MTL - War Hymn of Warcraft [WOW]-Chapter 26 Willing to

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The sky in Nagrand is still beautiful, and the distorted aurora makes it even more enchanting, but Zhan Zhixing's mood is not as good as the weather.

As Zhan Zhixing flew towards Galadar, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of treatment he would receive in a while: oil pan? Knives? hanging? Ling Chi... the more he thought about it, the more terrifying he felt, Zhan Zhixing quickly shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

"Just stop at the gate of the village. Flying over the village will cause unnecessary trouble. It's better to walk there to find Grandma Gaiyaan." Compared with Zhan Zhixing's entanglement, Garrosh's mood was extremely extreme. Relaxed and happy, I am going to visit Grandma Gaiyaan soon, I believe she must be happy for the restoration of the holy mountain. What's more, as long as I hand over the burden on myself, I can live and fly with Zhan Zhixing in the future.

Following Garrosh's words, Zhan Zhixing landed at the gate of the village. As soon as Garrosh jumped down, a group of wolf cavalry came running over.

"Garrosh, you're finally back." The leader of the team was dressed in a cloth robe, with one eye covered by a black cloth. It turned out to be the Jolin Death that Zhan Zhixing saw when he arrived in Galadar on the first day. Eye. Seeing that Garrosh regained his composure instantly with his originally anxious expression, he jumped off the warg with a smile, and punched Zhan Zhixing in the chest, "You really are, Dranosh a few days ago I came back, but you have been missing for such a long time. If our large army hadn't driven to Warhammer Mountain and saw the corpse of the destroyer left there, I would have thought something happened to you."

Hearing Jorin's words, Garrosh glanced meaningfully in Zhan Zhixing's direction - he did not forget that what Zhan Zhixing said at the time was that the space rift swept the two of them together with the demon. Silently writing down another note for Zhan Zhixing in the already thick stack of small books, while asking Yolin about what happened in the tribe recently, Garrosh walked towards the gate of Galadar.

Zhan Zhixing, who was glanced at by Garrosh, felt that his future fate would be miserable, so he clicked on the transformation of the Shashi drake, and Zhan Zhixing felt that he would be handcuffed and fettered by Garrosh's wolf cavalry Yes, and then take him to the big bonfire in the center of the village for interrogation.

"Hey, let's go, let's meet Grandma Gaiyaan together." Garrosh who walked to the gate suddenly realized that Zhan Zhixing hadn't followed and was still standing there in a daze, so he turned around and shouted.

"A giant dragon and a night elf, who are they?" Seeing that the giant dragon turned into a human, Yue Lin naturally preconceived that Zhan Zhixing was a giant dragon that could transform into a human form. Looking curiously at Zhan Zhixing and the night elf beside him who was explaining something to a void drake, Yorin asked Garrosh a little puzzled.

"He is... oh, forget it, anyway, I will say it again later, and I will go to Gaiaan's grandmother to explain it to you later. By the way, send someone to call Dranosh to Gaiaan's grandmother, I have something to announce." Garrosh thought for a while, anyway, he was going to pray for blessings with Grandma Gaia'an later, and Zhan Zhixing's identity would be clear at a glance. As for the night elf? Garrosh said that anyone cared if he existed or not.

"Hey... oh, here we come." How come there are no imaginary handcuffs, anklets, ropes, and whips? Zhan Zhixing scratched his head and followed him in some puzzlement.

As soon as he entered the gate of Galadar, Zhan Zhixing noticed two wargs being led by the steward. One was gray and black, and the other was black and white. Seeing Garrosh walking in, the steward let go of the rope in his hand, and the two wargs rushed towards Garrosh and the others like wild horses that had run loose.

The gray-black warg was Garrosh's Malak, and he walked gracefully to Garrosh's side, rubbing his head against Garrosh's waist. Garrosh patted Malak's head, smiled warmly, and rolled over to ride on his back.

"Hey, husky, you stupid, let me go." Garrosh, who had just mounted Malak, turned around when he heard the movement behind him, and saw the black and white wolf throwing Zhan Zhixing down On the ground, he kept sticking out his tongue to lick Zhan Zhixing's face, apparently expressing his resentment for being left idle for a long time.

"Isn't the husky the wolf of Zhan Zhixing? How could he be so intimate with this human being?" Yue Lin who stood aside was a little puzzled, not to mention that the wolfs all recognize their masters by smell, and even from the appearance On the surface, this human has nothing to do with the previous Mag'har orc shaman, so how could he admit his mistake.

"That human is Zhan Zhixing. I'll explain it to you later. Send a few people to pull the husky away. After a while, Zhan Zhixing was crushed to death underneath." Garrosh looked at the huskies lying on Zhan Zhixing's face. The husky who kept licking on the bed twitched the corners of his mouth, you, a stupid wolf who has never kissed himself, can lick it endlessly, is it plausible!

Jorin could see that Garrosh didn't want to explain further, so he had to tell the wolf cavalry behind him to pull the huskies away. Zhan Zhixing finally stood up and climbed onto the husky's back, and while wiping the husky's saliva on his face, he couldn't help complaining: "You stupid wolf, I have completely changed my model now, how did you recognize it? Licked all my saliva, and I have to take a shower later."

