Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk-Chapter 28 - Twenty Eight – Lily’s Pad
Chapter 28: Chapter Twenty Eight – Lily's Pad
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.
Chapter Twenty Eight – Lily's Pad
As soon as he was able - and allowed - Harry had his new broom out and was flinging it about the sky towards the rear of the house.
He didn't notice Daphne and Astoria come out carrying their own brooms, or see the adults follow them. Instead of joining him Daphne and Astoria watched him fly.
It really hadn't take that long for Harry to get used to the broom. And, before long, he was carrying out feats of flying that had the two girls and Sirius gaping in awe while the Greengrass elders watched worriedly.
"He can really fly!" said Sirius with a gasp.
At one point, Harry drove the broom vertical straight up. At about two hundred feet up, he stalled the broom, allowing it flip over backwards before pointing it straight down. He only pulled up about three feet off the ground before angling the brown upwards at about forty-five degrees and executing a double barrel roll.
Practically hopping off the broom in mid-flight he caused the broom to skid across the sky before performing a corkscrew turn.
When he finally saw the others collected on the back patio he brought the broom down and to a halt with a one foot skid before lightly stepping off the back of it.
"Wow! That was fun!" he happily exclaimed.
Everyone stared back at him in shock. Both girls and Sirius were staring at him in awe.
"Ummm - Hello?" he said.
The first to find her voice, Daphne asked, "Where did you learn to fly like that?"
"You taught me, remember?" replied Harry.
"No," she said, shaking her head. "I just taught you to fly. I didn't teach you what you did just then."
"I read about those moves in Quidditch magazines," he replied with a shrug. "I find them lying around the Ravenclaw common room all the time. They have lovely pictures both showing and demonstrating the moves and I just thought I'd try some of them."
"How much flying have you done, Harry?" asked Sirius.
"Well, there were the couple of hours where Daphne - ably assisted by Tori - showed me when I was here during the last couple of days of August," said Harry, scratching the back of his head. "Then there was the couple of flying lessons on those old school brooms we had at Hogwarts in September, before Madam Hooch said I wasn't to come back. That's it."
"And why did Madam Hooch tell you not to return?" asked Isabel.
"She told me I nearly gave her a heart attack when I performed a sloth grip roll," replied Harry as if it was the greatest injustice ever.
"I think I need to send Professor Flitwick an owl," muttered Cygnus.
Harry ignored the comment and turned to the two girls, "Coming up, ladies?" he asked. "With guests coming over after lunch this'll probably be our last chance for a couple of days."
With one hand, Harry pointed the tip of the handle away from himself at about thirty degrees and set the broom in motion. As it began to pull away he merely stepped onto the handle where it joined the bristles and, after it climbed a few feet, dropped himself into a sitting position, straddling it.
The girls soon followed him up and they flew gently about the sky for a while.
Harry had lost all track of time when he spied Sirius back out on the back patio motioning for them to come down.
When Harry landed in front of him, the girls a few seconds behind, he said, "Lunch time. Time to put the brooms away. Guests will start arriving soon."
With a bit of good-natured whining and moaning, Harry and the girls secured their brooms.
First to visit was the Davis family. Harry was finally introduced to the full brood but was almost immediately dragged off by Tracey.
She seemed to be expecting something, and wasn't being half-obvious about it.
Harry grinned and led her into the parlour. Searching through the last few presents that remained under the tree, he fished out his gift to her.
With a grin Tracey ripped off the wrapping paper and held in her hands her own auror style wrist wand holster. When she read the instructions with it Harry watched her eyebrows rise in surprise.
"Harry, we're not supposed to have these," she said. "These are only supposed to be for aurors and Unspeakables."
"It's amazing how well gold talks," said Harry with a shrug.
"Or, when your name is Harry Potter," said Daphne just a touch mock-snidely.
He just grinned at her.
His gift from Tracey was a portable wizarding radio.
Tracey was remaining for the rest of the day, but the rest of the Davis clan had to depart. Not too long later Neville visited.
"Neville!" said Harry happily giving his only male mate a manly hug. "Merry Christmas, mate."
"Merry Christmas, Harry," replied the other boy with a grin of his own.
