Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk-Chapter 30 - Thirty - Returned
Chapter 30: Chapter Thirty - Returned
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.
Chapter Thirty - Returned
"I know it sounds trite but, 'Told you so!'" said Harry with a grin.
As soon as they returned to Greengrass Estate they found the others all in the informal dining room, except for Sirius. Harry assumed he was still abed.
Cygnus told them both about how Dumbledore arrived only five minutes after they'd left; how he was overtly hinting that he was really there to see Harry; and how Cygnus also didn't respond to his questions couched as passive statements.
When he mentioned Dumbledore tried to push more overtly to speak to Harry he mentioned how he pushed back flatly stating Harry wasn't there, and that he should have mentioned he wanted to speak to Harry in the first place. And then how Dumbledore left in a right huff.
"All up the meeting only took about five minutes," said Cygnus.
"I'm surprised he didn't try to invite himself for breakfast so he could remain here and wait for my return," said Harry.
"He couldn't, because that would then put the lie to him saying he had to move the meeting up because of other commitments," said Cygnus. "He painted himself into a corner with that one."
Starting on the 2nd of January, Harry taught Cygnus and Isabel how to pull magic into themselves. And used the same breathing-in example to effect them accomplishing it.
Just as with the Seven, he told them they needed to practice it, and asked them not to go sharing it around.
He left on his own with Sirius that afternoon for some 'boys' time' at Black House in London. Sirius made sure Harry was cleared through the wards before coming to collect him. So, Harry was able to floo directly to the house in the cul-de-sac of Grimmauld Place.
When he entered he could see the room they were in was actually still quite shabby. However, he was invited to have a look through some of the other rooms. Seeing them, he realised the room in which he arrived was actually quite presentable in comparison.
Sirius then took him down to the kitchen where he was introduced to Remus Lupin.
When Harry shook the man's hand and said, "Hello Moony."
The two adults were taken aback.
"Harry," asked Remus. "Who told you that name?"
Harry glanced at Sirius and said, "Thank you for not telling even him."
Harry then turned back to the other man and said, "I heard Dad call you that many years ago."
Seeing the frown on Remus's face, Harry knew the man thought he was being pranked. With a sigh, he asked, "What do you understand about an eidetic memory, Moony?"
"Perfect recall, right?" replied Moony.
"Yes," replied Harry with a nod. "Perfect recall - of everything; sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. I have an eidetic memory enhanced by a full mindscape."
Remus sat back in the kitchen chair he was first sitting in. His face held an expression of surprise and awe, looking back at Harry. "Everything?" he asked.
"Everything," replied Harry.
"So, you know I'm a werewolf," said Remus.
"And it doesn't bother you?"
"Nope," replied Harry. "I remember it was Dad who kept saying it was a 'furry little problem'. I know it as a disease that afflicts you most overtly around the full moon.
"I also know there was a full moon on the 21st of last month and that it was going to take you quite a few days to get over the forced transformation. And that's why I didn't see you.
"However, you have no reason to fear I would reject you. Because I won't. I know you were one of my parents' closest friends and a honourary uncle to me. And I know you would spend time often at Potter Manor."
"Told you!" said Sirius from behind Harry.
Remus first looked up at his friend before looking down at the table and sighing. "I - I'm just used to people turning away from me in disgust when they - find out," he said.
"The only time I'll ever look at you in disgust is if you put yourself down in front of me one too many times," said Harry. "I don't like people doing that."
"Now," turning around to look at his godfather, Harry said, "As for you. I can see you really need the help of the Potter elves in here, so don't be bashful in calling on them; alright?"
"Alright, Harry," replied Sirius. "I will."
"Thank you," said Harry. "Now I know this is supposed to be Harry and his godfather getting to know each other time; but, would you like to learn how I make my magic flare as I promised I would the day I arrived back at Greengrass Estate for Christmas holidays?"
"Yeah, actually," said Sirius.
"Flare your magic?" asked Remus.
