MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 163 Grandpa is really a pure good man.

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"You also saw the attitude of my grandmother to me. I am better than my good morning. She is disgusted with her. Even if she is her grandson and daughter, she has no feelings for our 27 years. Since Daxie has already taken the first step. It’s better to show up with such a charity, and there is no room for you to fight for it. It’s better to support me than this. How about? Just help me fight Dan Chen, let the old lady completely dislike her, at the home There is no place to stand, so the big sister will be busy."

When Chang Jingqiu saw Liu Xiangwen thinking about it, he continued to say: "The big abacus is a good abacus, thinking that it has a good relationship with Qi Chenglin, and it will be beneficial to him in Changhe. But I don't know that my grandmother hates outsiders' mix of Changjia. Chang He is a regular family after all, not a big one. As long as the grandmother does not wait to see Dan Dan, Qi Chenglin naturally can not give Changhe benefits, cheaper and better, he is not willing to cheaper home. In that case, Daxie did not have the support of Qi Chenglin, what did it count? The previous efforts were in vain, plus I said next to my grandmother, how could there be no early days of Xiaoyan?"

"Yu Danchen is the blood of the regular family after all. Mom doesn't want to see her, but it won't be too much?" Liu Xiangwen frowned and said cautiously.

Chang Jingqiu hooked his lips. "I naturally have a way, you come over. Jun"

Liu Xiangwen’s eyes flashed and he was close to Chang Jingqiu’s mouth. When he listened to Chang Jingqiu’s words, his eyes were always turning.


The next day, Qi Danchen took Qi Youxuan to visit Chang Zhiyuan. After Chang Jingqiu's ward, the door was closed and there was no sound inside. Dan Danchen did not expect Chang Jingqiu to be so calm and not very troublesome.

The average person encounters such a shock, I am afraid it will be vented.

After thinking about it, I can figure it out. Chang Jingqiu has a different identity in the past. I am afraid that the old lady will not allow her to be willful, and she is afraid of trouble, and she is not happy.

On the contrary, she is so quiet and considerate, and the old lady will pity her more.

Qi Danchen did not go to see Chang Jingqiu, only took the little guy into the ward of Chang Zhiyuan.

Mo Yinxin cut him apples and cantaloupe, and placed them on the small table, letting Chang Zhiyuan eat it.

"Is it a lot better?" Dan Dan came in and smiled.

"Yeah, observe another day and one night today, and you can leave the hospital tomorrow without any problems." Mo Yuxin is also very happy. "It’s a blessing to be surprised."

"Right, the parents of Chang Jingqiu will arrive today. After that, they will arrange for identification immediately." Mo Yinxin said.

Dan Dan nodded in the morning, but he didn't care much about it. He always felt that he had nothing to do with himself, and he didn't want to be close to Changjia.

Seeing that she has no interest in it, Mo Yinxin will not say more.

Qi Dan morning smiled and pushed the little guy out. "You Xuan, this is a grandfather, hehe."

On the way, Dan Danchen has already said things roughly, so the little guy is very happy.

Chang Zhiyuan’s eyes were hot, and he looked at the little guy and smiled in tears. “I didn’t expect... I didn’t expect that I could listen to You Xuan’s call.”

Then he looked up at the ceiling. "Sister, this is your grandson, your grandson!"

Mo Yuxin used to like Qi Youxuan. Although there is no connection with Qi, but this little guy is smart, lively but not annoying, courtesy is very good, especially for Chang Jianan. Ok, no better.

Now, listening to Qi Youxuan’s screaming, he is born close.

She was careful and careful, and she was prepared to think that since she met Chang Zhiyuan, she would definitely take the children to recognize them. She always had a red envelope and immediately took it out of the bag and stuffed it into the little guy’s hand. .

"This is the meeting ceremony between the grandfather and the aunt." Mo Yinxin laughed.

"Oh! This... Grandpa, hey, let's meet for the first time, how do you accept it?" The little guy pinched the red envelope, especially stunned, and twisted his body, but he didn't let go.

"..." Mo Yuxin finally got a little bit of understanding of what the evaluation of the rankings was.

Whenever someone talks about Qi Youxuan, many people who know something about him must sigh. "This... this child is really...not good!"

At the moment, Mo Yuxin also feels that his mood at this time is particularly difficult to describe.

She sprinkled her hand first and touched the soft face of Qi Youxuan. "This is what the grandfather and the aunt gave, and you are welcome. We will be familiar later. You will have no pressure on it! Grandpa loves... ...just love for you."

