MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 059 finale

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Wei Muran felt incredible. Xu Heyou got off the bus like this, and he entered the police station gracefully. He didn't feel nervous at all.

Is this the person who plays the psychology?

In the interrogation room, Jiang Yuecheng threw the book "Heart Kill" on the table. "Is this book written by you?"

Xu Heyou did not answer, but instead looked at Qi Youxuan: "You said that my book will be adapted into a film and television drama, is it true?"

"It's true, whether it's a book, not your identity. Even if you go to jail, it doesn't prevent this book from being made into a TV series." Qi Youxuan said.

"Yes." Xu Heyou smiled and said that the generous recognition was surprising. "I am Mei Shiyu."

"Why use Song Pengfei's ID card?" Jiang Yuecheng asked.

Xu Heyou chuckled. "Of course, I don't want people to know my identity. The purpose of writing this book is to turn the case I wrote into reality. Of course, you can't let me find me too soon, otherwise I will still How can I continue? Even now, I am quite surprised. In the first three cases, you broke quickly and found my identity earlier than I expected."

Xu Heyou’s gaze fell on Qi Youxuan again. “Should it be because of your help?”

Qi Youxuan did not answer, did not nod, only listened to Jiang Yuecheng and asked: "So, you admitted that these three cases are all planned behind you?"

"How can I say planning? But it's almost the same, Dong Zhengfeng, Li Niancheng, and Fan Yansong. They all came to see me here. When I chatted with them, I began to slowly control them. They all have causes, I just Leading their causes out, expanding them, making them more painful, and urgently need to find a way to vent." Xu Heyou said light.

"What is your purpose in doing this?" Jiang Yuecheng asked in a deep voice. "You are a psychiatrist, have a good career, have a social status, have high incomes, and have a wide network of contacts. They are also famous in your industry. Why bother to make fun of your life? We I checked, you have nothing to do with the three murderers and the deceased. Before the three murderers went to see you, you didn't know each other. Not to mention the dead, I am afraid I have never heard your name in this life. ""

"Of course, in order to make psychology carry forward." Xu Heyou whispered, with a drowsy tone, "I want everyone to know that psychology is endless, you can use it to do a lot of things. I want people to know how good my control of the mind is. I can control people and control them to do things for me. How wonderful is this?"

"For this, you can control others, kill innocent people, and those who are controlled by you, they are even more innocent." Zhang Ming said with a fist.

Those who died, perhaps did things that hurt others like this, but the three murderers were actually not wrong before the murder. All their loved ones were hurt, and Fan Yansong was hurt by their lover. But they did not want to hurt others.

Their misery, which could have been avoided, was controlled by Xu Heyou, pulling the negative emotions of the heart and constantly magnifying them until they could not control them. The stimulation by Xu Heyou became a real one. psychiatric patient.

"Hehehehehe." Xu Heyou lowered his head and gave a smirk in his mouth. Under the illumination of the light, the lens turned against the light and he could not see his gaze.

I saw him slowly raise his head. "What about it? Anyway, they are all sick. It is better to contribute their own strength to the medical cause. My talent should not be buried, I am strong, I know. So I should be known to everyone, I want my talent to show up and let the world know!"

Xu Heyou’s original expression has suddenly become agitated, and he is crazy. “If this book is well known, they are only a novel, they will not be taken seriously. But the plots in the book are all copied. When they come out, they know how strong my abilities are."

"So I want my book to be published and then changed into a TV show, a movie, and I want to expand its influence. So this time, I guess it might be a trap, or promised to come over. Because I can't let go of any influence that can be expanded. "The opportunity of strength." Xu Heyou saw Qi Youxuan, "From the speed of your crime detection, clean and neat, I know that there are high people to help. In fact, I really want to confront you once. But unfortunately, I am more important. Things to do. Compared with your confrontation, I want everyone to see me."

"I know, I will be caught sooner or later. In fact, this is also a part of my arrangement. I need to be arrested to expand the influence. I have already planned. My book will be adapted into a film and television drama, and this novel The author has planned the whole series of serial murders to be imprisoned, the novel is bound to be a big fire, and the news media will certainly be deeply analyzed. Maybe I can still publish my own autobiography and write about my basic knowledge and application of psychology."

Everyone is too lazy to listen to his ambitions, and make sure that these cases are all planned by him.

Out of the interrogation room, Xing Jiadong still feels creepy, holding his arm and saying: "He is also psychologically problematic? Just to be famous, prove that he is very bull, can plan such a series of homicides

Tang, metamorphosis! ”

But in any case, the murderer behind it found it, everyone was relieved and could rest.

Jiang Yuecheng gave a report to the top, and Xu Heyou was already taken into custody. He had to go through a professional psychologist to judge whether he had a mental illness.

The case was too strange, and I finally saw the report.

It is impossible for Jinzheng Publishing House and Jiangshi Chinese Network to let go of this great opportunity for publicity. Although this one is good or bad, but it is full of gimmicks, plus there are real cases to do deduction, directly to the "heart kill" The online and physical versions of sales have pushed to a new level.

If Xu Heyou did not commit a crime and did not go to jail, then he is likely to be selected for this year's writers' rich list. But the same, if he didn't commit the crime and didn't go to jail, there would be no such gimmicks, and there might not be such sales.

The film and television adaptation was also signed by the hot-selling iron. The producers also wanted to use this shareholder wind, and the heat of the news has not disappeared. Therefore, the hero and heroine were finalized, and it was not long before the entire cast lineup was announced.

There is also a reporter to make an appointment to interview Xu Heyou, but was told that Xu Heyou's mental state is still being assessed. Because Xu Heyou is also a psychiatrist and a highly capable psychiatrist. Therefore, when the psychologist is doing the assessment, it is very laborious and there is no way to judge.

