MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 058 Inserting a hodgepodge 9

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Teacher Zhou was holding the hand of Chang Jingxuan in public, and gently blessed her with Zhai Zell. <> Marshmallow novel network originally the iron-faced selfless teacher, this time laughing like a flower, gentle like water, the students who came to the class were shocked and shaken, the whole person is not good.

Teacher Zhou doesn't seem to think that there is anything wrong with this. He still has no one to talk to Chang Jing, and he hasn't played the bell anyway.

So the middle school students witnessed a tragedy of chatting with the devil.

Most of them said that Mr. Zhou said that he did not give Chang Jingzhen a rebuttal, so gradually, the students were also brainwashed and felt that this was the default.

Xu Lele thought that Zhai Zell was not only academically a god, but even chasing girls, it was a **** level.

It’s so quiet that it establishes a constant identity and does not give people a chance.

Chang Jingwei is in great pressure to finish this class. Originally, Zhou was particularly disgusted with the students’ self-discipline, and she didn’t even allow students to sleep. Whoever sleeps, she will answer questions.

The name of the Iron Face Devil is definitely not a name.

It is rare that this class, the attention of other students are always on the side of this quiet, Zhou teacher did not even get angry, not even named, so he did a good job in class.

It’s just after this class, I don’t know how, the gossip wind turned, it was originally said that Zhai Zeer and Chang Jingwei had a relationship between them. Hey, darkness Chen Cang.

I don't know how, but suddenly became a constant quiet and secret love to Zell.

Then there were rumors that the previous rumors were always released. Because of the constant quiet and secret love of Zuse, plus the two also have a little in-law relationship, usually have contacts. However, the near-water tower did not allow Chang Jing to take off the white moon of Zizil.

So often quiet and anxious, she deliberately spread the rumors that she had a relationship with 阮泽尔, so that the girls who liked 阮泽尔 in the school thought that 阮泽尔名草有主, all rested.

Chang Jingyi suddenly became a cardiograph.

Because Chang Jingwei and Xu Lele don't live on campus, I really don't know these first-hand gossips.

Only one day, when the two of them were in class, some people pointed out that they were talking about this thing in the back. Although the voice was very small, they couldn’t stand up, and Chang Jing and Xu Lele erected their ears, but they all heard it. Clear and clear.

I don't know if the other party is intentional. I didn't even care about it. It seems that I want Chang Jing to hear it. The sound is getting louder and louder, which is a little lower than the normal volume.

"When is this all the time?" Xu Lele was shocked, and the school's gossip was changed so fast, for a while.

Chang Jingwei: (⊙?⊙)

Chang Jing sighed, very helpless, especially tomorrow, there is a class is Zhai Zell, she really hopes that Zhai Zer is busy with work, let other teachers to substitute, this kind of thing has not happened.

However, when Chang Jingying was still praying here, Xu Lele had already done nothing.

The people who said gossip sat behind them, and Xu Lele turned to the head and said, "What are you talking about?"

"What? We talk, what do you mean by suddenly?" The girl in glasses said uncomfortably, looking at the back of Xu Lele and Chang Jing's dazed back, especially disdain.

Of course, she does not know that Chang Jingwei is in a daze. She still thinks that it is a guilty conscience, and she dares not face it, so she is more confident.

Xu Lele snorted. "When you talk, are you talking about people right and wrong? If you are chatting, I am too lazy to interject, I don't know you, I don't know what day to talk to you. But you are now in person. If you don’t hear, you don’t know. If you look at us and don’t respond, do you think we’re bullying? The voice is getting louder and louder. I am afraid that we can’t hear. Since we are talking about the parties, is it not allowed to express opinions? It is impolite to say politeness and tell people right and wrong!”

"Who are you? Are we talking about you? You are not talking about you, what are you excited about!" said the girl with a ponytail next to the glasses girl.

She paused and suddenly snorted. "You don't like to be a senior student? Is there a sense of presence here? That's useless!"

Chang Jingwei just returned from the daze, still did not understand what is going on, heard the quarrel, and looked back confused.

After listening to it for a while, Chang Jingzhen only made things clear. She pulled Lale Lele, her own affairs, there is no need to let friends in front of me, and I will be a tortoise in the back.

She couldn’t bear this thing. If she was alone, she might not know how to endure it.

Although it is a permanent family, but the old lady is a deputy strong and unreasonable character, she has become accustomed to tolerance. Although it is an only child, but because of the circumstances of the home environment, there is no such thing as a single woman. On the contrary, there are still some minor weaknesses in the temper, and it is not a brave person.