"Mm-hmm," replied Harry. "Sirius has already seen me do it and I promised I'd teach him. If you'd like to watch it'll only take a few minutes. Then, I'll work with you."
Sirius came around and eagerly sat at the table with Harry and Remus. "Alright," he said. "How do we begin?"
Then Harry began to teach the trick using the now tried and true method. It only took about ten minutes for Sirius to get it. And the first time Sirius got his magic to significantly flare Remus's eyes widened and his jaw dropped open in shock.
After Sirius tried for the third time accomplishing it with his eyes open, Harry told him to stop before he over did it.
"Daaaammmnnn!" said Remus, once he got his voice back.
"That's what I said!" said Sirius in glee.
"And you can do that, Cub?" asked Remus of Harry.
"Yes," replied Harry. "And I can now do it more powerfully and hold it for longer. Plus, I've also been practicing casting spells while doing it and I'm finding my magic much stronger as a result."
"Daaaammmnnn!" said Remus, again.
"I know you closely watched what I was doing with Sirius; but, do you want me to help you through it?" asked Harry.
Thinking a bit, Remus said, "Let me see if I can get the basics of it first. If I struggle, then you can guide me, alright?"
"Alright," replied Harry with a nod.
Harry and Sirius then watched Remus concentrate for a bit. They then watched as he took in a few deep breaths. Then, on the third breath, they noticed his magic start to leak. Another breath and he did it again, stronger.
In less time than with Sirius, Remus was sitting with his eyes open and glowing but unfocussed. And magic was swirling around him in long surges.
"Don't hold it too long, Moony," warned Harry. "Let it out completely now and you'll see just how tired you are."
Both then watched as Moony settled down again and the glow in his eyes faded away. A few seconds later and he looked like he wanted to slump forward onto the table top.
"Daaaammmnnn!" he said for the third time.
"Now both of you need to set aside a part of your day, each day, to practice it; holding it for longer and longer each time," said Harry. "Then, once you can hold it for at least three minutes, you might want to try spell casting while doing it. But, be careful, you'll find your casts to be somewhat overpowered when you do."
Sirius said, "Alright. I feel rested a bit now and nowhere near as tired as I did before you started teaching Moony. I want to see how fast I can start doing it without having to go through that whole breathing training, first."
With a nod, Harry said, "Go for it."
Sirius's mien took on a look of concentration for a few moments before he rapidly began effusing magic and had glowing eyes. He held it for about fifteen seconds and then let it relax out of him.
He, too, almost slumped forward onto the table.
"Merlin, that takes it out of you!" he said.
"Magic is like a muscle," said Harry. "It needs to be exercised. So, you're going to need to practice it every day. You'll soon get up to speed with it."
Looking around a little Harry asked, "Is there anything to drink here?"
"Oh!" said Sirius. "Not the very good host, am I? Kreacher!"
An elderly and ugly house elf appeared and started muttering, "What does the filthy blood traitor..."
"Enough!" said Sirius. "Kreacher, three butterbeers, please."
The elf popped away and returned a few moments later with the required three beverages.
Harry first had a butterbeer when he was living in the Alley. He was disappointed to learn they didn't have it at Hogwarts. However, he was assured it could be purchased in Hogsmeade and brought back to the castle if he could find a Third Year or up who would be willing to purchase it for him.
Sirius quickly banished the caps off the bottles and the three wizards spent the time drinking them reminiscing about Harry's parents.
On the day of return to Hogwarts, Sunday the 5th January, the Greengrass household was up early and ready in plenty of time. Daphne and Harry had packed ready the previous night, with Daphne bringing in a set of Hogwarts robes to put in Harry's trunk on top of his things.
Harry sent Hedwig back to Hogwarts as soon as she rested after delivering him his morning's Daily Prophet. He had her things packed away soon afterwards.
Going to Daphne's room he knocked and was bid enter. Inside, Daphne was clearly doing a final check before closing and locking her trunk.
