Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk-Chapter 29 - Twenty Nine – Old Busybody

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Chapter 29: Chapter Twenty Nine – Old Busybody

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Twenty Nine – Old Busybody




Wanting to get unsealing Potter Manor out of the way, Harry convinced the Greengrasses to let him go there the next morning.

Cygnus showed him the ward ledger for Greengrass Estate and told him how a similar ledger would be kept at Potter Manor. He would have to get the elves to show him the ledger, and taught him how to add and remove the names of those who were permitted through the substantial wards on the property.

Harry would need to go, alone, first; add the names of those who he wanted to allow through, reconnect the floo, and then tell everyone else when he was done.

Harry dropped into a pocket quill and ink, in case he needed it for the ward ledger in the Manor. Because of the wards at Greengrass Estate, he had to walk to the front gates of the property and leave the warded area before he was free to use his ring portkey. Daphne escorted him out.

Once outside the gates, Daphne told him he was far enough away to be beyond the wards. After a quick hug and kiss between them, he firmly pressed on his ring and called, "Potter Manor!"

He disappeared in a swirl.

After the merry-go-round feeling of portkeying ended, Harry barely staggered when he landed in an office in a large home.

A moment later, Petey popped in. The little elf bowed and said, "Welcome home, Master Harry."

"Potter Manor, right?" he asked the elf.

"Yes, Master Harry," replied the elf. "This is the Master's study in Potter Manor."

"Well, thank Merlin for that!" he said. "Now, I believe there's a ward book for the Manor wards I need to have a look at and adjust."

"Yes, Master Harry," replied the elf. He walked over to the room's fireplace and indicated an indentation in the filigree work of the surround. "You need to press the House ring into there, Master."

Harry walked over and could see just what the little elf was pointing to. He made a fist with his right hand and the ring in front; lined it up and pressed it into the indentation.

A few moments later, Harry felt the magics of the ring signify - something - and he heard a click.

He pulled the ring away and a section of the surround popped open.

Pulling on it, he noticed it was like a drawer. He pulled it right out and inside he found a leather-bound folio with a sealed bottle of ink and a gorgeous quill resting atop it.

Lifting all three items out he carried them over to the desk and placed them on the blotter. He took seat in what was now his chair and pulled himself up to the desk.

Looking down at the folio he again saw the impression of the House ring. He pressed it into the impression and there was a light flash before the edge of the folio/book seemed to come free.

Opening the book he could see names that had clearly started when the Manor was first built and proceeding forward chronologically from there. He flipped through the pages until he came to the last entries and started to scan backwards, looking for names that were still recognised as having access to the property.

One of the last entries was Harry James Potter. Scanning backwards for names not yet crossed out, he also found, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Daphne Ophelia Greengrass, Alice Green Longbottom, Francis Andrew Longbottom, Isabel Mary Greengrass, Cygnus George Greengrass, Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Orion Black and James Charlus Potter.

Names that were crossed out that he recognised included Amelia Susan Bones, Susan Charity Bones, Augusta Reeves Longbottom, Remus John Lupin, Peter Andrew Pettigrew, Minerva Hetty McGonagall, Filius Flitwick and Rubeus Jeremy Hagrid.

Snapping himself out of his broody mood, Harry noticed he only needed to add Astoria May Greengrass to the list to have the Greengrass Estate household able to enter the Manor. However, he used the opportunity to add Tracey Anne Davis, Neville Francis Longbottom, Susan Charity Bones, Hannah Mary Abbott, and Hermione Jean Granger. Thinking a bit he also returned Remus John Lupin, Amelia Susan Bones and Augusta Reeves Longbottom to the list.

Then he removed only one name; Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. And he was quite pleased with himself when he did so.

'I wonder if that's how Dumbledore came into possession of those books the goblins told me about?' he thought.

Blowing on the ink to make sure it was dried, he softly closed the ledger. Another light flash made the book seem to compress itself together a little as the pages all locked together.

He then carried the items back to the hidden draw and carefully pushed it closed. With a click it almost seemed to disappear.

Petey was still waiting for him so he asked the elf, "Okay, Petey; what do I need to do to activate the fireplace back onto the floo network?"

The little elf told Harry that the fireplace wasn't connected to the floo network. However, he led Harry from the office and through to the parlour where a fireplace similar in size to the one at Greengrass Estate was found. In there, Petey led him through the steps to reconnect that fireplace to the network.