Mo Yinxin looked at Chang Zhiyuan on the hospital bed, and then looked at the little guy. This is a bit of a taste.


"That... thank you, thank you grandfather, oh!" The little guy looked at him with a look, not that I wanted to accept the expression that you forced me to accept, and handed the red envelope to Yu Danchen. "Mom, really called grandfather and smashing fees." Alright!"

Yan Danchen: "..."

Mo Yinxin: "Oh!"

The little guy thinks that the red envelope of the person can be said to be a bit nice, does it make people look forward to it?

So the little guy said, "Grandpa, hey, I have all the money, wait for the future... I will love you in the future!"

As for when is the future, who is right?

Chang Zhiyuan suddenly saw that the little guy was opening a short check, but he also ate his set, especially willingly.

"The grandfather is waiting." Chang Zhiyuan's expression of excitement is just like no IQ.

Seeing that the grandfather laughed like a flower that was ruined, the little guy felt that his grandfather was a pure and good person.

And Mo Yinxin, who saw the little guy like this. For the first time, I gave birth to a feeling of meeting a child and then regretting it.

It’s amazing to let people change things from being willing to be reluctant!

The little guy felt that he had smothered his grandfather, and he hid his fingers and licked his fingers and counted how many years of money could be collected this year.

In the past, there was only one side of the family. He had to think about how to search for more from the uncle and the uncle. However, this year's harvest should be good, Shen Jia and Chang Jia have, and do not need him to brain, it is estimated that he will be especially special.

With this in mind, the little guy is very happy and looks forward to it!

I am afraid that things will change, but I will not forget to look up and raise the small tricks. "Grandpa, hey, this...this has nothing to do with the lucky money!"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, this is the first time we have officially met, my grandfather will give you a meeting!" Chang Zhiyuan said quickly.

"Well, then... that's my birthday this month..." The little guy was blushing, and his shy words stopped.

"Birthday, there are!" Chang Zhiyuan nodded like a garlic, in the cute look of the little guy, he felt that he was taking out all the savings, and would be willing!

"Grandpa, you know, Mom... Mom also found me later, the previous birthday gift, my mother has given me up!" said the little guy, a pair of black and faint eyes with sparkling, twinkling.

The morning food index of Kudan was gently poked at the little gang of his meat. "You can't do this."

The little guy’s blushing face, twisted and twisted with a small stomach, hugged the legs of Yan Danchen and used her legs as pillars. The chubby body was still hidden behind the legs of Qi Danchen, only one The small head like a powder dumpling came, and he was wronged and looked at Chang Zhiyuan.

"..." Mo Yinxin felt that he couldn't stand, and dragged over a chair to sit down. It was the first time I saw such a lovely child. Hehehehe.

"My grandfather also supplies you, I will give you up!" Chang Zhiyuan did not take a nap, as if he had practiced several changes, and he was particularly skilled.

When I saw the cute look of my grandson, Chang Zhiyuan refused, and there was no idea at all. Mo Yuxin felt that even if Qi Youxuan wanted Changhe’s shares, Chang Zhiyuan also gave him.

At this moment, on the bed, laughing like a flower, Mo Yinxin could not bear to see her husband as a stupid look.

"Grandpa, you are so good! You Xuan can like you!" The little guy immediately released the legs of Qi Danchen, and ran to the bedside, especially when he climbed the bed, he rushed to Chang Zhiyuan. In the arms, gave him a mouthful of kisses.

As if I haven't seen it for seven years, I suddenly have a grandfather. I don't have any pressure at all. I don't feel unfamiliar at all, and I can restore this intimate family in an instant.

Chang Zhiyuan smiled and glanced at the little guy. It’s been a long time since I was not so happy.

I didn't know the identity of Chang Jingqiu and Qi Danchen before. I used Chang Jingqiu as my granddaughter's daughter. The bad things that Chang Jingqiu did, can be bothering him, but also to clean up the mess behind her.

Although the scorpion of Chang Jianan is as big as Qi Youxuan, but he is not arrogant, it is really a bit of a pain, and Liu Xiangwen sees his children so good, no one can match.

His own niece is now growing up, a high school student, has not kissed himself, talking about this Chang Zhiyuan swallowed his tears.

It’s been so bad all the time, it’s so hard to laugh from the bottom of my heart.

Looking at the little guy, it’s just not like it.

The children of other people have finally become their own home.

"After You Xuan, just look at the grandfather, I want to give you all the grandfather." Chang Zhiyuan laughed.