However, these, Wei Muran and Qi Youxuan will not care, Xu Heyou's end is nothing more than two kinds, prison or mental hospital.

The nerves that have been high in tension have been relaxed, and the whole person is a little tired. Fortunately, the next weekend is that everyone can take a vacation.

Wei Muran slept a little late, and got up at 10 o'clock the next day. After finishing it, at around 11 o'clock, he received a call from Qi Youxuan.

She thought that Qi Youxuan was about to go out to eat with her, but he was asked if he asked if Wei Zi and Wei Ran were at home today.

Wei Muran answered home, and as a result, the voice just fell, she heard a doorbell ringing through the phone.

"You tell me quickly, what you are doing is not what I think." Wei Muran said with a sigh of relief.

"Mu Mu, you are coming down, my father-in-law is terrible, I am afraid I can’t stand it." Qi Youxuan’s voice passed from the phone.

Wei Muran: "..."

He has recently visited any forums!

Still awkward!

Wei Muran hung up the phone and rushed downstairs. Just watching Qi Youxuan’s big bag came in, Wei Zi’s face was black and dripping, and Wei Ran was sincerely happy, laughing very sincerely. Qi Youxuan has been treated as a son-in-law.

"Dad, Mom, I am officially visiting today." Qi Youxuan put things down, standing in front of Wei Ziwei and Wei Ran, serious and serious.

Wei Zikai’s sentence “Who is calling his parents?” has not been exported yet. He listened to Qi Youxuan and said: “I am the first official visit today. I will introduce myself. My name is Qi Youxuan, 26 years old, in Qilin Real Estate. As the deputy general manager, the deputy is the consultant of the criminal investigation team. I will return to the position of general manager next year after officially returning to work. I did not give a girlfriend before Mu Mu, I wanted to marry her as a child. I drink. But no smoking, no bad habits. The laundry will cook, and the sale will be streamed. Hey."

"If you are in danger outside, I must be in front of her. If I am not happy at home, I will take the initiative to stretch her arms and let her fight." Qi Youxuan said. "Dad, Mom, please ask the two of you to give me your daughter with confidence, I will definitely not let her suffer a little wrong."

"Dad, I still remember that you used to talk to Mu Mu before. If you can't find someone who is better than her for her, let her not marry. I can't guarantee that it will be better than you, but will Efforts to surpass you," Qi Youxuan said.

This is to make Wei Zi's expression a lot better.

If this kid really dares to say that he is better than he did, he immediately blasted him out.

Qi Youxuan stretched his hand into the trouser pocket and touched it. Then he found a delicate square box and slammed on one knee and opened it against Wei Muran. "Mu Mu, I thought about it, I can't think of any romantic proposal." I am able to meet you. It is already the most romantic thing in my life. All I can do is to offer my heart in the most unpretentious way. It may not be sensational, but sincere enough. I want Dad Mom is witnessing next to him, Mu Mu, are you willing to marry me?"

Wei Ziwei: "..."

Dead boy, you should just blast him out!

Watching the sorrowful look of the face now, I have never seen the world, how many words, how are the red eyes!

Wei Ran squinted at the black-faced Wei Zi, only sneered: "There are more sincerity than you were, at least still proposed."

Wei Ziwei: "..."

Wei Ran: "You again

Give me a black face to try? I can't keep up with You Xuan, but dare to dislike him? ”

Wei Ziwei: "..."

The man silently stepped back a small step, no longer black face, but his hand gently and secretly went to smash the sleeves.

Wei Ran turned back and looked at the man’s pitiful strength. He finally laughed. "Okay."

Wei Ziyu also breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and directly held Wei Ran's hand, not dare to align with Yu Xuan to show any dissatisfaction, at least not at the moment.

Wei Muran stepped forward and reached out to him. "So... it’s good, really, very good! It’s the proposal I want. I don’t want a sensation, flashy, I want this level. ""

Qi Youxuan breathed a sigh of relief, staring at Wei Muran for a moment, and put a ring on her.


At the same time, the famous garden.

Qi Chenglin looked at the little couple sitting on the opposite sofa and said: "She is still in college."

"Well, I know, I will get married after graduation." Wen Yan held Qi You's hand and touched the diamond ring on her middle finger. She just put it on her last night.

"We still want to stay with her for a few more years!" Qi Chenglin said.

"Well, she still has two years to graduate." Wen said.

Qi Chenglin: "..."

I really want to beat him out!

What should I do if I regret getting into the door!


In the evening, Qi Youuan stayed in the Wei family for dinner.

At nine o'clock, Wei Ziyu began to catch people.

Send Qi You Xuan out the door, and he was tired of talking to him at the door for a while, Wei Muran returned to the bedroom, washed the shower, lying on the bed. Still excited, rolling around can not sleep, the face is hot.

The lips and teeth are all the kisses of Qi Youxuan.

Touching the lips, it is still swollen.

Anyway, I couldn’t sleep, and Wei’s eyes fell on the bedside’s Heart Kill.

The case is over. This book is really good, and so legendary, she wants to see the end.

I saw part of it last night. She opened it, took the bookmark down, and continued to look back. As a result, the murderer inside was the psychiatrist, but also the author of a novel, and the later ending, including that. The hot sale of this novel is exactly the same as the result of this case!


Wei Muran was shocked and stunned, and the book fell directly to the ground.

She can't help but think, the murderer, is really Xu Heyou so simple? --- Off topic --- ending, Ye is such a bad taste like all kinds of open endings~~

After the end, if you don’t give up, you won’t say it. Anyway, there are still seven sons. 2, Xiaomeng’s door will still appear in Qigongzi 2, because there are Yanning white children, so there is no need for lively ~~

So, let's move to the seventh son 2 and continue.~~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ(..)