MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 153 Have you seen your hand squeezed by the door?

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"I have my wife distressed, what are you doing? I am starving to death here, and it is not your heart to be hurt. <> The latest chapter full-text reading" Qi Chenglin is cold-hearted, she is black. There is something wrong with it.

But Wu Qiaoyin didn't see it, just because Qi brother was ruthless, his heart was broken.

"Can't you go?" Qi Chenglin asked coldly.

Wu Qiaoyin shook his head and handed the lunch over. "I... I can go, but Qi brother, you take this down, my heart is my own."

Qi Chenglin did not hear her words, but only asked: "I really don't go?"

" don't accept it, I won't leave." Wu Qiaoyin stood in the doorway with a small white flower, but his face was a little stubborn, so stubborn and weak, it was really I saw the pity.

"Oh." Qi Chenglin was really happy from the heart of this laugh.

I no longer talk, and I close the door with my hand. The action is too fast, Wu Qiaoyin can be expected to get the true intention of Qi Chenglin just laughing, such as Mu Chunfeng, but then immediately said that it is hands-on, there is no response.

She still squatted on the door frame with one hand, and the door directly hit her hand.

Qi Chenglin didn't have the strength to spare. The unsatisfactory flash in the previous eyes waited for her to refuse, and she had reason to marry her like this.

Since she did not understand her words and deeds, she could only make her afraid.

Qi Chenglin made up his mind, and he must let Wu Qiaoyin's heart leave a deep shadow. If he sees him later, he will not be in a mood to make a fool.

In the ear, I heard only Wu Qiaoyin screaming, and the sound was sharp and harsh, as if it could be directly transmitted to the first floor. Qi Chenglin was so eager to see that this was the best sound that Wu Qiaoyin had ever heard.

Wu Qiaoyin was so painful that he couldn’t care for anything. He quickly took back his hand and felt that the four fingers were not his own. He didn’t dare to move, and the pain of the heart made her whole person fight.

Lifting the injured hand to the front, seeing that there was not much time, the fingers almost all turned into cyan, each swollen like a small white radish.

Wu Qiaoyin did not dare to touch, so it was so heavy, crying, nose and tears all came out, it is really unbearable.

She lifted the hand that had not been injured with the lunch, and she fell to the ground and opened the lid. The food inside was sprinkled out and scattered on the ground.

Wu Qiaoyin also refused to take care of himself. He had already had no pain in standing. He fell to the ground and screamed.

Just before the door reached Wu Qiaoyin’s hand, he bounced again. Qi Chenglin was still standing at the door of Dachang’s door. He raised his eyebrows completely without heart and lungs. He even had a tone of gloating, and his voice was clear and cheerful and said: “No. I’m so embarrassed, I didn’t see your hand on the door frame. Why are you so careless? Children know that they can’t do this.”

Wu Qiaoyin’s crying, said nothing: “I...I...I...”

"Isn't you going to take Miss Wu away?" Qi Chenglin made a glance at Jiangyuan, and his face, which had always been unsatisfactory, was hard to reveal obvious bad water.

This allowed Jiang Yuan to immediately understand, and quickly dragged Wu Qiaoyin out of the door.

Wu Qiaoyin was hurting and crying. He couldn’t stand the waist. It was like a shrimp. The long, smooth and delicate hair all fell down the shoulder and blocked her face.

As she walked and swayed, many long hairs were stuck to the face with tears, like crazy. Tears gave the makeup a cry, and under the long hair that was on the face, it was all black and crying makeup, so that the original pure and weak face like a small flower suddenly became like a black dahlia. The horror of existence.

Jiang Yuan released his hand and stopped holding her, and saw that Wu Qiaoyin was crumbling and could not fall.

He used the volume that can be heard by passers-by and said: "Hey, Miss Wu, why are you suffering? Our general manager has our general manager to take care of you. Why do you say that you are running to deliver food? Why do you see it? The hand is squeezed by the door? It’s not good next time. You are here, but you are injured."