The little guy is happy to roll on the bed. The bed in this grade ward is quite spacious, but still can't compare with the family. When the little guy rolls, the cold will run over Chang Zhiyuan's body. Roll around the belly.

Chang Zhiyuan only felt that the fruit he had just eaten had to be squeezed out. Now there is only one idea in mind, this bear child is really sinking!

The little guy is in bed. On all kinds of rolling, Chang Zhiyuan is happy, and Dan Danchen just smiles softly on the side.

Mo Yuxin thinks that this is the feeling of a family.

What is wrong with Mrs. Chang’s wife, who likes the white-eyed wolf of Chang Jingqiu, but does not look good for the real good.

Seeing that Dan Chen did not care at all, she felt that the old lady was really a blessing.

I chatted with Chang Zhiyuan here, because Chang Zhiyuan is only staying in the hospital for observation, can move, and does not need people to accompany the bed, so I only talk with him here.

At noon, Qi Danchen personally ran to the restaurant near the hospital and called it a take-away, brought back to eat together.

Chang Zhiyuan saw that Dan Danchen specially bought a small gift for the little guys. They were all small green vegetables. They didn’t have any appetite when they looked at them. It’s also very uncomfortable to see the little guys picking up. It’s embarrassing to eat meat here. .

"How... Why don't you give your child meat?" Chang Zhiyuan was afraid to recognize Dan Danchen soon. It would be annoying to take too much, but he still couldn't help but ask.

When Dan Danchen looked at the little guy with a guilty look, he explained to Chang Zhiyuan, "He is a bit overweight now. Although he was restricted before, he still has to eat some meat. Just this time we go to Honeymoon, after 10 days, no one supervised, he was fatter at home than before, so he could only let him eat more vegetables, or he would have to breathe two steps back."

I heard that this is for the health of the child, and Chang Zhiyuan is not good at stopping.

"You Xuan ah." Chang Zhiyuan looked at the little guy's chubby face, and he advised, "You still have to restrain yourself, and work hard to reduce the fat. After normal weight, no one will stop." Are you eating meat?"

The little guy chewed a cabbage heart, "I... I work hard..."

After lunch, Mo Yinxin saw that the little guy was a little sleepy next to him, and the little head smashed it, so that the two of them would go back to rest earlier, and it was estimated that the little guy was almost ready to take a nap.

Qi Danchen left with the little guy, and I don’t know if it was the money. The little guy thought that he was a good person to him.

At the door, Tong Zhiyuan, who is particularly sweet in his mouth, said: "Grandpa, I am going to school tomorrow, and I will see you after the holiday."

"Good!" Chang Zhi nodded nodded. "My grandfather will be discharged tomorrow. You will come directly to your grandfather's house! Grandpa will give you..."

Originally, I wanted to say that I bought something delicious. I thought that the little guy was losing weight. He said, "I have a lot of fun for you!"

Mo Yinxin sent them to the door and sent them to the hospital building. They were advised to come back.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard Chang Zhiyuan say, "Good kids! They are all good kids!"

Said, the eyes are still red.

"Hey, when you are so old, how can you be more sentimental?" Mo Yinxin gave him a paper towel and sat down at the bed. "It is not too late to recognize it. It is our blessing to recognize it. Danchen and You Xuan is so good, you can really enjoy the family's happiness in the future."

When Chang Zhiyuan looked satisfied and nodded, and thought of his own bad things, he took Mo Yinxin’s hand. "In these years, I have wronged you. For me, I have tolerate it in front of my mother."

To say that Mo Xinxin is not vegetarian, Mo Yinxin has enough enthusiasm and does not need to tolerate the elders everywhere. But she still resists, all for him.

Mo Yinxin smiled and shook his head, did not speak.

"In the future... don't hold back." Chang Zhiyuan said, "Although my mother hasn't shown her attitude yet, according to her performance yesterday, it is estimated that Dan Chen is not good. Mom is a temper who refuses to admit mistakes. Not only does not admit mistakes, but once I realize that I am wrong, I will become more and more serious as if I am right. If there is no Chang Jingqiu, I am thinking that we privately recognize Danchen, but she is not unusual. The identity of the family. Just now, I am afraid that she will be wronged at the home. Later, you will help her more. If the mother is not rude to you, you will not have to endure. Danchen has a family to support her, you have Mo family, do not need to endure."

Mo Yuxin nodded and clenched his hand. "Do not worry."


Yan Danchen took the little guy out of the ward, just to see the opposite side.

Two people, looking like a couple, should come from the countryside and not wear well.