Once it was done, Harry found a flip-top wooden box on the mantel with floo powder. He looked to the elf and said, "I'll be back soon with some guests."

"Fare thee well, Master Harry," replied the elf with a bow.

"Thank you, Petey." Harry tossed in the floo powder, called "Greengrass Estate!" and stepped into the flames.




"And you're sure you entered the names in the ward ledger correctly?" asked Cygnus.

"Cygnus!" said Harry. "I did it correctly and even had Petey watch me do it. If I had done anything wrong he would have let me know. The ward permissions have been correctly set; don't worry."

Once everyone was organised who would be coming. Which, as this was a big and exciting thing, meant everybody. Harry was first through the floo back to Potter manor.

When he arrived, Petey quickly popped in and, when Harry said the rest of his party was right behind him, Petey called the other three British-based Potter elves, including Ninny.

Next through was Cygnus, then Sirius, Daphne, Tori and finally Isabel.

Harry grinned and, looking at Cygnus, said, "See? Everyone's safe."

Cygnus just cocked a wry grin back.

Turning to look at the elves, Harry said, "Petey; how about a tour? I know Cygnus, Isabel and Sirius have been here before, but it's been a while."

A little excited, Petey said, "Petey is happy to show everyone Potter Manor!"

Not just content with showing everyone the rooms of the Manor, Petey also talked about the history of the property. And showed them everything; except, as Harry came to understand later, certain features of the Manor that he considered family secrets, not to be shared.

In the Entry Hall, Harry looked up in awe at the large embossed Crest of House Potter that was affixed to the wall between the twin curved staircases that led up each side. It was something he missed seeing when he left the office to go and re-activate the floo in the large fireplace.

However, it was what they found in the upstairs private family common room, or history room, that had Harry gobsmacked.

Hanging on the wall was a large red velvet tapestry with a huge family tree embroidered in gold thread and other colours.

Having taken his elbow almost from the moment she stepped out of the fireplace, Daphne pointed towards the bottom left of it and whispered, "Look; Harry. There's us."

Looking towards where she indicated, Harry could, indeed, see his full name embossed in gold thread. And, right along side it and joined with a dotted line, was Daphne Ophelia Greengrass.

Sirius moved in closer and indicated Harry's paternal grandparents. "Here's how you're most directly related to me, Harry. Charlus Emmett Potter married Dorea Hestia Black. Dorea's oldest brother was my maternal grandfather. It's how I'm able to name you as the Heir Presumptive of House Black; which I've formally done, by the way."

Harry nodded, a little too choked up to talk.

Cygnus stepped forward and indicated another name before indicating another joined by marriage alongside. "That's your great great aunt who married my great grandfather."

"I'm happy to see Daphne's name already there," said Harry in a soft voice.

"As am I, Harry," said Cygnus giving him a one-armed hug. "It is yet another confirmation magic has accepted the status of the betrothal contract. And Daphne's future as the next Lady Potter."

Looking up towards the top of the tapestry, Harry saw another name that surprised him. Pointing to it, he asked, "Dagworth-Granger?"

Everyone else looked at it and knew what Harry was wondering about.

"Could be..." mused Cygnus.

"It's a line believed to have died out generations ago," said Sirius, also wondering.

"An inheritance test would let us know one way or the other..." said Cygnus.

"We could ask the Grangers if they're willing for Hermione to undergo the test," said Harry.

"It wouldn't hurt," said Isabel. "There's no downside to such a test, except for the initial pain of the pricking to collect the blood. And that's soon passed."

Nodding, Cygnus said, "Alright. It's something to consider."

From the private rooms of the family of the Head of House they looked through the seven guest rooms with their private ensuites before heading back downstairs.

Stepping outside Harry saw just how big Potter Manor really was. The main building was two full stories tall, plus a large walk-through windowed attic. The walls were painted a brilliant white with the window frames and doors in gloss black. The roof was shingled black with the window frames in gloss white.

While it was mid winter, and snow covered everything, it was easy to see how the gardens would be immaculately groomed in summer with clearly delineated beds.

Out the back, they found a Quidditch pitch with a single set of tribunes - stands for spectators - sitting opposite of where they were standing.

