MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 164 grams of loved ones, born with love

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Qi Danchen is also a little scared at this time. Although he has suffered bitterly before, he has not changed his mind. Otherwise, he is as bad as Chang Jingqiu. It is really a crying heart.

"Old lady, to tell the truth, Chang Jia and Qi Jia put together, the big guys first see Qi family, you can not deny this?" Yan Dan morning calmly said.

The thinking of the old lady is so different from ordinary people. Yan Danchen feels that she should be a little patient. She can’t be anxious with the elders. The more urgent she is, the more she can’t understand. The more she feels, the more she feels standing on her side.

This time, the old lady did not speak, apparently the default, but did not want to be recognized by her own.

Dan Dan didn't mind, but he still had a very smile. "So, if I really lost someone outside, the big guy first thought of it is just the family. The daughter who was thrown out of the water, even if it is Now, we still have this concept among the families. So everyone will only see that the wife of the family is shameful. Can you think of the family or the two?"

"I don't mind if I am like this, you don't have to be so embarrassed. The shameful thing, and the family is blocking you, are you saying?"

"" The old lady was a little angry. "You mean, I can't manage you, are you?"

"Don't dare, just I married someone, I did something wrong, and my husband, my husband's family said. The maiden's family maintains her daughter, and her husband's family is more strict. Isn't this the norm? Since the husband's family didn't say anything, and it was very kind to me. Satisfied, then I think, I haven’t done anything wrong about it.” Yan Danchen said faintly, compared with the old-fashioned wife’s eagerness and redness, it’s really calm, and it’s getting more and more old and old.

"Mom is not wrong! Normal people don't like regular aunts! Don't believe you to ask!" The little guy said with a small face.

Yan Dan morning bowed his head and gently touched his small head.

"阮丹晨! I am your grandmother, are you doing this to me? Is this your education?" The old lady is glaring at her, and she feels that she is really filthy!

"You. Mom, if she knew that she had a daughter, it was like this, what kind of gas is it?" Mrs. Chang, one finger, "She can now look at the sky! You are angry, she is uneasy after death." Health?"

When Dan Dan arrived, he thought that this should be given to Mrs. Chang.

"My mother didn't come back to her home before she died. You might as well think about it. She was mad at me. Before, you seem to have taken my mother to say something. I didn't know that my mother was your daughter, but I also told you that I can, for those who have never met, who have passed away, still respect some good, for a person you don't know, please don't judge at random, say she is not. Now you and me are You know, the person you were squatting is your own daughter. Maybe you think she is your daughter, what do you like to say, but now I am still saying that the deceased has been embarrassed, please don’t take her again. Let's say things. Not only because my mother is your daughter, but also for others, it is not good to take things from other people's parents and insult the other's family. If it is polite and courteous, I think this is not good for courtesy. ”

"Yu Xuan is right. If you pay so much attention to education, it is better to go out and ask, I am with Chang Jingqiu, what the outsiders think is good." Yan Danchen said lightly, "If there is nothing else, you should go up and see Miss Chang." I won't bother."

"Dan Chen?" There is a familiar voice that never came from far away.

When Dan Dan turned around and looked at it, he was familiar with it. When he thought about it carefully, it seemed to be a wife named Wu. She had seen it before in the banquet. At that time, Mrs. Qi took her to introduce it everywhere, and she was familiar with the old lady. Just talk a little more. When I was not familiar with it, I introduced it and took her away.

Therefore, to the wife in front of me, Yan Danchen is not deeply impressed, it should be that she is not familiar with the old lady.

Like the people in the eight major families, most of them know that they can call the name.

"Aunt Wu," said Dan Dan, laughing with a smile.

The littleest guy on the side is also the sweetest: "Mr. Wu!"

"Hey! Really!" Mrs. Wu was also very surprised. She did not expect that Dan Danchen still recognized her. "This child is really more and more polite. The children of this age, like You Xuan, are rare."

When the words came out, the expression of the old lady was not very good. Just now she just abandoned the rudeness of Qi Danchen and Qi Youxuan.

But all of Mrs. Wu’s attention was on her mother’s mother, and she did not notice the existence of Mrs. Chang’s wife. It was too eager to brush her impressions in front of Qi Dan’s morning, and she ignored the past.

Before Mrs. Wu was just introduced at the banquet, nodded, it was not very familiar.

This time I was able to meet here, Mrs. Wu was cheeky and greeted, and she was ready for psychological preparation. She did not remember her.