Jiang Yuan cleared his throat and said in a sincere manner: "Our general manager did not deliberately use your door to squeeze your hand. The injury is not heavy? Or I will call Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu to pick you up to the hospital. ?"

I don’t mention the fact that I personally sent her to the hospital.

Just kidding, he has to work overtime, the general manager has not gone yet, he can't leave as an assistant, it is not easy to work.

Wu Qiaoyin had a painful mind that was unclear. He only thought that Jiang Yuan’s words came intermittently. Her left ear went into the right ear and she did not understand.

Then, I felt that there was a quarrel around me. Slowly, she heard the voices around her.

"This is on the rush to be a small three children, just met the original match, was it hit?"

"You didn't listen to the young man. It is estimated that the men of the family didn't look at her. They didn't need to use the original hands, they were directly hit by the men."

"Yeah, it is not intentional, but I listened to it deliberately. <> The latest chapter read the full text"

"Oh, it turns out that the couple's feelings are very good, and they can't tolerate others. How can this young girl not learn well when she is young, have to get together to ruin the marriage of the people, such a wicked thing, is it very happy to do it?" ”

"This is a question of tutoring. If you are honest, you should be well educated and who will do this kind of thing."

Wu Qiaoyin only feels that his head is rushing to the blood, turning around, listening to these people around, what are they talking about, what do they know!

Such a group of seven aunts and eight big children, idle and nothing to do here to chew the roots, how she shuts them down!

Then I was shocked to see what Jiang Yuan had said, and Wu Qiaoyin looked up and slammed Jiang Yuan.

The mouth is sounding good, but in fact it is to wash her reputation in the public, so that she has no face, don't think she can't hear it!

Jiang Yuan was shocked by the appearance of Wu Qiaoyin. He was scared to go back two steps, another very honest and honest, and said: "Miss Wu, the son of our general manager is also very afraid of you, Just seven years old, you don't always go looking for him. He said that you are so stressed and afraid."

Of course, Jiang Yuan thinks that he said this, Qi Youxuan would not mind.

This said, the pot was blasted around.

"Yeah, I still put my idea on the head of the children."

"What is the harm of a child? The person who starts with a child is simply ruined!"

Gao Xiaoyang was originally heard about the long market. He specially came to inquire about it. Who knows that when he came to the door, he even encountered such a thing.

Gao Xiaoyang’s eyes are bright, and their newspapers also have entertainment department!

Dare to take the initiative to get together. Leading Qilin as a small three children, it must be the people in their circle!

Think about the original Chang Jingqiu is not it?

Although the girl now has long hair sticking to her face, the tears are dark with mascara, so that people can't see her looks, but Gao Xiaoyang feels that the girl's identity is not good.

Catch up with the news, don't say if you are responsible for the layout, go back to your colleagues and sell your personal feelings. Is there any trouble in the future?

Just as she can meet the news of entertainment gossip today, colleagues who are rushing to the entertainment version may be able to meet her financial news!

Besides, the usual contacts for the entertainment version can be wide, and all the three teachings and streams are known. It is no harm to play with the entertainment version.

So Gao Xiaoyang immediately took out the mobile phone and started the shooting mode. From time to time, he took a few photos at different angles, and then squatted to Jiangyuan. "Jiang Tezhu, who is this?"

Jiang Yuanyi is Gao Xiaoyang. This reporter can have perseverance. He calls him every day to make an appointment to interview Qi Chenglin. From time to time, he personally comes to greet him and give him a variety of temptations to see when there is time to come. Interview.

And not only to call him, once with the Chengdong Pavilion and Yanbei City, several of their assistants exchanged their work experience, found that this is to beat their phone every day, absolutely fair Treat it, no matter what.

