MTL - After Rebirth, the Buddha-like Star Is a Medical Expert-Chapter 631 love is what makes people happy

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   Chapter 631 Love is what makes people happy

   It was raining outside, and there was the sound of piano playing from downstairs.

  Ning Youguang brewed a pot of Qimen black tea and played chess with Shi Mochizuki in the "Wusheng Study".

   Mochizuki's ability to deduce is poor, in her words, it is 108,000 miles.

   Therefore, every time you play chess, you have to think for a long time.

Mochizuki was not bothered   , and every time she quietly watched her think about it, and after she finally left, she quickly set the plate.

   It happened that he was going down faster, but he was still going down better than her.

  Ning Youguang puffed up his face and said angrily, "You can play chess now, right?"

   "Mr. Ning taught me well." According to the initial situation, he still learned to play chess from his sister.

   "That's it." Ning Youguang raised his arrogant chin slightly, "I taught you the best, you know, I lost, isn't it a matter of course?"

   Teacher Ning, who doesn't speak logic, is quite unreasonable.

   But Shi Mochizuki didn't feel angry at all looking at her sloppy appearance, but couldn't stop laughing.

   He was used to it, every time Ning Youguang played chess with him.

   But he still happily played chess with her.

   Others may not understand.

   But he just felt that when playing chess, there was no logic and every word that the unreasonable Teacher Ning said made him feel joy in his heart and wanted to laugh uncontrollably.

   Basically, love is what makes people happy.

   When Mochizuki smiled, I would rather laugh when there is light.

   So that every time the two of them play chess, they don't know whether they are playing chess for the sake of playing chess or whether they are playing chess for fun.

   smiled, and the phone that Shi Mochizuki put aside came on.


  Ning Youguang said in surprise, "Didn't he have an event to participate in today?"


"That's not where I want to be, I'd rather sit at home, play games, sleep, watch movies...even in class, than dress up like a puppet and take pictures on the red carpet and look like a I look amazing, that's not me."

  Xie Yizun, who was brought back from the next door by Shi Mochizuki, slumped lazily on the chair as soon as he entered the door.

   "You can do it, brother! There are several people in the country who have walked the fashion group's red carpet and can say the same!" Ning Youguang praised the sloppy brother very powerfully.

   Xie Yizun's anxious mood was instantly relieved, "Sister, you are the most comfortable here."

   "Is it the environment of my home that makes you comfortable, or the people in my home that make you comfortable?" Ning Youguang asked with a smile.

   "What else do people say?" Xie Yizun said, "Of course it's the environment."

   Siblings chatted, Shi Mochizuki got up and prepared to go next door to prepare some food for them.

   Xie Yizun shouted as soon as he opened the door of the "unborn study".

   "Brother-in-law, what are you doing?"

   "Go get you something to eat." Shi Mochizuki turned around.

   "Don't take it, let's go directly." Xie Yizun jumped up from the chair in an instant, "Sister, let's go next door."

   "Why next door, are you uncomfortable here?" Ning Youguang sat on the stool and asked him with a chuckle.

  Xie Yizun raised his hand and wiped his nose uncomfortably, "You don't have a sofa here, I'm not used to it."

   "Okay, let's go next door." Ning Youguang followed and got up.


next door.

  When Mochizuki was burning charcoal for a small red mud coal stove in the small garden outside.

   Xie Yizun was very industrious and surrounded him to help deliver fire and charcoal. He was industrious like a little bee.

   Delicate face shining with joy and anticipation.

   Obviously, he's interested in what he's doing now. 1314

   (end of this chapter)