Then she will do a good job of self-introduction and increase the impression of Yu Danchen.

Today, this opportunity is really good. In the usual banquet, she did not have the opportunity to chat with Xiao Danchen. There are no more opportunities to talk a few more words. There are many people in the banquet. Everyone wants to talk to the eight big families. One of the eight big families is a fragrant scent. How can she squeeze it?

"I just looked at it from a distance, and I felt like you. People are old-fashioned, and they are not sure. Look at it, it’s really true." Mrs. Wu said with a smile, and even looked at her in the morning, "How come?" The hospital is there? Is it uncomfortable? Or is it that the body is uncomfortable?"

"No, we are coming to visit the disease." Yan Dan morning laughed, did not elaborate.

I am not unwilling to admit Chang Zhiyuan. I just said more. It is estimated that these people will get the wind and come to visit. The meaning of the drunkard is not in the wine, and the rest of Chang Zhiyuan is disturbed.

"Is the family sick?" Mrs. Wu reacted quickly. She did not want to say, but she immediately asked.

Xiao Dan smiled and did not answer: "How are you here?"

"Oh, my grandson, I have acute appendicitis. I am hospitalized here. I don't want to see him today." Mrs. Wu smiled and saw the attitude of Yan Danchen. She didn't want to be annoying, so she stopped asking. .

"Cough!" The old lady was so thoroughly ignored and especially angry that she could only take the initiative to remind her.

Mrs. Wu’s glimpse, this is the past, and the sly smile: “Hey, how old are you?”

To the elder lady, Mrs. Wu does not have any mentality. Anyway, this old lady is not easy to get along with, so when she faced her, Mrs. Wu was just doing face-lifting, polite, not very concerned.

But now she is actually talking to Dan Danchen, and immediately shakes her spirits. "You know Dan Chen? Is it familiar?"

The eyes have become eager.

The old lady's face became particularly ugly. Seeing that Mrs. Wu had just ignored her, she did not believe that Wu, who was surnamed Wu, had not seen her.

When she saw her talking to Dan Danchen, she immediately became enthusiastic about her.

Dare, she still glared at the light of Dan Danchen?

The old lady was sullen, and the anger of her heart could not be suppressed. Looking at Mrs. Wu’s charming face, she could not do it.

When is someone else so flattering and respectful to himself, but also relying on the face of Dan Danchen? !

She was about to export, especially unhappy to admit her relationship with Yan Danchen, but listened to Dan Danchen: "It just happened to meet, and I have said so many times before."

Did not directly say that she and the old lady are not familiar, but this means that Mrs. Wu is listening. However, Dan Dan did not lie.

The old lady especially wants to refute, but her mouth is dumb.

"Mrs." Xiao Yang came in from the hospital entrance. The old lady was thinking about what to say. She opened her mouth and was stiff because of Xiao Yang’s voice. She had to close her lips reluctantly. , with a sullen face and an ugly expression.

"Just call and say that you have to leave, I haven't seen it for a while, I am afraid that you will find something on the road, look for it." Xiao Yang said, a faint look at the old Wife, the expression is cold.

The old lady is anxious, one by one, Yan Danchen is not respectful to her, and now even a small driver dare to show her face!

"Old lady, sorry, we really have to go." Yan Dan said coldly, this is heard in Mrs. Wu’s ear, that is, the old lady’s death is shackled and she is not allowed to leave.

It seems that this relationship is really unswerving.

The old lady was too angry to talk, and Dan Dan took the opportunity to take the little guy away. She could also hear Xiao Yang say to Dan Danchen: "Mr. Just called, he is already busy."

"I will pick him up later," said Dan Danchen.

Until the three went out and couldn't hear the sound, Mrs. Wu said to the old lady, "I will go first, you will go slowly."

After that, the head did not go back.

The old lady is too angry, pointing to the back of Mrs. Wu’s disappearance: "What! I am rushing to please a junior, you are quite a face? I still look down on me! I am mad at me! I am mad at me." !What! Go back... I have a good look at you! Are you a great Wu family? I am going to kill you Wu!"

The old lady’s screaming has caused a lot of people’s attention.

The hospital's outpatients are the most in front of the clinic. They all look at the old lady who looks like a madman. This is where the old lady is, so mad and unreasonable.

There was a man and a woman on the head. It was Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia. I went to see Chang Jingqiu, but she was smashed out with a cup.


Looking at her attitude, the two decided that they would never help Chang Jingqiu, and she should be unlucky.