Moreover, Jiang Yuan heard that Gao Xiaoyang and Yan Danchen are high school students. Although the relationship is not so close to the irons, but the relationship is not bad, but did not go to find the back door of the morning, called Dan Danchen embarrassed.

Jiang Yuan feels that this girl's character is still good.

It’s not a bad thing to make more friends at work and give yourself more than one way.

Seeing her eyes shining, Jiang Yuan knew what she was going to do and felt that it was very achievable.

So Jiangte’s expression was very harmonious and said to Gao Xiaoyang: “This is Wu Qiaoyin, Miss Wu.”

Gao Xiaoyang is a reporter, and he is taking the financial and economics. It is also quite clear to the bosses of the bosses. When even "oh--", he said.

"The specific cause and effect, what happened?" Gao Xiaoyang has been staring at Wu Qiaoyin.

When she heard Wu Qiaoyin, she went to Qi Chenglin and Qi Danchen's marriage, and did not lower the voice. Instead, the voice was a little bit high, and decided to give Qi Dan morning gas if she could.

Jiang Yuan is so smart, he immediately understood it, so he also said the consequences and the consequences in detail.

At this moment, Wu Qiaoyin was surrounded by three layers of three layers outside the crowd. He couldn’t walk out. He could only stand here, especially a group of strangers.

And her hand really hurts, and the body swayed twice, even standing still reluctantly, let alone go, just think that the brain is a bit confused, it is almost going to smash.

This onlookers can be regarded as the cause and effect of the incident. A group of female compatriots from the age of 20 to 50 are particularly disdainful to Wu Qiaoyin, and they are even more polite.

"Hey, girl, I’m going to discuss something!" Gao Xiaoyang glanced at a girl in a high school uniform who was wearing a mobile phone. He immediately took down Jiangyuan and passed.

While holding the mobile phone, the girl turned her head and looked at Gao Xiaoyang doubtfully. She listened to her and said, "Can you not rush in this first?"

Wu Qiaoyin saw Gao Xiaoyang's move through the hair, and he was grateful in his heart. He thought that there was still a good person who understood.

As a result, the idea was still not hot, and I heard Gao Xiaoyang say, "Can you wait until the headline of the news tonight comes out, and then you will pass it on?"

Anyway, there was no loss to her, and the little girl agreed.

Wu Qiaoyin only checked the blood of the mouth, and looked at Gao Xiaoyang with hatred.

Jiang Yuan felt that he was a good person. Although Wu Qiaoyin was not authentic, he couldn't tell her with her. He called Wu Chuanshu. "Hello, hello, I am Jiang Yuan, General Manager of Qi Chenglin Qi."


Jiangyuan took the mobile phone and smiled more and more. "This is the case. We are working overtime tonight. Miss Wu knows that she will come to the meal. It’s just when Qi always sends Miss Wu out. When I close the door, I am not careful. Squeezing Miss Wu’s hand, she was so painful that she couldn’t move. I’m working overtime now, it’s not good to leave, or do you want people to pick up?”


Then Jiang Yuan happily hung up the phone.

After Gao Xiaoyang finished shooting, he followed Jiangyuan, "Jiang Tezhuo, the long-term thing -"

"It has been solved, please see tomorrow for the specific method." Jiang Yuan smiled and left.

Gao Xiaoyang grinned and decided to go on a relationship with colleagues in the entertainment department.


Here, Qi Chenglin personally solved the problem of Wu Qiaoyin, and made Wu Qiaoyin soft and beautiful. He never squeezed the hand of such a serious injury and squeezed it into this way. He did not feel distressed at all, but he was in a good mood.

Qi Chenglin re-closed the door, finished the whole suit, and walked back with a straight stroke, and greeted the eyes of the special worship of Xiao Danchen and the little guy.

Seeing that my wife and children are so satisfied with their own practices, Qi Chenglin’s heart is also shaking, and the station is getting more and more proud.

"Just told her to interrupt, come and eat, it should be cold." Yan Danchen waved at him, and the smile was particularly good-looking.

