MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 057 Is it difficult for him to have a past that can't bear to remember?

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Although Wei Muran did not quite understand what he meant by saying this, he still said these words in the past. (no pop-up ads)

After a long time, I finally received a reply from Mei Shiyu: "I will consider it."

"I can't be too anxious, his mind is very fine. I can see from the details that something is wrong. Fortunately, his editor was very fond of him before, sometimes he would be anxious to let him participate in the event, so this time he will not I will be suspicious." Qi Youxuan said, "You told him that the film and television company is now in contact with the station and hopes to communicate with the author as soon as possible, so he needs to consider it as soon as possible."

Qi Youxuan thought about it and said: "There are relatively few film and television dramas on this subject recently. In addition, radio and television now have more restrictions on the subject matter of film and television works, so now I want to find a one that can pass smoothly without being dragged on for a few years. The subject matter is also very difficult. His book is an opportunity, no matter where it is."

Qi Youxuan said that Wei Fanran typed and sent these past.

The shoulder was photographed, and Wei Muran turned back. Yang Shaozhan once again compared her with an "ok" gesture.

Wei Muran nodded, Qi Youxuan fingers knocked on the back of the chair quickly and unconsciously, saying: "You tell him again, we have contacted you several times, want to hold you, you do not cooperate. To be honest, we are not only one choice for you. This time, the film and television copyright, there are two books are also negotiating, the film company has a great interest in one of the books. Station is definitely the preferred author with high degree of cooperation. Because the post-propaganda of the book also requires the author to cooperate with us. We can't tell you the truth. Even if you come to sign the interview now, who can guarantee the post-propaganda, can you cooperate? I think the opportunity is still for the talents who are willing to grasp. Ok, don't be wasted."

Wei Muran made these words in the past.

This time, Mei Shiyu's reply is faster.

"I promised, when will I go to the interview?" Mei Shiyu asked.

Wei Muran looked at Qi Youxuan again.

Qi Youxuan stared at the chat dialog box, and his fingers were still unconsciously playing on the back of the chair.

"The day after tomorrow." Qi Youxuan finally said, "I told him the day after tomorrow, the film and television company said that if the day after tomorrow is not enough, it will be discharged to the next month. The other party happens to have a little time in the day after tomorrow. Can't let him come over immediately, it will make him suspicious and drag the time. He may change his mind again after a long time, and the day after tomorrow is a very safe time."

Wei Muran nodded and lost the day after tomorrow.

The other party quickly replied with a "line" and the avatar went down again.

Wei Muran turned off the dialog box and still hung q.

Yang Shaozhan said at this time: "When using this qq, the other party's ip address is displayed in Tsu, but I have just checked the Song Pengfei, but it is in the b city."

Yang Shaozhe directly transferred the detailed information of Song Pengfei, showing that he is a deep city person, just like most of the North drifting family, came to the city of b, life is difficult, at first, lived in a very remote place, drinking with people A set of one house, it takes an hour and a half to go to work every day.

Two years ago, I moved into the Fifth Ring and rented a house. The information found by Yang Shaozhan is clearly written, including his rental contract, the previous residential address, the current residential address, the company he worked for, and even the company’s work number, even the social security card number. Out.

Song Pengfei’s mobile phone number is even more unbearable.

Zhao Yiyang directly called Song Pengfei's company front desk and asked Song Pengfei not to be there. The front desk indicated that Zhao Yiyang had hung up the phone before the call was transferred.

"If Mei Shiyu is now in Tianjin, then Song Pengfei can't be Mei Shiyu. (Marshmallow novel)" Zhao Yiyang said.

"Is there a possible false ip? Isn't there anyone using software now, will ip be displayed somewhere else?" Xing Jiadong asked.

Yang Shaozhan shook his head. "The other party does not."

"First go to Song Pengfei's company to find him. I went to apply with him. After a while, Jiadong went to Song Pengfei's home to investigate. Zhang Ming took a move to the company to block Song Pengfei and brought him back. You will continue to check if you continue to check. When the rain is in the ip address of Tsu, if it is at his home, it is better to see if he can find out his true identity, the specific location." Jiang Yuecheng said.

The actions of Zhang Ming and Zhao Yiyang went very smoothly. When they went to Song Pengfei, when they saw Song Pengfei, Song Pengfei was still confused and completely unaware of what happened.

Bringing Song Pengfei back, when he heard the book "Heart Kill", he still had a puzzled face. "What book is that? What is it about? What does it have to do with me?"

Wei Muran directly gave him a photocopy of the contract. "Is this your ID card right?"

Song Pengfei widened his eyes and even took out his original ID card, a number and a number check.