Glancing over at it and seeing how over-full it was, he asked, "How on earth do you intend to close that?"
"It'll close," she half-snarked.
"Oh, I'm sure it will," he calmly replied. "But, if you have anything fragile in there, I'm worried you're going to break it."
"It'll be fine," she said.
She packed one last item of 'civilian' garb on top and muttered, "That'll do it." And closed the lid.
Though, it didn't quite close all the way down, she sat down heavily on the lid and managed to get the catch to lock.
"See?" she said, indicating the trunk. "I told you it'd close."
Harry just laughed in response. "Do you want me to levitate it down to the parlour for you?"
"Of course," she said. "That's one of the reasons I keep you around for, is it not?"
Releasing his wand from the holster, Harry didn't bother to reply. He just levitated the trunk and led it down to sit on top of his own next to the fireplace. Daphne followed to make sure he didn't drop it.
"Well," she said. "Now that's done I want to make sure we arrive at the Station in plenty of time to meet up with the others."
Arriving at the muggle side of Platform 9 ¾ at just after 10.30am, Harry was happy to see the Grangers had only just arrived before them.
"Wendell! Monica! Hermione!" he called in greeting. The Grangers immediately spun about and Monica enveloped him in a quick hug. He shook hands with Wendell and immediately gave Hermione a hug before she could launch herself at him for one of her grapple-hugs.
Harry and Daphne were escorted to the Station by Isabel and Tori. Cygnus and Sirius were in last minute preparations for a closely approaching Wizengamot session and were unable to attend. Remus begged off saying he still wasn't comfortable being around too many witches and wizards in one place, such as the platform.
The Grangers sent their owl to Cygnus on the 2nd January stating they would be honoured to become protectees of House Greengrass. And only yesterday evening, while they were wearing brand new everyday wizarding robes, did Cygnus perform the ritual. Both were amazed how the crest of House Greengrass suddenly appeared on their left shoulders.
Today, they were all wearing normal muggle attire, as were many wizarding families, such as the Greengrasses.
"I was just about to go through to the platform," said Hermione.
"Then we shall go through together," said Harry.
After spending a few minutes with the Granger parents the Greengrass party headed through the barrier onto the platform.
Carefully moving through the crowds, Harry and Daphne with Hermione in tow meandered down the length of the platform looking for their friends.
Finding none of them he offered to get the trunks on board into a spare compartment. The girls glanced at each other and smiled before turning back.
Daphne said, "That would be nice, Harry."
Picking up his own with a levitation charm, Harry led it onto the train and started searching for a free cabin. He found one in the last carriage.
Levitating his trunk up he stored it in the overhead racks and exited the train to grab the other two.
Quickly, he had Hermione's trunk on top of Daphne's and levitated both onto the train. So concentrating was he, he didn't notice the looks of surprise he was getting from those nearby.
Less than a minute later he had both Daphne's and Hermione's trunks alongside his own in the racks in their compartment. For safety, he pulled the door shut behind him and locked it.
Within the next ten minutes he greeted and assisted with their trunks Susan, Hannah, and Tracey. Neville insisted on getting his own trunk onboard but accepted Harry's help in getting it into the overheads.
He was only able to spend a few minutes greeting Aunt Amelia and Gran before the Seven had to board. The five minute whistle had sounded a little while ago.
When they arrived at Hogsmeade Station about seven hours later, Harry was pleased they wouldn't be riding the little boats to the castle, this time. When he asked about it, he was told it only occurred for the first trip to give the new First Years a unique view of the castle.
As soon as they disembarked the carriages in front of the front door of the castle they were stopped by Professor Snape.
The Potions Master looked at Harry and said, "The Headmaster wants to see you, immediately before the feast."
With a sigh, Harry said, "Very well, I shall collect Professor Flitwick and we shall be there momentarily."
The professor stared at him and almost snarled, "When the Headmaster says 'immediately' he means precisely that, Mister Potter."
