MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 152 Who is Song sister, not so good with her relationship!

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"What are you doing? Show me. [Look at the latest chapter of the book, please go to the Marshmallow novel network]" "Dan Danchen said softly."

"Let's wait again at noon." Qi Chenglin put the lunch into the bag, carrying a bag, and took a hand to go to the outside restaurant to prepare for breakfast.

The smile was particularly deep, "I came up early at noon."


In the morning, Qi Chenglin and Yu Danchen came to the company. Qi Dan went to the design department first, and Qi Chenglin took the elevator to the top.

A group of colleagues in the secretarial office have just come down from the crowded staff elevators. See Qi Chenglin carrying a paper bag with a faint lunch box.

A female colleague’s eyes are bright and bright: “General Manager, is the love lunch that the General Manager’s wife has given you?”

Qi Chenglin sneaked a bit, and it was hard to admit that he was actually doing it. He was a wife and slave in private, and today he was a cook.

Nodded in guilty conscience, but also put on a deep and unpredictable look, and finished his tie.

"Your general manager, Mrs., is so meticulous to me." Qi Chenglin said very rigorously, not at all.

"The general manager is really good."

"The wife of the general manager is really virtuous."

Waiting for the praises, and the endless stream, Qi Chenglin boasted that the waist is quite straight, and the backs are back to the office with the full-spirited pride.

Originally, I wanted to put the lunch on the table and then I thought about it. This is really not a daughter-in-law. If the show is over, what should I do if I am lost?

Then Qi Chenglin silently put the lunch into the small refrigerator in the office.


Qi Chenglin's trick was really effective. On the morning of the morning, although the people were in the design department, the heart had already flown to Qi Chenglin.

In addition, she is also a leisure person in the design department. She insists on going to work. She just doesn't want to be at home and out of touch with the society. Even if you come to the company to do nothing, you can keep up with the times every day, so that you can get back to the topic of Qi Chenglin.

When I arrived at 11 o'clock, I received a call from Jiangyuan.

Qi Danchen was also surprised that Jiangyuan could find something for himself. When he picked up the phone, he listened to Jiang Yuan and said, "Mrs., the general manager has nothing to do now, and he does not have to talk to people about business, nor will he open."

In short, it is a leisurely life, waiting for you to go to save.

"..." Even if the recent IQ decline, Yu Danchen understands the meaning of Jiang Yuan. "I will pass."

Packed up the things, carrying the bag away, my heart still groaning, the man said to her, she would not do it, but also Jiangyuan came to bend the corner.

Because I haven't reached the lunch break yet, when Dan Danchen came to the top, everyone was still busy, and from time to time, someone would run with documents.

Seeing her, all of them said hello, "Mrs, we see the general manager take the lunch today."

"Too busy to give the general manager a lunch, really good."

"You feel very good with the general manager."

"Love is a good place."

"..." For the understanding of the alignment of Cheng Lin, Qi Danchen immediately thought that it was the man who loved his face and did not admit that he did it for her.

In the heart of a sincere heart to protect her husband, Yan Danchen did not debunk, smiled and should be down, anyway, she praised her husband to be a good man, and now the face of her husband is also virtuous.

In short, she is a good wife.

Facing the praises all the way, Yan Danchen entered the office with a gentle and virtuous smile. Qi Chenglin saw her come in, and immediately got up and let her sit on the sofa and rest.

There are a few more cushions on the sofa that were not available before.

"I heard that pregnant women are prone to backache and bring it to you." Qi Chenglin said, he put a cushion behind her waist.

In fact, when I haven't got a sore back, now I can't even feel a child in my stomach, but I don't feel that I have a child in my stomach. <>Marshmallow novel network

However, Dan Dan did not say that who made this a piece of his mind, so it was so comfortable, quite comfortable.

"I am not sleepy, do you want to sleep for a while?" Qi Chenglin said, thinking of his last night's toss, especially diligent, thinking about whether she would not help herself again because of last night.

When Dan Dan licked his mouth, he saw him.

However, looking at Qi Chenglin's good-looking face, he was not willing to have a general knowledge of him. He took a sigh of relief and approached Qi Chenglin's arms. He yawned and simply put his pillow on his lap. "Then call me for a while."