Just heard that the two girls in the back were more and more crossed, and even with Xu Lele smashed in, she could not stand it.

"This classmate, are you familiar with me?" Chang Jing asked calmly.

Although there is no dispute with people, but in the end, people who have seen the world, Chang Jingzhen really wants to come up with momentum, or a very awkward paper tiger.

The two girls stunned and often sneered. "I am afraid that you don't even know what I look like before, but why do I say what is wrong with me? I don't know where these rumors came from, you have passed Confirmed? Do you know me? If you don't know anything, unconfirmed things, don't talk."

"I don't know where you are from righteousness. I can say my right and wrong in front of me. I don't know if I am apologized by the parties. I feel that I am right. What do you mean, blame me?" Lips, disdainful snoring, "You said my friend's words, I will return it to you intact. Like 阮泽尔, trouble yourself to confess with him, do not brush the presence here, you brush He didn't know. You wouldn't expect me to run in front of him and say that you are so good, for him to be fearless?"

Chang Jingzhen also got a little angry at this time, and even with a little bit of anger.

If it weren't for him, there would be so many excessive rumors in the school.

After she finished her studies and graduated, she did not intend to continue her studies. She would not let her be peaceful for the past two years.

If it wasn’t for Cezell’s popularity in school, wouldn’t it be that Züsell had to make that out in the classroom, or if there were so many teachers misunderstanding, there would be so many things!

"You..." The ponytail was blocked by the constant silence and could not speak.

Chang Jingzhen directly pulled Xu Lele up. "There are still vacancies in other places. We will sit in the seat."

Chang Jing’s cold and cold glanced back. “It’s also more convenient for them to continue to swear by me.”

It may be that Chang Jing’s current momentum is too strong. When Chang Jingzhen pulls Xu Lele to another row of seats and wants to go to the three empty seats, she has not waited for her to sit outside. In the next place, the other party has already stood up consciously, and when it passes by Chang Jing, it is still treacherous.

Chang Jingwei: "..."

Classmate, am I so terrible? (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻

After sitting down, Xu Lele quietly extended a thumb to Chang Jingyi. "You usually have a good temper, and it is very powerful to start it! Xiao Chang, hard work, keep it!"

Chang Jingwei: "..."


After class, Chang Jingyi began to pray, and tomorrow, Zhai Zeer will not come to class. Don't curse him for any accidents, but he can always do it!

However, God obviously did not hear the prayers of Chang Jingzhen.

In order to prevent accidents, Chang Jing also ran to occupy the place early. I chose it in the corner of the last row of windows. The sun shone in, warm and warm, very suitable for sleeping.

Xu Lele came later, but also arrived before class.

When she was on the road, she received a message from Chang Jingwei, explaining the location. Otherwise, such a large classroom, often huddled in such a corner, is really hard to find.

When you sit down from Xu Lele, you can listen to the chanting of the gods and gods.

After listening carefully for a long time, I heard that she was chanting. "Don't come to class, don't come to class, don't come to class..."

Xu Lele: "..."

Who told her how she became a good friend with this second product.

Unfortunately, Zhaizel entered the classroom with the ringing of the class.

As soon as he came in, the whole classroom was quiet. The students in the classroom, with their own radar scans, began to look for the place where they were still quiet.

If there is a high concentration of gossip, it has already locked in the position of Chang Jingyu before the class, and it is also very friendly to remind neighbors around and around, where the quiet is.

So although Chang Jingwei had tried to find the most inconspicuous position, it was not scanned by the masses.

In the classroom of more than 100 people in the classroom, the corner of the inconspicuous is just like the most conspicuous place.

"..." Chang Jing 琬 silently open a new textbook that usually does not flip, and grasped the book with both hands and blocked his face, just like setting up a small screen.

It’s very self-deception. When others look at it, they can look over it. If they can’t see them, they have nothing to happen.

"Come in class, now start to name." Zhaizel said as always.

I don't need him to look for it. I can easily find Chang Jing with the eyes of my classmates.

It’s useless to set up a book!

阮泽尔's mouth is hooked, looking at the direction of Chang Jing's mouth, the eyebrows are soft.

Chang Jingwei did not see it, but other students saw it.

The classmates said that the heart can't stand it. What kind of eyes are like this?

When Zizeel took out the roster and didn't look at it, the first person called it directly. "Normally quiet."

Chang Jingzhen felt that there was a problem with his own ear, otherwise he would have heard a few smiles in his voice.