Qi Chenglin also gave her a gentle smile and sat back again.

Seeing the little guy’s eyes sparkling, “Dad, you are awesome!”

Although it was not the first time that the son praised it, this time, Qi Chenglin felt extraordinarily proud, and the good-looking face became more and more charming.

"When the husband, you have to let your wife feel so relieved." Qi Chenglin's heart is full of pride, but the surface is calm.

The little guy nodded in a special side.


The onlookers were also tired, and it was almost the same thing to go back and forth. They all rushed home, so they were all scattered.

Wu Qiaoyin was sitting on the side of the road at the doorstep, his face buried in his arms and crying especially miserable.

Until Wu Chuanshu personally drove the car, did not bring the driver, he was afraid of ugly and ridiculous, making people laugh.

"Get up!" Wu Chuanshu stood in front of Wu Qiaoyin and saw that Wu Qiaoyin was so miserable, but only felt angry.

What are you doing badly? Are you proud to be rushing to be a junior?

I’m losing it now, and I’m crying!

Wu Qiaoyin raised the wolf's face and saw Wu Chuanshu as if he had a mountain, "Dad!"

"There is still a face crying, get up!" Wu Chuanshu found that passers-by looked at this side, but it was even more angry. He directly held Wu Qiaoyin's arm and went up, just holding the hand that Wu Qiaoyin was injured.

"Pain! Dad!" Wu Qiaoyin screamed.

Wu Chuanshu saw her four fingers that had swollen into purple eggplant.

"What happened?" Wu Chuanshu glanced at his eyes and suppressed his anger. "Get on the bus first."

Putting Wu Qiaoyin into the car, Wu Chuanshu was in a hurry. This was what Jiang Yuan told him before, and Wu Qiaoyin’s finger was caught by the door.

Wu Chuanshu screamed, and he saw Wu Qiaoyin’s brain being caught by the door!

Wu Chuanshu drove to the hospital, and Wu Qiaoyin cried and said things.

"I am kind. I heard about the long market today. I know that he must be very busy today. I personally made a lunch and sent it to him. Who knows..." Wu Qiaoyin hurts, he talks awkwardly, take a look. Pumping up, let Wu Chuanshu think that she seems to have a breath of breath at any time.

Wu Chuanshu was mad, but looking at Wu Qiaoyin's four purple radish-like fingers, he could only bear it first.

Who knows, Wu Qiaoyin has never finished saying: "If it wasn’t for the morning, there would be no one to eat my meal. I’m a wife, she’s so strict, even our ordinary I didn't agree with the contact. Qi brother got married, I know that I didn't expect it, but what if I just want to be a friend with him? I am bent on being a good brother, and I have sacrificed this to not fight with her, but she is Then I don’t care. I made my son lie and ruin me, and today I bullied me. Forced my brother to send me away. Isn’t Qi brother’s right to even make friends?”

"Oh! Don't take a bite out of a brother, people are not familiar with you, you don't have to call such a disgusting!" Wu Chuanshu did not understand, a person who is quite upright, how to raise a niece of Wu Qiaoyin.

Her behavior is to go outside, not to make a joke!

It’s not just her alone, but also a shame!

"Dad!" Wu Qiaoyin felt that his father did not give himself a head, and he was simply wronged.

Wu Chuanshu is already annoying. "You don't think I don't know, I don't know what it is good for myself. Do you really want to be a simple friend with you, do you think others can't see it? You put people It’s a fool! Yes, the son of Qi Chenglin has already given you a lesson. Do you remember to eat or not? Is it true that people are not waiting to see you? Even if they are friends, they will not see each other. Catch it, not to mention what you think, big guys know! As your father, I have no face, you want to let everyone know you are shameful, can you look down on it?"

When Wu Chuanshu said that he was angry, he couldn’t help but slam the steering wheel.