Neville then withdrew from his robes a couple of gifts. He handed one each to Harry and Daphne. Apparently he'd owl delivered Tracey's to her earlier not knowing she was going to be there.
The boy also showed Harry the wand holster already affixed to his wand arm. He give it a light flick and his wand popped into his hand. Another light flick and it disappeared back up and into the holster. The holster faded away almost immediately afterwards.
"Uncle Algie said to tell you you're a naughty boy for purchasing and gifting these," said Neville with a grin. "But he also heartily approves considering what we know. He's who taught me how to properly use it."
Nodding, Harry said, "So, officially I'm in trouble; and unofficially I've done a good thing?"
Grinning, Neville replied, "That's about the heart of it, yes."
Tracey stayed for dinner, and a bit later afterwards. But, Neville had to return home as Gran said he had to be home before she had to leave to attend the Yule Ball. The same Yule Ball Cygnus, Isabel and Sirius had to attend.
Early the next morning Harry had to be out of bed early again because the Grangers were coming. All three adults went to the Grangers' house south of London and brought them back via side-along apparition.
As they arrived, a house elf turned up to ensure none of them was going to be sick. It was a first for all three.
Harry, Daphne and Astoria were waiting for them in the parlour.
After the exchange of pleasantries, a few gifts were exchanged. The Granger elders were embarrassed that they had only brought a small gift for both Greengrasses. To which it was simply waved off as being of no consequence.
Harry also helped Hermione fit her wand holster and told her how it would keep her wand invisible for muggles not cleared under the Statute of Secrecy. It pleased Hermione greatly as her grandmother wasn't cleared yet and allowed the young witch to carry her wand on her person at all times.
Immediately after Harry sat down again, Cygnus turned to the Grangers and asked, "Wendell, Monica, what has Hermione told you about her protectee status from the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter?"
"She said Harry did it to protect her, and that it meant the chance of her being attacked in future was greatly diminished as a result," he said, before turning to Harry and saying, "And, thank you for doing that, by the way."
Harry just nodded in response.
"Good," said Cygnus. "That much is correct. But there's more to it than that."
He then went into detail about Hermione's protectee status and what it meant for both her and Harry. And he covered what it meant for Hermione, social status-wise. He also covered what it meant for making purchases in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade.
Then he came to his next point; magical guardianship of Hermione.
He spoke about how all muggleborn unemancipated minors were assigned a magical guardian when they entered Hogwarts, and that the guardian was supposed to be their Head of House. In Hermione's case, that should be Professor McGonagall.
"But, how can this be?" asked Monica. "We only met her the once, and that was only for about half an hour when she brought Hermione's acceptance letter. She never told us about this magical guardian business."
"I believe it's because she probably thought it would make you reconsider sending Hermione into our world for her schooling," he replied.
"Damned right!" huffed Wendell.
Cygnus also pointed out how Professor McGonagall didn't say a word to either Harry or Hermione when the protectee symbol of the House Crest of the protector appeared on her robes. If she was behaving as a magical guardian should, then she should have investigated immediately.
"What I want to do for you is two things," he said. "First, I would like to know if you'd be interested in formally assigning Hermione's magical guardianship to me. And, second, I would like to know if you'd be interested in being Protectees under the Noble and Most Ancient House of Greengrass. Or either.
"I do not expect you to make a decision about either matter right now. However, I do hope you will give it serious consideration."
"But, why would you want to?" asked Monica.
With a wide smile, Cygnus said, "An excellent question. Firstly, because your daughter has become close friends with my daughter and her betrothed. I see it as an excellent way to protect them both.
"Secondly, you have become friends with my Isabel and it would make her very happy to know you were protected. And, what makes her happy makes my life easier.
"Thirdly, there is a - belief - out in wizarding Britain that the Greengrass family is a dark family who espouses the bigoted pureblood beliefs. Placing muggles, such as yourself, under our protection sends out a very clear message that we are not what they believe us to be.
"And, fourth, it is a way for House Greengrass and House Potter to further show a strong alliance betwixt our Houses; with Hermione under the protection of House Potter and you under the protection of House Greengrass."