But other students said that you are not mistaken by Chang Jingyi.

Most of the classmates in the classroom still have no object, and they are very dissatisfied with this unilateral dog abuse behavior, and they are very condemned.

This kind of self-contained * eyes and eyes and * voice, the teacher you determine that you are coming to class? !

I don't know who was the first to say anything. "嗷嗷" snorted and used it as a court.

Who knows that Zizil is not angry at all, and his face does not mind, causing other people to have the same kind of learning, and they are followed by "squeaky", a sigh of enthusiasm.

Chang Jing can't wait to get to the bottom of the table now, blushing is not good.

The people in the front row even turned back and said to her directly: "Chang Jingwei, my teacher called you!"

Chang Jing curled up and narrowed her neck. Even if she shouted "to", she would be drowned in the buzzing sound?

And she is now stunned with no strength at all.

Xu Lele didn't know what blood type of chicken blood was hit, and suddenly grabbed her hand and lifted it up. "Come on! Come! Chang Jing is coming! Teacher!"

Chang Jingwei: "..."

Who can take this two goods away, she does not want to go to class with Xu Lele today!

Because the hand was suddenly pulled away by Xu Lele, almost a book of the size of a4 paper had to be supported, and it was going to fall down. It was often caught by the eyes and eyes, and I kept it, so I kept hiding behind the book.

Although it’s quite awkward, I feel very unprofessional, not at all generous, but... she really would like to do this,>

Zhaizel patted the microphone, indicating that everyone was quiet, and there seemed to be two smiles in his throat.

It’s such a sound, it’s so drunk that the girls in the classroom are drunk.

I don't know who is better than a hand, and said to Zhaizel: "Can you not do this?", we search for birds!"

Zhaizel chuckled twice and didn't care about her. She only looked at Chang Jingwei's direction. "Let Chang Jingzhen yell at himself, otherwise I would think that someone else came to class for her."

The classroom was surprisingly quiet, and the students were very cooperative. No one was squatting again, but they all looked at Jing Jing.

"..." Chang Jing slammed the book silently, raised his hand, and shouted, "Go."

This is the beginning of the next person’s name.

When I was in class, it was quite normal. No classmates started to swear, and Zizeel did not deliberately call her anything.

It’s hard to get to the class, and the ringing sound is just like the sky.

She stood up and took Xu Lele and went out. Even Zhaizel told her not to listen to her. Instead, she cried, and the more urgent she went.

Zhai Zer is stunned. What is the situation?

So in the eyes of the students gossip, Zhai Zeer quickly chased the past.

"Quiet!" Zhezel ran behind him, "Quiet!"

Why don’t you listen, 阮泽尔 ​​can only shout: “Normally quiet!”

Fortunately, there is Xu Lele, a good teammate. Chang Jingying ran forward, and Xu Lele took her back and tried her duty to be responsible.

In the end, Chang Jing can only stop. Xu Lele actually said: "Oh, quiet, I am going back to work. How can you hold me and keep pulling me forward!"

After a decisive abandonment of Chang Jingwei, when he turned and left, he did not forget to give Zhai Zel a "right you" gesture.

Chang Jingwei: "..."

Seeing that she didn't run, Zhaizel was so eager to come over to her.

In fact, Chang Jing’s unconsciously, running quite a bit, did not notice that there were no one around.

Just when Zhai Zeer was chasing the quiet on the road, there were still many students who wanted to keep up with the gossip, but just as the teacher came out of class, they quickly took out the majesty of the teacher and stopped the students.

"Don't bother our nephews to fall in love with you!" One of the teachers said so.

These Chang Jing did not know, she only saw Zhai Zer coming over, his mouth gently hooked. "Recently, the rumors in the school are crazy, saying that you like me?"

With this in mind, Chang Jingying came to the air. "I don't know who is so good, don't worry about it. You are, if not before you -"

"I am relieved." Zhaizel interrupted her, and the voice said softly.

Chang Jingwei: (⊙o⊙)

Zhaizel said again: "I said that I am relieved, I want to promise you, will you tell me that it is fake?"

Chang Jingwei: (?Д`)

Her face is red, ""

"Do you want to be responsible for me?" Zhaizel said with an eyebrow.

"Negative..." Responsible?

"Good, I know you are a good girl in charge." Zhaizel nodded happily.

What... What? What did she say?

Can not help but say more often, the top of the head is covered by a shadow, the lips are printed with two pieces of soft.

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