He held the steering wheel in one hand and pointed at Wu Qiaoyin. "You are deceiving yourself. Others are not deceiving. Instead, they are hypnotizing themselves? Ordinary friends?"

Under Wu Qiaoyin's stunned expression, Wu Chuanshu snorted. "You don't even have to think about it in the future, give me honest!"

Wu Qiaoyin’s grievances cry, “Dad, how can you do this to me!”

"How do I treat you? Qi Chenglin has more ordinary friends. Why didn't you see others like others to you? Why are you not waiting to see you? Are you really stupid? Are you smart in the world?" "Wu Chuanshu was so angry that he couldn't wait to see Wu Qiaoyin's head and look at it. What are the things inside?"

"You have never had any skills. I don't expect you to do anything that is admirable. As long as you are honest, don't bother your family, so you can't do it." Wu Chuanshu pointed at her, and no matter how miserable Wu Zhiyin was crying.

If she still feels hurt, she will be hurt, and the family business will be ruined by this defeated family.

"I... How can I trouble the family? I know that you always think that I am useless, but I am working hard too!" Wu Qiaoyin grievously cried, "You are my father, how can I look down on me?" Dad, how can you do this!"

Wu Qiaoyin was anxious and wronged, and turned upside down in his seat.

Wu Chuanshu, a man, has been working hard during the day, and he has been mad at him. He usually talks to people about business, and he has to suffer from grievances. He has to swallow his teeth and swallow his teeth. This will have patience to solve Wu Qiaoyin.

What's more, he thinks that Wu Qiaoyin is not convinced. If he can really talk about it, he will talk about it long ago, and he won't slap her before, and then he will relapse.

Wu Chuanshu simply did not talk nonsense with her. He only said: "You give me a little bit of truth. I won't be able to find Qi Chenglin again, or anyone in the family! If it is in public, it will inevitably come across. Don't do it! Give me less to go to the Qi family, and don't even go to Qi Chenglin's son!"

Wu Chuanshu really wants to swear, seeing that Wu Qiaoyin is still wrong with him, he just wants to vomit blood.

What can I do if I have such an idiot in my home?

"If you are not convinced, give me all the disgusting things, I will send you out of the country, you don't be honest, don't come back!" Wu Chuanshu said with a grin, the eyes of the gas must be pulled out.

Looking at Wu Qiaoyin is really scared, shivering in the seat, he only spit out a breath.

Driving the car, I was thinking about letting Zhao Fengchun pay more attention to the unmarried youth in the circle. If there is a suitable family, she will marry her.

However, Wu Chuanshu frowned again, and he rushed to Wu Qiaoyin. This is a foolish look. Marrying out is a scourge, and that is the rhythm of enmity. He came back not to be an enemy, so think about it, or let Wu Qiaoyin educate him first.

Wu Qiaoyin does not speak at the side, it seems to be honest, but in fact, his heart is even more resentful. Why does the father say her like this, she is not as good as anyone!

As her father, he did not protect her and supported her in pursuit of true love. She even looked down on her.

She didn't know that she was such a useless person in her father's eyes.

He... how can he be so low to her!

What is wrong with her doing this?

Wu Qiaoyin feels that his true love is supreme, it is very touching, but it is a singer!

Wu Chuanshu doesn't know the thoughts in Wu Qiaoyin's mind. If he knows, I am afraid I will turn directly to the mental hospital now.

Finally, Wu Chuanshu just sent her to the hospital, took the film, determined that the bones were fine, gave her a drug pack, and opened some anti-inflammatory drugs, which brought her back home with a gloomy face.

Going back, it was a temper against Zhao Fengchun, bluntly saying that she had spoiled Wu Qiaoyin.

Zhao Fengchun just had a stiff face, watching her daughter's thick four fingers, and she was crying with tears.

"Mom, I... I am wronged!" In the bedroom of Wu Qiaoyin, only she and Zhao Fengchun, Wu Qiaoyin said whispered.

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