Qi Chenglin was happy and happy.

Qi Danchen didn't actually fall asleep, just buried his face in Qi Chenglin's firm belly. Now he is pregnant without makeup, and he is not afraid of makeup and dirty his shirt. I only smelled the smell on his body, especially with peace of mind and closed eyes.

Estimated almost to the time, and did not use Qi Chenglin to call her, I will get up. The face was pressed with a red mark, and it was still a bit embarrassing. Just looking at Qi Chenglin couldn’t help but laugh, but it was forbearing, and my heart was soft, and I reached for a little red print on her face. Get up and take it out of the fridge and go out to get hot.

When Qi Chenglin came in again, there was also the smell of the food.

Qi Dan morning eyes brightened, before Qi Chenglin cooking can be a good entrance, but there is no such a fragrant taste, suddenly some expectations.

Qi Chenglin looked at the expression she was looking forward to and was happy. She felt that she was not busy. Now I am afraid that she will not vomit when she can't eat.

Putting the lunch in front of you, after opening it, Yan Danchen saw that it was all the sour and sweet mouth that he liked now. Although she spits badly, she is very appetizing for sweet and sour things.

I tasted the taste and my eyes immediately smiled. Not too good, but it is already a pleasant entrance. I thought that the last time Qi Chenglin's food was still very good, and Dan Danchen did not ask him too much. This time is already better than imagination.

"It's delicious." Yan Dan morning squinted his eyes and praised the man's handsome face.

She had oil on her mouth, and Qi Chenglin didn't wipe the paper with her. She just took it and slammed it around. She was dumb and laughed. "My craft is really good."

"I haven't seen you doing it in peacetime. When is the craftsmanship so good?" Yan Danchen was very happy to eat. In fact, it was mainly to give him face and let him have the motivation to make persistent efforts.

Qi Chenglin’s ear is a bit red, and the pair of outsiders is a sharp and beautiful black scorpion. At this time, but the momentum is completely floating, for a while, then said: "There will be these few things."

Yan Danchen understood that this is a specialization of these exercises.

She ate with satisfaction, took a paper towel and wiped her mouth, only to take a sip of Qi Chenglin's lips. "Husband, you are so touching, so good. Waiting for you still...what is the time?" , I... I will help you!"

Seeing Qi Chenglin's eyes bright and shiny, Qi Dan shrank his neck and shook his neck. He felt that he was not willing to make a promise, so he quickly added a condition. "But only once, not too much at night."

Kudan’s lips moved, and some of his grievances pinched his wrist. “Otherwise, it’s sour.”

Seeing her little grievances, Qi Chenglin is really a heart to follow, busy holding her hand, carefully pinching her wrist, "Is it sour now?"

"It's a lot better now, that is, it hurts so badly in the morning. I can't even hold the chopsticks." When Dan Dan had a morning meal, he still thought about it. In the future, he still had to use his left hand.

But Qi Chenglin still took her wrists very seriously.

Until the morning of Dan Dan said, "You are going to eat, just watch me eat, you have not eaten."

Qi Chenglin only picked up the lunch box, and Dan Dan tried it, but it was not cool, so I was relieved.

Qi Chenglin directly pulled the three or two dishes of the remaining food of Qi Danchen clean.

Qi Dan morning nose is a bit sour, I feel that it is not easy for a man. I will cook for myself in the morning. As a result, I can only eat leftovers now, and it makes people feel so sad!

In the morning, Qi Dan smeared the tears in the corners of his eyes, and in the Qi Chenglin, the drums of the drums were stuffed with some drums.

Waiting for Qi Chenglin to clean up the lunch box, let Yu Danchen take a lunch break here, and sleep enough to go back to the design department.

It was quite quiet in the morning. As a result, Qi Chenglin came to work in the afternoon and had a strong contrast with the leisure time in the morning. It was not normal.

When I got off work, Qi Danchen received a phone call from Qi Chenglin, saying that it would not be finished yet. Apparently he was half open, and when he saw the time, he terminated the meeting and came out to report it with her.

"I don't know when to open, don't wait for me, go home and eat with Yu Xuan, don't be hungry." Qi Chenglin said, he could hear the exhaustion in his voice through the phone.