Nodding, Wendell said, "Hermione mentioned something in her letters about sheep and land. I couldn't really make sense of it, but it sounds important."
Harry burst into laughter. "Sorry," he chortled. "I'm not laughing at you; more at the situation."
Chuckling himself, Cygnus replied, "As a protectee Hermione is required to allow Harry to graze his sheep on her land if he asked it of her. As Hermione doesn't own any land Harry can't well ask her. However, since Harry doesn't own any sheep, it doesn't matter anyway.
"You'll also be pleased to know I don't own any sheep. either. And I have no intention of purchasing any."
That earned Cygnus a few surprised blinks of eyes. "That sounds rather - antiquated," said Monica.
"It reflects how old the law surrounding this actually is," replied Cygnus. "Other requirements are: you may not raise arms against me without, first, publicly stating you have chosen to forgo my protection; if I go to war, you must provide suitable strapping men of fighting age to aide me, if they're available, which means those over the age of fifteen and under the age of thirty five; and you may not accept protection status of another House without first ending it with mine."
"So you're really doing this just to protect us?" asked Monica. "There's nothing else to it?"
"It may be more accurate to say we're doing this to protect the family of Hermione Granger," said Cygnus. "And - because my wife wants to reward those who have assisted her."
"But it was such a small thing for us to do," said Wendell. "It's a big thing you're offering in return."
Smiling Cygnus replied, "And we feel the opposite. What you felt was a small thing to do is a big thing for my wife. And what you feel is a big thing I'm offering is really only a small thing in return. It's a matter of perception.
"Now, we also promised you an explanation of betrothal contracts," said Cygnus, leaning forward. "I'll stick to generalities as the conditions of Harry's and Daphne's betrothal are a private matter between our two Houses.
"I'll first cover how marriage is recognised in the muggle - your - world, and then how it is in the magical world. This will give you a basis of understanding why betrothal contracts exist in the magical world. Agreed?"
Both Wendell and Monica nodded, as did Hermione.
"Excellent! Because I did a great deal of homework into muggle customs to prepare for this conversation; and I'd hate to see all that work go to waste," he smiled. "First, marriage contracts still exist in the muggle world. They are often used in nations such as India, Africa and Persian Gulf nations; and in cultures such as Judaism and Arabian. Further, they are still occasionally seen in monarchic cultures of the upper echelons of society including here in muggle Great Britain.
"You're now also starting to see a return to similar contracts in general western culture with what is known as a prenuptial agreement - or, prenup - and premarital agreements. A written agreement, of course, is simply another name for a contract without it having the scary connotations.
"Now, the reason they went out of favour, in the first place, is because the law changed to allow what was believed to be a fair dissolution of property between separating spouses. And that came about because property brought in to the marriage, or gained during the marriage, legally became what is known as community property. That is, the property is jointly and equally owned by both husband and wife. With me, so far?"
All the adults and even some of the children nodded.
"Good. However, in the magical world, society still follows what came before community property. For muggle society, this only happened less than a century ago - and it's known as 'Coverture'. That is, all that is brought into a marriage by the wife is considered the property of the husband. And the wife only has property that is allowed her by the husband. The wife becomes feme covert – A covered woman.
"Now that might sound barbaric but, I remind you, it was still the law in the muggle world until very recently. And, is still the law in other parts of the world.
"Because of the law of Coverture, in the magical world, the families of the females born into one of the important Houses wanted to ensure that, if there became a problem that required the marriage to be magically and legally dissolved, the property brought into the marriage by the wife, could be recovered. As parents of a daughter, I'm sure you see the wisdom of that."
Both Grangers nodded.
"Further, there comes the issue for the Ancient Houses and what's called Primogenitor - birthright," he continued. "Something even the muggle world needs to deal with in a monarchical society such as Great Britain. Succession in the magical world is incredibly important; probably more so than it is in the muggle world outside of the Royal Family.
"Without a betrothal contract, if Daphne and Harry were to marry, then something happened to me, the Lordship of House Greengrass would flow directly to Daphne through Primogenitor, then instantly to Harry, as her husband, under Coverture. He would become Lord Greengrass and Head of House Greengrass. With that power he could legally wreak havoc on House Greengrass, including subsuming House Greengrass into House Potter; thereby effectively ending the Greengrass line."
