo of my mobile phone." Fan Yansong said.

Zou Chengwei, who had been listening to the next door, immediately went to Fan Yansong’s mobile phone. From the inside, he found a person who wrote Dr. Xu. After receiving the approval of Fan Yansong, he recorded the mobile phone number and found his clinic address.

The address is really in the city of b, writing No. 58 Jianguo Road, Room 1301, Block A, Jinbao International Building.

The doctor's name is Xu Heyou.

Because the murderer Fan Yansong has already seized, as for how to judge, according to his mental condition, these Qi Youxuan will not be able to control it. (no pop-up ads)

When you have packed it up, you are ready to go back to the city.

Jiang Yuecheng has sent Xu Heyou's address and contact information to Zhang Ming, and several people took the first flight on the second day back to the city.

Because I had tried Fan Yansong, I was in the middle of the night, and I drove the plane the next day, so I didn’t have time to meet Xiao Xiaoqing and Xiang Haorui again.

When a few people got on the plane, they turned off the phone.

When I got off the plane, Jiang Shicheng saw that there was a missed call in the mobile phone, which was called by Zhang Ming.

He dialed back. After listening to Zhang Ming’s speech, he hung up the phone and aligned them. They said, “Zhang Ming said that he went to the address and the psychological clinic was closed. He asked the security guard of the building. I once opened a clinic, but the clinic was closed a month ago. However, there was no psychologist named Xu Heyou in the city.

"Let Zhang Ming go to the security guard of the building, and work in the building. People who have had contact with Xu Heyou draw a portrait of Xu Heyou according to the description." Qi Youxuan said, "Also let Yang Shaozhe check "Heart Kill" "The author of this book."

In the car, Wei Muran has searched on the mobile phone and said: "This book was originally serialized in Jiangshi, and then signed and published with Jinzheng Publishing House. Jiang Shi is in the city of B, No. 21 Guangbo Road, Haidong Building a Block, Room 1001—1010.”

So I went back to the police station. Zhang Ming and Jiang Yuecheng went to the Jinbao Building. Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran went to the office of Jiang Shi. Zhao Yiyang and Xing Jiadong went to Jinzheng Publishing House.

When he came to Jiang Shi’s office, Wei Muran showed his credentials and found the editor of the book “Heart Kill”.

"Comrade comrades, what is the matter? Are you coming to sweep the yellow? But the book written by Mei Shiyu is a reasoning novel, not yellow. And we have recently reorganized the book, guaranteeing three Viewing, content is good, there is no dissonant content. Police comrades, you will not want to take me away? Can I resign now?" The editor said, while holding his staff card, dying I don't want Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran to see the name on her employee card.

"..." Wei Muran silently glanced at her hand holding the employee's card and said, "We are the criminal investigation team, responsible for killing people, arson and robbing the bank, and other major cases, not responsible for pornography."

The editor sighed with relief, and he laughed twice. "This way--"

I haven't finished talking yet, and suddenly I was shocked. "That's not my business!"

"This lady, you should calm down first. We are asking about the time of Mei Shiyu. There is really no direct relationship with you." Wei Muran calmed.

"What happened to Mei Shiyu?" asked the editor nervously. “Is it that the author under my hand has committed something?”

"I ask you to answer it?" Wei Muran said with a wooden face.

"Where." The editor hangs his shoulder and finally no longer holds the employee card.

Wei Muran also glimpsed the name on her employee certificate, Pu Qiuping.

“Ms. Pu Qiuping?” Wei Muran asked again.

"Yes, yes, I am Pu Qiuping." Pu Qiuping moved the fart. The stock was corrected. "Not a lady, a girl, unmarried."

"..." Wei Muran ignored her after the second half of the sentence, I feel that this editor is not too much to read the novel, the brain circuit is much more bent than others. "Mei Shiyu is the author under your hand. Do you have his contact information?"

"I only have his qq number, usually we communicate through qq." Pu Qiuping said, took the phone from the jacket pocket, landed qq to find the qq number of Mei Shiyu, told Wei Muran.

"But we haven't contacted for more than half a year. After the publication of this book six months ago, I said that I had to rest for a while. I haven't had anything to do in the past six months, so I haven't looked for him." Pu Qiuping said.

"How much do you know about Mei Shiyu's identity in real life? Do you need an ID card to sign up?" Wei Muran asked.

"Wait a minute, I will find out about our signing editor and find out the contract of Mei Shiyu." Pu Qiuping said, he sent a qq message directly to the signing editor with his mobile phone. "It is very troublesome to find a contract. It may take a while."

"That's the time for Mei Shiyu, you know how much, tell us about it." Wei Muran said, "I have seen him in your serial station, is this book only?"

"Yes. He has no vests at other stations. I don't know. We are here for the first time. We have posted the editors' emails and the types of submissions. I am responsible for suspense and spirituality. He traveled and sci-fi. He submitted it to me last March. I saw it really well, I contacted him and signed a contract with him soon. His novel is not long. 300,000 words, a total of two months have been written."

“We have a special publishing department that is responsible for recommending the appropriate books in the station to the publishing house. Our colleagues in the publishing department recommended this book to Jinzheng Publishing House. It was just that the reasoning novels were popular at the time, and the publishers were happy to sign This type of book. And his book is a big fire in our station. Although there are not many words, but the readers are particularly numerous, Mei Shiyu’s reputation has also been fought out, and the publishing house has signed it down. The royalties are also quite impressive. I am going to recommend him to film and television," Pu Qiuping said.