At this time, I was confronted with the elders and old ladies. I still don’t know her identity. It’s just that Wang Lixia thought that the old lady in the city had picked up people and it was no different from the women in their village.

The old lady also saw the two men, and walked away with a gloomy face, feeling that it was an insult to themselves.


The old lady came to the ward of Chang Jingqiu, and Chang Jingqiu was lying on the bed. His eyes were still red.

"What's wrong? Is the wound hurting?" Mrs. Chang quickly rushed forward to ask.

"Grandma..." Chang Jingqiu screamed pitifully.

"Mom, it was the birth parents of Jingqiu." Liu Xiangwen sighed and said, "You don't know, the two people are too embarrassed. Jingqiu was raised by your side, so good people, educated There is nothing wrong with courtesy. But the two people are not vulgar and can't do it. They don't have any education at all. For the sake of money, there is no dignity. I can't hate it. If you let Jingqiu go back with them, Jingqiu is so. Kindness, can't be bullied and killed by them? Jingqiu was educated from an early age and didn't know the ugly things outside. It has never been touched by such people, and I don't know people's hearts and sin. How can such a simple child be with such a person? Pull the relationship."

When the old lady listened, she said, "In any case, Jing Qiu is my childhood, I have been in the side for so many years. Of course, I can’t let others bully. Jing Qiu, you only tell me, you are with those two. Do you have any feelings, do you want to recognize them? If you don't want to, your grandmother will give you the title."

Chang Jingqiu grabbed the hand of Mrs. Chang, and said with a red eye: "I don't want to, Grandma, I am afraid of them, and I don't know them at all."

"I know, you can rest assured that you will have nothing to do with them in the future. Grandma will not let them pester you."

"Mom." Liu Xiangwen suddenly said and stopped.

"What's wrong?" Seeing her vomiting, the old lady was a little impatient.

"This is not the case of Jingqiu and Big Brother, but with the identity of Jingqiu and Yudanchen, it’s so loud, so when the nanny came over to accompany me for the bed, I went to the temple. Go Add some fragrant oil money, and pray for the big brother and Jingqiu. Just right, a master will solve the eight characters yesterday. He is the younger brother of the presiding, and he does not come out often. He only comes out once a month, and the time is uncertain, he can only take chances. Those who want to find him to solve the eight characters, ask about the marriage, the future, and so on, will be waiting there every day. It is also a fate, just let me meet, I gave the singer of the 阮丹晨 to the sorghum. Thinking about it anyway, she is also the granddaughter’s granddaughter, just—"

"How is it?" The old lady asked anxiously, and it was really anxious to be swallowed up by Liu Xiangwen.

The old lady is also a superstitious person. For the eight-character fortune-telling, I believe it is tight.

I usually do not burn incense and worship Buddha, I want to be healthy and healthy, long-lived, and ask for a rich family, but I have added a lot of sesame oil to the temple. Even when the two sons got married, they also heard that there was a fortune teller. They took the eight characters to the fortune teller. They got the right words and said that the couple was right.

Liu Xiangwen looked at Chang Jingqiu's eyes. At this time, the attention of the old lady was in Liu Xiangwen's body, and she did not notice the smile of Chang Jingqiu's mouth at that time.

Chang Jingqiu Liu Xiangwen nodded, Liu Xiangwen continued to say: "Gao said that the fate of the morning is hard, it is the life of a loved one, and the birth of a loved one is thin. There is no father and no mother, whoever kisses her with her, fierce."

Seeing the old lady's face, Liu Xiangwen said: "I didn't believe it when I said this at first. Even if he is famous, but now, this society can't just obey the illusory. The eight-character fortune-telling is not? So I didn’t say anything at the time, but I also took the eight-character and left."

Liu Xiangwen leaned forward and lowered her voice, fearing that she would be heard. "But I think, no matter what, I should tell you."

I still haven't waited for Liu Xiangwen. The old lady has already thought about it in a bad direction. "How can I not see it? I think it is very high. When Dan Dan was born, it made Yue Huan difficult to die. Her father also When she was born, she died of an explosion. This is just born, and my parents are gone. This is not a gram. How can I get it? Now think about it, my daughter is killed by her! If it is not her, Yuehuan It won't die!"

The old lady seems to have figured out the death of her daughter. At this moment, her eyes are red and red, and she is full of resentment.

As for who is it, Liu Xiangwen and Chang Jingqiu are clear.