It is estimated that the two have already put on the most handy clothes, but they still can be seen for at least seven or eight years. The clothes are not often worn, so the color fades is not too strong, but the style is old.

The dresses of these two people are like going to eat special wines, even if the style is old, but it is somewhat grand.

Both of them have black skin formed by long-term sun exposure, which is very rough.

Because the skin is rough and dry, lack of moisture, the face is all dry lines and wrinkles, even if there is no facial expression, the wrinkles on the face are very obvious. The dry black hair is also mixed with a lot of white hair and no dye, so it is more difficult to identify her actual age.

The two men walked very hard, and Dan Danchen could still hear the middle-aged woman whispering to her husband: "The hospital in this city is different. It is really high. You see the decoration, like a hotel. This is the ward, The same is true for a five-star hotel. Anyway, the county magistrate receives leadership and there is no such a good place."

When the man looked at Dan Chen, he bowed his head and said to his wife, "Don't be like a countryman. It's really shameful. When the egg came here to go to college, graduated from work, and he came up to look for him. He can also arrange for five." Star hotel."

"I... I heard that B City has seven stars!" The woman's fingers are a few more.

"Where is the seven-star, where did you go?" The man said proudly, especially proud. "Let the egg buy a house in the city, let the beggar enjoy it here, and then you don't have to go back to the broken house in the village. Hey, let those people look down on us, let them all look at the dog's eyes, and they will be better than them in the end!"

"Yes!" The woman nodded hard. "Right, this time someone picked up the shackles. What do you want to do? Is it like the last time?"

"It’s just like the last time. Then ask her about the money. The last time I sent it to 800,000 people, you should see the newspaper coming. Oh, if she gave me more money, she went to the city to buy a house. So, can she find us? This is her retribution!" said the man.

"Yes, yes!" The woman nodded hard and agreed. "If she is smart this time, give us more, let us give him a sigh."

"Yes." The man nodded and agreed.

"Right, the last time she came to find it, that is to know, let's squat again, is it useful?" The woman asked again.

"Take him, anyway, it’s not for us to lose." The man didn’t care to say, "I can fish for a trip and I can’t catch it. I’ll take a free trip. Anyway, the tuition of the egg is already there. No loss. What if she thought of what kind of tricks, and gave it down?"

"It is also." The woman nodded.

Qi Dan did not stop, but it was a bit slow to walk with the little one. From their conversation, Yu Danchen guessed who they were looking for.

These two people should be the parents of Chang Jingqiu in the old Liangkou yesterday.

Qi Dan morning turned back, just to see that they opened the door of the Chang Jing Qiu ward.

"What are you doing? Roll!" Chang Jingqiu's voice was heard sharply, and even a cup smashed out, and "啪" fell to the ground.

Looking at the ward opposite Chang Zhiyuan, Mo Zhenxin was still standing at the door and watching Qi Danchen and Qi Youxuan. Instead of dismissing it, the door was closed and there was no intention to blend it.

Qi Dan morning bowed to the little guy and said, "Let's go."


Yan Danchen took the little guy to the first floor and was about to go to the parking lot to find Xiao Yang. As a result, he just went out and saw the elder lady coming down from the car. He followed the servant of the regular family and held a thermos cup in his hand. The inside should be the soup for Chang Jingqiu.

Yan Danchen nodded to her, but she was not called a grandmother. "Old lady."

The old lady’s eyes sighed and said to the servant next to him: “You will send the soup first.”

Then I looked at Dan Danchen, "Let's talk."

Yan Dan morning frowned, afraid that the old lady said something ugly. She listened to it, and she couldn't let the little guy follow it.

When she was not there, the little guy was with Qi Chenglin. Who would dare to look down on him and marry him?

But because of her, the little guy has suffered so much insults and grievances.

Qi Danchen has always blamed himself and felt particularly sorry for him.

"I will send you to find Uncle Xiao Yang, let him send you home first, I will go back later." She bowed to the little guy.

The little guy grabbed her hand with both hands and said, "No, I want to be with you."

"Oh, obedient."

Pinch his soft chubby hand and don't want him to listen to the old lady's words.

"I am very obedient to follow you!" The little guy looked up and said innocently, "Mom, let me be with you."

The old lady was watching her entangled impatiently, and snorted. "It’s too big to understand things, how to educate! There is no tutor, adults speak, children do what they do!"

Yan Dan morning is colder and does not hide his dissatisfaction. His tutors are taught by me and Cheng Lin. If you are so dissatisfied, don’t let me talk about it. I don’t want to come with you. At the same table, let others see you, don't lose your face. ”

The old lady still has a look of "I understand you."