Some of the adults gasped in shock while the Grangers looked stunned.
After the shocked mutterings ended, Cygnus continued, "This is where the wisdom of a betrothal contract comes into play; as they're used to put a stop to that sort of nonsense. For example, I may have foreseen such a situation and put clauses in the contract to stop that."
Cygnus looked at Harry, who nodded.
"First, the contract may - and I'm not saying it does, mind you - include a stipulation where Daphne is required to bear for Harry at least two male children. That's normal in these situations. The first would become Lord Potter on Harry's death, or if he were to pass on the Lordship earlier. Their second-born son would have the name Greengrass and would take up the Head of House Greengrass on his eleventh birthday, and the Lordship on his seventeenth.
"To protect that further, if there is no second son, we might have decided the titles would transfer to Astoria's second oldest son; or, Daphne's eldest daughter; or some other familial member of Greengrass blood. Plus, there may also be a stipulation Harry continue to keep the business interests of both Houses as separate entities and run them side-by-side. That way Daphne's second-born son will have a fully established House to inherit, and the Greengrass line will continue."
Harry then leaned forward and said, "Having now thought about this for a while, I'm quite sure that, considering the danger of the war they were in at the time and that they were Aurors - magical police - fighting in that war, both my father and Cygnus knew there was a risk to House Greengrass of that occurring if Daphne and House Greengrass weren't immediately protected by a betrothal contract.
"It has become clear to me my father was always one when went beyond the norm to protect his friends. And that protecting House Greengrass for Cygnus may have been part of what went through his mind when he agreed to the contract."
Cygnus looked surprised and said, "That - actually makes a lot of sense. Your father was always willing to - as you put it - go beyond the norm to protect his friends. And, yes, much of what's in the betrothal contract goes towards protecting the interests of House Greengrass."
Turning more fully to Harry, he said, "But, it also goes a long way towards protecting the interests of House Potter. Don't ever forget that."
After more general conversation, the adults returned the Grangers back to their home so they could begin their road trip to Wendell's mother's home. The Grangers swore to give what was offered to them due thought and would let Cygnus know as soon as they had decided.
Wanting to get his business with the goblins out of the way early, Harry asked permission to take Daphne and visit Gringotts the day after Boxing Day; the next day; a Friday.
Sirius immediately piped up and asked if Harry wouldn't mind an escort. "I have no problem with that," he replied.
Hearing Sirius would be escorting the two pre-teens, Isabel gave her permission for Harry and Daphne to go.
A quick trip through the floo, with Harry again landing face first on the floor of The Leaky Cauldron, they were through the back door of the pub and out into the Alley.
As they mounted the stairs to enter the bank all three caused their postures to become more erect and strode in.
Walking up to the first available teller, Harry waited until the goblin looked up at him. He said, "Good morning, Teller. I hope gold continues to flow into your vaults and your enemies are no longer."
With an answering grin the goblin said, "It is and they are, young wizard. What do you want?"
"I come seeking audience with Account Keeper Bloodfang," replied Harry. "Please be so kind as to inform him Mister Potter is here to see him."
The goblin reached down under his counter, brought back up a sheet of parchment and, using an old gnarled root and ink, wrote a short note. He folded it in half and dropped it into a slot.
Looking back up he said, "A message has been sent to Account Keeper Bloodfang you await him, young wizard. An escort will be with you shortly. May your business, this day, prove profitable. Please, step back."
Harry gave a very slight bow in response and backed away from the teller station. He rejoined Daphne and Sirius away from the tellers in the middle of the Hall.
Less than a minute later, a younger looking goblin approached Harry and said, "Please follow me, Mister Potter." He turned on his heel and started walking away.
Harry took Daphne's hand in the crook of his elbow and followed. Sirius was walking behind them.
The goblin led Harry and his party to the same office he was in on the first day he walked into Diagon Alley. The goblin knocked on the door and paused a moment before opening it and ushering the three inside. Not entering himself, the young goblin then closed the door behind them.
"Mister Potter," said Bloodfang. "How may Gringotts provide service to you today?"