"Mom, when you said it, I suddenly remembered that her foster mother was not Liu Ronghua? I heard that Liu Ronghua had disappeared a while ago, and it is still unknown. It seems that Qi Chenglin is also looking for her. She seems to be suddenly not seen. No one knows where she went. I heard that the day before was good and everything was normal. I have a friend who said that her friend is Liu Rong.

Hua's neighbor. The day before Liu Ronghua’s disappearance, the two men met and went to chat. They also chatted about the recent events. Liu Ronghua did not say that she was leaving. She also mentioned that a new French restaurant was opened in B city. Eat together. This is good, how can I disappear if I disappear? ”

Liu Xiangwen looks at the old lady. "I think that Liu Ronghua’s disappearance is flawed."

"It must have been something happened by Yu Danchenke!" said Mrs. Chang, who patted her legs, said, "Hey, Qi Chenglin still takes her as a baby. Sooner or later, one day, her family will not be married." I fell into a blood mold and knew regret!"

Neither of them noticed that when Liu Xiangwen mentioned that Qi Chenglin was looking for Liu Ronghua, Chang Jingqiu’s expression was so flustered for a moment, and immediately concealed it.

However, my heart was shocked by the embarrassment, and then comforted myself. She did not know where Liu Ronghua was sold. Besides, Qi Chenglin would never think of the human trafficking, and would not know Chen Ge.

He is a serious businessman who has no contact with the people on the Tao, and he will not do anything illegal. Even if you know the people, but because of the relationship between the eight family identities, you will not ask the people to do something unspeakable.

Moreover, even the people who are smelling are now being stared tightly. Even if they do something unspeakable, they are also ordered by the state, but they will not do anything.

But Chang Jingqiu was afraid that Qi Chenglin would alarm people to help him find the whereabouts of Liu Ronghua. Just relying on the strength of the home, it is really a check on a child, Chen brother is not enough dishes.

Chang Jingqiu frowned, wondering if he should secretly contact Chen Ge to make sure that things are really safe.

"Quiet autumn, what do you want? Or is it uncomfortable?" asked the old lady.

"No, just I thought, if this is the case, isn't it dangerous? She seems to be getting better and better with her. Don't let the morning of Dan Dan get tired." Chang Jingqiu softly said.

"Hey, you are a big man, it’s not really clear." The old lady mentioned the eldest son and felt bad.


After Chang Zhiyuan was discharged from the hospital, when the body was completely restored, he took Mo Yinxin and Chang Jing to go to the mall to buy toys for the little guy. The reason for Chang Zhiyuan is that he is old, afraid of buying badly, not the mind of the little guy.

Although Chang Jingying is a lot worse than the younger guy, he is at least younger than him, with his wife and daughter, and goes to the staff to consult.

When Chang Jingyi picked up gifts at the time, she still felt that it was particularly unreal. How did the famous Qi family become their relatives, and the young master of the school became her little cousin?

When picking a gift, Chang Jingyi still smirked and smirked. His current identity is not unusual!

So a family of three, bought a big car toy back.

By the time of Sunday, Qi Chenglin and Qi Danchen took the little guy and the family and everyone, all came to Chang Zhiyuan's home. The old man and the old lady did not follow.

They are the biggest elders in the end. Chang Zhiyuan is a junior. There is no reason for the elders to meet the juniors. He just waits for Chang Zhiyuan to take his wife and daughter to go home.

On the other side of the old lady, the family members simply did not take care of it. They regarded Chang Zhiyuan as the parent of the regular family. It was a late family meeting.

Now Qi Keyu and Chang Yuehuan are not there, but they think, as the family of Yan Keyu and Chang Yuehuan, talk about their respective things about the two people, and more about the children and children who are no longer there. Understand and understand, no one has forgotten both of them.

My family only knows about Yu Keyu, but I don’t know much about Chang Yuehuan. I can take this opportunity to let Yu Danchen know Chang Yuehuan. When Chang Yuehuan was there, Chang Zhixing was still small and not sensible. And the old lady does not even give her a good face, and how can she tell Chang Yuehuan about her.

When they entered the door, they were shocked by the toys in the living room.

"You Xuan came!" Chang Zhiyuan smiled at the pleats, pulled the little guy over, and pointed at the toy piled up in the living room. "All the grandfather bought it for you, you just play it, Ah! I am tired of it, my grandfather will buy it for you again."

"My grandfather is so good!" The little guy plunged into the arms of Chang Zhiyuan, arched the arch, and went straight to the toy.