Qi Dan Chen was really sneering and didn't know what to say. Now think about it, it’s a matter of self-destruction.

"In this case, we will not bother." Yan Dan's mouth was slightly hooked, ironic.

I took the little guy’s hand to go.

"You wait a minute!" The old lady, regardless of whether it was a hospital, opened her voice.

"What is your politeness?" said Mrs. Chang, unhappy, shook his head and looked particularly contemptuous. "It seems that there is no use for identity. There is no education at all!"

Yan Dan morning licked his lips and looked at the old lady impatiently. At this time, I wanted to take the little guy to go. I used to keep the old lady in front of me. The left and right are blocked. It is very unreasonable. She can’t push her away. .

"Since you are now the granddaughter of my regular family, I can't leave you alone. There is no rule outside. I have ruined the reputation of my regular family. You will come to Changjia tomorrow, I will tell you." Said, "The attitude of Mrs. Chang, a gentleman, seems to feel that he is so patient and resistant to saying "the truth" with Yan Danchen.

No matter how much I don't like it, Yan Danchen is her granddaughter's daughter. For her sake, she will also have a little heart, educate and educate her so that she will not be shameful between the big families.

Qi Dan smiled in the morning, "Is it according to your opinion, Chang Jingqiu is in line with your so-called educated standards?"

"Of course." The old lady said proudly that when she mentioned Chang Jingqiu, her face showed a satisfactory look. "I don't say that I haven't proved it yet. Even if she proves that she has no blood relationship with her family, she can be a child. Raised by my side, I was carefully taught, her manners are upbringing, and one of them is in line with the style of everyone, and it is left out, no one can make mistakes."

Yan Danchen now feels that he can treat the old lady as an old man with unclear mind, but he really can't be more true with her.

The old lady looked up and down the morning and said: "You are both my granddaughter and daughter, I can't leave you alone, and you can't let you be embarrassed outside. If you don't do well, people can only say that it is not good for the regular family. You only recognize it now, the teaching of the guns is not as good as the training, but learning a school is better than not learning."

Xiao Dan’s smile is mild. “Since in your eyes, Chang Jingqiu is the benchmark, then I still don’t learn it! If I am really like Chang Jingqiu, you are satisfied, but my husband is not satisfied. Not only Cheng Lin, Qi Jia and my grandfather's family, will not be satisfied, I am afraid I can not interrupt my leg. Cheng Lin is also expected to hate to divorce me, and You Xuan also do not like me. So I still keep it like this, you can't forget if you don't like me."

The little guy immediately hugged the thigh of Yu Danchen, as if he was afraid that his mother would suddenly become like Chang Jingqiu. He said loudly: "I still like my mother now. If my mother becomes a regular aunt, I... I ...I am too poor!"

Yan Danchen smiled and nodded. "So you see, I still don't want to be like that. And, I never expected you to like me. At home, there are big sisters and big aunts, and I am content. Too greedy, Miss Chang has you like this with no regrets, but also her blessing. I am also fortunate that I have not been raised by your side, or now I have become a Miss Chang, then with Cheng Linhe You Xuan also missed it."

"You--" The old lady is wide-eyed.

What is the saying in the words of Dan Danchen, isn’t it just a constant autumn?

I can't get on the regular Jingqiu, I just can't get on her!

What did Yu Danchen say, he even said that he was not lucky to be with her.

What happened to her? Isn't it worthy of her, and she won't be ruined?

The meaning of Qi Danchen is that the old lady has taught people, Chang Jingqiu is, Chang Jianan is also. However, the old lady is still not self-aware, quite proud, and feels that she teaches very well.

--- Off topic --- Mrs. Chang is not likely to change her attitude immediately, so her character is not true, and I have to let Chang Jingqiu die until I can't turn my body.

In addition, some people say that Cheng Lin and Dan Chen are not on the bed.

I want to ask them both to do something in bed, and it seems like I wrote a trampoline. I can't help the four gods. I can't write at the time. Some people can't write at the top. I can't write revenge without Wang Fa. I can't write it if someone writes it. Anyway, I don't write it. I don't want to encounter it again. I was re-returned and revised. Now I am strict in reviewing the manuscript. I only ask that I write it within the allowable range, so I am not afraid even if I come to Sparta again. And with age, I don't want to write that naive way anymore. If you like to see it, there is no way, I can't see it here. I don't need to talk about it for three days. I am looking for someone to write a ghost. Oh, I don't have much money to ask for it. It doesn't matter if I write badly, but don't filthy me~~!--over-->

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