For a long while, I just nodded. "It's mine, but what is this? Copyright contract? When did I sign this stuff?"

"This is the electronic copyright signing contract of the author of the book "Heart Kill"." Wei Muran explained.

Song Pengfei was even more surprised. He immediately shook his head and was very puzzled. "I have never written a novel. From small to large, my composition is not good. I have always been a school. The company is also working with my professional counterparts and engaging in software engineering. You also I know that it’s not exaggerating at all. It’s really no exaggeration. We’re really busy. It’s too busy to work overtime all night, and there’s still time to write novels.”

Qi Youxuan refused to ask: "Would you usually read novels?"

Song Pengfei shook his head. "There was a lot of time in college, so I often watched it, but now I can't."

"You work so busy, usually work under pressure?" Qi Youxuan asked.

"Hey!" Song Pengfei sighed heavily and nodded. He said: "It’s too big. I thought about the city of B. I have many job opportunities and a future. So I am young and angry. My family is not in good condition. It’s a well-off thing, but I can’t all come out to work. I also ask the family if I want money. I am a man, asking the family for money, and my parents are going to be jokes by people around.”

"So when I first came, I rented a small house with a remote location, and it was cheaper. And at that time, my salary was not high. I was so depressed all of a while, and then I went up, I slowly Moving inside, the living conditions have finally improved."

“The company also knows that we have a lot of work pressure, so we will ask our psychiatrist to go to the company regularly.” Song Pengfei said, afraid that they would think more, and quickly waved and said, “It’s not really as formal as seeing a doctor, just telling us something. The way to relieve stress. It will also make fun of us, let us relax. Of course, we also leave a business card for us. If you have any questions in private, you can contact him."

"For a while, I had something in my family. My parents gave money to the fund-raising company. It was commonly called loan sharking and wanted to earn high interest. But then the fund-raising company went wrong, the boss of the head ran, and their money was in There was a drop in water and a loss of 200,000. Our family lives well, my parents' retirement wages add up to nearly 7,000, but after all, it is not serious to go to work, bank deposits are a bit less. The two of them were particularly uncomfortable. They couldn’t help but blame each other. They didn’t quarrel at home. My mother secretly called me and couldn’t help but cry.”

"I really want to help my family, but I can't be alone. I am floating here alone. It is not bad to ask for money from home. I really don't have much money. I was particularly anxious for a while, I felt that I was not filial, my parents have been raising. I, really, something is going on, but I can't help it at all. I was so nervous that I felt like I was going crazy. So I secretly went to the psychiatrist hired by the company."

"What is the psychologist called?" Even Xing Jiadong heard it, and asked excitedly.

Song Pengfei was a bit wrong, but still said: "Xu Heyou. But this is also a matter of more than a year ago. It has been nearly two years. Later, my work is getting better and better. I went back to persuade my parents and go to the holiday. My family is playing money, my parents are not, let me keep it. Anyway, the days are good, those who are unhappy will naturally disappear. I am in a good mood, I have not looked for him again, I don’t know how he is now. It’s like it.”

"Your company has not asked him to give you a unified psychological counseling?" Zhao Yiyang asked.

Song Pengfei shook his head. "No, it is not long after I stopped looking for him. Our company has also changed to a psychiatrist. I was surprised because I talked with Dr. Xu. I asked the company. The company said Dr. Xu went to Tianjin. The city, the new doctor is also recommended by Dr. Xu."

In Tianjin, everyone looked at each other.

"If you go to see a doctor, you have to use an ID card." Zhao Yiyang asked.

"Yeah, this is for sure." Song Pengfei said.

This explains why Mei Shiyu signed with Song Pengfei.

Let Song Pengfei leave, Wei Muran contacted Jiang Shi, and said that Pu Qiuping's editorial number, they want to temporarily requisition, and said that they contact Mei Shiyu, let the station not say leaks.

Hanging up the phone, I heard Jiang Yuecheng ask Qi Youxuan: "What do you think?"

"Xu Heyou has nothing to do with Mei Shiyu." Qi Youxuan said, "I don't know if the two are actually a person? Or a cooperative relationship, or, Mei Shiyu is controlled by Xu Heyou. The person who lives."

Qi Youxuan banged his finger on the table. "Tsu, Tsu... I prefer Xu Heyou and Mei Shiyu to be the same person."

"Now I want to find a way to stabilize Mei Shiyu. If he is really Xu Heyou, then this person's grasp of human psychology is too precise. I am afraid that he will guess our intentions and become suspicious." "Jiang Yuecheng said with concern.

Qi Youxuan shook his head. "Xu Heyou has done so many things. I am afraid that I want to let the whole world know that he is very powerful. Otherwise, when we tell him that you can change your personal propaganda, he will not be so fast. Promise to come."