Rizzy met them and took them to see the small triplet of greenhouses set off to one side. Inside the benches and hanging spaces were clean and clear. Only one greenhouse was operational and that was being used to grow vegetables, fruits and herbs at one end.

The stables were on the other side of the area to the rear of the manor house, and there was a set of corrals fenced in white railings. Like the Manor proper, the stables were painted in brilliant white with black trimmed windows and doors. However, the stables were unoccupied as there were currently no pets kept on the property.

Trudging back inside before they got too cold, they were led to the informal dining room by Callie, who sat them down with hot chocolate beverages each.

"Master and Mistress and guests should have worn warm winter cloaks before going outside. Youse catch cold," the little elf scolded them.

Harry chuckled and said, "Yes, Callie. Thank you for reminding us. We didn't think to bring them when we decided to visit. Next time, we shall remember."

As they were finishing their cocoas Isabel asked, "Have you seen everything you want to see, Harry?"

Thinking, Harry replied, "I've just had a thought. I think I need to go into the library for a minute to have a look."

"Well, shall we?" asked Cygnus.

Nodding, Harry led the others back to the library. They'd only had a bit of a look earlier.

Stepping into the library, Harry called Petey.

"Yes, Master Harry?" the little elf asked.

"After Master James and Mistress Lily left, did Albus Dumbledore come back here?" asked Harry.

"Yes, Master Harry," replied the elf. "He said Master James said he could borrow some books from the library, here."

With a snort, Harry said to the others, "I thought so. His name was still in the permissions list to come through the wards. I've now removed it."

Turning to the elf again, he asked, "And how many books did he take and not return?"

"He took fifteen books and returned none, Master Harry," the elf replied.

With a snort of his own, Cygnus muttered, "Thieving old wanker."

Still to the elf, Harry asked, "And how many books did he borrow before James and Lily left and not returned at all?"

"Three, Master Harry."

With a grim look, Harry said to the elf, "Then I want you to find those eighteen books and bring them back to the library. I also want a list of just what books he took. Is there anything else he took from any Potter property and has not returned?"

"He has taken nothing else, Master Potter," replied Petey.

Musing for a bit, Harry asked, "Is there any property belonging to Albus Dumbledore still here, or at any other Potter property?"

"No, Master Harry."

"Then, thank you, Petey," said Harry.

The elf popped away.

"I think that's it then," said Harry.

Sirius was grumbling as they headed back to the fireplace. "And to think I trusted that old man."

After they all floo'ed back to Greengrass Estate, Harry said, "It's not as if we can actually see him charged with taking the books. After all, he can always say he only borrowed them and that my father gave him permission to hold on to them for a while.

"I'm just annoyed he actually did it. After all, according to this list, some of those books were extremely rare, out of print and priceless."

"Well, the house elves will get them back, soon enough," said Cygnus. "I just wish I could be there when he realises they've gone."

"I've no doubt he will want to talk to me about them and the other items the goblins will be recovering when we get back to Hogwarts," said Harry. "I imagine he's going to be quite upset with me."

Daphne snickered and said in an impersonating voice, "Ah! Harry, my boy. I'm so disappointed in you. Your father would be so disappointed in you, too. Those books were entrusted into my care by your father and it's important I have them. It's for the Greater Good."

Sirius burst into laughter first, closely followed by Harry and Cygnus. Isabel just smirked while Astoria clearly didn't know what her sister was getting at but still thought she sounded funny.




A couple of days later, Cygnus received a floo call from Dumbledore.

"Ah, Cygnus!" said Dumbledore. "I wonder if I may step through concerning a matter of utmost importance."

"And what matter would be the utmost of importance on New Years Eve, Albus?" asked Cygnus.

"Something best not discussed via floo, I'm afraid," replied Dumbledore. "I shall only be a few moments."

"I'm afraid I'm going to need more than just that, Albus," replied Cygnus.

Cygnus watched as the expression on Dumbledore's face turned hard for a moment before the old man seemed to gather himself. He said, "It is a most delicate matter concerning your family business. I'm sure you won't want it spoken of via this medium."

"Oh, I'm sure I'll weather it just fine, Albus," replied Cygnus in a magnanimous voice. "Please say what you need to. My family is looking forward to a festive evening and preparations must be made."