Yan Keshan blinked at the back, and he felt that it was too bad for Chang Zhiyuan to compete with him for the little guy's favorite.

"Family, you are not so good, it is easy for children to play with fun, and then let us know what to play with!" Yan Keshan said with particular disappointment, "You see that you are raising children's extravagance and waste from childhood, and occasionally buy some children." Well! Let the children know that things are not easy to get, pet kids can, but can't be so used!"

Chang Zhiyuan was directly sucked by the face of Yan Keshan. Hey, how can a guest come to the door to say that the host is not?


Zang Keshan’s heart was straightforward, and it’s true that his father said that he was a profiteer.

Chang Zhiyuan, this person, has a lot of heart!

"I love to buy it for my grandson and grandson. My dad has not bought it for the past seven years, and he will continue to buy it for him." Chang Zhiyuan slammed his chin and said with pride, "I have money, I will buy and buy!"

It’s like a mountain, it’s like no one!

Chen Minxia’s helpless Yankeshan, “This is the intention of the family.”

Saying this on the mouth, the eyes are warning: You say a few words!

"..." Yukeshan is awkward.

"..." Mo Yinxin also quickly rounded the field, "Come in and sit."

Others first went forward, and Mt. Keshan deliberately fell behind. He said that "the profiteer is too embarrassed. Why didn't I think about it? You Xuan now lose weight, can't eat meat, just buy him a toy! Today Go back and go straight to the mall, and I will buy it for you."

Said, Yan Keshan shook his head again. "It’s not good to buy a toy. Isn’t this a long-term study with Chang Zhi? There is nothing new. It’s definitely not as exciting as today’s.”

Yan Keshan looked at Qi Youxuan, who was very happy, and his expression was particularly sour.

"You always go with Youxuan, think more about it, and buy something else he can be happy." Yan Keshan said.

Zhai Zeer did not mean to say that you are most happy to give Qian Youxuan directly.

I can only nod, indicating that I must think about it.

Everyone wants to have a meal together at home. When you sit down from Mount Kec, there is no less competition with Chang Zhiyuan for you to come and go.

These two people have never fought with their younger brothers in front of their parents. Chang Zhiyuan was not explained by himself when he was completed by the old lady. At this point, the two people who are all together are almost one hundred years old. However, in order to even the young guys who are not even younger, they are vying for favor.

Directly, Mo Xinxin and Chen Minxia were particularly helpless. Both of them felt that they were so embarrassing. When they saw the same emotion from the other side's eyes, they were full of understanding and smiling.

Chang Zhiyuan: "You Xuan, what else do you want to say to your grandfather, Grandpa will buy it for you."

Mt. Keshan: "You Xuan, do you like the Avengers League? This afternoon, my grandfather went to the mall and bought you a full set of hands to come back!"

Hey, in order to keep up with the grandson's footsteps, Mt. Keshan used to be a person who didn't care about anything other than doing math problems. Now even the words of the Avengers and the hands of such a new wave are known.

Chang Zhiyuan: "You Xuan, waiting for your holiday, Grandpa will take you to Universal Studios in the United States to play. There are many movie characters you like, and you can see them there."

Mt. Keshan: "You Xuan, wait for your holiday, my grandfather will take you to the Akihabara in Japan, the anime villain there, how much you like to buy!"

Chang Zhiyuan turned his head and slammed into the mountain. "You are not saying that you should not buy so many toys for your children. Is it bad for children?"

Yankeshan’s face, “I’m the right reward!”

"Oh!" Chang Zhiyuan is particularly dissatisfied. "I don't want to buy a blessing to the child. It is a proper reward for you to buy it. You culture people will really speak."

The little guy took an iron man in his left hand and a Optimus Prime in his right hand. He ran to the front of Chang Zhiyuan and Yan Keshan, and looked at the two men. He said, "Grandfather, grandfather, you buy slowly, don't worry. I am waiting for you! When I am on vacation, I will go out to play with you!"

Chang Zhiyuan’s eyes are invisible. “When you want to go to the United States first, do you want to go to Japan first?”

Mt. Keshan joined together. "Japan is fun, your favorite cartoons are there! Grandpa... Grandpa will buy you a big ship of One Piece, buy a volleyball boy, buy you a diamond ace Clothes!"

Chang Zhiyuan is not happy, but also go forward, "The United States is also fun! Grandpa will take you to see the Star Wars robot, and then buy you back, and Xiao Huangren, white, I will buy you what!"

--- Off topic --- 8000 words for three consecutive days~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ

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