"A couple of matters are of interest, Account Keeper Bloodfang, my friend," replied Harry. "First, these are my betrothed, Miss Daphne Greengrass, and my godfather, Lord Sirius Black," he introduced them.
After the required pleasantries, Harry asked, "Now, has wizard Albus Dumbledore finally returned that property which belongs to me?"
"He has, except for two magical artefacts, seven books of advanced magic of quite some age, and an amount of gold," replied the goblin looking at the inventory before him. "One is an invisibility cloak owned by your family for generations; the other is a solicitor's pensieve of the highest quality clearly marked with the Potter family crest."
"I see," said Harry. "Do you know where those two magical artefacts and books might be at this time?"
"We believe all nine items are in the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts Castle."
"And what is the amount of gold?"
"9,258₲ 9Š 14Ҝ, Sir." (Nine thousand two hundred and fifty eight Galleons, nine sickles and fourteen knuts)
"I shall also require a copy of the inventory of items returned plus their current location," said Harry.
He thought for a moment and said, "I believe pursuing wizard Dumbledore for the gold will cost greater effort than the gold is worth if he is unwilling to return it. However, I have been more than fair concerning the return of my property.
"How much would it cost me for the goblins to effect recovery of my property still in the hands of wizard Dumbledore?"
The goblin looked down at his notes for a moment before looking up with an avaricious grin. He replied, "9,258₲ 9Š 14Ҝ, Sir."
Sirius burst into laughter while Harry struggled to keep it in.
"And you don't consider the price a little steep, Account Keeper Bloodfang?" asked Harry.
"If it is an amount you're willing to forgo when it is rightfully yours, clearly you do not place much value on it," replied the goblin.
That time even Harry laughed.
"Alright, my friend," he said to the goblin, once he'd calmed down a little. "Recover it all from wizard Dumbledore, including the gold, then you may keep the gold as payment for this service. However, I shall not forget your shenanigans here, this day."
The goblin grinned in what Harry thought was 'happily' before he ducked his head down and wrote a few things on parchment.
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"Now, I also wish access to the Potter private properties so I may investigate them," said Harry.
Nodding, the goblin wrote on another sheet of parchment, folded it in half and dropped it into a slot on his desk.
"Your ring is able to take you to each property simply by pressing on the stone and speaking the name of the property. However, I've assumed you want others to go with you, as well. I've ordered reusable portkeys to be made for Potter Manor, Potter's Retreat and The Winter House and they shall be with us momentarily," said the goblin. "Potter's Cottage has been claimed by the Ministry and we still await your order about whether or not to claim it back or demand payment for it. Lily's Pad is here in the Alley and you only need to press on your ring and say 'Lily's Pad' for it to become visible to you. And I've left out the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade as it does not require any special access at this point to enter."
"And, finally, I would like to add my godfather here," said Harry, pointing over his shoulder. "To have access to the Potter vaults when I am otherwise unavailable."
The goblin took one look at Sirius and ducked his head to write on yet another sheet of parchment. This, too, he folded in half and dropped it into the slot on his desk. As he was dropping it in there was a 'ding' sound from his desk.
While he was writing Sirius had leaned forward and said to Harry, "You don't need to do that, Harry. I can easily loan you the gold if you need it. And you can pay me back later."
"No, Sirius, you don't understand," said Harry giving his head a little shake. "I want you to have access in case I need you to fetch me an heirloom or something. I know you wouldn't have an issue with loaning me the gold."
"I've ordered a duplicate key to the Potter vaults for Lord Black. It, too, shall be here momentarily," the goblin cut in.
He reached into a box and withdrew three coloured quoit rings.
Placing them down one at a time he identified them as one each for Potter Manor, Potter's Retreat and The Winter House. However, due to Ministry regulations, the second two could not be used unless used within the country in which the property lies.
While he was describing those, the box dinged again. Harry picked up the three quoits.
The goblin reached back into his box and withdrew a large gold key identical to the one Harry had for his vaults. The goblin offered Sirius a ceremonial dagger to blood imprint it but Sirius declined it. Instead, he picked the key up and dropped it into a vest pocket of his robes.