Dumbledore's expression turned hard again before he said, "I wish to speak with you about young Harry; and wish not to speak of such matters via the floo."

"If you don't trust the floo, send me an owl, Albus," said Cygnus.

"This is a matter I wish to speak with you in person, Cygnus," the old man sighed. "Can you not spare me a few moments, old friend?"

"Of course, Albus," said Cygnus. "But, in order not to disturb my family's preparations for this evening, it'd be best if I come through to you."

Harry and Daphne, who were out of sight of the fireplace but in sight of Cygnus, were trying their best not to laugh out loud at the attempts of Dumbledore to get inside the Greengrass wards.

With another big over-done sigh, Dumbledore said, "Alas, that would not be possible. I shall try at a time when you are not so busy."

Before Cygnus could respond, Dumbledore pulled his face out of the fire and the green of an active floo call disappeared.

"Persistent, isn't he?" he smirked at the two.

"I believe he's finally realised I've not spent Christmas with my biological aunt," said Harry. "I was wondering when he'd figure it out."

"And why would he think you would?" asked Cygnus.

Harry grinned and said, "Pensieve time!"

Cygnus chuckled and said, "I take it I'm going to find this entertaining?"

"Oh, yes," said Daphne.

"Well, come on, then," he said, heading for his office.

After viewing the memory, Cygnus came out and said, "He assumed."

"Exactly," said Harry. "We've decided to use his own trickery of words back at him. We've noticed he often says something that is inherently true; however, is easily perceived as meaning something else entirely. He did that a lot during his trial. He deliberately uses words and a sentence structure that leads you to a false conclusion."

"So, when you said you'd be spending Christmas with your family, you knew he would assume you meant your aunt," said Cygnus. "But what about when he specifically said he was surprised you had forgiven your aunt enough to spend time over Christmas with her?"

"He made a statement. He didn't ask a question. You'll notice he rarely actually asks a question, just makes a statement and waits for you to respond," said Harry. "I knew it was a falsehood, of course, but it's not necessarily my place to correct him when he makes such. It's the same thing he does.

"Now, if he had asked if I had meant my biological aunt's place when I said 'my family', then I would have been obliged to tell him so. Alas, he didn't."

Cygnus chuckled and said, "It must really get under his skin."

"I hope it does," said Harry. "That's why we've been practicing his mannerisms, as well as his manner of speech. And he can't tell us off, or otherwise punish us for it, because then he'd have to admit that what he was doing was inherently wrong. I cannot see him doing that."

Thinking a bit he continued, "You're probably going to have to let him through at some time. However, make him make an appointment. Then, Daphne and I will make plans to be somewhere else, at the time of the appointment."

"You've not been to Tracey's place yet, have you?" asked Daphne of Harry.

Shaking his head with a grin, he replied, "No. I've been to Neville's and Susan's; but not Tracey's, Hannah's or Hermione's."

"Well," she said. "We'll have to visit her soon, won't we?"

Harry laughed and said, "Of course, dear, it would be quite rude not to!"




While they had a great night staying up until after midnight to welcome the new year, Harry was roused from bed at the godforsaken time of 9.00am the next morning by Cygnus.

Worriedly, Harry asked, "What's going on?"

"I've just had a chat with Dumbledore via floo again," he said. "He's coming over in an hour. Apparently, his 'delicate matter of utmost importance' cannot wait until a more respectable time."

Grumbling about meddling old fools, Harry quickly rose, showered, toileted and dressed in about twenty minutes. He felt he'd managed to time it perfectly when he was joined by Daphne coming out of her own room, also not happy about the time.

"I doubt very much Tracey will be up at this time," she said, by way of Good Morning.

"Then we shall have to do something else," said Harry.

When they made their way downstairs Cygnus was waiting for them. "Sorry, kids," he said. "I couldn't get hold of the Davises either."

Harry turned to Daphne and asked, "How do you feel about a second visit to Lily's Pad? We can watch what's going on in the Alley."

With a frown of annoyance, she replied, "I hope Ninny's up to preparing a breakfast for us."

"I'm sure she'll manage," soothed Harry.

"Alright," she sighed. "But, I'm still getting you over to Tracey's place before we have to return to Hogwarts on the fifth."

"And I look forward to it," he said.

Harry and Daphne approached the fireplace and said to Cygnus, "We'll be at Lily's Pad above Scribbulus's. Then again, we might not." And smirked.