The meeting has been open for more than two hours. It seems that there is a serious emergency in the long-term market. Today, we must negotiate a result, and even the Qicheng is left.

When Dan Dan knew that he was left waiting for him, he also worried him and agreed.


When Dan Dan returned home, he ate a few meals in a hurry and didn't eat much. Because at noon, in order to encourage Qi Chenglin, he actually ate a lot and broke down.

She must suspect that if her belly is bulging, is this a manifestation or is it purely eaten?

In short, after eating the dinner in a hurry, the toilet boxes were cleaned and a phone call was made to Jiang Yuan. As a result, Qi Chenglin was still in a meeting.

"Have he eaten?" asked Dan Danchen.

"Not yet, I thought I could solve it. Who knows that there is still no result at this point. Before you called, I just ordered the secretarial room to order a takeaway. But this time is just the peak of the meal. The big and small restaurants in the city of B, regardless of well-known and unknown, are lined up in long queues, and they don’t know how long it will take to send them.” Jiang Yuan explained.

"I know, I am going to give him a meal." Yan Dan Chen estimated that even if he passed from the famous garden, it was faster than waiting in line to wait for the restaurant to take delivery.

Both Qi Chengzhi and Qi Chenglin’s mouth are smashed, and the small hotel must not be eaten. The far-reaching dynasty of the dynasty could not be nearly fired. Besides, there were other people working overtime in the company, and they would not have ordered the dynasty’s takeaway.

And those restaurants nearby, Qi Danchen is also clear, the taste is just like that. The better hotel guests are very full, and the delivery speed is not expected.

Hanging up the phone, Yan Danchen called Song Yu again and said the situation. She asked her if she wanted to bring two copies and gave Qi Chengzhi a copy of the past.

I will ask this question, and I am afraid that Song Yu will also send meals. If she takes two copies directly, she is afraid to be heavy. Fortunately, I called the phone and asked Song Yu to go out to give Qi Chengzhi a meal.

So Dan Dan did not delay, and quickly filled the lunch box, and the little guy was doing homework at home, and he was willing to go.

The result was chased by the little guy to the door, and she was holding her clothes. "Mom, I have to go."

"Are you finished your homework?" Dan Dan asked, bowing his head.

"There are not many homework assignments. I’m done at school. I can take the book to review.” The little guy said, not too happy to be at home.

When Dan Dan thought about it, he agreed.

When Dan Danchen came to the company, because only a small number of people involved in the work were working overtime, most of them were high-level. Other staff members had already left work, and the front desk was not there. There was only security at the door.

Qi Danchen wore flat soft shoes, and the little guy walked without any sound. He walked, but suddenly heard the sound of walking behind.

As a result, I heard someone calling her, "Dan Chen!"

Qi Dan morning suddenly relaxed, looking back, it is Song Yu with a bag coming over.

"Because the Yue Yue month is big, they didn't let the East Court work overtime, let him go home and accompany Cheng Yue." Song Yu said when he came over.

From this month, Qi Chengyue did not come to the company to go to work, rest at home, although there are still four months to live, but the elders of the family are very careful, afraid of accidents, Qi Chengyue did not insist, rest assured at home.

Qi Danchen and Song Yu went up, did not bother, only handed the lunch to Jiang Yuan, apparently Qi Chenglin they planned to eat while sitting.

The two were planning to leave, and the meeting room opened the door at this time, and they saw Qi Chengzhi and Qi Chenglin coming out together.

When they saw them, the two were still surprised, but they could not hide the surprise.

"How come you come?" Qi Chenglin immediately came over, and long-term habitually went to sort out the long hair that was very smooth and appropriate.

The face is very happy, but still said: "Is it not for you to rest at home?"

"I don't remember to hang you, afraid that you will delay eating?" Yan Danchen was very comfortable when he pointed his scalp on his head. He couldn't help but narrow his eyes and looked very satisfied. "Are you finished?"

"Not yet, come out to rest, estimate that the takeaway is coming, wait until the meal is finished and continue to open." Qi Chenglin's voice is soft and a little tired.

Originally, I was planning to eat while I was open, but I didn’t see everyone’s spirits very well. Even if I didn’t stay in the state, I would just take a break.

"It's almost over, only the last point, it's all finished." Qi Chenglin looked at the watch and took her and the little guy back to the office. "The rest is forty-five minutes."