Lastly, the goblin slid over a copy of the inventory Harry wanted. He picked it up, scanned down the list, then folded it and placed it in his pocket with a muttered, "Thank you."
"Does this conclude your business with Gringotts this day, Mister Potter?" asked the goblin.
"It does," said Harry starting to rise. Just before leaving, he turned to the old goblin and said, "May your enemies continue to tremble with fear at mention of your name. And may gold continue to flow into your vaults - even if some it was mine."
The old goblin barked with laughter as Harry walked out.
"I believe working with you will have gold flowing freely into both our vaults, Mister Potter," the old goblin said a little fondly, once the door was closed.
As they left the front entrance of the bank, Harry asked, "Have we time to quickly check out my mother's old place?"
Sirius nodded and said, "I can't see why not. I remember it's here in the Alley somewhere."
"It's this way," said Harry, leading them a little deeper down the Alley.
When they came to Scribbulus Everchanging Inks, Harry pressed the stone on his ring and whispered to it, "Lily's Pad."
A door appeared in the wall between Scribbulus's and the cafe next door. Taking both by the hand, Harry walked Daphne and Sirius up to the door. "Do you see it?" he asked them.
"See what, Pup?" asked Sirius looking around.
Daphne, also looking around, said, "I can't see anything I'm supposed to see."
He let go of Sirius's hand and knuckled his ring onto the brass plate where he felt a lock should be. He heard a click and opened the door.
Still holding Daphne, he pushed her lightly through the door and heard her say, "Oh!" as the ward effectively broke for her.
Turning around he saw Sirius about to walk off and had to grab him. He then dragged Sirius through the ward at the door to join Daphne who was standing on the steps just inside.
Sirius said, "Oh! We just passed through a Notice-Me-Not ward."
Harry nodded to Sirius and turned to look where they were. Other than the small area of flat floor in front of the external door, immediately in front was a set of stairs leading up a full flight.
Harry started to climb the stairs and grabbed Daphne by the hand as he passed.
At the top of the stairs was another door. Harry simply turned the door handle and the door opened away from him.
"Let's have a look, shall we?" he said, turning to Daphne.
Turning back he walked through to the door.
Inside, they saw a small apartment. They had entered into a small lounge area with a dining area off to one side, and a kitchen beyond that.
However, before they could go any further, a house elf appeared and glared at them with it's arms crossed. It said, "Who be you?" Suddenly, it's eyes opened wide in surprise staring at Harry.
With a squeal of "Master Harry!" it dash forward and hugged Harry around the thighs.
It quickly backed off, saw Sirius and said, "Master Siri!" It ignored Daphne.
Looking back at Harry, it said, "Welcome back, Master Harry! We been waiting for you!"
"And just who would you be, little one?" asked Harry.
"I be Ninny!" replied the elf with a bow. "I was Mistress Lily's personal elf." And it stood up, proudly. "Now I be yours!"
The little house elf stood there wearing what looked like a set of abbreviated wizarding robes with the House Potter Crest in one tone embroidery on the right side of the breast.
"Then, hello, Ninny," said Harry. Turning towards the others he said, "You clearly know my godfather, Lord Sirius Black; and this lovely young lady standing next to me is my betrothed, Miss Daphne Greengrass."
The little elf came forward and used both hands to take the back of the fingers of Daphne's right hand and press her forehead to them. "Miss Daffy," it said. "You be next Lady Potter; yes?"
"Errr - yes," said Daphne.
Thinking for a bit, Harry asked, "You said, 'we', Ninny; are there any other Potter Elves?"
"There be seven more, Master Harry," replied the elf. "There be three at Potter Manor, two at Potter's Retreat and two at Winter House."
Thinking a bit, he asked, "Can you call the three from Potter Manor to come here so we may meet them?"
"Oh, yes!" the little elf replied gleefully. It seemed to hesitate for a few moments with a frown on it's face before it suddenly snapped it's fingers.
Three more elves suddenly turned up.
"Master Harry!" said the lead elf; or, at least, the one in front. And all three elves bowed.
"I be Petey," said the elf in front.
"I be Callie," said the next.
"I be Rizzy," said the third.