Cygnus nodded and said, "This should take no more than an hour, so I'll see you in about two, alright?"

"Two hours, it is," said Harry.

A pinch of tossed floo powder and a call of Lily's Pad each, and Harry and Daphne were gone.




Cygnus thought it was lucky Harry and Daphne left when they did as Dumbledore floo called not five minutes after they'd left.

"Good morning, again, Cygnus," said the old man. "I find I have to move my scheduling up a bit, this morning. I hope you're able to see me now."

'Cheeky bugger!' thought Cygnus. 'I bet you have nothing organised for after this other than running around trying to find Harry.'

"Very well, Albus," said Cygnus. "The sooner you've been and gone the sooner I can get to my breakfast. I find myself quite cranky in the morning until I've broken my fast."

'Take that as you will, old man,' he thought.

Not a few moments later, Dumbledore stepped through.

"Thank you for taking the time to see me, Cygnus," said Dumbledore. "Shall we head through to your office?"

"In here will do fine, Albus," replied Cygnus taking a seat in one of the armchairs, before he indicated the seat opposite.

"Oh! Yes. Very well," said the old man, slightly aback. "I would have thought somewhere more private would have been better."

"The rest of the household is asleep, Albus," said Cygnus. "We'll not be bothered. It was, after all, a late night, last night. Now, what do you want?"

"Ah!" replied Dumbledore. "Straight to it, then."

Taking a page from Harry and Daphne's way of dealing with the Headmaster, Cygnus didn't say a word.

Finally sitting down, Dumbledore said, "I have been in a bit of a panic, these past few days. Mister Potter did not arrive safely at his maternal aunt's for the holidays."

Again, Cygnus didn't say a word.

"Yes. Well. Errr..." stuttered the old man. "I wondered if you might know where young Harry might be."

And yet again, Cygnus didn't say a word. The man had still not asked a question of him yet.

As he watched the expressions war across the old man's face, he thought, 'Daphne and Harry are right. It really throws him off his game.'

Deciding to throw the old man a bone, Cygnus asked, "Are you actually asking me if I know where young Mister Potter is, at the moment, Albus?"

"Well, yes; I guess that's what I'm asking, yes," replied Dumbledore.

"Then, no, Albus," said Cygnus. 'Well done, Harry,' he thought.

"Oh. I see," said Dumbledore. "It is most imperative I find him."

"Albus," said Cygnus, showing he was getting annoyed. "You informed me you needed to speak with me concerning a - as you put it - matter of utmost importance, and that it was delicate. I fail to see how Mister Potter's whereabouts are either of those; or are any of your concern.

"Now, please get to the reason for this most urgent meeting; so I may get on with my day."

"Well. I had expected Mister Potter to be here..." tried the old man.

"He's not here," interrupted Cygnus. "Now, again, what is this delicate matter of utmost importance relating to my family business you wanted to speak to me about?"

"Well, as the matter relates to Mister Potter, I was hoping to also speak with him about it," replied Dumbledore.

"Then perhaps if you had been more forthcoming with that information, Albus, I might have been able to arrange a time with Mister Potter when he would be here," said an irritated Lord Greengrass. "However, it appears you have wasted both your own time and mine.

"I suggest, in future, you be clear in what it is you want - in advance - of any meeting with me, instead of leaving it to chance. Now, since he isn't here and our Houses are now in open alliance, I give you my word I will pass on anything and all of what it is you wish to speak with him about."

"Yes. It appears I have caught you at a bad time," said Dumbledore, quickly rising to his feet. "I had best be on my way. Thank you for your time."

With that, Dumbledore quickly strode the few steps to the fireplace, drawing a small container of floo powder out of his robes as he moved. With a dash of powder and a call of, "Headmasters Office, Hogwarts!" he was on his way.

While muttering, "Stupid old man!" Cygnus reached behind the cushion of the chair on which he sat and drew out to sit on his lap the ward ledger. He quickly opened it to the right page and, drawing a self inking quill from his robes, crossed out the name Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore before blowing on it to dry the ink and closing it again.

With the ledger tucked under his arm he stood and took a couple of steps before he frowned and turned back. Drawing his own wand he waved it about with a few muttered incantations. Getting no response to his casting, he mentally shrugged and muttered, "I wouldn't have put it past you, you old fool."