'And when the school charter states no student shall be summoned to such a meeting without being accompanied, when requested, by their Head of House, it means precisely that, Professor Snape," replied Harry.
The professor glared back for a moment before he spun about with a swirl of his robes and stalked back inside.
Harry turned to Daphne and asked, "Have your glasses with you?"
"Always," she replied with a knowing smile.
With Daphne on his arm, Harry walked into the castle and into the Great Hall. As he expected, Professor Flitwick was already there.
Walking up to the head table he looked at the small professor and said, "I've just been given a message by Professor Snape the Headmaster wishes to see me before the feast."
The professor frowned and said, "Such messages should come through me, Mister Potter, as your Head of House."
"Nevertheless, Professor," said Harry. "That is what happened."
With a sigh, the Professor hopped down off his chair and indicated for the two to follow him.
They left through the teacher's entrance as it was the quickest path to the headmaster's office.
Walking up the hallway towards the gargoyle, Harry said, "I'm beginning to believe I need to request quarters in this part of the castle; what with the number of times I keep being summoned here."
"And I would seek quarters right alongside," said Daphne. "I don't think I can trust you not to get into trouble without my calming influence near you."
As they entered the office Dumbledore said, "I believe I told Professor Snape I wanted to speak with you immediately upon your arrival, Mister Potter."
"And I gathered that Professor Snape was in error by telling me precisely that, Headmaster," replied Harry. "After all, it would be a breach of the school charter for you to do something so foolish. And I doubt you'd risk your tenure here to do such a thing."
With a long last look, Dumbledore looked away and down to the chair before his desk. With a swish of his wand he reconfigured it into a wide low couch and bade them to sit.
"Now, Mister Potter, the reason I wanted to speak with you so urgently is because I was worried about you," he said with his concerned grandfatherly visage firmly in place. "You informed me you were going to spend Christmas with your Aunt Petunia and I was disappointed..."
"Sorry, Headmaster," interrupted Harry. "But, I did no such thing."
Almost glaring at him, Dumbledore said, "I distinctly remember a conversation I had with you before the holidays where you told me you were going to do precisely that."
"No, Headmaster," said Harry. "I informed you I would be spending the holidays with my family. And I did - precisely - that. I do not consider my aunt Petunia, or her brood, as family."
The Headmaster was doing a poor job of not showing his anger.
"It is important you spend time in the home of your aunt, Mister Potter," he said. "The blood wards there need recharging; and that can only happen with your presence within the house."
"Why?" asked Harry in not a little anger, himself.
"The wards are based on the blood that courses through your and your aunt's veins, Mister Potter," explained Dumbledore in anger. "As long as you call your aunt's home your own the protections afforded you by those wards are the strongest they can be."
Harry scoffed and said, "Privett Drive was never my home, Headmaster..."
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Suddenly, one of Dumbledore's little wheezing trinkets suddenly gave a cough, trembled slightly and then sparked with a flash and expulsion of black smoke.
"What on earth was that?" exclaimed Harry.
"That, as you put it," said Dumbledore in an angry but disappointed voice, "was the blood wards on Privett Drive collapsing."
"You had a monitor in place?" asked Daphne in shock. "Who gave you permission to do that?"
"I set the wards in place, Miss Greengrass," he replied. "Of course I would have monitors to ensure they were working correctly."
"So, you warded a muggle house," said Daphne. "With wards based on blood. Any other illegal acts you want to admit to while we're sitting here?"
Dumbledore didn't respond.
"So, you placed up these super wards," she continued. "How did you power them? I would not have thought there'd be a suitable ley line in reach you could tap into."
Dumbledore looked away, quite abashed.
"You didn't!" exclaimed Daphne. "Please, tell me you didn't power them off a muggle?"
"I am not required to answer your questions, Miss Greengrass. You forget where you are," said the Headmaster.
"However, as the warding actually relates only to people, there is sufficient magical energy in the area to power them," said Dumbledore.
"Then why is my presence required?" asked Harry.