"Wargs identify their masters by smell, not by appearance." Garrosh deliberately lagged behind Jolin a few steps, walking side by side with Zhan Zhixing, "I will say something when I go to Grandma Gaia'an later. , don’t be too surprised.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Garrosh felt a little red at the base of his ears, and quickly followed Jolin, walking in front of the second echelon. The first echelon was a group of wolf cavalry who opened the way. Rao Yizhan Zhixing's thick nerves that can run high-voltage electricity finally realized that there seemed to be something wrong at this time. Not to mention the strangeness in Garrosh's words just now, but the way the people in Mag'har looked at him and Altruis clearly didn't look like there was any hatred or anything like that! Shouldn't the alliance represented by orcs, humans, and the dark night be sworn enemies? What is going on with that curious Bala stare as if looking at an alien?

The group of people was carried by a wolf, and even Altruis shared a ride with a wolf cavalry, and soon arrived in front of Gaia'an's grandmother's residence. Although it is no longer necessary to hide the illness of Grandma Gaiaan from Garrosh, Grandma Gaiaan still needs to recuperate. The apprentices and maids of Grandma Gaiaan, such as Agra and Dragia, are still in Grandma Gaiaan's house. Standing guard in front of the residence, seeing such a large group of people coming on horseback, Agra, who was on duty, naturally stopped them.

"Stop, cavalrymen, Grandma Gaiya'an needs to rest. If you have anything to discuss with Dranosh and Jolin."

"Agra, it's me. I have something to announce to the people in the clan. In addition, I think I have also found a way to heal Grandma Gaiaan."

Garrosh, who had been behind him, stepped forward and dismounted the worg, his brown eyes fixed on Agra.

Seeing Garrosh, Agra's expression became visibly cheerful: "Garrosh, you're finally back, you're not here, Dranosh and Yorin come to find Grandma Gaia'an every day. Why don't you see them so often when you're here?" A visit from you. You wait a moment, I will go and see if grandma is resting."

Seeing Garrosh jumping off the warg, the group got off their mounts one after another, put their weapons at their waists, and waited quietly. In this short period of time, Dranosh also rushed over and waited with several people. Not long after, Agra reappeared, looking at Garrosh adoringly:

"The spirit of the ancestors, Garrosh, Grandma Gaiyaan actually said that the person who helped the spirit of the ancestors came. It must be you. When you disappeared these days, did you go to the holy mountain?"

Garrosh smiled, neither admitting nor denying, anyway, he will say it later, besides, the one who went to the holy mountain did have himself, there is nothing to explain. Taking the lead, Garrosh walked towards the house where Gaiaan's grandmother lived.

"The spirit of the ancestors, Garrosh, you have done a good job, the spirit of the ancestors is just like me praising your achievements." As soon as he entered the room, Garrosh saw the support of Grandma Gaia'an in Drakia Walking towards the crowd, Garrosh took a quick step forward and supported Grandma Gaiaan with Drakia.

"This is what I should do, grandma." Garrosh signaled Gaiaan to place a stool in the center of the room, and helped Gaiaan's grandmother to sit down, "Besides, it's not just my fault .”

"The spirits of the ancestors have told me," Gaiyaan's grandmother waved her hand, her amber eyes swept across the crowd, landed on Zhan Zhixing, and waved to him, "The spirits of the ancestors remind me of you To express my gratitude, and at the same time, I also apologize for their racial discrimination against you before, human shaman, Your Excellency Zhan Zhixing."

"This is what I should do, Grandma Gaiyaan." Zhan Zhixing has always respected this calm mother of Mag'har, and the other party did not blame himself for concealing his race.

Walking to Gaiya'an's grandmother, Zhan Zhixing held her hand, and the surging holy light responded to his call and spewed out again; the summoned spirit of life was not far behind, repairing Gaiya's hand everywhere. Ya'an's grandmother's secret illness. Grandma Gaiya'an only felt a sacred air surge in her body, accompanied by the surge of the spirit of life, and the pain that had puzzled her for a period of time was instantly cleared away.

"I used to appear in Galadar in the name of a Mag'har orc because of mission needs, and I was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble as a human being. I also hoped that Grandma Gaia'an would atone for her sins." The illness has been repaired, Zhan Zhixing stood up, scratched his head and said with some embarrassment.

"No, human shaman, we Mag'har should thank you." The sickness on Grandma Gaiya'an's face was gone before, she stood up solemnly, and saluted Zhanzhi. Zhan Zhixing quickly bowed to Grandma Gaiyaan and helped her up: "Where is it, Grandma Gaiyaan, it is my honor to treat you."

Garrosh looked at Grandma Gaiaan, whose condition had been swept away, and the pride on her face became more and more obvious. Walked a few steps forward and came to Zhan Zhixing's side, his brown eyes swept over everyone present - Gaiya'an's grandmother's house was originally the place where the Mag'har tribe held meetings, the backbone of the tribe who came here They all spontaneously walked to their own positions and stood around the midfield.

"The first thing, unfortunately, I have officially decided to give up the responsibility of leading everyone."

As soon as Garrosh said this, people around him talked a lot: Although Garrosh had always been the chieftain of Mag'har, he never admitted it himself. However, it was unexpected that he Acknowledging his status as a chieftain, he actually wanted to leave.

"Be quiet, it's not that I'm leaving Mag'har, it's just that I can't continue to be the leader because of personal reasons."

Garrosh glanced at everyone in the audience with a straight face, and those who met his gaze stopped discussing and waited for Garrosh to continue.

Garrosh suddenly stretched out his hand, tightly grasping Zhan Zhixing. Zhan Zhixing didn't understand, so he glanced back at Garrosh, this time Zhan Zhixing didn't misunderstand Garrosh's eyes: those eyes were full of firmness, and... admiration!

"The second thing is also the reason why I can't bear the chief. I fell in love with this human and hope to go all the way with him. No matter where he is, I will be there. Although I don't know if he will accept me, But I still hope to get his acknowledgment and the blessings of the clansmen."