"He didn't show up before, he was afraid that his identity would be exposed and he couldn't continue. But at the same time, he longed for his book to be successful, and he could be known by more people. If you can make a sensation, it would be best. If I want to Boldly, he even wanted to expose the three murders, let the public put the three murders and "heart kill" on the number, and thus admire his meticulous mind."

"I told him before that the station no longer holds him. He knows the role of propaganda, so he is in a hurry. I am afraid I will want to open the three murder cases, it is best to cooperate with his book." Qi Youxuan said.

"* ah!" Xing Jiadong sweated a hand. "Is there anything that he can't bear to remember?"

Qi Youxuan swears, "Sometimes * there is no reason. Some research psychology, and finally put yourself into the research, it is not without."

Who knows, Xing Jiadong actually looked at him seriously, feeling that it was always the last one, and said: "You take care."

Qi Youxuan: "..."

Finally, Yang Shaozhan still found out the IP address of Mei Shiyu landing qq. After checking it, it is located in Tsu City.

"Isn't this a needle in a haystack? So many things are so dense, he may be able to avoid the whereabouts, just go to a family that may be very far away." Xing Jiadong said with a bitter face.

"So I can only wait for him to come now." Qi Youxuan said, "He is very conceited. The first three cases have been broken. He is also a bit eager to move. He wants the case in the book to continue, I want everyone to know, don't want to It’s obscurity, and I don’t want people to think that it’s just a novel. He wants to let people know that the books in the book have been realized. So no matter what, he will come.”

Because there is no way to find a needle in the city of Tianjin, but for the sake of insurance, Jiang Yuecheng still let Yang Shaozhan do a little bit of investigation, even if the efficiency is lower, but if Mei Shiyu really does not come back, they do not need to wait again. The brow flies again and began to check.

Fortunately, the next afternoon, Wei Muran, who was in charge of Pu Qiuping’s editorial number, received a message from Mei Shiyu, saying that he would go to the city airport at 10 am the next day, and he would be able to go to Jiang Shi’s office at about 11:00.

"Great, then I will invite you to dinner at noon tomorrow." _ Wei Weiran sent it. "Right, we don't need our company to send a driver to pick you up, the boss's car."

"No," the other said. "I will take a taxi."

"Well, this is the address of our company." Wei Muran sent him the address of Jiang Shi prepared in advance.

Then Wei Muran said this to Jiang Yuecheng.

Jiang Yuecheng arranged for Zhang Ming, Xing Jiadong and Yang Shaozhan to go to the airport to mark people, and beware of any mistakes.

Others go directly to Jiang Shi to ambush.

The people on both sides took the portrait of Xu Heyou, because Qi Youxuan felt from his heart that Xu Heyou and Mei Shiyu were the same person.

At about 10:30 in the morning, Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran were waiting in the office of Jiang Shi. On the way to prevent, Mei Shiyu called Pu Qiuping, and they knew it by the side.

Jiang Yuecheng and Zhao Yiyang waited at the entrance of the building. If it was smooth, as soon as Mei Shiyu came in, they would bring Mei Shiyu around and take it back.

Qi Youxuan received a phone call from Zhang Ming, confirming that Mei Shiyu was Xu Heyou. The people they saw at the airport were exactly the same as the portraits.

Qi Youxuan immediately told Jiang Yuecheng that Jiang Yuecheng and Zhao Yiyang could not help but feel nervous.

At 11:15, when Mei Shiyu was Xu Heyou walking into the building, Jiang Yuecheng and Zhao Yiyang immediately flashed in front of him. Later, Zhang Ming also blocked Xu Heyou's retreat.

Jiang Yuecheng showed the certificate. "Police, we suspect that you are related to three homicides. Please come back to help us with the investigation."

Xu Heyou flashed in the middle of it and whispered twice. "So, what propaganda, what adaptation of film and television, is just an excuse to attract me?"

"No, your book will indeed be adapted into film and television, but it is not today's interview." Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran did not know when they came over, calmly said.

Wei Muran observed Xu Heyou.

Whether it is from a psychiatrist or a career as a writer, Xu Heyou is in line with people's psychological settings.

Wearing a suit, Sven, and wearing a half-framed gold-rimmed glasses, holding a computer bag in his hand.

How to look at it is an elite person, who will make people trust and have a good feeling.

I don’t know why Qi Youxuan’s words would make Xu Heyou so satisfied. He didn’t struggle, he didn’t try to escape, and he didn’t try to sin himself. His eyes were full of satisfaction and glory. “That’s my way to go with you. ""

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