Over at Lily's Pad, Harry and Daphne were enjoying a wonderful English breakfast quickly prepared by Ninny. Both Harry and Daphne apologised to the lovely little elf for not giving her advance notice; and told her to take her time preparing breakfast.

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They had thought to have a small table moved out onto the balcony so they could sit at it while enjoying their breakfast, but quickly decided it was too cold outside. Instead, they were sitting at the dining table in the dining nook.

Harry had managed to disappear down into the Alley for a few minutes while they were waiting for breakfast and picked up a copy of the Daily Prophet and Teen Witch Weekly.

Both pre-teens now sat in companionable silence while reading their respective publications.

Once he'd finished breaking his fast, Harry could see that Daphne was now sitting back drinking from a tea cup with one hand while holding her magazine with the other. Picking up his own tea cup Harry mimicked her.

"Anything interesting in yours, Daph?" he quietly asked.

"A bit of information on the fashions at the Yule Ball," she said. "Who wore what and how it looked on them. Lord Mulciber made an arse of himself; but, that's not so unusual. The Spring line of fashion will be in the stores soon. Again, they always announce that right after Christmas.

"Ooooh - There's a new designer coming to work at Twillfit and Tattings from Europe. I'll have to see if I can get Mum to make an appointment for me early this coming summer.

"And - there's a new product range of beauty products at Madam Primpernelle's. They've managed to contract with a renown potions mistress in Europe.

"Earth shaking, I'm sure," said Harry.

Daphne replied, "Don't be snarky, Harry James. These are important matters to us girls."

"I apologise, my Lady," said Harry. "You are, as always, correct."

Daphne didn't even bother to respond.

"On to the other matters within wizarding Britain," said Harry. "The Daily Prophet have managed to steal a journalist from the Witch Weekly; a woman named Rita Skeeter. That was the name of the woman reporter Mister Wordsworth mentioned at Sirius's trial. He made her seem like a gossip columnist who writes untruths."

"She is," said Daphne. "She wrote a horrid piece about our betrothal back in September."

With a frown, Harry looked Daphne in the eye and asked, "Why am I only hearing of this now?"

"Because you were in the hospital and no one wanted to see you get upset again," she calmly replied. "You would have; and you know it."

"So," he muttered, "we plan on staying away from her; and asking our friends to do the same."

Daphne nodded and said, "Good idea."

Turning back to the paper, Harry said, "There's an article that looks like it was written by the Minister, himself. It says he worked over Christmas demonstrating he's such a hard worker for the people of Magical Britain - blah blah blah.

"Oooh - There's a new broom company just starting out called Bolt Brooms. They hope to have a prototype out by Christmas 1992. They're aiming for the broom that will be recognised as a true Quidditch player's broom. I wonder if I can get in on that and provide some start-up capital."

"You'd likely be throwing away gold," she replied. "There's already Nimbus, Cleansweep and Comet in Britain alone. And they all released new broom models this year: the Nimbus 2000, the Cleansweep Seven and the Comet Two Sixty. They have only a very tiny chance of getting anything worthwhile to market."

With a sigh, Harry said, "You're right. But, it would be just the best thing to be part of that."

After breakfast both kids decided they had plenty of time to kill so went down to the bank.

Harry was quickly through to see Bloodfang, who confirmed for Harry that his property had been recovered from Dumbledore. He also informed Harry that a Potter elf had been by and collected the books to return them to the Potter library.

"Yes, I should have thought to warn you of that," he said. "I apologise I did not."

Soon after his meeting he and Daphne went down to his vaults.

Harry was shown the two magical artefacts that were recovered, the cloak and the pensieve. As the cloak was light enough, and able to be folded into a very small wad, Harry folded it up and pocketed it to take back with them.

Looking at the pensieve he could see it still contained memories, so he decided he'd get Bloodfang to collect the memories out of the pensieve and send them to him. If Dumbledore was a good boy he'd return them early. But, if he became just as much a nuisance as the first term, he'd delay their return, and use Dumbledore's own excuses against him.

Together, the kids left the bank. Harry asked if Daphne needed anything before they returned to Lily's Pad. As she didn't, they just went straight back to the apartment.

With a quick Time Charm, Harry realised it was time to return to Greengrass Estate.




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