"Have you seen it?" Wei Muran asked.

Pu Qiuping shook his head. "His book has a good response, and the subject matter is novel. The topic is also high. We stand to develop him into a facade. At the author's annual meeting last year, he was specially invited to participate. He also decided to give him a The particularly important awards and rich bonuses are also a great help for his book to open a bigger popularity. I have contacted him, but I have already understood it with him, he does not agree, just does not show up. ""

Pu Qiuping helpless, and even a little sullen, a good opportunity, give him him.

"And later there were some big and small activities, he did not participate. Because his book sold well after listing, he has a fan base, so the publisher wants to sign a sale for him, he does not participate. The publisher said that he would return the toll and accommodation fees, he did not. Let him come over and sign some of the books, as a special edition of the signature to sell, he did not come over, only let the publisher send a copy of the a4 paper, he signed After I finished, I sent it back.” Pu Qiuping shook his head. “But it’s okay, but the publishing house is using mystery as a selling point, and the effect is not bad.”

After a while, a girl who looked like she had just graduated had a contract and came over with a contract.

Wei Muran turned over and took Mei Shiyu's signature, as well as his ID card and real name.

Later, Qi Youxuan let Pu Qiuping contact Mei Shiyu with her work number.

The two followed Pu Qiuping to her seat, standing behind her, watching Pu Qiuping find the author's classification from the qq friends, and found the name of Mei Shiyu. After the opening, he sent two words: "Is it?"

After waiting for a long time, I did not see a reply.

Pu Qiuping can only regretfully returning and said: "I haven't contacted for more than half a year. When I had contact before, he replied to me very slowly. Most of them were looking for him in the morning. He only responded to me in the afternoon. If one or two. It’s quick to reply to me in an hour.”

"Do you have a job number for private use?" Qi Youxuan asked.

"No, it is only used during working hours. The account number and password are all provided by the company." Pu Qiuping shook his head.

"That's good, give us the account password. If the password is not convenient, you can change it. When we come back, you will change it again." Qi Youxuan said.

Pu Qiuping shrugged. "There is nothing inconvenient, it is all issued by the company."

Say, I randomly took out a blank blank of a4, wrote the account number and password, and handed it to Qi Youxuan.

"I don't know if Mei Shiyu has anything to do with Xu Heyou." On the road, Wei Muran said.

Looking at the photo of Mei Shiyu’s ID card taken on the screen of the mobile phone, although the real name has been shown above, a very common name is Song Pengfei.

However, because of the relationship between "Heart Kill", Wei Muran is still more accustomed to calling a pen name.

"Go back and check this ID card first. I don't have any hope for this person." Qi You opened the car and squinted at the mobile phone when he met the red light.

“Is the ID card fake?” Wei Muran asked in surprise.

"Not necessarily, if the ID card is true, I suspect that this person may not be the real Mei Shiyu." Qi Youxuan said, green light, driving, "You said that Mei Shiyu has nothing to do with Xu Heyou. Relationship is certain Yes, if there is a relationship, then he will not be so easily found by us."

They returned to the police station, and Zhao Yiyang and Xing Jiadong also returned from the publishing house.

Unsurprisingly, there was no useful information about Mei Shiyu at the publishing house.

"The editor of the publishing house who is in charge of contact with Mei Shiyu also said that he has never met him. No matter what activity, Mei Shiyu does not participate. Without his mobile phone number, he can only contact him qq. If not Coincidentally, he did not go online for a few days, so important things have to be delayed. Even the "Heart Kill" signing and publishing is also through the publication editor of Jiang Shi and Mei Shiyu." Zhao Yiyang said.

Yang Shaozhan turned his chair. "Listen to what you said, how do you think this plum rain is big enough!"

Wei Muran led the photos in the mobile phone through the cloud photo album, let Yang Shaozhan check.

The speed is very fast, Yang Shaozhan leaned back on the chair and said: "There is this person, and it is in the b city."

At this moment, the editorial number of Pu Qiuping who had previously landed on the computer also sounded a tone. The original gray avatar lights up, and when you look closely, you find that the avatar is Van Gogh's painting, "Starry Sky."

Wei Muran quickly rushed open, and Yang Shaozhan moved to a computer that seemed to connect a lot of complicated equipment, giving Wei Muran an "ok" gesture.

Wei Muran began to officially chat with each other, Mei Shiyu only replied to a "being".

Wei Muran thought about it and wrote: "The station is talking about the film and television copyright of the book "Heart Kill". The person in charge of the film company wants to meet with you and talk about it personally. In addition to copyright issues, About the adaptation of this book, etc. It is very important to have a film and television, and there are many trivial things. This time you must come over."

Wei Moran waited for a while, and when the other party answered, he said, "This is something related to your future. It is not a child's play. You should take it seriously. Otherwise, we are in a hurry and useless."

Wei Muran feels that he is really a substitute for the role of editor.

"You told him that if the book can be successfully made into a film and television drama, the popularity and influence are not comparable now. More people will see the book. More people know the plot in his book and know his. The idea is attracted to him. Not to mention filming and filming, as long as the film and television contract is signed, it is determined to be adapted. In the previous propaganda, the readers will be much more than before." Qi Youxuan said.

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