Qi Chenglin's office is close to the conference room. Qi Chengzhi simply took Song Yu to his office to eat together. By the way, he ate and discussed.

The little guy was full at night, but most of the vegetables were eaten. I felt that there was no oil in the stomach, so I didn’t feel full. When I watched Qi Chenglin and Qi Chengzhi’s eating, it was really a blind eye.

Qi Danchen originally gave Qi Chenglin a box of fruit after dinner. They were all cut, and when they saw the little guy look so embarrassed, they took it out and let him eat it first.

Qi Chenglin and Qi Chengzhi discussed the official affairs. She and Song Yu did not bother, but the two men wanted them to accompany them. They were on the side and chatted with each other.

The atmosphere was quite good, and I suddenly heard the voice of the dispute outside the office.

Qi Chengzhi frowned. "What happened?"

The little guy also looked at the big eyes, curious, but not afraid.

Song Yu let Qi Dan morning sit, and he got up and went to see it. As a result, he opened the door and saw the outside Wu Qiaoyin confronting Jiang Yuan. Jiang Yuan blocked Wu Qiaoyin from letting her in, while calling the security guard.

When Song Yu opened the door, he could still hear Jiang Yuan’s particularly cold and awkward voice. “Let’s go and let Miss Wu go. What happened to you? Today’s company’s top management is working overtime, and you just let people in, so it’s so busy today. You still have people messing up. If you don't do a good job, you don't have to do it."

Wu Qiaoyin did not care that Jiang Yuan was on the phone, and he had already said wrongly: "How can you say this? I am not coming to add chaos! I know Qi brother, the last time I came with my mom, you have seen My, how can you say this to me? You let me in, how can you do this?"

Jiang Yuan was impatient and hung up the phone, and was preparing to personally let Wu Qiaoyin slip down to the building. As a result, Song Yu opened the door.

Wu Qiaoyin’s eyes lit up. “Sister Song, it’s me, I... I know that Qi brother is working overtime tonight, so I’ll come here and I will do it at home.”

Wu Qiaoyin was very happy to raise the bag in his hand.

Even Song Yu, at this time can not help but turned a big white eye in the face of Wu Qiaoyin.

Who is Song sister, it is not so good with her relationship!

Song Yu thinks, Wu Qiaoyin's are not their own men, listening to her so that they feel comfortable. When Dan Dan listened to Wu Qiaoyin’s sister, he had to be disgusted.

"Which person are you? I don't know you, I don't have to be so intimate with my name." Song Yu said unceremoniously.

Jiang Yuan followed his sweat and said to Song Yu: "I will pull her down."

Song Yu nodded and was about to close the door. There was no such thing as letting Wu Qiaoyin come in.

Wu Qiaoyin seems to have suddenly opened a stunned, very fast speed through Jiangyuan, actually directly hit the door frame, the special force, fingertips are white, and death does not let go.

When Qi Chenglin heard the words of Wu Qiaoyin, he almost groaned.

At this time, Qi Dan’s morning looks at Qi Chenglin. “If I don’t come to dinner today, I’ll be cheaper.”

"Where is there!" Qi Chenglin’s face sighed. "I won’t let her go even if I don’t even want to approach her. I will personally bring her lunch, throw it into the trash can in front of her!"

When Wu Qiaoyin listened to Qi Chenglin’s words, his heart was broken and he was sobbing. “Chi brother, I just came to give you food. There is no other meaning. How do you... just send a meal, you are like this. Abandoned? I am a good intention, afraid that you work hard overtime, the food in the restaurant is unsanitary..."

The little guy looked back at Wu Qiaoyin, and then he forked a piece of strawberry and fed it to the morning. "Mom, my son hurts you!"

Qi Dan Chen smiled Mimi's strawberry into his son's feeding, feeling that he had eaten a large filial piety.

Qi Chenglin looked at the mother and the child, and the heart was unable to do it. He personally got up and walked to the door.

Wu Qiaoyin looked obsessively, and forgot to react. A pair of eyes fell on Qi Chenglin’s face.

He worked for a day, and had a long meeting, his face was tired, but he looked so mature, with another charm of charm, the beautiful Wu Qiaoyin was so drunk.

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