"Because you provide, or did provide, the magical presence required to anchor it in place," he replied. "You gave magic the intent. And the intent required you to call Privett Drive your home."
"Well," said Harry, quite angrily. "You realise, of course, that if you had been more forthcoming with this information, then it is probable this little issue would not have arisen at all.
"Mind you, since the muggle legal authorities have deemed fit that aunt Petunia and I are not to come anywhere near each other in future, the wards would have fallen sooner or later, anyway."
"I - pardon?" stuttered Dumbledore.
"The muggle authorities have made it a condition of aunt Petunia's punishment that she, nor my cousin Dudley, is to come within one hundred feet of me. So, there's no legal way I could have returned to Privett Drive without forcing Petunia and Dudley out of the house in the process.
"And, since I cannot legally force her out of her home - it is recognised as her sanctuary - then it is I who is legally required not to be within one hundred feet of 4 Privett Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.
"So you see, Albus," said Harry, leaning forward and staring back at the old man. "I am not allowed, by legal fiat, to return to Privett Drive until such time as my aunt and her family vacate the property for another. Even if I wanted to call Privett Drive my home, I can no longer do that."
The old man sighed and sat back. "I - did not know that," he quietly said.
"That's because it's none of your business!" snapped Harry, quite angry. "You are the headmaster of this school. What happens beyond its wards regarding any of your students is none of your concern. Stay out of my business!"
Sitting in silence for a while, the old man finally spoke up and said, "There are other matters I wish to speak with you about, Harry; but considering the mood at the moment it would be best if we spoke about it at another time. Now, I do believe we are missing the feast and I find myself rather looking forward to a delicious slice of custard tart for desserts. You may go."
Not a little frustrated with the old man, Harry rose, assisted Daphne in rising, and escorted her from the office.
Once outside, Harry growled out, "Stupid, meddling, old fool!"
On the first Wednesday evening after they'd returned to the castle, Harry and the others were approached in the Great Hall by Draco Malfoy and his two bully boys.
The day had been a good one, Harry felt, as Dumbledore had finally managed to find them a DADA teacher. That meant he would have even less interactions with the Headmaster.
The DADA Professor was a man newly retired from the auror corps who was looking for a few extra galleons to take with him into retirement. The man, Professor Bolstein, was a veteran of the 1970's war, when he was a senior auror within a ready reaction force.
The Professor was stern and curt with the students, but scrupulously fair. And, when he taught spells, he also gave examples where such were used or could be used. Harry loved his teaching style.
However, he also said he would only be there until the end of the year; when he was looking forward to retiring to a warm beach, somewhere, and putting cold and dreary Britain far behind himself.
"Potter," sneered Malfoy.
"Ah!" said Harry. "Mister Malfoy. If you've come to ask for a boon or such I'm afraid you'll be sorely disappointed."
"I want nothing from you, Potter," he sneered, but clearly angered by Harry's remark. "I've come to challenge you to a wizard's duel."
"Really?" asked Harry, displaying amusement. "Then you're a lot braver than I thought. Either that, or you're inherently stupid."
Now clearly furious, the blond boy snarled, "I will not be made fun of in front of my friends, Potter. I demand satisfaction!"
"Why?" asked Harry. "Your right hand not giving it to you any more? I'm actually surprised you've advanced enough through puberty that you're even capable of such an act."
That elicited a number of sniggers and laughter from those who heard. Even bully boy number one cracked a bit of a small smile at that one.
"I challenge you to a duel, Potter," he snarled. In a quieter voice he ominously said, "Trophy Room; at midnight."
"Well, I accept the challenge of a wizard's duel, Mister Malfoy," said Harry a bit louder. "However, I'm afraid holding one in the trophy room after curfew would break the rules. Therefore, we shall hold it right now."
Harry rose from the table and, looking towards the head table, said, "Mister Malfoy has just challenged me, in public, to a wizard's duel. I have accepted. Professor Flitwick, as a duelling master, I ask that you officiate and we get it out of the way right now."