"Then, hello, Petey, Callie and Rizzy," replied Harry.
Turning to Sirius, Harry asked, "Do you recognise these elves, Sirius?"
"I didn't until they turned up, Harry," he replied. "Now, I do. It must have something to do with - where they're from being unplottable and under a Hiding Charm. I had completely forgotten they even existed."
Turning back to the elves Harry introduced them to Daphne as his betrothed. Each then came forward and did the same strange gesture of holding her right hand fingers, palm out, to their foreheads.
"That's quite the peculiar thing to do," mused Harry.
Daphne turned to him and said, "They're recognising me as the next Lady Potter. It's an elf custom related to their magic."
All four elves nodded when Harry turned back to them.
"Alright," he mused. Looking at the latest three he asked, "And what do you guys do at Potter Manor?"
Petey stepped forward again and said, "I be Master's personal elf. I take care of personal living spaces.
Callie stepped forward and said, "I be cook and take care of other spaces."
And Rizzy said, "I take care of gardens, greenhouses and stables."
"I take it you all help each other out, too?" asked Harry.
He saw four elf heads nod in response.
"Do you feel you are busy enough, at the moment?"
"Rizzy busy in spring and summer," said Rizzy. "Not so busy in winter."
Petey, Callie and Ninny all looked sad and Petey said, "We busy once family come back to live in Potter Manor. We not busy now."
Looking at Sirius, Harry grinned before turning back to the elves.
"Master Sirius has a big home in London," he said. "The house elf there, Kreacher, is not doing his job..."
"We know Kreacher," said Petey, looking a little angry. "Kreacher is a bad elf!"
"Well," said Harry, "Master Sirius needs help in cleaning his big home up. It has not been cleaned in a very long time. If Master Sirius calls you, would you please go and help him clean his home up? You have my permission to do so."
All four elves just about bounced on the spot in excitement. "Oh, yes! Oh, yes!"
"Harry!" exclaimed Sirius.
Harry turned to him and said, "They need to work, Sirius. You know that. And they've been pretty much idle for over a decade now. You'd be doing them a favour if you let them clean that old place up for you."
"Yeah, I would; wouldn't I," said Sirius, before he let out a sigh. "Alright, they can do it. I'll be sure to call them when I return."
Harry grasped Sirius's arm in a reassuring manner before turning back to the elves.
"Alright, then," said Harry to the four of them. We're going to have a look around here, then we're headed back to Greengrass Estate. We plan on visiting Potter Manor some time over the next couple days; so I'll see you then."
The other three all bowed before disappearing leaving Ninny behind.
"Alright, Ninny," he said to her. "How about you show us this place and then we'll be on our way."
Ninny nodded and showed them around. Lily's Pad had the lounge they were standing in with the almost mandatory large fireplace, and a small balcony overlooking Diagon Alley was also accessed from there; the small alcove dining room with a table set for six; the small kitchen they could just see from the lounge, until they walked in to have a better look; a bedroom with a Queen bed, walk in robe and dressing table, and two bedside tables; and an office. The office also contained two foldaway cots.
Indicating the largest couch, she described how it was also a foldaway sofa bed.
When Harry asked about when his Mum lived there, Ninny said it was Mistress Lily's home until she married Master James. And that, once they were married, Master James and Mistress Lily used it as a guest house. She said the fireplace there was linked with the fireplace at Potter Manor until they went into hiding at Potter's Cottage.
"Is the fireplace still connected to the floo network?" asked Harry.
"Yes, but turned off," replied Ninny.
"Can I turn it back on from here?" he asked.
Ninny showed him how to turn the fireplace back on, re-establishing the connection to the floo network.
Looking around, he saw a small ornamental box in the mantelpiece. Looking inside he found a small supply of floo powder.
Looking at the elf, he asked, "The floo address for here is Lily's Pad?"
"Yes, Master Harry," she replied.
"Alright, then; I suppose that's it?" asked Harry, looking at the others.
Both Daphne and Sirius nodded.
"Then let us away to Greengrass Estate," he said, offering the container to Daphne first.
Daphne floo'ed away first, then Sirius, finally Harry after he returned the box to the mantelpiece and bid Ninny to take care of herself.