"What?" said Malfoy, clearly startled by the development.
Professor Flitwick clapped his hands a couple of times in glee and hurried around the head table to stand in front of it.
"I challenged you to a wizard's duel in the trophy room, Potter," tried Malfoy.
"No, you did not, Mister Malfoy," replied Harry with a smirk. "As you did not attempt to provide conditions first; you challenged me to an open wizard's duel. Only then did you attempt to name the time and place.
"I, as the challenged, and as per the rules of wizard duels, name the time and place. And I name right here and right now."
Dumbledore stood and said, "This wizard's duel will not be open, Mister Potter and Mister Malfoy. You are limited to non-lethal spells, no unforgivables, and the duel will end on International competition rules of one participant or the other being rendered unable to continue, or bowing out. There shall be no Seconds."
Harry bowed to the old man and said, "As you wish, Headmaster."
Meantime, Professor Flitwick had configured a duelling platform across the hall just in front of the head table, and was in the process of configuring wards to protect everyone else.
"Harry," whispered Daphne, standing up and stepping close to him showing a little fear. "Are you sure about this?"
Harry nodded and said, "Yeah, I've kind of been expecting something like this. If not from Malfoy, it would have been someone else, especially from Slytherin, sooner or later."
Looking over at Malfoy, Harry could see the boy had turned quite white with fear.
"Gentlemen," said Professor Flitwick. "The duelling platform is ready for you. Please take your places."
Harry quickly mounted the platform and stood waiting at the Gryffindor end.
Malfoy, clearly quite reluctantly, moved up and mounted the platform at the Slytherin end. He knew he had gotten himself into the situation. However, he could not back out without appearing weak.
"Gentlemen," said Professor Flitwick clearly and firmly. "You have chosen to engage in a wizard's duel. The rules, as per International competition rules, include no unforgivables, no clearly lethal curses, and ends when either participant is unable to continue, or leaves the platform. No spells may be cast once it becomes immediately apparent either participant is unable to continue or leaves the platform.
"Wands out; we begin when I say 'three'; if it does not end earlier, it ends when I say 'halt'.
Harry flicked his wand out into his hand and stood slightly leading with his right side, right foot forward but with his weight evenly distributed between his two feet.
Seeing both ready, Professor Flitwick called, "One - two - THREE!"
Harry allowed Malfoy to cast the first spell, an Expulsion Curse, Expulso, that would have flung Harry off the back of the platform if it hit. It was good choice as the incantation was quick and the wand movement a short flick and jab motion.
However, Malfoy cast in a bit of a panic and it didn't even require Harry to move as it clearly missed him to his left.
Harry chuckled back before, almost lazily and quietly, hitting Malfoy with a Disarming Spell. Though given quietly and almost gently, Harry's Expelliarmus struck Malfoy's wand, clearly hurting the boy's wand hand, and causing his hawthorn wand to gently flip through the air as it passed beyond the wards and clattered to the floor next to the Hufflepuff table.
"Halt!" snapped out the Professor as soon as the wand left the warded area.
Malfoy stood there cradling his hand and glaring murderously back at Harry.
"Madam Pomfrey, if you would?" asked Dumbledore.
Harry said in a denigrating tone, "Really, Mister Malfoy; you may want to consider learning to shield before you approach me for a duel, in future. It really wasn't worth the effort Professor Flitwick went through to set up the duelling platform in the first place."
As Madam Pomfrey was checking Malfoy's hand she said, "Ooh-ooh!" *Tsk, tsk, tsk* "It's broken, dear boy. Two fingers, the thumb and one in the hand itself."
With her arm wrapped around his shoulders, the medi-witch guided Malfoy off the platform and towards the doors and said, "What an absolutely silly thing to do. Challenging someone to a duel when you cannot even cast a basic shield? Honestly!"
Harry returned to his friends with a hug from Daphne and congratulatory praises from those nearby.